Dreams Claimed (Warfield's Landing, #1) (12 page)

Read Dreams Claimed (Warfield's Landing, #1) Online

Authors: Adeara Allyne

Tags: #contemporary romance, #romantic suspense, #American Romance, #contemporary art, #maryland

Now it looked like Courtney was Daniel’s CeeCee? It had taken Nic most of the meeting to figure that one out. Nic felt sorry for the widow. Courtney thought that Max had been emotionally involved with her. He had been, but not in the way his widow suspected.

Daniel, Courtney, and Luke had been incredibly close and supportive of each other for most of their lives. Nic treasured her friendship with Thomas and Karyn and, with that thought, she resolved not to put Daniel in the difficult position of choosing.

Nic didn’t want Daniel to be forced to choose between her or Courtney. They were adults. He was a loving and generous man... she was certain there was room in his heart for both of them. But Courtney had made it clear that he was hers, in whatever capacity.

Mentally, Nic shook her head. Yeah... that sounded good. The reality? She knew he shouldn’t have to choose, but it sure hurt to think that he hadn’t chosen her...

Nic looked back as she walked out the door. Courtney was upset and talking with Glenn, Daniel had an arm around her, and was listening intently.

He didn’t even look up when she left.

After the Board Meeting

ic joined Karyn and Thomas in the hotel hallway. Both of them looked at her quizzically. She shrugged.

They left the hotel, picked up the car, and drove back to the Mallory and Turner offices in silence. As Karyn’s assistant unloaded the car, Thomas led the way into the M and T conference room. He closed the door with a click and turned to Nic.

“What the fuck was that?” Nic knew the gruffness in his voice came from his concern for her.

Usually, Karyn could be counted on to hold Thomas in check, so her echo, “Yeah, what WAS that all about?” surprised Nic.

“I knew Max’s legal name was James Maxfield Hayes. I saw it on all the legal documents... But, I’ve only ever heard him called Max.”

“And?” Karyn asked.

Nic pulled out one of the rolling chairs and spun it around so that she could sit. “I think...” She sounded reedy, so she started over. “I think that we just met Daniel’s CeeCee.”

Karyn pulled out another chair and spun it so she could face Nic, knee to knee. “So, let me get this straight... You think that Courtney is Daniel’s friend, CeeCee? The one who’s been his best friend since 7th grade?”

Nic nodded, unhappily. “I’ve been running things over and over. The timeline of her losing her husband fits when Max died. The only difference is that Daniel called CeeCee’s husband Jamie.”

“And you never told him about your relationship with Max or the Secret Stash?” Karyn looked at her shrewdly.

Nic shook her head. “I was going to tell him the next day, but CeeCee called first thing in the morning and the Jag was vandalized. Since then, he’s been out of town. I didn’t want to tell him on Skype.”

“So, what are you going to do about it?” Karyn asked the question that Nic had been running over and over in her mind since they left the board meeting.

“The last thing I want to do is put him in the position of having to choose. I know how I’d feel if someone told me it was him or you two.”

Karyn scooted forward and put her arms around Nic. “Oh, sweetie.”

Who knew... Max was Jamie?

Four days later in Warfield’s Landing, MD

t was four days after the fateful board meeting and Nic had heard nothing from Daniel. She was on her way to check out the project at Warfield’s Landing. To cut down on gas, she’d driven over to meet Karyn at the M and T offices. She and Karyn were carpooling up to Warfield’s Landing. While it was a fair drive, roughly 80 miles one way, Karyn or Thomas tried to be on-site every work day. When possible, Nic tagged along.

The travel time, not to mention the cost of gas was taking a toll on all three of them. Renovation was going well on the schoolhouse and the storefront. Sure there had been the usual surprises - new roof? Yep. Luckily, it had been the storefront, with a much smaller and cheaper roof.

Thomas and Karyn were both licensed as architects and contractors in Maryland. As they did on each project, they decided who was the architect based on a sophisticated set of criteria — Rock, paper, scissors. For Warfield’s Landing, Karyn was the architect of record, and the one making the drive the most often.

“So, what’s for lunch today?” Karyn asked.

It was Nic’s turn to provide their picnic lunch, although they did eat at the Riverside Cafe on a regular basis. “I brought salad and leftover Parmesan Crusted Chicken, with applesauce for dessert.”

