EdgeofEcstasy (5 page)

Read EdgeofEcstasy Online

Authors: Elizabeth Lapthorne

Melissa flushed again, this time with both embarrassment and
pride. The wicked tongue of this gorgeous demon could seriously turn a girl’s
head. Excitement raced over her body, the tingle telling her that her body was reacting
to his flattery.

“What?” she replied. “What makes you think I’d do anything
for a good friend?”

“I was there when Aiden called you,” he pointed out calmly,
obviously refusing to listen to her dismissal of his opinion. “It was four in
the morning. I can only presume you were asleep. Aiden told you he needed help
on a mission and would give you details later, but that the targets more than
met your criteria. He explained that he was in big trouble—double the number of
guards he had expected—and gave you the co-ordinates to meet us. Less than two
hours later you were suited up and huddled with us, going over the game plan.”

Melissa nibbled on her lower lip and swung her gaze away
from Daniel’s unrelenting look.

“I wasn’t
far away,” she mumbled. “I took the
time to shower first. It wasn’t like I drove for hours out of my way to reach

“Then you took the fastest shower on record,” Daniel
disagreed. “I’ve timed it. Speeding the whole way, the Lourensz compound is at
least a two-hour drive from the city—more if there’s traffic or you get pulled
over. Regardless, my point stands. Someone you are loyal to called, someone you
care about. He explained in the briefest possible terms that he needed your
help and you were there without question in the shortest possible time.”

“Aiden would do the same for me,” she finally conceded. “In
this business we don’t have many true friends we can rely on. When one of us
calls, the other comes without whining, bitching or asking a dozen awkward
questions. You’d do the same, right?”

“Certainly,” Daniel replied promptly with a smile. “Though
I’d hope you’d call long before things went to hell quite as badly as they did

Melissa turned back to glance at Daniel once more. As they
had walked and talked his features had softened somewhat—much of the natural
tension between acquaintances was warming into the early blossoms of a
friendship. His tanned face still appeared impassive—his regular state, she
felt certain—but she could now recognize the signs of animation and interest.

She could see the keen intelligence reflected in his eyes
and the genuine weight of a man listening carefully to every word she uttered.
Not one to make snap decisions, Daniel carefully deliberated upon his thoughts
before putting forward his suggestion or expressing an opinion.

When one knew what to look for and how to recognize it, Daniel’s
face was not the blank slate one might assume upon first glance. However, this
time Melissa was not precisely sure what he was referring to, whether she had
begun to read more into his oblique statement than was truly present.

“Do you mean I should call you before a mission turns to
shit, or that I should call you just to catch up and not merely for work-related
assistance?” she asked after a short pause.

Melissa rarely trod so carefully, but this was important.
Daniel was a dangerous man, not because of his skills and knowledge, but
because he could easily become a lot more to her than a mere working partner.

Daniel understood much of her mindset, and she could not
believe he would expect her to change or start to wear pretty little homemaker
dresses and stay safe with three children around her ankles and dinner in the
oven ready for the main meal at six every evening. She could very easily fall
in love with this man. He represented much of what she hoped for one day in a
life-partner. Which made it extremely dangerous ground and not to be taken

That tiny half-smile was once again twitching the corner of
Daniel’s mouth. “I meant that I’d hope you’d call me any time you needed
backup,” he said. “But yes, I’d also like you to call me just to meet up for
dinner or coffee, not purely for work-related issues.”

Despite her desire to remain cool and somewhat aloof,
Melissa could feel the heat of arousal crawl along her body, from her stomach
to her nipples and lower down to her pussy. Slick need and a long-denied
sensual hunger beat at her for a moment as she remained lost in Daniel’s gaze. Part
of her wanted to tear itself away from that penetrating, too-knowing glance,
but his eyes were so beautiful to her, so captivating, that she couldn’t force
herself to.

Licking her lips, a nervous habit she could never seem to
control, trying to keep them moist as her mouth dried out, Melissa tried to
find the words for what she wanted to say.

