Ecstasy in Elk's Crossing (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (15 page)

Naked, she returned to her bedroom and the polished walnut bureau in the corner. She opened the top drawer to reveal her sleeping apparel. Several nightgowns were clearly utilitarian in purpose and function. They would be comfortable to sleep in. Other sleepwear had been created with the intention of being seen by someone other than just the wearer.

Katie deliberated a moment, reaching into the drawer to feel the various silks and satins that made up her lingerie collection. After a moment, with a smile on her face, she extracted a robin’s-egg-blue baby-doll nightie with a matching pair of tap pants. The confection was made of silk with white lace trimmings, and put her barely-contained breasts on display while concealing her stomach. The tap pants were comfortable and, more importantly, easy to get around or remove.

She was just about to close the bureau drawer when she noticed, partially hidden by her sleepwear, a small, white plastic bottle. Removing the bottle, she read the label and smiled. It was her intimate lubricant. She reached around her hip and applied it liberally, and the contact of her fingertips seemed particularly exciting, awakening nerve endings to the possibility of intense pleasure.

She put on the baby-doll nightie and lace-trimmed tap pants then limped back to the bathroom to inspect herself in the mirror.

If I can’t get their attention with this on, then I’ve completely lost my magic.
She studied her bosom in the mirror and adjusted herself a bit in the sheer bodice, making sure that her areolas did not show in the deep V-neck.
I’ll get their attention, and I’ll keep it. The only question is whether they’ll take off my lingerie or rip it off.


* * * *


While his brothers played one-against-one on some video game that included the main street of an Old West town and the OK Corral, Aaron reclined in his favorite easy chair with an enormous hardbound history of World War II in his lap. His thoughts, though, kept drifting endlessly to Katie’s accident and not at all on the tragic war that had caused the deaths of so many people.

Aaron now had an enemy, someone who had tried to kill the woman he loved but had succeeded only in injuring her. But the villain had come close enough to his goal to make Aaron cringe in fear at the thought of losing Katie. His right hand balled into a fist briefly. The slow-burning rage that had been ignited once he’d learned that Katie’s accident was no
couldn’t be tamped down or ignored.

Movement caught his attention, and he looked away from his own clenched fist. Standing at the doorway to the great room was Katie, wearing blue lingerie that put her most ostentatious charms on flattering display. She was smiling coyly, her arms folded beneath her breasts as though to lift them with her forearms to subtly draw emphasis to them. If that
her intention, she had succeeded magnificently.

Aaron’s first instinct was to tell her she shouldn’t have gotten out of bed. His second instinct was to rush across the room, take her into his arms, kiss her until she was breathless, and then throw her to the hardwood floor and ravish that voluptuous body of hers.

But rather than acting on his impulses, he moistened his suddenly dry lips with the tip of his tongue then said, “My God, you are without a doubt the most beautiful woman in the world.”

Katie’s laugh was throaty and sensual. “You and I both know that’s not the truth, but don’t let that stop you from saying it.”

All attention in the great room was now focused exclusively on Katie. Aaron let his gaze go slowly over her, appreciating the fact that she had removed her cotton nightgown in favor of lingerie that would please him and his brothers. He noticed that she had removed the bandage around her wrist. It was a vivid reminder that she had an enemy who was both vicious and cowardly.

“Are you sure you should be out of bed?” Aaron asked. Seeing the bandage had instantaneously put a damper on his lust.

Katie’s shimmering lips curled upward at the corners flirtatiously, and she shook her head. “No, I don’t think I should be out of bed. I think I should return to bed immediately, and that I should be taken there by you.” She looked at Blair. “And you.” Then to Garrett and Flynn. “And you two, of course.” In a voice that was the epitome of innocence, she said, “As you can see, my knee still isn’t one hundred percent perfect. Would any of you gentlemen mind helping me to my bed and then following me into it?”

“Wait!” Aaron’s voice cut through the silence like a gunshot. He was conscious of all eyes turning toward him, though he looked only into Katie’s cool, blue gaze. He waited, aware that there wasn’t a person in the room who was breathing normally. Finally, when the tension became nearly unbearable, he said, “It was said that George Washington was the first among equals. In our unusual romance arrangement, at least for tonight, let’s all consider me first among equals.” He let his gaze go up and down over Katie’s voluptuous and deliciously exposed physique. “And as such, I insist upon the right to carry you to bed and ravish you as I so desire. I then intend to sit back, sated and happy, as my brothers pleasure you to the fullest extent of their abilities.” He smiled. “Does that suit you, my darling?”

