Earth's Last Angel (26 page)

Read Earth's Last Angel Online

Authors: Leon Castle

Helena emerges again. ‘I was thinking. The warning and tracking system is separate from communications, so it's possible they are still operational.'

Kenny smiles. ‘Well, there you go. They will at least know where we are and we can be warned of any danger.'

He sees the doubt on the faces of the two females. ‘Look, we have to stay together and be positive. It's our strength now, right, George?'

George nods. ‘I'm going to look for more of those capsules for Davis.'

Kenny knows George is only trying to keep busy. It's unlikely there will be any more capsules. Davis's prospects of recovery diminish even further with the confirmation of mutiny.

Kenny can hear his cries of pain again, and Helena and Bekky had gone to help him, Kenny wonders if he should try again to talk sense into the others, but quickly dismisses the idea as futile. It would be better to rustle up some food for the women, they probably haven't had time to eat, and Helena is unlikely to even think of food. He decides it was best to bring supplies from his quarters. Davis's food may be contaminated as well.

He pokes his head in around the door. ‘Going to my place to get food for us. Don't eat anything from Davis's kitchen, just in case.'

They look up and nod, then turn their attention back to Davis as another wave of pain strikes him.

Chapter 60

Denise sits, twisting her hands in her lap as she waits for Tom to call. Sofia said she would keep operations going on PV 005 with the help of Dave so Denise could take time out to wait for the call.

When Tom finally appears on monitor, Denise speaks in a rush. ‘Tom, what is happening? I was talking to Kenny and the monitor went dead. I haven't been able to get in contact with him since then.'

‘We haven't either, Denise. All communications systems were shut down. I've personally done a check on Enzot. You were right. It had to be him. He had been poking his nose in around the system technician's area, asking questions.'

‘And they just gave him answers?'

‘Yes, not the right thing to do, but everyone knew him and knew that he was a bit of a jack of all trades, with an interest in everything, so they just put it down to curiosity.'

‘So you think he planned all this?'

‘No, I think he really was just curious at the time, but something has happened between then and now. Obviously, he wasn't happy with the quad allocated to PV 013.'

‘Tom, no one sets out to murder a crew member and hijack a vessel just because they're not happy with their allocation. He's crazy. How could that have not been picked up in his assessment?'

‘Because he was probably behaving totally normally at the time. I'm sorry, Denise. I know that doesn't help, but it's all I can offer.'

Denise sighs heavily. ‘I know, thanks for letting me know. I have to go now and check on my crew.' Denise sits with her head in her hands for a while, her stomach in knots. The news she thought would help has just put her world in a spin.

Chapter 61

The flight deck has become too noisy for Drummer. It irritates him that Chaze had preferred Enzot's company to his. He's losing his friend and Ben is now louder than ever. Drummer decides to take a break, maybe he should relax in the oasis for a while. As he is about to open the door, Enzot yells. ‘Where do you think you're going?'

‘To get some fresh air.'

‘No, you stay here. ‘What if they grab you? We'll be one man less.'

‘But what if I need to use the toilet? I can't stay on the flight deck all the time.'

‘Ben can go with you if you need to go. We buddy up. OK?' Enzot's voice cracks on the last word, and Drummer takes a closer look at him. Something's changed. What was it? He jumps when Enzot snaps at him.

‘What are you looking at?'

Drummer looks away quickly. ‘Nothing.'

‘Oh, so I'm nothing?' Enzot snarls.

‘No, that's not what I meant.'

Ben laughs. ‘Hey Enzot, lay off. He's on our side.'

‘Not if they get hold of him, he won't be. He's a snake, ready to turn at any time.'

‘Whoa, that's a bit heavy, mate.'

Drummer becomes alarmed as he saw veins throbbing in Enzot's neck frill. ‘It's OK, Ben. I'll just do as he says and stay here.'

Enzot gives Drummer a malevolent grin. ‘Wise choice.'

Drummer retreats to the far side of the room away from the door. Enzot watches him take a seat, then he approaches Chaze. ‘So my mate…how long to go before we land this thing?'

Chaze glances at one of the instruments. ‘Seventy five minutes, and I'm already exhausted.'