Daniel beat her to it. “I’m very attracted to you, Melissa,
and that conflict of interest when we’re working together on a mission worries
me slightly. I’m sure you knew of my interest after the way we nearly ravished
each other on our last assignment. I thought I could put it aside after that
meeting, but as time has passed no one else has managed to balance me like I
can see you doing. Even now, after just a few more hours in your presence, I
can tell you’re everything I’m looking for in a woman. You’re soft and feminine
enough to satisfy the harder, harsher aspects of me, but you’ve got a core of
steel, a strength to your soul that I know means you won’t faint the first time
I come to you with blood on my hands. I see you as the perfect blend of
femininity and strength for me—we complement each other wonderfully.”

His speech, possibly the longest she had ever heard from
him, almost took her breath away. A blushing virgin Melissa was not. Indeed,
being flustered by Daniel’s up-front, truthful comments was practically a first
for her.

Deciding to be just as honest and forthright in turn, she
revealed some of her own soul, sharing with him as he had with her. “I can’t conceive
of you expecting me to change or ‘mend’ my ways. Even more importantly, you can
understand and accept the
me,” she said, summarizing. “If I wanted
to be feminine and charming you’d love it, but you’d be equally happy with
trusting me to watch your back and not be repulsed when I kill someone with my
bare hands. That’s not something I could ever take for granted, and over the
years it is something that has become more and more important to me when
looking for a partner.”

Daniel lifted a hand to cup her jaw and Melissa’s heart
pounded. They paused where they stood on the walking track, surrounded by the
trees and the flowered landscape. Melissa tilted her chin, amazed by how
breathless she felt and utterly eager for this long-denied kiss.

When Daniel lowered his head and pressed his lips against
hers, she felt as if she had come into contact with a live wire. Electricity
shot through her, speeding her heart and unwinding a sharp bolt of desire
through her stomach. Her pussy grew damp as his thumb gently stroked the soft
skin of her jaw, and her nipples peaked against the thin material of her shirt.

Daniel opened his mouth and Melissa flicked her tongue
inside, tasting him and enjoying the intimacy. He sucked her tongue hard,
capturing her and making a laugh bubble up in her chest. Breathless from their
kiss, she managed to contain her chuckle, though her upper body shook slightly
with the suppressed humor. Daniel grazed his teeth lightly along the length of
her tongue and she shivered with erotic delight, the sexy gesture making more
moisture pool wetly in her panties.

Warm, strong arms wrapped around her as Daniel drew her body
close against his. She could feel the hard plane of his muscles through his
clothes, her body melting softly against his as they simultaneously discovered that
they fit perfectly together. Melissa lifted her hands to press them against his
well-defined chest, scraping her nails lightly over the thin shirt material that
separated her palms from his warm skin.

Daniel moaned into her mouth and took over the kiss as he
tightened his arms around her, containing her in an intimate, sexy trap of
warmth. He thrust his tongue into her mouth as heat and desire exploded between
them. Their breath came in ragged pants now, the rest of the world forgotten in
a delirious haze of growing lust and need.

Melissa naughtily nipped at Daniel’s soft lips, enjoying the
growl of hunger it unleashed from him. They pressed their bodies against each
other, seeking the relief that only naked contact could possibly provide.
Melissa opened her eyes, pleased to find Daniel’s pupils flared, clearly
indicating that his response was as passionate as her own.

The burning hunger she saw within him confirmed that he
needed her as much as she wanted him at that moment. Melissa found herself on
the wickedly sharp knife-edge of ecstasy and nothing except full and complete
penetration could satiate her hunger now that Daniel had awakened it within

Without thought, acting purely upon instinct, she unbuttoned
Daniel’s shirt, snarling sharply at him as he clasped a hand over hers to pause

“Not here, love,” he whispered hoarsely, barely able to
speak through the thickness of his desire.

Blinking, Melissa realized that they were in the middle of a
public park, right on the walking track in full view of anyone passing by.

She shook her head, unable to believe that a lifetime of
training, instincts and her natural magical talent had been so completely
overridden by lust and craving. Melissa wanted this man more than she had ever
wanted anything in her whole life. They scoured the area, trained eyes
searching as they each sought out a safe, clear place to finish what they had
so urgently started.

“There,” Melissa murmured, her gaze alighting on a gardener’s
shed. Daniel grunted, agreeing.