He watched a tremor go through her. Katie’s breasts wiggled tautly inside the sheer bodice of her silk lingerie. In a voice so soft it was barely audible, she replied, “More than you’ll ever know.”


* * * *


When Aaron stepped up to her, Katie reached up to twine her arms around his neck. He bent, slanting his mouth down over hers in a commanding kiss. Katie felt her nipples instantly harden, tightening in response to Aaron’s searing kiss, becoming more sensitive to the touch. His hands went down to cup the globes of her ass, squeezing the mounds firmly through her tap pants. Fresh cream moistened Katie’s tingling pussy.

When Aaron pulled upward, Katie gave a little hop and then wrapped her legs around his waist. The fabric of his jeans against her naked skin seemed to heighten her sensual awareness of their differences. As she parted her lips to accept his tongue into her mouth, she felt Aaron begin walking, carrying her back to her bedroom.

A thousand different sensations tantalized Katie’s senses as slowly, step-by-step, she was carried back to the bed that had yet to see the full realization of its purpose. She heard the shuffling sounds of stocking-clad feet against the hardwood floor as the McGowan brothers followed Aaron. She heard the soft, feminine sound of her own moans as she swirled her tongue against Aaron’s. Faintly, she heard the sounds of belt buckles being opened and brass zippers being tugged down.

I’m surrounded by McGowan men. They want me. They all want me…and they’re going to have me.

She didn’t have to open her eyes to know when they had entered her bedroom. The hands at her bottom squeezed and fondled even as they supported her weight. Though by no means a petite woman, Katie felt small and almost delicate in Aaron’s arms. The motion of his steps caused her breasts to rub against his thickly muscled chest, and the tingles that emanated from her erect nipples seemed to shoot straight down into her clit, which throbbed with an aching need for attention.

He put a knee on the edge of the mattress then leaned far forward to place Katie in the middle of the bed. Never once, during the entire time he’d carried her from the great room, had Aaron stopped kissing her.

Katie kept her arms around Aaron’s neck. She loved the awareness that whatever had to be done would be done, and that all she had to do was get in tune with her own sensations. Her body was singing and her senses soaring. She felt lusted after, to be sure, but she also felt adored. Her men had worried about her and cared for her when she had been injured, and now that she was better, she sensed their relief as well as their desire.

The weight of Aaron crushed her to the mattress. Katie spread her thighs a little wider apart, making more room for an intimate contact of pelvis-to-pelvis with the man she adored. She thrust her tongue past his, this time exploring his mouth and tasting him, taking the bolder role in the kiss. Aaron released the hold he had on her bottom, put his palms flat on the mattress near her shoulders, and lifted his upper body off hers.

“You’re sure?” he asked, his leonine eyes glittering with a combination of desire and concern. “I couldn’t live with myself if I hurt you.”

Katie shook her head as waves of desire and gratitude swept over her. “Take me, my darling.” While looking into his eyes, she quickly tugged the baby-doll’s bodice beneath her breasts to expose them to the lusty collective gaze of her men. “I won’t break. Take me. Make me yours.”

The wanton laughter that Katie heard, as Aaron all but tore open his jeans to expose his rampantly aroused cock, was shocking to her only to the extent that she had made the sound herself. An instant later, Aaron grabbed her ankles, put them together, and raised them high. Her silk tap pants were jerked over her hips and down her legs in an instant.

And then he was on her, his weight pressing her into the mattress, his checkered cotton shirt still buttoned nearly to his throat. His chest compressed her breasts and tickled her erect nipples. His jeans were lowered only to the middle of his thighs, and his feverish kiss stole her breath away.

It was not a gentle invasion, but Katie had already become so aroused by Aaron’s kisses and caresses, and the ambience of the moment, that her passionate juices had prepared her for penetration. Still, when the long, thick length of Aaron’s erection spread the delicate lips of her pussy, she gasped into his mouth and clung more tightly to his neck.

