Emily's Captive (A Lilly Town Shifter Novel Book 2) (12 page)

Paul saw the anger in Emily’s eyes, as well as
a small amount of hurt. He hated seeing it there.

A plate and bottle were set down in front of
him, and he looked to see his food sitting there.
It looked good, but the look on Emily’s face caused
him to lose his appetite.

“I know you think we’re trying to ignore what
you smelled and are taking over, but that isn’t the
case. I’m hoping we will find her at the next
compound, but we just need a backup plan. You are
a soldier. You know how important they are,” he
said to her.

“I know,” she whispered.

“I’m here for you, you know that right? We
will find her,” he said and pulled her close. He
was surprised when he felt her shaking and a wet
spot forming on his shirt. He didn’t let her go,
though. He wanted to be there to comfort her in
any way he could.

“I’m sorry,” she said and sat up, wiping her

Paul looked at her face closely and saw the
puffy eyes, red cheeks, and red nose, and couldn’t
help but think she was the most beautiful thing
he’d ever seen. He couldn’t help himself when he
pulled her close to him and kissed her.

“Don’t,” she said, and pulled back.
“Why?” he asked.
“Because I’m a mess,” she said, and wiped her
face again.
“You’re beautiful,” he said, and gave her a
quick kiss before saying, “Okay, let’s eat.”

Bill was sitting in his house watching TV. It
was something he didn’t get to do very often, he
didn’t have the time.

He was in his recliner flipping through
channels. Nothing seemed to be catching his
attention. Maybe that was the other reason he
never watched TV.

The phone rang. He had been hoping for a night
of freedom. They weren’t hitting the next compound
until early morning, so there wasn’t anything for
them to call him about.

“Why didn’t you call me?” Martha asked him.

“I was here if she needed me. I figured if she
wanted you involved, she’d call you.” So much for
a relaxing night.

“You still should have called me. It’s Stacy
missing, not just some shifter. I could have come
a lot sooner and helped.”

“I know, but she didn’t want to call me when it
happened. The only reason I found out was because
Paul made her. I have a feeling that if he had
known you existed, he would have made her call you
too,” he said with a sigh.

“I’m pissed at you,” she said.
“I know, but it was a toss up, her or you.”
“And you picked her.”

“Only because we live in the same town and she
works for me. If she didn’t, I would have called
you in a heartbeat,” he said with a smile. He’d
known Martha for a long time. She was the one who
made sure he watched out for Emily.

Bill had met Martha when he was a kid, she was
injured and his dad had had to patch her up. He’d
liked her instantly and she’d seemed to tolerate
him. They’d been friends ever since. They trusted
each other and in her line of work, that meant
something. He was the first one she called when
she needed help. That meant a lot to him.

“I can understand that,” she said. He could
hear the smile in her voice. “So, what’s up with
this guy?”

“He used to be a Hunter. One of the shifter
mates confused him with her compassion for
shifters, and he learned we aren’t the monsters
he’d been taught. Emily had him locked up for a
while, but she’s ended up having feelings for him.”

“I got the feelings part.”
“So, you’ve met him,” Bill smiled.
“Yeah, he doesn’t seem like a bad guy. He
almost seems right for Emily.”
“He does. I hope they work out,” Bill said.
“So, what’s new with you?” she asked him.
“Nothing. You?”

“Same. How about when we get Stacy back, you
and I go out, get drunk, and pour our hearts out?”
she asked.

“Perfect. I’ll have the Grey Goose ready,” he
said with a smile.
“Good. I’ll see you soon, hopefully,” she said
and hung up.

Bill always liked talking to Martha. She knew
what it was like to be him. He might not work for
the council, but he did fight in the good fight.

Emily walked out of the restaurant with Paul.
It was their first date, kind of. She wasn’t sure
if she was really that happy about it, but it was
the truth. Maybe when Stacy was home safe they
could go on a real date? The movies, maybe? It
had been years since she’d been; maybe it was
something he would want to do?