The structure was about twelve feet by eight feet. The door
was made of sheet metal, locked and surrounded by well-trimmed bushes and
trees. Offering protection from the prying eyes of passing pedestrians, it
would be the perfect cover for them. With hard, covert glances around them to
make sure they were not being given undue attention, they held hands and headed
around to the back of the shed.

This time they walked so closely side by side that barely a
breath of air could come between them, and their clasped hands toyed erotically
with each other, an intimate promise they kept burning strongly even for the
short distance.

Chapter Five


Melissa and Daniel walked around the back of the shed,
pausing once again to thoroughly scan the area. Satisfied that no one had
followed them from curiosity or something more sinister, and happy that they
were not within view of anyone passing by, Melissa turned to face Daniel.

It amused her to find him still scouting the area but she
waited patiently, knowing full well that suspicion ran deeply in both their
veins. She understood how when one could rarely trust any living soul, one became
more than a little pedantic about reassuring oneself of security. After only a
moment, Daniel turned his attention back to her.

They smiled at each other, Melissa pleased to find yet
another similarity between them. She pressed her body against his, pushing him
back until he stood up against the thin sheet of metal that was the back wall
of the shed. Eagerly, she ran her nimble fingers down the row of buttons
holding his shirt closed and undid them.

Opening Daniel’s shirt, spreading the thin material to
either side of his torso, Melissa stared with wonder at the perfect washboard
abs presented to her view. Well-defined pectoral muscles had nut-brown nipples
erectly pointing out from his broad chest.

Melissa unconsciously arched her back as Daniel’s lithe
fingers finished unbuttoning her blouse. With a grunt of approval he managed to
expose her breasts, the lacy pale-blue bra almost the same color as Daniel’s

Curious about his reaction, she flickered her gaze to his
face. She wanted to watch his face. Desire, hot and potent, flamed in his gaze,
the intensity of his arousal clear in the fierceness of his stare. After a
moment of drinking in her pale, creamy skin and breasts barely concealed by the
scraps of lace, Daniel tilted his face to meet her eyes. In that moment his
face was not in the least impassive, his every expression clear to her gaze.
Lust unfurled deep in her belly and Melissa realized she was almost as aroused
by his reaction as she was by his touch and their baring their bodies to each

“You’re beautiful,” he murmured.

Melissa smiled and nipped a quick kiss to the edge of his

“You’re pretty magnetic yourself,” she confessed with
another hungry kiss along the edge of his jaw. “The more I look into your face,
the more I see and discover. Do you know how addictive that will prove?”

Daniel grinned sexily at her, a wicked smirk that lightened
his features as his eyes scorched her with their perusal. Melissa shrugged out
of her shirt, helping Daniel to bare her upper body to him. She moved her hands
to her back, about to unsnap her bra, but his warm hand stopped her before she
could complete the motion.

“No, leave it on,” he insisted gently. “I particularly like
this color on you. It deepens your eyes and looks gorgeous. Besides, there will
be plenty of time to explore your body further next time, when we’re in a more
secure location.”

His utter protectiveness touched something deep inside her.
Melissa had never really had anyone look out for her before. Aiden, Kelly and Falconn
were her particular friends, and Falconn especially had been protective of her
in a brotherly way. But they all knew how completely she could look after
herself, that she’d done so her whole life. It proved to her how much heart
Daniel had hidden away.

Melissa felt a fierce rush of lust unleashed from within
her. With her thigh, she nudged apart his legs so she could stand between their
warmth. Her lace-clad breasts pressed against the hard planes of his torso and
even through the thin material of her slacks she could feel the heat and
thickness of his cock.

Standing up on tiptoes, Melissa kissed him ravenously,
releasing her desire for him and showing him in no uncertain terms just how
sexy she found him. They kissed passionately, their lips and tongues plundering
each other as they each sought out every secret the other held.

Melissa worked her hands frantically now, struggling to
unbuckle Daniel’s belt without looking or moving one inch away from his strong
body. At the same time his thick fingers worked to undo her pants. Melissa
crowed with delight as the belt finally came loose and she could unbutton the
waistband of Daniel’s slacks and dip her hands in to feel his thick shaft.

A few quick pushes had his pants falling down around his
ankles and it took just one moment longer to push the tight boxer-briefs down
over his hips. Daniel’s long, thick shaft sprang free and Melissa eagerly took
him in her fist, eager to stroke the hard, smooth flesh.

