Embracing His Syn (46 page)

Read Embracing His Syn Online

Authors: A.E. Via

Furi parked in the lot reserved for
the riverboat patrons and walked over to stand on the side to wait
for his man. His hair blew in the evening breeze and he couldn’t
wait to get on that top deck to let Syn run his hands through it.
It was 7:15 and people were beginning to board the boat. Everyone
was dressed in nice casual clothing. The air was brisk, the water
giving it more of a bite than away from the water, but he’d be warm
in Syn’s large arms. Syn just had to get his ass here first because
the boat would set sail in fifteen minutes whether Furi and Syn
were on it or not.

Furi kept looking toward the street,
but he didn’t see any vehicles slowing to turn into the lot. It was
7:25. Only five minutes left. There were already couples on the top
of the boat, laughing and holding each other. Nibbling on finger
foods and sipping wine that was being served by men and women in
starched uniforms. Furi watched couples gaze into each other’s eyes
as the sun set in the distance, bathing the sky in romantic
purples, reds, and oranges. He said a quick prayer that Syn would
miraculously appear in front of him. Reluctantly Furi checked his
watch again, knowing his time was up. Syn wasn’t coming.

Furi watched hopelessly as the deck
hands pulled up the gangway. The riverboat revved its diesel engine
and the propellers cut through the waves as it began to back away
from the dock.

He’d told Syn he loved him and it’d
been too much. Maybe Syn didn’t mean it after all and it was just a
slip of the tongue. But Furi didn’t want to believe that. He wanted
to think that Syn loved him. Furi gripped the rails in front of him
and let his chin fall to his chest. As much as he didn’t want it
to, Syn’s no-show hurt him deeply.

How could this day have
started so beautifully and ended in such catastrophe? “What have I
done?” Furi whispered into the darkening sky.
Why do I keep picking men with these fucked up issues?
Furi watched the riverboat float away and the
dock became eerily quiet. It made Furi shiver because it all seemed
so fucking symbolic. Something so beautiful and vibrant was fading
away from him and he couldn’t stop it. He wasn’t sure what to do
now. It was a little after eight and he was still staring out over
the dark water. His chest was tight and his eyes watered. If he
blew it with Syn he’d hate himself. The man had all but screamed
that he needed a second to decompress but Furi had pushed him. Now
he may have pushed the man away completely.

Furious. Did you mean
it?” The dark voice cut into Furi’s thoughts and he had to blink a
few times to make sure he hadn’t just imagined Syn’s

Furi turned around slowly and there he
was in dark slacks and a button up white shirt with the sleeves
rolled up. A black blazer hung off his fingertips over his
shoulder. Goddamn he looked sexy as sin. Furi just stared for a
moment, relieved that Syn had showed at all. Forget the cruise,
there would be others.

Syn stepped into Furi until they were
chest to chest. He brought his hand up and ran it through Furi’s
hair. Furi moaned like Syn had just run his tongue up his

You look beautiful,” Syn
whispered. He pulled Furi into a slow, passionate hug and held on
to him tightly. “I saw your text. Tell me you meant it.”

Furi squeezed Syn back and buried his
face in his neck. “Yes, I meant it. I wish you would’ve let me say
it to your face instead of in a text, but I couldn’t get you to
answer me.”

Syn pulled back to look into Furi’s
eyes. He tucked his hair behind his ears and cupped his face. “I’m
sorry I jetted like that. I thought you would’ve been

God. Why would I be mad
about that?” Furi questioned.

Because. You are just
getting out of a relationship with someone very controlling. I
thought you might’ve felt like I was pushing you into something
that you weren’t ready for.”

I’ll tell you what I’m
ready or not ready for. Although I was hesitant when we first met,
that doesn’t have a damn thing to do with now.” Furi couldn’t help
but lean in and take a quick taste of Syn’s mouth. He’d trimmed his
beard and the groomed shadow looked so sexy. Furi licked and traced
his tongue along Syn’s soft lips as he panted into his mouth. “Damn
you. You scared me when you didn’t show for the cruise.”