Enzot slaps him on the shoulder. ‘We can't have our pilot getting exhausted.' He looks over at Drummer and Ben. ‘You two, go get Chaze some coffee. We don't want to end up in another galaxy,' he laughs. They nod and leave.

Once outside, Drummer feels a weight lift off him. ‘Have you noticed Enzot is acting weird?' he asks Ben.

Ben shrugs. ‘He's weird anyway, isn't he? Now he's just excited because we're getting closer to the asteroid.' He looks at Drummer closely. ‘You're not having second thoughts, are you?'

Drummer shakes his head. ‘No, but I don't like the way Enzot is acting.'

‘He is throwing his weight around a bit,' Ben admits, ‘He'll be OK when we get there.'

Drummer isn't so sure, but he doesn't want to push it with Ben. He hadn't been totally honest either. He is having second thoughts. What if there really is danger in the hot zone? He feels as though he's been lured into a trap.

Kenny is on his way to his quarters when he sees them. ‘Don't talk to him,' Ben instructs.

But Kenny isn't going to be put off and heads straight for them. ‘So, when are we landing?'

Drummer thinks that's a reasonable question. He ignores Ben's orders and tells him.

Ben shoots Drummer a look of disgust after Kenny moves on. ‘Enzot is right. You need watching.'

Drummer shakes his head. ‘No, I don't. They have to know so they have time to strap Davis in.'

In Ben's quarters, the room is silent apart from the noise of the coffee cup clinking. ‘We should make a thermal pot of it while we're here,' says Drummer, mostly to break the silence.

Ben nods and brings out the pot, then he puts on more water.


Ben looks at him. ‘Huh?

‘What if Davis dies?'

‘Don't be stupid. He's just got the shits.'

‘He's got more than the shits and if he dies, we're not going to be getting any bonuses even if we find a whole asteroid of ice. We'll end up on the long end of a short rope!'

Ben looks at him for a long moment. ‘I think we should get back to the flight deck.'

Drummer's spirits sink. Ben's not listening to him. For a wild moment he thinks of breaking away and uniting with Kenny and the others, but they would never trust him now anyway, and seeing Davis would just bring back his feelings of guilt. Resigned, and carrying the pot of coffee, he follows Ben.

There is a stale smell of vomit and something else Kenny can't pin down when he returned with the food. He realizes it was probably there before, but he only noticed after he had been out in fresh air, which was a stark contrast to the sickly atmosphere in Davis's quarters.

‘Come on,' he calls, to the two females. ‘time to eat.'

Bekky gratefully sits at the table where he has spread a variety of sandwiches he brought from his cooler. He thinks it's extravagant since they may have to ration food later, but doesn't care. It's a morale booster, he thinks, and bit into a tuna sandwich as he watches Bekky wolf hers down.

She notices him watching her and flushes with embarrassment. ‘Oh I'm sorry, I'm just so famished.'

He smiles. ‘That's what it's for, eat all you like,' he laughs. ‘Just leave some for Helena and George.'

Bekky stops eating and looks at him. ‘George has gone to the flight deck.'

‘What for?'

She shrugged. ‘I don't know.'

Helena comes in, saying: ‘I asked him to check something for me. Because he is so tall, he would be able see the wires at the top of the monitor.

I wanted to see if they were just disconnected or damaged. I was going to go with him, distract them, but he said that would look too obvious.'

Kenny nods. ‘I agree. They will be looking out for something like that.' Kenny hopes George's temper doesn't get the better of him. He gestures to the food. ‘Grab something to eat, Helena. We will have to all go up to the flight deck soon to strap in.'

She shakes her head. ‘No, I'm not hungry.'

‘You're not going to be any good to Davis if you starve yourself.'

She looks at the sandwiches, hovering a moment, uncertain, and then picks up the ham and salad roll. She waves it at him. ‘Thanks,' and she sits on the lounge.

The flight deck is much quieter when George enters, his arrival is largely ignored, for which he is grateful. He quickly assesses the situation. Drummer sits in the far corner, sullenly silent, Ben is passing a coffee to Chaze, and Enzot stands, at the front of it all, clearly the master of his domain, and clearly enjoying it. He must have felt George's stare, and returned it with a piercing one of his own. George feels chilled. As Enzot turns back to Chaze to say something to him, George tries to catch a glimpse of the wiring. He doesn't want to get too close in case they become aware of what he is doing so he moves on an angle to it. The wires, he sees with relief, were intact,
unless they're damaged elsewhere. He wants to tell Helena at once but knows that leaving the flight deck so quickly would look suspicious.

