Read Edge of the Enforcer Online

Authors: Cherise Sinclair

Tags: #BDSM; Suspense

Edge of the Enforcer (33 page)

“B-but, I’m not—”
Not a masochist, remember?
At his stare, she didn’t finish. Just bit her lip. The swinging of the birdcage seemed to make her helplessness even more apparent. She wasn’t even on the ground.

His hands ran down the backs of her legs, and she realized the cage put her bottom right at the height of a man’s groin. Good—she wanted him inside her.

“I think I should examine that gorgeous pussy of yours,” he said. He pushed a button on the control device hooked on the frame. The cage rose to the level of his chest.

Her eyes widened when his gaze settled between her legs. God, her pussy was right out there, totally on display. He ran his fingers down her mound, opened her labia, and just…looked at her.

“Zander…” A glance made her swallow and try again. “Master, don’t. Please.”

“Please is a great word—and I intend to please. Me, for sure. Maybe even you.” He pressed a rough finger inside her, his smoldering eyes on her as she sucked in a breath at the light scrape against sensitized nerves. One corner of his mouth tilted up. When he rubbed on a certain place, her hips jerked violently.

A dark hunger rose in her core.

“Guess you like this spot.”

He continued until she could feel the strands of an orgasm start to gather.

And he removed his hand.

Leaving her empty inside, he caressed her clit for a wonderful few seconds before tugging the hood up off it. She stiffened, realizing he was looking right at her pussy. Her face felt as if she were turning the color of a beet with embarrassment, even as need surged high and fast.

One finger of his other hand circled the nub of nerves, making her shake uncontrollably. “You’re gonna have to get used to this, babe,” he said. The considering look he gave her was disconcerting. “I’m a visual sort of guy—and I like looking at your cunt.”

Oh my God, did he really say that? She stared at him.

He watched his finger circle her clit, and his pitiless eyes stabbed at her again. “Before I fuck you, I’m going to have myself a cunt show. Watch you get puffy. And red. And hurting.”

The look she gave him must have been horrified, because his dimple flashed with his amusement.

He slicked up her asshole with cold lube and picked up a…thing from his toy bag. The length of his hand, the flexible stick was constructed of glass balls that started about the size of a grape and increased in diameter. Without any hesitation, he pushed the first small one into her anus.

She felt the tiny stretch before her rim of muscles closed around the narrow part. But he kept
. The next ball was slightly bigger. Each one stretched her more until she was panting, feeling far too full inside. Her legs up over the sides of the cage prevented her from escaping the discomfort—and she didn’t want to disappoint him, so she panted and gasped.

“Next one’s really big,” he said.

Oh God, bigger would hurt…really hurt, past what she could take. She started to grit her teeth and hesitated. He’d been unhappy with her when she’d covered up her pain during the flogging. Had said he needed to trust her to be honest.

But where was the line between taking the pain to please a Dom and going too far? “Yellow,” she whispered.

“Now that’s a fucking good girl,” he said, his voice deeper than normal, approval warming her like a hot bath. “Saved yourself from a timeout in a corner.” The lines fanning out from the corners of his eyes deepened with amusement.

Damn Dom. He’d wanted her to speak up—and had deliberately pushed her into it. Her anger died under the sweet reassurance that he cared.

A sensual flame glowed in his eyes as he laid his hand between her legs, over her mound and pussy. Why did the casual caress seem even more intimate than what he’d already done? Maybe because he did it in the same way he’d squeeze her shoulder or tug on her hair, as if all parts of her were his to touch. The realization she wanted him to possess her burrowed into her heart along with the knowledge he’d do exactly that.

“Now I’m going to hurt you,” he said gravely.

She licked her lips and said carefully, “But-but you hurt Dixon already.”

“I kept it light…so I’d have enough energy for you too.”

A shiver shook her as he picked up a cane in his left hand and an eight-inch flogger with narrow rubber strands. So short. He tapped the cane along the backs of her thighs, lightly. When he reached her ass…

The stinging pain blasted up through her body, squeezed her center, and swelled her aching breasts. When he struck her other cheek, she realized the aching fullness from the balls increased her sensitivity. Each swat of the cane made her clench, made the burn worse, and yet she could feel the hunger filling her. She needed him inside her so, so badly. Her breathing changed to hard pants as she fought to stay still.