“Yum.” Karyn was driving and she looked sideways at Nic. “I was talking to your realtor, Julia yesterday. She dropped by to see how things were progressing.”

Nic wasn’t sure why Karyn was bringing this up. “Did you give her the nickel tour?”

“I did and she was impressed, I’m happy to say.” Karyn smiled and continued. “She and I got to talking about the commute and the price of gas...”

“Ouch.” Nic could afford the gas, in theory... but she was living off her own earnings and not using the Secret Stash for her own use, so the gas issue was becoming a problem.

“Exactly,” Karyn agreed. “Anyway, Julia happened to mention that she is handling the rental of several units at the Riverview Condos. Thomas and I discussed it and we’re going to rent a two bedroom for the duration. That way one or both of us can stay overnight and there’s also a room for our assistants, if needed.”

“That sounds like a good idea.” Nic was enthusiastic.

“We think that you ought to do the same thing.” When it looked like Nic was going to argue, Karyn gave her the Best Friend Thousand Yard Stare and talked over her. “I know you don’t want to use the Secret Stash for yourself, but think of this as part of the Warfield’s Landing project expenses.”

There was a long moment of silence, then Nic allowed, “I’ll think about it.”

“That’s all we’re asking, Nic... that you consider it.”

The next week in Old Town Alexandria, VA

ic was ready to run headfirst into one of the Torpedo Factory’s brick walls... Her studio was tucked away in a corner on the third floor so she had a choice of walls available.

It had been almost a week since the board meeting debacle... and Daniel hadn’t contacted her.

While she’d told herself the whole time that she didn’t expect to hear from him... she finally acknowledged she’d been hoping against hope.

On the upside, the Warfield’s Landing projects were moving ahead quickly, thanks to Karyn and Thomas...

The downside?

Daniel’s silence.

A movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. Nic stared at her right hand. She was waving the paint brush like it was a weapon.

“What am I doing?” She put the brush down on her paint table. “Step away from the canvas, Nic.” She followed her own command.

After taking a deep breath, she moved back and looked at the painting. It was going to be one of her best... or it had been... BBM - Before Board Meeting.

Now... well... now she couldn’t bear to work on it.

As she glanced around her cluttered studio, she saw the sketchbook she’d been drawing in earlier. She picked it up and flipped through the pages. Daniel. Daniel. More Daniel. They’d been drawn from memory.

As an artist, she processed her strongest emotions through drawing and painting. This work would become one of her private paintings... just as she had painted her sorrows when her parents were killed, and even, to her surprise, when her birth father had died.

There was a soft knock at her door. She put the sketchbook down on her work table and turned. It was Porter and Lynn. Nic smiled at them, happy for the distraction.

“Porter and I ran into each other downstairs at the store picking up art supplies... we’re going to grab lunch. Would you like to join us?”

Nic hesitated, then decided. “That would be great. I need a distraction.”

Porter stepped forward. “Things not going well?”

Nic shook her head and laughed. “You know how it goes. A painting is going to be your best work ever, then something happens and you can’t paint your way out of a paper bag.”

He looked at the painting carefully. “This is wonderful.”

“Well, it was...”

Lynn stood beside the work table.

Nic noticed her looking at the open sketch book. Moving over and flipping it shut, Nic said lightly, “Just working out some personal angst.” She laughed. “Now... did someone mention lunch?”

Lynn smiled sympathetically. “It sounds like you need a break... what are you in the mood for? We’ve been debating — seafood or sandwiches?”

Nic flipped the Out to Lunch sign and locked the studio door. With a stiff bow from the waist, Porter offered an elbow to each. “Ladies...”


fter lunch, Nic was feeling much better. She and Lynn were heading to the Torpedo Factory since that was where Lynn had left her car. Porter was walking back to work.

“I’m sorry you’re going through such a tough time.” Lynn’s voice was gentle.

Nic smiled wryly. “Thanks. I know I’ll get through it, but it’s going to take a while.”

“He was special?”

“He was very special... and part of why I love him is his loyalty...” As she spoke, Nic realized that every word was true. “I just wish that his loyalty was to me.”


“Yeah...” Nic agreed. “And he had a great dog, too.” She made a face and they laughed.

