Elly In Bloom (48 page)

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Authors: Colleen Oakes

Elly squinted at TV.
I’m supposed to tie it up? What
? She quickly wrapped the turkey, one end over another until it looked like some sort of prisoner of war.

“That’s done!” Elly pulled out a stick of butter, melted it in the microwave and slathered it all over the turkey. It felt a bit naughty, patting its rump, getting it all lathered up and sending it on its way into the oven.
Dirty bird
, Elly mumbled to herself. This, she knew, was what happened when you got used to kissing a handsome man every day. Suddenly, you had the dirtiest of minds. Elly turned down the television and up the radio.

Some alternative jazz played through the apartment, circling around Elly and echoing off the windows. Jazz would forever remind her of Isaac. She hadn’t heard from him since that night on the roof, although she had seen him loading up his car with his guitar and various boxes. She had waved and smiled. He had not, and it had sent Elly into a tearful flurry of guilt.

The oven beeped and she absentmindedly brushed a strand of hair out of her face with the oven mitt.
It was so HOT in here with the oven on
. She walked to the front of the apartment, pushing open the front window in time to see a black SUV pull up at the curb and Kim and Sean climbed out. She gestured gaily from the window, the cool air biting her warm cheeks.

“HEY! We’re just meeting downstairs, the table is all set!” she called out.

Kim waved back, holding a baby car seat in her free hand.

Elly whipped off her apron and headed downstairs, skipping down the steps. She loved her outfit. A red headband pulled back her blond curls, and a black dress with a red sash hit her right at the waist. Snarky Teenager had become her new shopping partner, and Elly couldn’t believe the difference new clothing could make on a person. Her black flats clicked on the stairs as she rounded the corner.

“Hello!” she cried happily. Kim ran up and threw her arms around her.

“Merry Christmas!” she exclaimed.

“Thank you!” said Elly. “I’m so glad you could make it!”

Kim smiled and whispered in her ear. “I’m so glad that Sean’s parents’ flight got stuck in Chicago. Thank the Lord for small miracles. I’m not sure I could have handled them today.” She leaned back. “Hadley has been crying non-stop.”

Elly looked over into the car seat, resting comfortably on a chair. Hadley dozed peacefully, his tiny mouth open as he wandered through his dreams.

“I can’t imagine that” she said to Kim. “He’s perfect. And he’s getting so big!”

Kim rolled her eyes. “Just you wait. It’s all oohs and ahhs until you accidentally wipe poop on your face. Can you babysit from now until he is eighteen?”

Elly laughed and walked over to the car seat and ran her finger over his rounded chin. “I hope so. I’m a little in love with him.”

Kim put her head against Elly’s as they stared down at her child. “Me too.”

Kim looked across the room and pinched Elly’s side. “He looks good today.”

She mouthed back, “I know.”

Anthony came around the corner from the backroom, walking slowly with Keith’s help. Elly ran over to him. He hadn’t recovered well from his appendicitis, but each day he showed hopeful signs. Elly had put him in charge of the front desk and consultations for the time being. She liked being in the back with Snarky Teenager. The new air conditioning unit didn’t hurt either.

“Anthony! You could have waited for us! Geez, here, I’ll help you.” She led him over to a chair with a hand-made pillow cover. “Sit down. You’re a nightmare!”

Anthony grinned at her. “I know, I just can’t stand not being able to move around in this place. I want to design! I missed the biggest event of the year and now I can’t even help with Christmas dinner.”

Elly laid her hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay. Just try not to have another health crisis the next time we have a giant wedding, okay? I just booked a huge one for June – the daughter of the District Attorney! It’s going to be Kepke-sized.”

Anthony pumped his fist. He nodded and turned to Keith, who was making quick work of a beer. “I can’t believe I missed that wedding. Did you hear that Ardelle scratched someone? I’m sad I never met her - that woman is caahh-rayzy.”

Keith laughed good-naturedly. “I’m convinced that all women are crazy.”