He slicked a finger around her clit, inserted it into her entrance, and her blood turned to fire, racing through her veins. “Ready for more, aren’t you?”

The tiny flogger rose and came straight down on her pussy.

” At the brutal bliss, her entire body arced upward. Her hands fought the restraints.

“That’s it.” And he gripped her right thigh, flicked the strands to hit her labia from below, then struck her clit from above.

Oh God, oh God, oh God.

“Yeah, nice.” He leaned in and pinched her nipples cruelly, yet under his hot gaze the pain slid downward to her core, reverberating through her like the low ringing of a bell. Before she could process anything, he struck her buttocks with the cane and her labia with the flogger.

Too many sensations crashed in on her, transforming to dark, molten heat pooling in her pelvis. She clenched around the thing inside her, drowning in the monstrous need.

“Oh please.” Her fingers clamped on the cage bars.
Don’t move, don’t move.
But she couldn’t take more. Couldn’t. Everything hurt and pulsated with the strangest mixture of pleasure and pain and needs. “I want—”

“No, pet. This is about what you need,” he said, the iron in his tone merciless. The flogger hit her again, right between her legs.

Her whole body spasmed, surging toward the peak. Not reaching it, and as she slid backward, the cage itself seemed to sink. All she could feel were the sensations shivering over her skin, boiling inside her. She started to shake.

And his gaze was on her again, on her pussy. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous.” He traced a finger around her clit. “Slick and so red you’re almost glowing.”

With a hum of the winch, he lowered the birdcage to groin level. He opened his jeans, and his cock pressed against her entrance.

Her vagina felt too empty, and yet the anal balls were very big, and her mind wavered back and forth between fear and desire.
Please, please, please.
Her begging made no sound.

“Take me, babe.” His shaft pressed into her, slick and hot and so very thick. Her anus was already stuffed with the round objects, and he filled her far too full. “Fuck, you feel good.”

She wasn’t sure it was true in reverse. And yet as he forged deeper, the pleasure seemed to fill her until her body sang with it.

“All in. Look at me, Lindsey.”

Sweat dampened her temples as she managed to lift her heavy eyelids.

He studied her for a long moment, heart-squeezing tenderness and amusement—and lust—in his expression. “Yeah, you’re good.” He curved his fingers around her thighs, close to her pelvis, and pushed. As his cock slid out without his hips shifting, she realized he was standing still and moving the birdcage. With his gaze on her face, he yanked it toward him, impaling her.

The ferocious thrill arched her neck. Her breasts jiggled and ached with need. Her whole lower half felt as if it were overstuffed on the inside, swollen and throbbing on the outside.

She stared at him as he pushed the cage away, emptying her, brought it back and filled her. Over and over. Hard and ruthless and her body gloried in it. Her hips struggled to move. She yanked at her restraints, every thought gone except the ones of need churning her blood. The need to take more, to come, to—

And gradually, he withdrew all the way, stepped back—and the flogger came down on her clit.
One. Two. Three.
Not as hard as before, but relentless stings directly on the exquisitely sensitive ball of nerves.

“Nooooo.” Incredible pain and the most supreme pleasure whipped through her.

He didn’t stop.
Whap, whap, whap
, and the rocketing sensations kept soaring upward. It
, yet, a devastating pleasure crescendoed outward like an overload of electricity, sending every nerve into ecstasy until she couldn’t stay still.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful.”

She could barely hear his baritone rasp over the roaring in her head. He thrust into her rhythmically, his hold on her hips merciless. She loved it. Loved him. Loved being taken until she was mindless.

He slowed. “After all your complaining, you’d better get off one more time.”

Another? She’d die. “Uh-uh.” Her protest was hoarse. “Done. I’m done.”

“Sure you are, babe.” Although she heard the strain in his voice as he kept himself under control, his cock made lovely sweet circles and measured thrusts as if he could last for eternity.

She might never move again.