She noticed Daniel’s fingers twitching on the material of
her pants as she ran the pad of her thumb slickly over his deep-red head,
smoothing the damp pre-cum over his bulbous tip. Her mouth watered, aching to
close around him, but just as she thought about moving her body to kneel at his
feet, her pants loosened and fell around her ankles.

Daniel moaned with delight when he saw her matching pale-blue
thong panties. He moved his hands quickly, rushing to dip inside the tiny
triangle of lace. He ran the tip of his finger along the seam of her pussy lips,
then penetrated to caress her eagerly waiting clit.

Melissa let her head fall back in decadent pleasure, arousal
singing through her body as every single nerve ending sat up and paid attention
to Daniel’s wicked, talented hands.

She widened her legs farther to grant him access as first
one, then a second long, thick finger pressed into her cunt, stroking her inner
walls as he thrust inside her. Daniel pumped into her body and pleasure
shivered up from the base of her spine and spread out across her back.

“Circe,” she moaned. “More, Daniel. That feels glorious.”

“You like that, do you?” he murmured in a hot breath next to
her ear. He moved his fingers more quickly now, slick from her juices as she
flowed copiously onto him. He finger-fucked her hard and fiercely, driving her
pleasure ever higher until her head grew light and she panted with need.

Wanting him more deeply inside her and needing to feel his
hands over every inch of her skin, Melissa lifted one leg to wrap it around
Daniel’s hip, opening and exposing her pussy to him. He pulled the lace of her
thong harshly to one side, ripping the delicate material to create enough room
for his hand to get closer, and pressed another finger into her pussy.

Melissa cupped her hands to either side of Daniel’s jaw and
kissed him passionately, licking and sucking on his lips and tongue as they
struggled together, needing to get closer. Finally, as they wobbled on slightly
unsteady legs Melissa lowered her hands to his hips and lightly tugged him with
a downward motion.

“I want to ride you,” she panted. “I’ve wondered so many
times what it would feel like to have you inside me. I’ve been craving to
discover it.”

Melissa watched with lust-drunk eyes as Daniel grinned, his gaze
burning with the thrill of imminent sex. The clarity of his gaze burned hotter
than a fire and Melissa felt scorched just from his stare. Together they
lowered themselves closer to the ground until Daniel squatted on his haunches,
his back pressed against the shed for balance.

With a few economic motions he tugged off her boots and
socks, then pulled her slacks and thong from her body and let them crumple onto
the grass. Freed, Melissa straddled Daniel’s hips and reached out to stroke her
hand up and down his long cock.

“Put me in,” he panted, his hot gaze never leaving her face.
She loved the way he watched her so intensely, as if she were the only thing in
his world and it would crumble if she didn’t fuck him right there and then.

Melissa smiled angelically, her heart pounding in her chest
so strongly that she could believe Daniel might be able to hear it.

“Touch me,” she commanded him, arching her back to insistently
thrust out her breasts.

Obeying, he cupped her breasts with his palm, delicately pinching
her nipples with his fingers. Pleasure rocked through her and she could feel
her pussy leaking more of her cream.

Teasingly, she lifted her body on her slender, strongly
muscled legs and moved the head of Daniel’s cock around her tight entrance,
letting her juices mingle with his pre-cum. Once or twice she dipped slightly,
making it appear as if she were about to engulf him, before pulling back and
circling him around her lips again.

Daniel growled, a menacing sound of warning, and Melissa
replied with an impish grin. She bent her head close to his so their lips were
barely an inch apart.

“Kiss me,” she whispered. “Kiss me hard and mark me—I want
to feel you for days after this. I want us to take each other, hard and hot,
and brand one another. Make me scream for you as I come.”

“With pleasure,” Daniel ground out. When he captured the
back of her head, he threaded his fingers through her long blonde curls.
Angling her face in the manner he wished, he paused for one decadent moment.
His gaze burned into her, branding her soul.

Daniel lowered his head and kissed her with such searing,
exquisite passion that she could only moan. Melting, the world around her
evaporated. Nothing existed except the two of them and this moment. She sank
deeply onto his thick cock, grinding down so he could plumb her depths.

