Dusk of Defiance (The Era of Ensemble Book 1) (19 page)

We could send out a distress beacon. They'll know what's happened aboard the ship.” Reilly offered a suggestion, although he wasn't sure of it himself.

We're still leaving an opportunity for the Ensemble of Man Corporation to control a bio-weapon...”
Should I tell them about the baby?
Luke paused as he thought. “The medical officer I spoke to, he was forced to infect a pregnant woman with the virus. He thinks the baby may hold the key to a cure...” He stopped as he saw everyone's eyes light up in the tent. “But it was all hypothetical. The baby could well be dead for all I know... And Doctor Matthew Holston wasn't in the best state, mentally.”

There was silence as the group of them contemplated on the options they had.
“We should self-destruct. It's too big of a risk to take this virus back to Earth.” Ramiro concluded suddenly and he was convinced with his outcome.

So we all deserve to die for something that might happen! The virus might not even break loose. We can warn the UCSC of the Ensemble of Man’s intentions, and they will deal with them accordingly.” Darryl shouted aggressively.

None of us deserve to die!” Ramiro raised his voice to Darryl's level. “I've got a son with me and another has already died because of this virus.” Ramiro glanced around. Everyone's eyes were on him. He breathed deeply and calmed down. “It's the needs of the few against the needs of many. We can't take the risk. We need to destroy the ship.”

There was no reply for a while until Reilly spoke.
“I agree with Ramiro here. I don't like it, but I don't see any other viable option.”

But we'll all die!” Darryl screamed in a deafening tone.

It's for the best.” Luke stated, also agreeing with Ramiro.

Darryl glanced at everyone in the room. They had all decided. He'd been outnumbered.
“Fuck this!” He shouted, and then he stormed out of the tent in a rage.

Reilly waited for him to leave before he spoke.
“Whatever you're planning to do I suggest you do it quick. Before someone tries to stop you, and before you change your minds.”

Chapter 27

Megan had never looked so disappointed. She wanted to turn away from her brother, but she couldn't.
I might never see you again.

I'm sorry Megan, but I have to do this.” Luke placed a hand on her shoulder. She brushed his hand off.

You've only just returned and you're leaving again. For what? To see some man who slept with Elizabeth?” Megan backed away from him. “It's not like he's the first person she's slept around with behind your back.” She instantly regretted what she'd just revealed.

What?” Luke didn't want to comprehend what his sister had just alleged.
Is she just saying this to make me stay?

I'm sorry, Luke...” She saw the confusion in her brother's eyes. “I promised I wouldn't tell you if she ended it.”

Was it Maxwell Pearce?”

I never knew the guy's name. I just overheard their conversation once.” She answered remembering the situation.

When was this? When I was in deep sleep?” Luke needed to get his head around the situation.

Luke...” She knew he needed to know, she just wished she wasn't the one who had to tell him. “It was years ago. Back on Earth.”

And you kept it from me for this long?”

I confronted her. I needed to know what I heard was true before telling you... I gave her an ultimatum. End it with either you or him, or I would tell you. She promised me she had ended it with the other man... I'm so sorry, I should have told you.” Megan could see the pain her words had caused.

No... I understand your position. Elizabeth should have told me...” Luke lowered his head.
I still have to find Maxwell.
“It doesn't change anything, Megan. This thing with Maxwell, it’s bigger than just me and Elizabeth. He released the virus. He needs to answer for what he's done.”

Okay.” Megan forced a reassuring smile. She knew her brother wasn't going to back down. She wrapped her arms around her brother, and closed her eyes, hoping it wouldn't be the last hug she gave him. She stepped away from him when she heard someone enter her tent.

You ready, Luke?” Ramiro asked as he gently pushed Juan towards Megan.

Luke nodded, and then turned to his sister.
“Don't worry. I'll be back before you know it...” He began to walk to the exit of the tent, but turned back around as he remembered. “Megan I want you to have something.” He opened his bag and pulled out a necklace.

I can't take that. Gran gave it to you.” She reluctantly received the necklace as Luke forced open her hand.

And now I'm giving it to you. I should’ve given it to you to begin with.” Luke smiled as he watched his sister mime a thank you.

You're alright watching Juan for me while I'm gone aren't you?” Ramiro asked.