“Are you going back to your room?” he asked
her. She nodded.

They walked to the elevator in silence. She
didn’t know what to say and he didn’t seem to want
to talk. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but it wasn’t
exactly comfortable either.

There seemed to be some hunger in him, and not
for food. She knew what the hunger was, but that
didn’t mean she wanted to act it out in front of
people. Maybe if he walked into her room, they
could do something about it. She was really hoping
he’d go for it. Emily was too afraid to say it,
especially after the last time they had been in her

When they stepped into the elevator, she looked
around and saw they were alone. She knew there was
going to be more of that silence. “Paul…” she
started to say. She wanted to invite him to her
room, but that would be admitting to him that she
wanted him.

He turned to her and she faced him. Before she
could do or say anything, she found herself against
the wall and Paul’s hands up her shirt. She
couldn’t hold back the moan.

“Paul,” she said, trying to wake him from the
lust induced haze. She wanted him, there was no
denying it, but she didn’t want some little old
lady or a family with ten kids to catch them.

“Too much talking,” he whispered into her ear,
before devouring her mouth.

“People,” she said, hoping to get through to
him. He nodded and reached over, hitting the
emergency stop button. Before she could think more
about it, he was pulling her shirt off.

Emily helped him; she couldn't keep herself
from him. She just hoped whoever was watching was
enjoying the show. She pushed her pants and
panties down, jumping on Paul and wrapping her arms
and legs around him. She wanted down, dirty, and
fast. She had to have him and no one was going to
tell her no.

Paul wasn't sure what had changed, but he
wasn't complaining.

Emily was reaching down and unzipping his
jeans. Before he could do anything, she had his
cock out and was stroking it. He couldn't believe
how good it felt to have her hand on him.

He almost dropped her when he felt the wet heat
of her pussy. He let out a strangled moan. When
she angled her body and took him inside her, he had
to rely a little more on the wall than he wanted
to. When she started moving, he had to buckle his
knees to stay upright. It felt incredible.

“Emily,” he moaned, and took over thrusting.
He couldn't hold back; it just felt so good and he
was so close.

“Paul, I'm coming,” she screamed, and he felt
her muscles milking his cock, pushing him over the

He couldn't hold them up any more. They fell
to the floor, breathing heavily. He wasn't able to

“Give me a minute,” he said to her, then
dropped his head on her shoulder.
She started laughing.
“You,” she said with another laugh.
“What?” he asked again.
“You not being able to move.”
“Why is that funny?”

“Because you weren’t able to hold us up. We’re
sitting on the floor of an elevator, too boneless
to move,” Emily said, laughing again. This time
Paul joined in.

“Okay, we should get the elevator moving before
they send a rescue team after us.”

“You’re right,” she said, and stood up. They
both got their clothes situated, and Paul pushed
the button to get the elevator moving again.

“So, your room or mine?” he asked her.
“The closest?” she suggested.

“Sounds good to me,” he said, and took her hand
when the bell dinged, letting them know they had
arrived at their floor.


Stacy woke to the sound of her cell being
unlocked, smelling Richard immediately. She kept
her eyes closed, trying to figure out if he was
there to drop off food or hurt her. He’d never
brought anything to her cell that she knew of.

“Wake up!” she heard him yell before kicking
her side.

She sat up quickly, knowing that if she didn’t,
she’d be in more pain. It was best to comply with
the psycho people until you found a way out.

She was in no position to escape, but maybe
soon. She just had to wait for the opening and she
would find one.

He grabbed her arm, nearly dislocating it, and
dragged her out of the cell and out of the
compound. She didn’t have time to enjoy the smell
of fresh air before he threw her into a tree about
a half mile from the compound.

He must be trying to get her so confused she
wouldn’t be able to find her way back. She didn’t
need her memory for that; all she had to do was
scent it. It wouldn’t be that hard.

“You bitch! You brought all this down on us.
You are the reason we’ve lost so many people,”
Richard yelled before kicking her.