The next day in Old Town Alexandria, VA

aniel looked up, just as the three of them walked in the door. He was sitting in his favorite Italian restaurant in Old Town. Italian had been his suggestion because he’d been avoiding the Thai place where he’d taken Nic on their first date. Which made the irony even sharper when Thomas, Karyn, and Nic arrived.

CeeCee and Luke were due to join him but they were both running late. As a result he was sitting alone, surfing on his iPad and nursing an ice water.

Thomas ushered the two women to their table and Daniel was amused to watch him carefully seat Nic so that her back was to him. She hadn’t seen him, although Thomas had nodded at him as he seated Nic. Karyn had seen him, but took her husband’s lead and didn’t tell Nic.

Now, if he was lucky, Nic wouldn’t see CeeCee arrive...


hat is THAT woman doing here?” CeeCee leaned over and hissed in his ear.

The good news—he got his wish, the bad news — he wished for the wrong thing. He should have wished that CeeCee wouldn’t see Nic. It was gonna be a long dinner.

Before he could answer, Luke strolled up to their table. Pulling out a chair, he said, “Tell me again how eco-conscious we are when we bring three cars to a neighborhood restaurant?”

Distracted, CeeCee glared at him. “It’s your neighborhood. I live in Georgetown.”

Luke stared at her for a moment, raised his eyebrows and asked with the familiarity of a lifelong friend, “What got your panties in a twist?”

Daniel winced as CeeCee launched into a diatribe about THAT woman. Luke listened intently until CeeCee wound down.

Luke held up a hand at CeeCee and turned to Daniel. The question he asked came out of nowhere but was typical Luke. “Do you think that Nic had an affair with Jamie?”

Startled, Daniel shook his head. “No, I don’t think she did, for a number of reasons, but mostly because I can’t see her having an affair with a married man.”

CeeCee made a sound and Luke pointed a finger at her. “Hold it, CeeCee. Who supported you completely when you first got involved with Jamie?”

CeeCee took a sharp breath and Luke continued.

“Who stuck with you when your family went off about the age difference?”


“Who was there for you through your marriage and after?”

She stirred at that.

“Who has been there for you since Jamie’s death?”

She started to raise a hand and Luke ignored it.

“This is hard on you, CeeCee. We get that, and we understand. But, it’s hard on Daniel, too.”

CeeCee dropped her hand. Daniel frowned at Luke in disbelief. Luke was the peacemaker for their little group. This was like seeing Mother Theresa stomping kittens.

Luke softened his voice and put his hand over CeeCee’s. “We know that this has been hard for you. We love you and nothing will change that. Remember... the Power of Three.” That had been their motto... and mantra, though the difficult years.

He continued, “You found Jamie and we were there for you. Now Daniel’s found Nic and you’re forcing him to make an impossible decision. He’ll never say anything, so I will.”

CeeCee stood abruptly, grabbed her purse and strode out. Daniel started to rise but Luke motioned him back down. “I’ll go after her and make sure she gets home safely. Why don’t you get take-out for the two of us and I’ll meet you back at the condo in a few hours. We can pick up my car later tonight.”

Still not sure what had just happened, Daniel found himself nodding agreement.

Luke grinned and said, “I need comfort food. Order the Penne and Tuna for me... and the Tiramisu.” He followed CeeCee out the door.

As Daniel watched Luke leave, he felt a gentle touch on his shoulder. It was Nic. He glanced over to the table where she had been sitting. Thomas was helping Karyn out of her chair, but he took the time to glare over and mouth the words, “Watch it.”

“Hi, Daniel.” Nic’s voice was quiet and tight with strain.

He pushed his chair out and stood. “Hi, Nic.”

“Is she going to be okay?” Nic’s question was another surprise in a meal full of them.

“Luke went with her. He’ll take care of her.”

“That was Luke?” she asked.

He nodded, realizing that while he’d talked to Luke about Nic and to Nic about Luke, the two had never met.

“How’s Bentley?”

“He’s fine.”

There was silence. Daniel cleared his throat, ending the pause. “So how is the Warfield’s Landing project going?”

Nic smiled faintly. “It’s going pretty well. We’re running into some issues, which is common with renovations, but Karyn has a good crew. So far we’re on schedule, but we’re trying to get a bit ahead... in case we run into weather problems in the fall and winter.”

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