Daniel’s prick filled her to capacity, stretched her to
bursting point. So full did Melissa feel that for a moment she could only gasp
for breath, certain that if she moved she would tear. After a moment her pussy
adjusted around the enormous erection inside her and her juices flowed again as
Daniel continued to erotically manipulate her nipples.

“Circe,” she moaned, unable to say anything more coherent.

“Move on me, baby,” Daniel groaned. His voice was thick and
husky from desire.

At first when Melissa lifted herself she could only move an
inch, his large cock buried so deeply inside her that he almost appeared to be
stuck. Up and down she moved on him until slowly a rhythm built between them.

Beads of sweat rolled down the indentation of Melissa’s
spine. Daniel’s hands roamed over her as if he wanted to touch everything at
once. He pinched her nipples, then stroked her back, then lifted his hands to
cup her jaw before letting them fall to caress her ass. His fingers wandered everywhere,
apparently unable to decide on just one area on which to focus. Or perhaps he
was like a kid let loose in a candy store, eager to taste everything until he
burst from being overfull.

Panting harder, her arousal growing as she thrust upon her
lover, Melissa watched Daniel as she lifted herself and sank back onto him, his
thick cock pressing deeply inside her over and over again.

They came together smoothly, seamlessly, as if they had been
doing this for years and it wasn’t their first time together at all. Their
bodies meshed with a natural elegance Melissa had not experienced before and it
merely added to the intoxication of the moment.

With a naughty grin of pure evil, Daniel bent his head,
watching Melissa as she watched him. He opened his lips and sucked one of her
nipples into his mouth, fitting in as much of her firm breast as he possibly
could. He grazed his teeth tenderly over her nipple and an explosion of
fireworks detonated in the base of her belly as her pleasure skyrocketed.

Crying out, she moved faster, fucking herself on him and
lifting their pleasure higher. After a moment she could feel the intensity of
her second orgasm beginning to grow in her pussy and belly, the tingling
arousal growing harder and more overwhelming as her climax approached.

Daniel sweated, her hands on his shoulders and chest moving
slickly over his skin. She could feel him growing warmer and a light pink stain
spread over his chest. He shuddered, panting hard. He looked like a man gripped
by steadily increasing pleasure as he sought his release.

He removed his lips from her breast and captured her mouth.
He tangled his tongue with hers in an erotic struggle for dominance. He lowered
his hand to her hips, helping her to lift and sink onto his cock with growing
speed as they neared their pinnacles.

“You’re perfect,” he panted.

Melissa made a soft sound, wholeheartedly wanting to return
the compliment but unable to gain enough breath in her lungs to do more than
make a noise.

Her head fell back, her curls grazing Daniel’s faintly
haired thighs as she let herself go and her climax washed over her. They
continued to thrust together, riding out their pleasure, and as Melissa cried
out again she felt something deeply hidden within her soul open up as it never
had before.

Light blinded her, from where she had no idea. She squeezed
her eyes tightly shut as pleasure racked her body. Her skin became super-sensitive,
her entire frame tingling delightfully as her world exploded in sensational
bliss. Her clit throbbed, her nipples ached as wave after wave of release
washed over her.

Something sang in the air between them and for a moment
Melissa could feel Daniel perfectly within her body, thrusting balls-deep
inside her as he struggled to hold off his own climax. She could feel his
pleasure in her walls hungrily milking his prick, tightly squeezing his thick
cock and ratcheting his pleasure even higher. His blood heated, the sexual
flush on his skin darkening as he held off for one second, then barely another
before literally exploding within her.

Hot jets of seed shot from him as he roared his pleasure and
emptied himself into her. Melissa could feel a secret, hidden thing within him
opening, as it had in her, and then Daniel was there, inside her—inside him.
They became aware of each other as they screamed their release, touching each
other not only with their bodies but with their magic and essence.

Melissa had never thought such a thing possible, had never
heard of such an amazing contact between lovers. She could tell they were aware
of each other, although no words were exchanged between them. Melissa could
sense what Daniel felt and thought, though in the puzzling, hazy way of a dream
or fantasy. Beams of light surrounded them and as their climaxes ebbed, so too
did the strange, intense connection between them.

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