She knew better than to say anything. He’d
just hit her harder if she did. That was something
Emily had drilled into her brain. Keep your mouth
shut, it would help in some very bad situations.

Richard picked her up by her shirt collar and
punched her in the face. She could feel the blood
running down her face and heard the crunch of bone
from the impact. She stood back up after he
dropped her.

She was wrong. He wasn’t letting her go. He
was killing her. She wasn’t going to go down
without a fight. She wasn’t going to let him kill
her. She couldn’t.

Stacy caught him as he was catching his breath.
He was cocky and stupid, so she was going to use
that to her advantage.

Kicking out before standing up straight, she
got a good hit to his stomach. She was sure that,
even if she hadn’t broken his ribs, she’d
definitely done some damage.

Then he retaliated. He kneed her in the
abdomen and broke at least one rib. She was
starting to wonder how much longer she was going to
be able to hold out. She let herself fall to the
ground and stayed there and didn’t move, even when
he kicked her a few more times in the head and
back. Maybe he’d just let her die?

Richard saw the girl hit the ground hard. He
wanted to make sure she was dead. She was still
breathing, but she wasn’t moving. He kicked her a
few times in the head and back, hearing bone
breaking. He knew she wouldn’t be able to survive
that. There was no way anyone could, even a

He watched her for a minute, just to make sure,
but she didn’t move. Her breathing slowed and he
knew she was done.

He had to get out of there, though. He knew
the shifters were coming. He knew if they found
him near her, they’d tear him to shreds. He wanted
to take them down, but not become kitty food.

Turning, he headed back to the compound without
a second look at the girl.

He was leaving. He wasn’t going to chance them
coming after him, and he had no intention of
letting Zeke know she was dead. He wanted him to
be surprised when they gutted him. Then Richard
would take over and finally be able to do what he’d
been wanting to do, kill every last shifter.

Emily was in Jason’s room with everyone when
there was a knock on the door. Jason opened it and
let in the extra troops. She recognized some from
Basil’s pack. Phil was someone she saw quite
often, same with Ross and Juan. There were a few
she didn’t know, but as long as Bill trusted them,
she was good with it.

“Okay, so we’re hitting the compound tonight,”
Jason said.
“Do you think she’s there?” Phil asked.

“We don’t know. We have reason to believe she
is, but we won’t know for sure until we get there,”
Jason replied, and Phil nodded.

“Any more questions?” Jason asked.
Everyone shook their heads.

“We’re going to be splitting up into two teams,
me leading one and Emily the other. We’re going to
hit it hard. This is one of the larger compounds
and I’m pretty sure they’ve increased their
security, so be alert,” Jason said.

Everyone nodded.
“Okay, we’re going in an hour, so get ready,”
Jason said, and went into his bathroom. It was a
strange place to retreat to, but to each his own.

“Okay, let’s go get geared up,” Emily said to
He nodded and followed her out of the room.

“Do you need any weapons?” She didn’t want him
to leave her alone. She knew it was stupid and a
girl thing, but she didn’t want him to leave.

“I think I’m okay, but how about I go to your
room anyway?” he asked with a smile.

It seemed he knew why she asked. Maybe he was
thinking more along the lines of shower sex, but
that wouldn’t really be a bad thing.

“Okay,” she said with a smile. She was
thinking she was all for shower sex. Hey, they
were both getting clean. That counts, right?


Paul knew Emily didn’t want him to leave her.
He also knew it had nothing to do with sex, but
that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to try for a

When they got to her room, Paul asked “are you
going to take a shower” at the same time Emily said
“I’m jumping in the shower if you want to come”.

They both smiled and headed straight for the
bathroom, stripping as they went. Emily turned on
the water and Paul couldn't resist the naked flesh
in front of him.

He started kissing her on her neck, then
working his way down her back. He loved the moan
that came from her. He wanted to hear more of it.

He reached around and started pinching her
nipples, getting another moan from her. He had to
have more. He just hoped the water heated up
faster so he could have her before he came too
soon. She just did something to him, made him feel
out of control and like a teenager again.