‘So when are we going to land?' he asks.

‘Kenny asked that question,' Ben replies. ‘Didn't he tell you?'

‘I haven't seen Kenny.'

‘Well, if they don't get here soon, it might be too late.'

‘You can't land while…'

The flight deck door opens and Kenny wheels Davis in on his stretcher, followed by Helena and Bekky. He glances at George. ‘Everything OK?'

George nods. There is no point in escalating tensions any further by mentioning what Enzot had said.

As George helps Kenny with strapping in Davis, Helena moves in closer. ‘So?' she asks him.

George checks no one was listening, the mutineers already seated up front. ‘It's OK,' he murmurs.

She straps herself in her seat without a word. There will be time later.'

Chapter 62

Denise scans the monitor without really noticing anything when, with a jolt, she realized she can see another vessel on the asteroid close to quadrant 13. Checking coordinates, she realizes it is in one of the nearby hot zones. It's PV 013 she's found them! She thinks, then excitement gives way to fear, the hot zone is active and dangerous. She quickly opens communications with the Sobek. Mondok's face fills the screen and Denise breathes a sigh of relief. ‘Mondok, I am so glad you are OK.'

He grins. ‘With a welcome like that, I should go in for a break more often.'

She shakes her head but doesn't smile. He becomes serious. ‘What's wrong, Denise?'

‘I've just caught sight of PV 013. They are now in a hot zone.'

‘Right, we'll lock onto their coordinates, though I don't know how that's going to help. You will have a better idea of what's going on over there.'

Denise nods. ‘I'll keep watch.'

‘Tom told me what happened, Denise. Try not to worry. They could get back safely, and I don't want you worrying yourself sick.'

Mondok's anxious face warms Denise. ‘I'll try not to,' she promises

‘Oh, and I'd keep trying to contact them in case they get the communications running again. That Helena is really smart. he pauses, then laughs. ‘but not as smart as you.'

Denise gives a small smile, but she is pleased. Her attention returns, however, to the crisis. ‘I'd better go, Mondok, and try to contact them again.'

‘OK, I'll catch you later.'

As PV 013 comes to a halt, Ben throws off his seatbelt and whoops. ‘Hey, we're here.'

Drummer isn't feeling any of the enthusiasm he expected he would. Enzot notices his apathy. ‘So, what's wrong with you, sad sack?'

Drummer shakes his head. ‘Nothing. I just don't see that there is anything to be excited about until we find ice.'

Enzot seems to consider his statement. ‘Hmm, maybe you're right, He whistles, ‘Ben, save it for the ice.'

Ben stares at Drummer and then Enzot in disbelief. ‘You're going to listen to him? I'm the team leader.'

Enzot smiles, ‘Wrong. I am.

Kenny and George had unhooked Davis's stretcher, and Drummer ignores the power play going on between Enzot and Ben as he watches Davis being wheeled out by George, followed by Kenny and the females. Not one of them said a word, and Enzot and Ben haven't noticed. They also didn't notice how thin and emaciated Davis has become. He now lies quietly, unable to summon the energy to do anything. He is clearly dying. Drummer thinks of the remainder of the capsules. Perhaps they would give him enough life to keep going until they returned to the Sobek.

When he sees that Ben and Enzot are still busy arguing, He slips out of the room quietly and makes his way to the workshop where the capsules are hidden.

The air in Davis's room is permeated with the odor of sickness, and Helena suggests they move Davis to her quarters. Kenny thinks her suggestion might have something to do with him being poisoned in the room but agrees it's better for the health of them all not to be breathing in sickly odors all the time. Helena's quarters are surprisingly cheerful for such a serious female. As Kenny retrieves water from her kitchen, his spirits are lifted by the canary colored walls, toned down only by the violet benchtops. Bekky has followed him in and grabs his waist from behind. He turns and kisses her. ‘We will get out of this Bekky, don't worry.'

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