Yeah, I could use the company.” Megan smiled and waved with Juan as Luke and Ramiro exited the tent.

There was still a state of uncertainty in the camp. People didn't know if they were leaving or staying. They just wanted to do it together. The camp had changed. It
wasn't a Bastion of hope anymore. “Did you tell him?” Luke asked as they reached the gates of the Bastion.

I couldn't... It's best he doesn't know that we're all about to die.” Ramiro said as the gates screeched open. The pair of them left the Bastion for what they hoped was the last time.

They passed a couple of abominations on the way to the tram station, but nothing they couldn't deal with. There were constant shrieks from distan
t cannibals, thankfully they hadn't bumped into any of the creatures. Luke felt surprisingly calm.
Maybe because I know I'm going to die anyway.
Although he knew it was for the best. He made sure he told himself that.

The tram station was dark. The glass from the light bulbs crunched under their feet. Nothing came to greet them though. They were alone. The tram waited in the station, its doors open ready for passengers. Luke nodded Ramiro ahead and covered the rear. Ramiro quickly made his way into the tram and scouted the inside. He regularly popped out of Luke's view, but there was no trouble. Ramiro waved
him over to the vehicle.

It's clear. Should we start it up?” Ramiro asked as Luke approached.

Yeah. I'll just double check there isn't anything still on board.” Luke began to walk, but felt the tram move by itself. His wrist device lit up.

You are clear to proceed. There are no other persons aboard the tram.” Novalee could be heard from the trams speakers and Luke's wrist device.

Who's this? The announcer?” Ramiro enquired.

I am Novalee. The ships unofficial artificial intelligence. I can guess of several reasons why Luke Mason has not revealed my existence to you, or the Bastion's council.”

You knew about it?” Ramiro stared at Luke. “Why didn't you tell me?”

People who know of my existence are sworn to a non-disclosure agreement. I will not bore you with the details.”

Why have you contacted us now? Why not before?” Luke questioned trying to shift Ramiro's focus off him.

I picked up movement wherever you travelled. Contacting you would have been inadvisable, and so I did not... Until now. You are on a moving tram. They will know where you are regardless of whether I contact you or not.”

Well that makes me feel better.” Ramiro paced the length of the carriage.

I recommend you organise yourselves. There are multiple personnel congregating at the tram station in engineering.”

Okay.” Luke rummaged through his pockets and found the Captain's I.D. He placed it into Ramiro's hand. “Are you sure about this?”

I guess so... It's a little late to go back on it now.”

Luke nodded in agreement with Ramiro. He backed away from his friend and sat down on a bench. He felt liquid squelch beneath him as he sat down, but he didn't care. He lifted up his wrist device, found Maxwell's contact details and pinged him. There was hardly any delay. He received a call from Maxwell nearly instantaneously.

“You pinged me?” Maxwell spoke as if his mouth was full.

I have the Captain's I.D. and I'm on the tram headed for engineering. Where do you want to meet?” Luke tried to be as convincing as he could, but he couldn't help feel the coldness to his own tone.

Where we first met. It's isolated and I can bring you back to my hideout with relative ease.”

Okay.” Luke closed his eyes and calmed himself.

Ping me when you get there.” Maxwell didn't leave time for Luke to reply. He shut down the communication link as soon as he finished his sentence.

There was a period of silence. They both knew this day wouldn't end well, but it had to be done. Luke glanced at Ramiro and spotted him smile for a fraction of a second. His face returned to a serious frown quickly. Luke held his hands to his face and focused himself.
There is no room for doubt.

The tram will be stopping shortly. I suggest you prepare yourselves for what is waiting for you.” Novalee's voice seemed to sound from nowhere. Almost from within Luke's head.

Ramiro lifted up Megan's M1A1 Carbine.
“When we stop I'll cover you.”

Okay. I'll draw them away to the left and let you slip away to the right. Only fire if they're too close for comfort.” Luke waited for an acknowledgement from Ramiro before he continued. “And if I don't make it... Please don't let Megan die alone.”

The tram's movement slowed. Luke moved over to the windows and glanced out onto the platform. There must have been hundreds of the cannibals. All screaming and shrieking as the tram appeared into their view. Some
brawled their way through the crowd. Others climbed onto advertisement boards and vending machines. They all looked annoyed, aggravated and ready for a feast.

