Emily's Passion (9 page)

Read Emily's Passion Online

Authors: A J Storm


Alan straddled the bike revving the engine as I gingerly climbed up onto the passenger seat. I wasn’t sure what to do with my hands and arms since I wasn’t sure I wanted to wrap them around him. He was quiet as we left the roadside park making me feel a bit guilty. My thoughts kept going back and forth between forgiving him or stopping everything right now. The drive back would take over an hour so I would have some time to work it out in my mind. I was watching Alan in the mirror this time. I could tell by the stiff position of his mouth he knew he had screwed up. His face looked broken and I guessed his heart was too. I had grown very fond of him but he would have to accept the consequences of his mistake. The trip back went faster than I had hoped as we drove onto the road leading to the cabins. Letting me off at my cabin, I didn’t say a word; just smiled and went in.


I watched him throw his helmet through the door of his cabin. Since there was no reason to be angry with me, I guessed that he was angry with himself.




Chapter Eleven


I sat on the side of my bed thinking about what I was going to do. Should I tell Alan to leave or should I give him another chance. After all, he did tell me the truth and he didn’t have to do that. I would never have known Ryan Wolf was even connected to Alan. Alan could have easily closed Ryan’s account and no one would have known the difference. I had to give him points for that. I really liked him and enjoyed his company. We were good together.


Slipping off my shoes, I undressed making my way to the bathroom. I reached into the shower
, turning on the water to let it begin to warm. There was a slight chill in the cabin and a warm shower was what I needed. My hair brush was lying by the sink and I picked it up starting to brush my hair. I looked in the mirror seeing what a mess the wind had made of it.


“Well crap,” I complained. “This is gonna take forever to brush out.” I stepped into the bedroom pulling a hair clip out of my suitcase, twisting my hair up on my head, and clipping it in place. The water was warm as I stepped inside the shower letting it spray against my body. I turned in a circle making sure my entire body was wet as I lathered my ha
nds with the bath gel. ‘Oh hell, who am I kidding,’ I thought leaning against the wall. I wanted Alan’s arms around me so I knew what I needed to do. I rinsed the gel from my body, turned the water off, and grabbed a towel to dry myself. I picked a pair of black boxers to wear, threw on a T-shirt that came almost to my knees, and slipped on my flip flops. Grabbing my key and brush, I headed for Alan’s door.


The air was cool making my skin pebble with goose bumps. I hesitated at his door thinking maybe he wouldn’t want me back after the fit I had thrown. My eyes began to tear up as I knocked softly on the door.


Alan opened the door dressed in shorts and nothing else. He found me standing there with tears streaming down my face and shivering. I was sure I looked pitiful.


I couldn’t hold my tears back as I stationed myself there in the cool evening air. He stared into my eyes and broke into a warm smile that went to his eyes.


“Can I come in, Alan?” I begged.


He tenderly cupped my face in his hand saying, “Yes, little girl. I want you to come in.”  He drew me into his arms holding me close against his body letting me cry.


“Oh Alan, I need your arms around me. I need to feel your warmth,” I cried. “Please, don’t let go of me.”


“Never, little girl. You’ll have to pry my arms off,” he answered. “I have to tell you again how sorry I am. I never meant to hurt you.”


I placed my fingers on his lips. “Shh, I am the one who is sorry for yelling at you. It’s all in the past. We go on from here.”


Alan bent down placing his lips against mine softly at first. As he drew my body closer against his, his kiss became harder and more demanding. The hairbrush that was in my hand pressed against his back. Pulling back, he looked at me and asked what was in my hand.


I laughed saying, “It’s my hair brush. I have to work on brushing this rat’s nest out. That’s what I get for taking my hair out of the ponytail when I was on the back of your bike.”


“Here, give it to me,” he offered. “I’ll do it.”  He had me sit on the bed pulling my body in between his legs up against his crotch.


I couldn’t resist giggling, “What do you have in your crotch?  Are you just happy to see me?”


He chuckled and hugged me closer pressing his cock against my ass saying, “I can show you just how happy I am to see you if you want me to!” 


Taking the hair clip out, he let my hair fall down in a mangled mess. He started at the bottom of my hair gently brushing the tangles out
, working his way up my head. Twenty minutes later he had them all brushed out and my hair smooth. He ran his fingers through it seeming to enjoy the feel of it.


“Will you let me braid it?” he asked.


“Sure, but I don’t have a ponytail holder with me,” I replied.


“I think I’ve got a rubber band or two in my suitcase, hang on a minute,” he suggested. He scooted off the bed and rifled through his suitcase until he found the bag filled with safety pins, paper clips, band
-aids, and rubber bands.


“Yep, here’s one,” he told me holding it up.


He sat back on the bed behind me moving up close and began braiding my hair. When he was finished I had one long braid down my back almost to my waist.


Wrapping his arms around me, he tugged me down onto the bed holding me close. I snuggled against his chest feeling safe, warm, and right where I needed to be.


“Stay with me tonight, Emily. Please,” he pleaded. “I need to hold you and I want you here with me all night. I was afraid I had lost you.”


I looked up at him giving him a wicked grin, “No sex!”


“No, no sex,” he chuckled. “In the morning we will go to the Crazy Horse Monument then if you agree to Saturday, tomorrow afternoon we will talk about your hard and soft limits list. I’ll give you the list at lunch after we get back from Crazy Horse.”


He got up from the bed stripping out of his shorts sporting a massive erection. My body grew warm and tingled just looking at it; however, I managed to smile and say, “Really?”


