Elysium's Love Triangle (16 page)

Read Elysium's Love Triangle Online

Authors: Aoife Metcalfe

Beside me is Greg.  He is still asleep.

They got him too.

I feel completely overwhelmed.  He doesn’t deserve this.

Cairo glances back at me.  I look him straight in those grey eyes of his.

I don’t say a thing.

It is extremely obvious that he is surprised.

He tells Tanya, with a hint of disbelief in his voice, that I have woken up.  At first she doesn’t believe him.  The spell she put on me was far too strong, she says.  People don’t wake up for days after it.

This is when I choose to speak, “He isn’t lying.  Perhaps you used the wrong spell.  You know, you Cezers are awful pests, what with the constant kidnapping and whatnot.”

She nearly crashes the car.

I realise then that I really
be awake.  It causes me to wonder about my powers once more.

Tanya regains her composure and answers, “Rejon really wants you on our side.  I am not sure why but he is insistent on it.”

I know why.  He is my Uncle.

I am not as afraid of facing Rejon now.  At least I know who he is.

I wonder if he would really kill me.

He told Greg that he would.  This may have only been to get my friend to do his bidding.

Still, there is always a chance that it is the truth.  He has killed people before without remorse.

I realise that I am not that safe at all.  He was always
as my uncle before.  Today will be my first meeting with the real him, the psychopath who started this cult. 

Greg twitches in his sleep.

I feel so sorry for him.  He will awake to this nightmare also.

“Does Rejon want him too?”  I ask.

Tanya thinks my question is silly.

Of course Rejon wants him back. 

The boy escaped after a mere one-round of torture.
en he joined a group of Weaklings

The boy has yet to learn the meaning of ‘punishment’.  The things Rejon has planned for him are beyond our darkest imaginations.

I shudder at her words.

I look at Greg again.  I remember his words last night.  H
e said that he was joining our group



He must have known they
come for him.

I won’t let anything bad happen to him.  Riley will have to kill me first.

I will
not join the Cezers.  Not if they hurt

Heck, I won’t join them
either ways.

I don’t know if I’m being stupid or courageous.  Something within me just won’t let me join this band of killers, no matter what the odds are.

Tanya announces that we’re nearly at the ‘Plantation’.

I can feel the terror within me spike. 

So that’s where they’re bringing me.

The home-pl
ace of
Rejon’s cult.  I remember Daniels words about his followers here being cannibalistic psychopaths. 

My heart sinks.

There is no way I’ll get out of here alive.

Tanya laughs, “Your
fear is delicious honey.  We should get you all scared more often.”

Cairo seems a bit more awkward, “It is really nice actually . . . Way better than the average persons.  How do you do that?”

He looks back at me now.  In his eyes there is an enchantment.

I know he is still feeding on my fear.

I try to be calm as possible.

I do not answer his question.  No one ever told
me that my fear tasted so good before
.  I have no idea why it would taste better than the average persons.

The rope around my body is getting extremely uncomfortable now.  I begin to wish I hadn’t woken up. 

Cairo gives
on me and looks forward again.  He urges Tanya to drive faster.  They don’t want to miss ‘t
he resurrection’ today
.  They’ve been waiting years for it after all.  To miss it would be a real shame.

Tanya seems excited now.

I am not so happy.  Fear grows within me once again.

Daniel did tell me that they were trying to resurrect some evil goddess.  Rejon must have finally found a way to do this.

I cannot believe how insane my uncle really is. 

How did he manage to hide it from us all for so long?

I think of my Dad.  If only he was here now.  I just kn
ow he wouldn’t have let all this

He isn’t here though.  I can’t change that. 

I shall have to look out for myself.

Tanya takes a turn off the road.

For what feels like miles we drive down a dusty road.  There is nothing but fields to the side of us.  An astounding number of them seem to be growing corn.

We pass a shack where an old man is sitting on his porch.  He is holding a shotgun.

Tanya and Cairo wave to him and he smiles back.

I guess
he is the one who keeps a look-
out.  They don’t exactly want any uninvited guests at the plantation.

Tanya confirms this for me.

‘Billy’ there isn’t the only security they have.  Rejon is able to make the whole place invisible to the human eye when he needs to.  This is why ab
solutely no one knows about the place

I swallow.

The odds are bad.  Daniel probably won’t
be able to save me this time. 

We’re in Tanya’s car.  Angelica won’t have a tracker on it.

Daniel told me to wait for him.  I shouldn’t have left by myself. 

I hadn’t even been thinking of the danger.  I just wanted to figure everything out so badly.

Daniel knows I’m gone by now.  He would have come looking for me the second he got out of the Principal’s office.

I wish, in my heart and soul, to see him again.  I can’t bear the thought that I won’t.

We come to a clearing and Tanya slows down.

My heart beats faster.  I am very afraid of what will happen when this car stops.