I've never seen so many of them in one place before.” Ramiro's eyes widened as he tried to count the things.

Maybe they're running out of food.” Luke suggested.

That is one possible conclusion.” Novalee's voice emanated again. “The tram will come to a complete stop in ten seconds and the doors will open. Please be ready.”

Luke heard some of the savages jump onto the top of the tram. He heard a knock on the window behind him. He looked and saw one of the abominations fall down under the tram. A flurry of blood splashed up onto the window.
At least that's one less to worry about.
The others slammed on the roof. They were using their fists, but it sounded like they were using hammers. The tram stopped at the station. The doors opened and Luke bolted through them. He narrowly passed several cannibals. One leapt out to tackle him to the floor, but Ramiro fired a bullet through its skull. Luke jumped over a bench, however an abomination grabbed and held onto his ankle. He fell to the floor with a thud. The creatures were screeching and closing in on him. He rolled over onto his back and kicked out at the savage holding onto his leg. He squirmed, retrieved his revolver and pointed it at the flesh-eater which held onto him. Luke hesitated, it was a young woman, not long out of her teens. He glanced into her soft, water filled eyes. She was crying. For a moment, he felt sympathy for the creature.
Maybe they aren't as savage as I first thought.
Luke screamed in pain as the woman bit down on his leg hard. He steadied his revolver and fired a round which penetrated through the woman's shoulder. She staggered and eased her grip on Luke. He took the opportunity to crawl away from it. It glared at him and began an ear bursting shriek. He aimed at the abominations head and pulled the trigger for a second time. The round went cleanly through the savage's open mouth. It flew backwards with the force of the round. He heard bullets fly over his head. He turned around and watched as a few more savage beasts fell to the ground. He knew he had to keep moving.
Ramiro can't cover me forever.
He sprinted to a door at the end of the station. A couple of the demons blocked his path. He fired a round. It passed in-between each of his targets. He slowed his sprint and fired another round. It took down the nearer of the blood thirsty beasts. He passed the body of the creature as it rolled on the floor with pain. He approached the second of the cannibals. Its mouth open wide, screeching what felt like a battle cry. Luke fired a round from his revolver, but missed as the beast began to dash towards him.
I have one bullet left... I can't miss.
He slowed, still wary of what was behind him. He waited for the aggressive beast to reach him. It jumped when it was a few feet away. Luke raised his revolver over his head, the cannibal was mere centimetres away from his weapon, and then he pulled the trigger. The relentless brute dropped to the floor with a satisfying thud. He didn't stop to enjoy the feat. He carried on and sprinted to the door. As he approached it slid open. It started to close before he even reached it. Luke lowered his head and moved his legs as fast as he could. He felt something brush his arm, and bolts locking behind him. He stopped, out of breath.

I can only hold the door for so long, Luke.” Novalee said through Luke's wrist device. “You should keep moving.” Crashes and slams drowned out the artificial intelligence's voice.

Luke heard a few more gun shots from within the station, but they faded away, and he heard no more.
I hope you made it.
He backed away from the door and continued down the dark corridor, using his wrist device to light up the way in front of him.

Everything had gone so quiet. It would have been peaceful, but Luke's heart still pounded from his encounter with the
man-eaters just a few moments ago. He pulled the backpack off his back and picked out six rounds for his revolver. He reloaded them into the cylinder.
I'm running low on ammunition.
The lights had all been smashed. He walked close to the wall and tried to avoid his feet crunching on the glass.
I don't know what I want...
Luke suddenly thought about what he was going to do with Maxwell.
What do I want from him? What am I going to ask him?
He stopped and leaned his back against the cold metal wall. He had a feeling he was going to regret meeting up with Maxwell.
No. I need to confront him.
His posture changed. He was determined.

Luke retraced his steps to where he rerouted the power to the
nearby trams and lighting. He stopped at the room where he found the woman who was chained up. He briefly thought about the man who tried to strangle him.
I'd be dead if it wasn't for Ramiro. I hope I can return the favour one day.
Luke moved away from the room and continued down the hall.
Is this the hallway I met him in?
He questioned himself as he glanced around. He walked slowly to a doorway and remembered he'd been through it before.
This is the place.
Luke pressed a few buttons on his wrist device and pinged Maxwell.
Now I just have to wait for him.

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