Dylan's Reaper: Soul Reapers #3 (6 page)





A knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts.


I beckoned. Knox walked
in carrying a tray of food. He was so damn sexy. From his multi-colored
kaleidoscope eyes that showed his exact emotions to his long, lean body that I
wanted to intimately explore with my mouth and hands. His dark, tousled hair
and thick five o

clock shadow even
though it was only lunchtime had my body reacting in ways it never had before.
As he got closer I got a whiff of the food he brought, making my stomach growl,
which earned a chuckle from him.


I nodded several times
in excitement. The food had my stomach excited, but the rest of me was just so
happy it was him on the other side of the door. Even in my post traumatic haze,
Knox stood out to me the minute he walked up to me in that hell hole. He gave
me something no one else had ever done - a feeling of safety . . . of home. The
more time I spent with him the more I craved it. I shook my head to clear my
thoughts and sat up as he placed the tray over my legs on the bed.

I hope you like turkey sandwiches
and Doritos.

Loooooove them.

My enthusiasm for
eating made him laugh. He jumped back as I started to devour my lunch.

Damn girl,

he teased.

down or you are going to make yourself sick.

No time,

I grumbled around a
mouthful of chips.

Too hungry.

Knox shook his head as
he watched me make a pig out of myself. Five minutes flat and the plate was
empty. I even licked my fingers before I ran it over the plate to get any

I can get you more,

said Knox.

No, I


I reassured him.

Knox took my tray away as he pointed to my cast, and

doc is coming by to check on you this afternoon.


I said as I snuggled
back into bed, rubbing my very happy belly and surrounded by his scent,
reminding me how happy I was in this moment.

have you been?

question took us both by surprise as I had never asked him before.


he answered.

Very specific,

I teased earning me
another chuckle.

Church, to be specific.

The glint in his eye
told me he liked our flirting.

Big plans, huh?

I knew he would not
tell me anything.

Something like that.

He proved my point,
earning a chuckle out of me.

Well Mr. Blabber Mouth, I was about
to jump in the shower.

Oh. Don

do that!

His sarcasm thick.

Do what?

Do what,

he said in his best
Britney Spears impersonation. I was now laughing hysterically.

in the shower. You might slip and fall.

The look on his face
was priceless. He was trying to be all nonchalant, while trying to hide a
shit-eating grin at the same time.

Oh. My God,

I barked out laughing.

you going to help me or not?

I did not really need the help, but
I asked for it anyway.


he deadpanned,


gonna watch you struggle.

What the hell? When did you become
such a comedian?

I threw back the covers and started to
get out of bed, but Knox was beside me before I even lifted a leg.

Slow down killer,

he said, putting his
hands on my shoulder and leg to keep me from moving.

are you doing?


not like you care.

My remark a perfectly placed gut shot.

Dylan . . .

He sounded a little
hurt, but I interrupted him before he could go on.

more princess huh?

I pushed his hands off of me and I tried
to stand up again.


he whispered, stopping
me in my attempt to get away from him.

lay back down.

voice soft and his eyes even softer as mine found his.

Why do you call me that?

I murmured.

Because you really are a princess,

he paused.

MC princess.

words floored me as I saw the truth he believed in his eyes.

I am most certainly not.

I spat every word back
at him. Our earlier flirting a distant memory.

You don

have to like it or even want it, but it

yours by blood.

I wanted to argue . . . rage against the
injustice of the last week, of what he was saying, but in the end Knox was
right. I was a part of this whether I wanted to be or not. My head dropped and
my shoulders slumped in defeat. Knox pulled me into a hug, giving me the
comfort and safety I needed like he always did.

I don

want to be a MC princess,

I breathed into the crook of his neck.

How about you just be my princess

My head shot up as I
scanned his face to see if he was serious. Was he serious or just trying to get
a rise out of me? He did not say anything else as he refused to make eye
contact with me.


I stuttered, still not
sure if he was serious or not. Not sure if I was serious or not.

Regardless, stink ass, you need a

His comment eased the
tension between us, making me laugh.

me help you,

said, putting one of his arms under my legs and the other he kept at my back.