I’m sorry. God called
Ronowski in to handle something which meant I had to catch a cab
home and still get ready after I saw your text. I moved as fast as
I could but the traffic from my place was terrible,” Syn explained.
“But I got a special surprise for you.”

Furi smiled back at Syn. “I don’t need
special surprises, I’m just glad you came.”

Of course I came.” Syn
stopped and looked seriously at Furi. They were most likely
thinking the same thing. They’d said ‘I love you’ in roundabout
ways, maybe it was time to say it directly.

Will you say it to me
now?” Syn asked quietly, his eyes focused somewhere on Furi’s
chest. “No one has ever said-”

Syn stopped talking, but Furi knew
what he was asking. He needed to hear those three powerful words
from Furi's mouth, needed it to be real, to be spoken into

Furi lifted Syn’s chin and looked him
in the eye. Furi could already see the love brewing in Syn's, there
was no doubt about it. “Syn,” Furious whispered. He brought his
face close so that their noses touched and rubbed against each
other. “I love you.”

Furi felt Syn twist his sweater up in
his fist. The lump he heard Syn swallow was audible in the night.
“Furious. I’ve never been in love before. Never thought I’d want
to. But I know that I’m in love with you.” Syn licked his own lips
right before he placed a gentle kiss against Furi's. “And please
believe me when I say I will never ever put my hands on you unless
it’s like this. Syn gathered Furi protectively against him and
kissed him until he was weak kneed. He kissed him to reinforce what
he’d just said to him, leaving Furi without a doubt that he was
truly loved.

Syn pulled back after a minute and
both of them gasped as they caught their breath. “I need you so bad
right now,” Syn confessed. He took Furi’s hand and led them further
down the dock that was lined with everything from personal-sized
fishing boats to luxury yachts.

Furi strolled with Syn as they made
their way toward the end of the dock and Furi trained his eyes on a
luxury motor yacht with a blue stripe elegantly laced down the
side. The stern was facing the dock and on it in elegant black
script was the yacht's name: ‘Sees the Day’. A man in a starched
white uniform approached them and pumped Syn’s hand in a vigorous

Holy fuck! This is Day’s
boat. Jesus. How loaded is that guy?

Sergeant Sydney.
Everything is ready for you and your guest, sir.” The man spoke
professionally as if he and Syn were fucking royalty.

Furi’s mouth was still gaping when he
stepped into the yacht’s spacious salon and was blown away by the
extravagant interior. Dark leather furniture, cherry wood tables
were all positioned in front of a large flat-screen television
mounted on the one solid wall. The rest of the walls were
full-length windows to view the water from. A large bar sat in the
far corner and there were already two glasses of champagne poured
for them.

Syn sat on the couch with one ankle
propped on the opposite knee and watched Furi as he took in his
surroundings. “You like it?” Syn smiled at him.

It’s crazy beautiful,
babe. I can’t believe Day can afford something like this, and with
a staff.” Furi was awed.

Syn let out a bark of laughter. “He
can’t. This belongs to a friend of his. Some fancy chef. I don’t
know him personally. But he’s here on business, so Day asked him
for a favor. The yacht is ours for the night.”

Furi was stalking over to Syn,
prepared to show him just how much he appreciated everything the
man went through to make this night so special when a petite man in
a chef’s coat came into the room followed by another young man
dressed similarly and carrying a silver tray.

Good evening gentlemen,
I’m Chef Moreau. My sous chef and I wanted to introduce ourselves
before dinner is served.” He spoke with a thick French accent while
extending his hand to Syn. “Chef Vaughan has asked me to take good
care of you this evening. He told me that you are very special
friends of a dear friend of his.”

Furi shook his head. “I’m sorry did
you say, Chef Vaughan as in–”

Chef Prescott Vaughan,”
the Frenchman smiled. “This is his yacht. He and his two partners
are here in Atlanta visiting.”

Holy shit. I’m gonna kill
Day. He knows Prescott Vaughan. I mean; knows him, knows him. We’re
on his goddamn personal yacht.” Furi was beaming with excitement
and Syn loved it. Although he hadn’t a clue who this Vaughan person

He must be a great chef.”
Syn tried to join in.