The bells on the door clanked and Elly turned with a smile. Snarky Teenager walked in, looking gorgeous as always in a fur-topped sweater, skintight jeans and brown riding boots. She was leading her new boyfriend by the hand, who blushed when Elly looked at him.

“What’s up everybody? Merry Christmas!”

Elly gave her an awkward side-hug. “I’m glad you came today.” Snarky Teenager gave a shrug. “My mom and dad decided it would be more fun to be wasted in Florida than at home with me.”

Elly rubbed her shoulder. “I’m glad you’re here. Want to come to Christmas Eve Service with us later?”

She gave Elly a subversive nod and trained her eyes on Kim. “KIM! Let me see Hadley!!” She made a beeline for the baby, her boyfriend trailing helplessly behind her. “This is Basir. He’s from…um, where are you from again? Like Uzbekistan or something?”


“Right. Russia!”

Elly snickered and sat down by Anthony. “How long do you give them? They’ve been together about a month now…I’m amazed!”

He whispered, “I know. Maybe another month?”

She whispered back. “I say two more weeks.”

“You’re on.”

They shook hands under the table as Snarky Teenager cooed over the baby.

Anthony gestured to the table. “This looks amazing…and so does the studio!”

Elly grinned. She was particularly proud of her spread for today. The consultation table had been transformed into a Christmas fantasy. A deep red tablecloth accented a table-long spread of flowers mixed with Christmas pines and cedar. There were three towering bundles of Candy Cane Poinsettas on the table, the base of each one circled by Black Magic Roses, twisting gently around pinecone place holders. Elly’s white china, which had been her mother’s, reflected the glow of dozens of tiny votives. Elly sat back in her chair, admiring. The shop reflected the theme, centering around a huge white Christmas tree that danced and twinkled with tiny rice lights in the window. Branches frosted with snow hung from the ceiling and sugared pears covered every surface. Anthony looked up at the décor around him.

“I feel like there should be lamppost in here. Elly, you’ve created a winter wonderland.”

Elly snacked thoughtfully on a spiced nut. “It took a long time. I had help.” She grinned at him. “Like you.” Anthony sat back in his chair. “I just can’t get over how good it looks in here.”

Elly glanced around her studio proudly. It had only been about a month since the wedding, but there had been several changes. She had ordered a fancy sign for above the door and had the glass etched with their logo. A large blackboard had been hung behind the design table, fit with vintage picture frames, each holding the flower orders for the week. Elly had replenished her ribbon supply, and now a dowel near the ceiling held hundreds of gorgeous ribbons in green polka dots, red stars, pink stripes, and fuchsia paisley. The store exploded with freshness and color.

“Well, you know, Sunny gave me enough extra that I had a lot to put back into the shop.” She paused for dramatic effect. “And…I just bought the new delivery van.” Anthony and Snarky Teenager sighed happily in unison. They both hated the other van.

Anthony put his hands behind his head. “I love this place.”

Elly gave him a half-smile. “Me too.”

Kim cleared her throat. “Elly, is it okay if we eat? I want to make sure that I have enough to eat and feed Hadley afterwards.”

Elly jumped up. “Yes! I’ll bring down the food.”

Anthony stood shakily. “I’ll help!” he cried, before Kim pushed him back down.

“You aren’t allowed to do anything but eat. Sit down.”

Basir stood. “I would like to help…please.”

Elly nodded. Basir followed her up to the kitchen and she sent him down with garlic mashed potatoes, mushrooms stuffed with brie, steaming French bread, and green beans amandine. He came back up quickly and Elly marveled at the glory and energy of his youth.

“Looks delicious! Where is the turkey?” he asked.

Elly nodded toward the oven.

He knelt, glanced inside and stood up awkwardly.

“Um, ma’am? That turkey is not cooked.”

Elly waved her hand at him, annoyed. “You’re from Russia, I’m sure turkey is different over there.”

“Well, ma’am, I’m not meaning to insult, but,” he gestured to the oven. “It is not cooked.”