I could use a shower . . . whoa,

I laughed as Knox
picked me up and took me into the bathroom. I tried grabbing his t-shirt that I
wore to cover up my ass that was hanging out to no avail.

Hold still.

His tone reprimanding,
but the smile on his lips let me know he was just teasing me.

I can


I teased back.

of my goods are hanging out.

His laughter filled the bathroom as he sat me on the
counter and turned to start the shower.


Knox wiggled his
eyebrows at me. My laughter started out small but grew as I snorted in response
to his playfulness. A weight I did not even know I was carrying lifted from my
chest in seeing him like this again.



I quickly turned back to check the water
temperature, because I knew, just knew that if I did not I would plant myself
between her delicious thighs and not leave until we were both completely
satisfied. And every minute with her made me believe more and more that I would
never be satisfied. This waiting on her shit was for the birds. I was used to
taking what I wanted and I wanted HER.

All ready.

My voice cracked on the
last word, showing how affected I was by her. Her mere presence back at the
safe house was enough to get me going, but Dylan like this - playful, flirty,
interacting with me - was too much. Dylan may be the new MC princess, but she
was my princess first and damn if I did not want to make that claim to every
brother in this club.

Any more plastic bags?

she asked, gingerly
holding up her arm. The good doctor had come and put a cast on her after her
first night at the clubhouse.

Let me check,

I said as I crouched
down looking in the cabinets under the sink.

is all I got.

handed Dylan a small, clear trash bag that I used in my waste basket.



Together we got her
cast wrapped. I helped Dylan off the counter and was turning to leave when she
quietly asked,

Could you help me get
this off?

Holy shit.

Dylan was fidgeting with the bottom of my t-shirt
that she wore when I turned to face her. Her eyes on the ground, cheeks pink,
the picture of innocence. My cock swelled at the sight.


My voice rough with
arousal from what I could only imagine she was like under that oversized
t-shirt. She started to lift the hem, when I stepped into her space.


A slight shiver from
Dylan had me believing she wanted this just as much as I did.

I made quick work of removing the t-shirt as she
shimmied out of her panties. My eyes stayed glued to hers as I backed up to the
bathroom door. I knew she needed privacy, but damn if my feet did not weigh a
ton as I tried to give it to her. My heart hammered in my chest, as the rest of
my blood raced south. Her usually stormy grey eyes were now clouded with lust
and need, making my cock rock hard.


wait out here in case you need me,

I croaked. Dylan nodded
in response as I forced my feet to turn and carry me out of the bathroom,
closing the door behind me. Clenching my jaw and my fists, I paced from my
bedroom to the bathroom; back and forth, back and forth. I heard the toilet
flush and then the shower door, which indicated she was in the shower. These
thoughts did nothing to calm my racing heart as I pictured water touching every
inch of her body that I wanted to lick. I did not know how much time passed
until I heard the whisper of my name from the bathroom. It was like being
called home. I rushed back and right before I tore the door off the hinges, I
stopped and took a deep breath.

But damn if it helped, because what I found in that
bathroom stopped me dead in my tracks. My princess was standing naked in the
shower. The water was off, but leftover drops ran down her body as one joined
with another. I followed several tracks down her body. The water cascaded over
fading blemishes, bruises and burns, turning my ache for her into the need for
revenge. Finally my eyes found hers and my breath stilled at how she looked
back at me . . . with wanting. I tried to cover my anger at seeing her body
still injured, but it was too late. Her eyes turned from bright to dull and
lifeless. Dylan mistook my anger for disgust as she closed herself off from me.

I need a towel.

Dylan turned to the
side to avoid looking at me. I reached under the counter and grabbed one for


she whispered as I
wrapped it around her shoulders. My hands shook as I finished. I nodded, too
angry at the Hellhounds for taking this moment away from us and too affected to
say anything.

Dylan took a step out of the shower and pitched
forward right into my arms.

Are you ok?

I scowled.  Again my
anger at what was done to her mistaken for anger at her.

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