He stopped moving. “Look at me, Lindsey.” His soft tone was encased in iron.

Her eyes opened.

His expression was demanding, his face absolutely masculine as he watched her with the sternness of a master. “Time for more.”

As if she was completely under his control, her body quivered awake around the cock impaling her. The other thing in her ass was still there—and not comfortable when she moved.

He bent slightly forward into the birdcage, holding her thigh, keeping himself in her. His other hand reached toward where her breasts strained beneath the binding ropes.


Ignoring her protest and wiggling, he kneaded the taut flesh.

The huge wave of heat was indescribable. She gasped—and then he pinched her engorged nipples.

“Oh my
.” The sensation wasn’t…quite…pain, more a pressure blooming deep inside her, like a purposeful rise of molten rock in a volcano.

He laughed as her world dropped away from her, as if she were engulfed in his control. His cock slowly slid in and out of her, deeper than before, driving her body into arousal again. Her clit wakened, sending bursts of
need, need, need
messages along her nerve endings.

“That’s it, babe. Better grab hold now.” The warning came none too soon. Even as he slid out of her, he pulled on the thing in her ass. One glass ball bumped out, and he thrust it back in—and his cock as well.
She felt the coldness as he added more lube, and the anal bead toy slid in through the ring of muscles, stimulating everything in the area.

Her whole lower half had turned to an overloaded, rawly sensitive nerve, and each breath she took was a moan. The pressure coiled and coiled within her center. “I can’t,” she moaned, her fingers clasping the metal frame, searching for something to anchor her.

“Let go, Lindsey.” He squeezed her bottom gently as if to let her know he had her. “Now.” His cock slid out first and a second later, he yanked the anal beads out—
of them.

“Aaaaah!” Her back arched; her nails dug into her palms as her insides contracted, expanded, clenched harder. When his cock forced its way back inside her slick pussy, every nerve in her body lit up like a galaxy of sparklers, expanding outward until her skin tingled, her hair tingled, her toes tingled.

Oh my God, oh my

“Mmmhmm, baby. Beautiful.”

Before she’d managed to stop gasping, before her heart rate had slackened, he gripped her hips and pistoned into her, fast and forceful, until he released in a series of hard jerks.

God, he was going to be the death of her. The heavy satisfaction had dissolved her bones. Under her, the cage rocked slightly. Maybe she’d simply lie right here for a millennium or so.

Still deep inside her, he caressed her hips and bottom as she gathered her senses and reacquired the art of breathing rather than gasping. When his fingers brushed over several tender, stinging areas, she flinched.
Whoa, baby
. He’d definitely tanned her hide—and more besides. Her asshole and other intimate places burned.

A second later, he slid out of her, leaving her insides doing tiny spasms of loss. “Don’t move for a second, Tex,” he said. A second later, he cut through the ropes binding her breasts.

She felt as if her whole body stilled in relief…until the blood started surging in and out, painfully equalizing. “Ow, ow, ow! You’re such a sadist,” she said, half under her breath—not softly enough.

“Got a good eye, babe.” He chuckled and, as if to confirm her belief, swatted her sore butt.

“Ouch!” She glared at him, making his lips curl up.

At length, the sadist released her restraints and helped her out of the cage as gently as if she were a baby. When Logan tossed over a blanket, he wrapped it around her and guided her to a place on the floor.

Her head was too heavy for her neck, all her muscles felt like overstretched rubber bands, and, without the wall at her back, she’d probably have fallen over.

Crouching in front of her, Zander gave her a thoughtful study and nodded. “You look better.”

. She snorted. Her hair and skin were damp with sweat, her face probably purple, and she still quivered with little aftershocks. “I’m sure.”

He caressed her cheek. “Relaxed, not worrying about things you can’t prevent, well pleasured. Yeah, better.”

Oh. She sighed. “Well, if your plan was to drive me out of my mind, it worked.”

His smile made her glow inside. Damn, she loved him.

“Now, tell me how you felt watching me with Dixon.”

Dixon. She turned her head, looking for her friend—Zander was right between her and the room.

The amusement in his gaze said it was deliberate. “Asked you a question, babe.”

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