She turned her head and kissed him, wanting to
feel his lips on her. She tasted so good. It was
intoxicating. He was addicted to her. He didn't
know what he'd do when this was all over. He
didn't think he could give her up.

“Inside,” Emily groaned as she stepped in.

“Perfect,” Paul said, and stepped in behind
her. He really wanted to be inside her and
couldn't wait until he was. He ran his hands over
Emily's back. Her skin was so soft; he couldn't
get enough.

“Paul,” she moaned. He pushed her over so she
was leaning against the wall and entered her from
behind. She was so warm and felt so good.

“Oh, God!”
“I'm Paul, but close enough,” he whispered into
her ear.

“Your wish is my command,” he said with a
smile, and started moving in and out of her. Her
muscles were clamping down on him, trying to hold
him in. He had to grit his teeth, trying to stop
himself from coming. He had to hold out for just a
little longer.

“Please,” Emily moaned. Paul started kissing
her neck, enjoying the taste of her skin. He
couldn't get over how good she tasted. He gripped
her hips and started thrusting in harder, listening
to her moans of pleasure.

She screamed.

He felt the muscles in her squeeze his cock.
He couldn’t hold back any more. He came inside
her, enjoying the feel of her warm heat strangling
his cock.

Emily leaned back on him in exhaustion. It
took a lot for him to hold them both up. He wanted
to curl up in bed with her and not get up for a
week, but he knew they had to go. They had to find

“We have to go,” he mumbled into her ear. She
nodded, but didn't move.

Emily must have been in her post orgasmic bliss
because normally she would have been ready to kill
anyone and get to Stacy.

In that moment, she was in Paul’s arms,
relaxing against him, trusting him to hold her up.
Paul couldn’t have been happier. He kissed her
forehead, then helped her stand up and get out of
the shower. Something must have occurred to her
because she stood up and started drying off.

“I need to get to my room and get my things,”
he said as he put his clothes on.

She nodded, keeping her back to him. He could
tell she didn’t like the way she was acting. He
had suspected that this would happen, but had hoped
it wouldn’t. He should have known. This was Emily
Kincade, ruthless killer.

“I’ll see you later,” he said and walked out.
He didn’t want to make her more uncomfortable than
she already was. He knew he’d find a way to keep
her; it would just take some time.


Zeke was looking forward to finishing the book
with Stacy. They only had a few chapters left. He
rushed into the room that held her cell and froze.

It was empty.

He knew what had happened to her; he just hoped
he was wrong. He had a feeling Richard had taken
her to kill her. He hoped for her sake, and
theirs, that he was wrong. Emily would track down
her sister’s killer and butcher them.

“Richard!” he yelled, hoping to catch the man
before he killed her.
He went looking for him, hoping it wasn’t too

When Zeke reached the outer door of the
compound, he spotted Richard walking back, covered
in blood. “Please tell me you didn’t kill her,” he
said when Richard was close enough to hear.

“She was still alive when I left her.”
“Is she going to heal from the damage you did?”
he asked.

“I doubt it. I think I broke most of her bones
and did a nice bit of damage to her head. She was
barely breathing when I left her.”

“How could you do this to us?” he whispered.
“What do you mean? You befriended her. You
betrayed us!” he yelled.

“You crossed a line, and to top it off, you
took Emily Kincade’s sister. You ruined us,” he

Zeke walked back into the compound. He’d lost
Stacy and possibly everything he’d worked so hard
for, but he wasn’t done yet.

He knew it was time to leave. Richard
apparently hadn’t been paying attention when Zeke
had explained that shifters have an excellent sense
of smell. Once they found Stacy, they were going
to be on their way to destroying everything.

He had every intention of leaving Richard to
them. He deserved to be gutted. Leaving him there
made killing him a lot easier, though. He didn’t
have to worry about not being strong enough. If
they didn’t do it, he was going to have to make
sure he did. The man was sick and needed to be put

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