Furi pfftd. “There’s no must. He’s the
best! He was blind for like five years, it was a miracle that his
sight came back, but he never stopped cooking. He has like ten
restaurants, his own television show, tons of cook books, and a
line of cook-wear,” Furi rattled off on his fingers and Syn grabbed
his hands and pulled them down to his sides.

Breathe baby,” Syn
laughed. “If you want, I’ll see if Day can arrange something so you
can meet him.”

Furi turned to look at Syn. His smile
faded, revealing a look of seriousness. “No. I don’t need to meet
him. I don’t need anything else. This is a wonderful surprise, Syn.
Thank you so much.”

Syn first introduced himself to the
chef and then pulled Furi into his side introducing him as his
partner. The handsome chef didn’t bat an eye as he welcomed them
and informed them when dinner would be served. “Do either of you
have any special requests or food allergies?"

Syn shook his head and looked to Furi
who did the same.

Wonderful.” The chef
stepped back and the other man stepped forward and set the tray
down on a white cloth covered table adorned with formal place
settings. “Please enjoy this amuse-bouche while we prepare the
first course.”

Thank you,” Furi spoke up
and took his seat across from Syn. “Wow! This looks

What is it?” Syn looked
at the single bite-sized hors d’oeuvre in confusion.

Furi tucked his hair behind his ears
and picked up the appetizer fork. “An amuse-bouche is French; it
literally means ‘entertain the mouth’. It’s a tiny appetizer. I
believe this is a seared scallop topped with chutney,” Furi said,
quickly cutting the delicate seafood in half, eager to taste some
fine cuisine, it’d been a while.

Okay,” Syn said
hesitantly. “What’s this green stuff underneath?”

Furi loved Syn’s boldness when he was
out of his element, and it appeared elegant cuisine was one such
place. “It’s a pea puree.”

Syn picked up his dinner fork and
stuffed the entire scallop in his mouth, chewing heartily. “Man.
That’s pretty good. You like this type of food?” Syn asked with his
mouth full.

Furi chuckled at Syn’s
crude table manners. It was such a relief from his ex’s uptight
critique anytime Furi used the wrong fork, or fidgeted in his seat,
or reached too far across the table. Syn could care less about
Furi’s dinning etiquette and he found himself breathing a relieved
sigh as he stuffed the rest of the bite into his mouth. “Yeah. I
love this type of food. I used to have to attend a lot of snooty
dinners, fundraisers, and formal functions when Patrick entertained
his clients. The only good thing was the food. I enjoyed learning
about it too. Sometimes, I’d escape into the kitchen to talk with
the chef.”
Which I always paid painfully
for later.

Furi looked up and saw Syn staring
back at him. “We have functions and fund raisers for charities too,
but I’d never make you go to one if you didn’t want to.”

Furi reached his hand out and Syn
quickly intertwined their fingers. “I know. But I’m sure I’d want
to go with you.”

Most of them don’t have
food like this, but the annual policeman’s ball does. You’re gonna
love that,” Syn said it like it was obvious Furi would be on his

That sounds real nice,”
Furi said roughly. His voice betraying his calm exterior. God he
loved this man in front of him.

The captain maneuvered them just off
the coast while not drifting out too far. They ate the five-course
seafood meal and were barely able to waddle to the stern after the
decadent chocolate lava cake dessert.

Furi’s hair blew with the night breeze
and Syn stayed buried in it while he licked and kissed his neck.
Furi let his head fall back to gaze up at the stars while Syn held
him tightly. Things were getting heated fast. Syn pressed Furi hard
against the railing, gripping his ass and grinding his hard dick
into him. Furi’s own cock jerked excitedly in his pants while Syn
dug his hand into his crease, skimming over his hole.

Fuck, Syn,” Furi gasped.
His hole was clenching, wanting to be filled by this man. “Say it’s
time, please,” Furi whimpered. He didn’t give a fuck tonight. He
was beyond ready to bottom for Syn he needed to so badly. Needed to
completely wipe out all the times he’d been made to bottom for

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