There is so much dust rising from the ground now.  All I can see are the people who crowd around our car. The outfits are striking.  They are all wearing black
some of them
have cloaks.  Those are the young ones.  A five year old girl with perfect blue eyes stares through me.  The teenage boy beside her looks scared, he is too pale.  They all are.  The older one’s even more so, they are dressed like monks from the old days with blood red habits.

Tanya turns and smiles at me.  She tells Greg to wake up.

He opens his beautiful eyes.  It takes about two seconds for horror to fill them as he looks out the window, “Oh no.”

He glances at me.  The fact that they have me too doesn’t cheer him up much.

I can’t even think of words to say to him. 

Cairo gets out of the car. 

He opens Greg’s door and says, “Welcome home.”

Greg is violently grabbed and jerked out of the car before I can do anything.  I hear him pleading with some people for ‘a bit of mercy here’.  It doesn’t seem to be working.

Greg was my final bit of security.  Now he is gone.  I find myself screaming for him.

Tanya grabs me from the car herself.  She calls me a ‘bitch’ and tells me that she will get
Daniel back when I’m dead. 

They dated for two years, she says. 

I never knew they were together in the first place.  My surprise must be obvious.

She smiles, “Didn’t he tell you?”

He really didn’t. 

He must have thought Tanya was human.  He would never have been with a Cezer knowingly.  She must have lied.

I must not die.  I will not give her the chance to get back with him.

Tanya tells me that Greg and I really insulted the Cezers with our ‘escapes’.  

We insulted them so much, in fact, that they drag us both into some old grey building to the left of where we parked.

I begin to protest.  Rejon is my Uncle I say.  He would not like them to treat me like this.

They don’t believe me.  That’
s what everyone says, they tell me

I sigh.  It was worth a shot.

It appears that we are on trial for some major violation.  The place they have brought us to is very much a courtroom.

Four men sit at a table that spreads across the top of the room.  They
judges, here to decide our fate. 

These judges sit facing
the Cezers
who have, at su
ch short notice, filled the many seats spread out across the room.  These Cezers
are here to watch and to have an opinion. 

I know this without anyone telling me.  It’s
like I’ve been here before.  A
strange feeling of destiny comes over me.

I am too afraid to speak.  Greg is sta
nding in the centre of the room
.  He never stops talking to me.  He tells me that
things will be fine.  We will get out of this.

He doesn’t seem very confident. 

n he begins cursing Daniel.  That
boy was supposed to keep me safe.

I tell him that it wasn’t Daniel’s fault.  It was mine.

He doesn’t seem satisfied with this.  Daniel made a promise to him.

The four judges call a start to proceedings by ringing four cow bells. 

Yeah, these are the people farming those fields.

The four judges
take down their hoods.  All of them are bald.  Two of them have distinguishing grey eyes like Cairo’s.  It makes me wonder if they come from the same family.  The third is frailer than the others and has a scar across his cheek.  There’s something about him I don’t like.  There is only one thing that takes my notice about the one on t
he very left.  His deep brown
eyes, they look like my Dad’s used to

The first one speaks and his voice is surprisingly shrill and high.  “Outsiders do you wish to make a case or shall we slit you open a
nd feed your insides to the dogs

That is not a promising start.

They are just as nice as I thought they’d be.

Greg swallows, “We’d rather not be cow food thanks.  We’ll make a case.”

The second judge barks at him to be quick.  The special one is coming today
. T
hey must clear up this matter; we have so ungraciously broug
ht upon them
, before she gets here.  Everyone nods at this.  That little blue-eyed girl is still staring at me.  I feel very self
conscious.  The girls around here are all very well covered up, with their robes, especially the teenage ones.  I get the feeling that I am showing way too much skin for their taste.  A few of the men are looking at me in a way that confirms this for me.

Greg clears his throat and begins, fully realising
his words mean life or death.  “My name is Greg Harshaw.  I beg absolutely forgiveness, which I do not deserve, for my abandonment of the faith.  This girl here is my friend.  I am sure she too begs your forgiveness.”

Even more people look at me.  There were gasps when he said his name.  A lot of them seem to know him. 

I realise people don’t often abandon ‘the faith’.

The second judge is even more worked up now, “How dare you boy!  You are a dirty deserter of the ways and shall be put to death.  You know the penalty for deserting the cause, it was very much folly on your behalf
to do so
.  To add extra insult you ask forgiveness for a temptress-girl!  She has temptress-outsider blood.  I can see it in her skin.”

There are more nods from those around us.  A few of them repeat the words ‘temptress’ and ‘outsider’. 

Temptress.  It doesn’t t
ake me long to figure out that this is their word for all women from the outside.

I realise that this is a very in-house operation.  They don’t tolerate ‘outsiders’ at all.

I decide not to speak.  Greg knows how these people think.  I could
make things a lot worse for
both of us if I say the wrong thing.

Greg takes a deep breath and speaks over the few voices that are now baying to see the blood of the temptress which is here before them.  “Yes, she may have temptress blood in her, and I may have deserted, but you should not kill us.  You see, I believ
e that it is within the plan of the Great Goddess herself that we should be here
, alive, today.”

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