“No, I promise, no sex but damn woman, I have no control over this! You’re just going to have to put up with it. It isn’t going away anytime soon,” he joked.


He turned down the covers on his side of the bed then opened his arms to me. I smiled, scooted off the edge of the bed, and willingly scampered into his embrace tracing my lips over his chest.


“Now, little girl, you are dangerously close to being thrown on that bed and fucked until both of us can’t walk,” he threatened while running his fingers over my braid. “You get in on this side and I will tuck you in.”


I crawled onto the bed letting him pull the covers up around my chest tucking them around my body. Alan turned off the overhead light then stumbled over to the other side of the bed getting in between the sheets. He scooted to the center of the bed pulling me against his body with my head resting on his chest. I began to trace my fingers in his hair in slow circles. Drowsiness overtook me and my circles slowed to a stop as I fought to stay awake.


Alan drew in a deep breath whispering, “I am so glad you sought me out and I am so grateful you forgave me.”  He dragged me closer as his breathing slowed down. I drifted off to sleep satisfied.


awoke early the next morning. When Alan crawled out of bed his cock was in dire need of attention. I could never take my eyes off that beautiful specimen of manhood and I could hear him chuckling.


“I am going to have to relieve myself in the shower but I have no idea how long it will last. You, woman, keep me in a constant state of wood!”


I grabbed my turn taking a quick “sponge” bath in the sink. He helped me re-braid my hair and then dug around in his suitcase for some cereal bars. Tossing me a couple of the bars along with a handkerchief to tie around my head, he grabbed his helmet from the floor, and opened the door for me. I went to change my underwear and shirt while he got the bike ready to go. After slipping into my jeans again, I stuffed my feet into my boots. I tied the handkerchief around my head, looked in the mirror, and busted out laughing. “Grannie is hell on wheels,” I shouted out loud. The revving of the engine outside was Alan’s way of telling me he was ready to go. I stepped through the doorway. One look at me and he howled!


“You look like one badass mother!”


“Yeah right!” I replied.


“Little girl!” he growled.


I winked, ducked my head, and lowered my eyes whispering I was sorry. Once perched behind him on the bike, I reached my arms under his, over and around his chest. He punched the gas and we were off.


The ride wasn’t nearly as long this morning since it was approximately forty miles to the memorial. I was interested in everything about Indian history and culture. Crazy Horse was revered by the Lakota tribe and chosen by Native American Leaders to represent them to be a role model of selfless dedication and service to others. Regarded as a hero in his personal life, he was to his people as well.


We spent the morning going through The Indian Museum of North America, the sculptor’s studio and home, Native American Educational and Cultural Center, and of course the Gift Shop. Alan watched me as I soaked up all of the information I could gather. He was looking at me as if I were a child with a pile of presents to open waiting to give him a big thank you hug.


I looked over at him while he was watching me with a smile on his face that reached all the way to his eyes. Blushing bright pink, I grinned back and he grabbed me kissing the top of my head.


“Shit, you are beautiful when you do that,” he spoke.


After we bought a few souvenirs and left a small donation to the project itself, we headed back to the cabins. I was starving leaning over his shoulder shouting we needed to stop by the restaurant before actually going to the cabins. He always gave into my cravings. The hamburger, fries, and coke tasted like pure heaven after the cereal bars this morning. My tummy was full, satisfied and I was ready for a nap.


Back in my cabin, I was ready to stretch out on the bed when a knock on the door stopped me. The door was unlocked since I knew it would probably be Alan wanting to do more cuddling, I hollered “Come in!”


A folder containing papers was in his hand as he stepped into the dining/ living area giving me a hug. He ushered me to the table near the kitchenette having me sit. Handing me the folder, he explained the papers inside were a BDSM check list for hard and soft limits.


“Read through them carefully! In the first column put a yes or no if you have had any experience with each item. The second column is for you to answer if you are interested to try the limit by indicating a level number. The levels are from zero to five with zero being a “don’t like it” to a five meaning it is a “definite turn on” for you. If you refuse to even attempt an item put No,” he explained. “Do you have any questions? Oh, and if there is something you don’t know what it is, put a question mark by it. We will go over it later!”


I looked through the pages my eyes growing big as I looked back to his sexy face. “The thing is twelve pages long,” I complained.


Alan sauntered towards the door smiling. “I know. That’s why I’ll give you a couple of hours then I’ll be back to talk about it with you!”


As I read through the list my eyes became larger and larger! “What in the hell is that?” I exclaimed shaking my head. I would definitely need the whole two hours!


Meticulously going through each item, I answered as many as I could. Half of the list I had no idea what they were. The hard part came trying to decide what level to put for my ‘maybes’. It was hard to decide whether I might want to experiment with it or not. I had no problem with the definite negatives. If I didn’t care one way or another I would put a lower level and make sure Alan discussed it with me. ‘Surely we aren’t going to try all of these in one day,’ I thought to myself.


I finished the list in an hour and a half. “Not bad for an amateur,” I squealed strutting around the room. I stretched out on the bed and before I knew it I was asleep. Another hour and a half went by and I woke up looking directly into Alan’s eyes.


“Hello beautiful,” he purred.


I whispered. I snuggled into his arms making my own purring sounds against his chest.


“Mmm, little girl, you’re gonna make me break my promise,” he threatened. “Oh and next time, lock your door after I leave!”


“Yes, Sir!” I answered.


“You make my cock harder at just the sound of your voice so willing to comply,” he groaned.

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