A quick retreat was followed by an instantaneous second invasion, and this time Aaron plunged full-length into Katie. When his pelvis slapped against Katie’s, her legs straightened, angling sharply to form a valley for Aaron’s hips, and her toes pointed toward the ceiling. She was stunned with the ecstatic reality that a climax of magnificent intensity was rushing toward her at shocking speed.

Turning her face aside to end the commanding kiss, Katie squeezed her arms more tightly around her lover’s neck and whispered, “I’m not fragile, my darling. Love me.” She flicked her tongue into his ear. “Or, you could fuck me.”

At that point she was powerless to stop what was happening, and that was precisely the way she wanted it to be—powerless and desired, with an almost manic intensity. Aaron put his left forearm beneath her head and slipped his right hand between their bodies to squeeze her breast, his fingers burying deeply into the tingling, pliant flesh, his need for Katie feral and intense. Then his hips began churning, pumping, and filling her hungry body with his cock again and again, the machine-like thrusts driven by a desire for Katie that she delighted in, though could hardly comprehend.

When he slanted his mouth down over hers, it was a fierce kiss that nearly bruised her lips. Katie welcomed the intensity, taking delight in Aaron’s focused ferocity. She was the woman he wanted, the one he couldn’t seem to get enough of. Katie had felt lusted after before, but with Aaron and his brothers, it was more than raw, animal lust, and more than love. It was—

Oh, God! I...I’m going to...

She was swirling her tongue with Aaron’s, and he was pummeling her voluptuous body into the mattress when the climax hit her, taking control of all her senses. The orgasmic contractions were powerful, pulsing through Katie in waves of libidinous sensation. Unconsciously, she squeezed her arms tightly around Aaron with boa-constrictor strength, and her legs straightened, her toes pointing toward the ceiling.

A high-pitched, keening sound came from her throat as she shivered through her orgasm. Moments after the last contraction relaxed, Aaron let out a rumbling groan, and Katie knew that he was releasing a torrent of cum inside her.

Turning her face aside, Katie found herself looking at Garrett, who was kneeling on the bed near her hip. He was naked, and his erection was fully formed and filling his hand.

While Aaron’s lips were warm and moist against the side of her neck, caressing gently between big gulps of air, his powerful chest sweaty and heaving from the aftereffects of his exertions, Katie stroked his hair, looked into Garrett’s eyes, and said, “I think you’re in for a special treat later.”

Aaron pushed himself up until he was sitting on his haunches. With a groan, he slid toward the footboard of the bed, disengaging himself physically but not emotionally from Katie.

Blair was on his back beside Katie, looking sideways at her. The cock that filled his hand was so swollen it looked painful. Katie resisted the urge to slide down on the bed to taste his eager flesh, choosing instead to roll over on the mattress and then straddle his lean torso with her knees.

“First your brother, and now you,” she whispered, holding the shaft of his cock between her fingers to put his erection at just exactly the right angle. “How lucky can a girl get?”

She lowered her rounded hips, and the plump crown of Blair’s cock spread the passion-puffed lips of her cunt.

“Oh, yesss!” she sighed, throwing her head back on her shoulders in ecstasy as she lowered herself, loving the sensation of taking her lover’s cock into her body inch by glorious inch.

Moments later, Garrett and Flynn were standing on the bed, very close to Katie and on each side of their prone brother. Katie wrapped her hands around their cocks, purring softly, watching her hands moving over the young, unyielding flesh.

“So much,” she whispered, her lashes barely open. She licked her lips to moisten them as she bounced on Blair and stroked his brothers. A glistening pearl of fluid formed at the slit in the ruddy-hued crown of Garrett’s cock. She leaned to the side, licked off the sharp-tasting nectar, and added, “And all for me.”

Though she still had very little experience in ménage
sensuality, and so was occasionally plagued by stabs of insecurity, what was entirely satisfying to Katie was the awareness that she was being watched while she behaved scandalously. For so many years of her life, Katie had been, to one painful degree or another, self-conscious about her looks and about her weight. That was why she continued to wear the baby-doll nightie, though she’d adjusted the bodice beneath the bouncing mounds of her breasts. With the McGowans, with
men, she loved the way they touched her with their collective gaze. When she caught them looking at her breasts, she saw adoration and lust, and she welcomed both emotions.

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