Elly yanked open the oven. Oh no. The turkey was definitely not cooked. It was still a pale, pasty beige, and Elly could see ice chunks on the inside.

“Oh no.” She screamed down the stairs. “KIM!!”

Kim poked her head around the corner. “WHAT?”

“Come up here.”

Kim sauntered up the stairs. “I have a baby downstairs, remember?”

Elly nodded. “The turkey isn’t coming.”


“The turkey…” She opened the oven and Kim crouched down.

She straightened up quickly. “Elly, how long has it been in there?”

“Maybe 40 minutes?”

“Elly, how long do you think it takes to roast a turkey?”

“I figured it was like a chicken breast….you know, 45 minutes at 350 degrees.”

Kim smacked her forehead. “You know how to make everything else, and you’ve never made a turkey? Turkeys take

Elly’s mouth dropped open. “That can’t be right. They didn’t say that on the news.”

“You learned how to cook a turkey on the
? Who does that?”

Elly shushed her. “My mom hated turkey, so I never learned how to make one. What do I do? I’ve ruined Christmas…” She flopped onto the couch melodramatically.

Kim gave her an exasperated look. “What did you do last month?”

Elly looked up from her hands. “What?”

“What did you do last month?”

“I designed my ex-husband’s wedding.”

“That’s right, so if you can do that, this turkey thing should be no big deal.”

Elly pushed herself to her feet. “That’s right, thanks for the reality check.” She hollered down the stairs for help.

Ten minutes later, Elly, Keith and Kim came back from his deli, carrying a tray of elaborate sandwiches.

“So…” Elly started. “We had a problem with the turkey.”

Snarky Teenager let out a groan. “Did you eat it?” she asked.

Elly gave her a mean look. “Instead of turkey, we are having sandwiches with our other sides!”

Everyone around the table was silent until Anthony clapped his hands wildly. “Sandwiches! Sides! Yay!”

Elly chuckled “Thank you for your enthusiasm, Anthony.”

While Kim dished out the food, Elly filled everyone’s wine glasses for the toast. Afterwards, all eyes trained on her as she settled into her chair.

“So, um, I guess I’m supposed to speak.”

Snarky Teenager rolled her eyes. “You’re the HOST, remember? Of course you are supposed to speak.”

Elly gave a faint smile and stood nervously. “This has been, at times, the best and worst year of my life. There were times when I never dreamed I would get through it. And yet, here I am, on the other side, a bigger” – she gestured to her hips – “and better person.” Kim whooped with laughter and Hadley cried back at the noise. Elly felt a sob rising up in her throat as she gazed upon the faces she so dearly loved.
Keep it together
, she warned herself,
nobody wants to see you cry on Christmas
. “But in all honesty, I truly believe that the day that I stopped at this coffee shop, on this street, that I was being put in the place I belonged. Besides my Mother, who I’m sure is looking down on me now and wondering why she never taught me to cook a turkey, I’ve never had family.” She paused, her eyes filling with tears, and her voice shaking. “Until now. You are my family, and this place,” she looked around her bright shop, “is my home.” Her eyes lingered on the chair next to her. “You are the joy in my life.”

Everyone smiled, caught up in the moment as Elly slowly regained control of her emotions. “So tonight, I’m giving thanks to God for everyone here. You are my presents this Christmas.”

She raised her glass. “To you.”

The table raised their glasses. Kim wiped a tear from her eye, and Snarky Teenager, whose eyes were suspiciously bright, mouthed “LAME” to her boyfriend. There was a wild grab for food, and soon the whole table was laughing and eating as the first flakes of snow danced down onto St. Louis streets.

Elly sat, flushed with happiness, filled with grace and a little too much wine. Slowly, she reached her hand under the table to find Keith’s hand waiting for her - where it had always been. Waves of fire blossomed out from her heart as he closed his hand tightly around hers. This was the beginning of something real, she could feel it. “Pass me a sandwich?” he asked. Inside the tiny shop on Wydown Street, Elly Jordan smiled. To everyone watching, she seemed very much like the sun.

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