Authors: Barbara Cross

EMIT (THE EMIT SAGA) (42 page)

Pierce and James came running from across the street. Instantly, there was a throng of people everywhere and I saw James brandishing a badge. At least ten agents swarmed the scene; men I’d never seen before.

“We need an ambulance!” I was frantic. “Where’s Lily? Please find her!” I pleaded with James Haydin. They must have a tracker in Lily’s phone. I didn’t know what to do. Terror overcame me as I grasped that Dad and/or Lily might die. 

“A car is following the van and an ambulance is coming for your dad,” James informed me and walked away to talk to some men.

“What happened? Did he get shot?” I was hysterical. Daniel put his arms around me as I sat on the sidewalk next to dad, freaking out.

“No, the gun never went off. When he lunged at the guy, he tripped.”

“I have to call my mom.” I reached for my cell and Daniel stopped me.

“Before you call, we have to have the same story.”

I looked at him like he was a stranger. My father was lying on the ground unconscious and Lily had been abducted and he thought I cared if we had the same story. “Are you crazy?” I shrieked. “I don’t care. My father’s hurt and Lily’s gone.” My call got postponed anyway because the ambulance arrived and I rushed over.

As the medics prepped Dad, James came over. “Lily’s fine. She’ll be here shortly.” I was so relieved.
Thank God!
If anything had happened to Lily, I would’ve died. I should have warned everybody. I knew how dangerous this all was.

“Paige, call your mom and tell her your dad fell and we’re on the way to the hospital,” James instructed. 

A black car pulled up. I watched as Lily jumped out and ran to me. On cue, we both started crying and I held on to her so tightly. Seeing Dad on the stretcher, she asked, “What happened?”

“He fell and smashed his head on the ground or a pole. Are you okay?”

“I’m okay, they didn’t hurt me. They wanted me to warn you that you better give them the info or the same thing will happen to you that happened to Sonia. What are they talking about? I thought you gave them the envelope.”

“They’re after another one.”

Lily’s mouth dropped. “I can’t believe this.” Lily leaned on a parked car and looked white as a ghost. “We’re all still in danger?” she asked.

Daniel put both hands on Lily’s shoulder to steady her because she looked like she was about to keel over and tried to reassure her by saying, “You have security, don’t worry.”

“I have security! Big deal! I was just abducted. Where was my security? What about my parents?” Lily said shaking.

“No, they’re not involved in this, and they’re perfectly safe,” added Daniel.

“How do you know that?” Lily demanded. Lily was giving him a hard time, not wanting vague answers, but grew more and more frustrated as that’s all she kept hearing. Lily was right. Since everything was constantly changing, Daniel saying our parents were safe was ludicrous. My dad wasn’t supposed to get hurt. How could Daniel guarantee anything anymore? Tired of their verbal debate and knowing Lily wouldn’t win, I went over to the ambulance.

While Dad was being put in the ambulance, Daniel and Lily came over. Someone I didn’t know approached Daniel and I heard Sonia’s name.

“What happened?” I asked, but I knew the answer before he told me.

“She was found dead,” he whispered in my ear,
so Lily didn’t hear. My body was shaking and fear was becoming a common emotion. How much more of this could I endure?

I mustered the courage and called
. “Mom, Dad fell on the sidewalk and he’s unconscious. We’re on the way to the hospital” Mom became frantic and said she was on her way.

I got in the ambulance and D
aniel kissed me on my head. “We’ll be right behind you. Lily will ride to the hospital with me.”

I closed my eyes and prayed that Dad would be all right.
When the ambulance stopped, I opened my eyes and Dad looked small on the stretcher and so pallid.

As t
hey wheeled him into the hospital, I stared at his unmoving form and my eyes filled with tears. After all, this was my fault. When I was asked to keep this secret, I never imagined anything like this was even possible. Everything I was involved in was dangerous, yet somehow I felt safe and believed that my family would be unharmed.

My parents always said if someone told me to keep a secret from them not to listen. So what did I do? I ignored their advice. All the red flags and all the warnings screaming in my head didn’t dissuade me either.

Because of that decision, I was standing in a hospital staring at my dad who was in a catatonic state. Why didn’t I tell my parents! Warn them about what I was involved in! I told myself that I was protecting them, but was I just being selfish?

Entrenched in this bizarre world where everything seemed so impossible
, but was actually real, I succumbed to the adventure. All my perceived notions about what I would and wouldn’t do in certain situations went right out the window.

Suddenly, I noticed movement and saw Dad thrashing around. I rushed over to him. Looking around confused, Dad stared at me and appeared to be waiting for an explanation. “Dad, are you okay?”

He mumbled, “I think so. What happened?”

“You hit your head. We’re at the hospital.” Mom rushed in and was thrilled that he was awake.

“Oliver, how are you feeling?”

“My head hurts.” A door opened and a doctor headed towards us.

“Hello, I’m Dr. Carr. The nurse said you arrived unconscious. It’s a good sign you’re up and about. We need a CT scan, stat.” An orderly wheeled Dad away.

“What happened? The ambulance report says he fell and hit his head?” the doctor asked Mom and she looked at me for the answer.

“I’m not sure. I think he tripped and hit a pole or smashed his head on the sidewalk.” This hadn’t been a good summer for my family, first Nana, then me, and now Dad, not to mention Lily’s abduction.

“As soon as I have some news, I’ll find you,” the doctor said and left.

After all the insurance information was given, Mom went to make the necessary phone calls to the health insurance company. James, Daniel and Lily were sitting in the waiting room and poor Lily looked ashen. I hugged her and all I could say was, “I’m so sorry. I wish they had taken me.”

“If they took you, I don’t think you they would’ve let you go.”

“Probably not, but I wouldn’t feel so guilty. If anything happened to you…” my voice trailed off and tears welled up in my eyes.

“Calm down. I’m trying to forget it or I might break down again. Let’s worry about your dad right now.” She was right.

James and Daniel were whispering and I wasn’t sure what they were planning. James asked if we could all go outside. Daniel took my hand as we exited the hospital. When I glanced over, Mom was still on the phone.

Outside, James said, “Please tell your parents exactly what happened on the street today.”

Confused, I asked, “We can say that some men tried to kidnap us?”

“Yes,” James responded dismissively.

“My parents are going to freak out!” I said, flustered by the absurdity.

“Trust me. I’ll take care of everything,” he answered and seemed annoyed by my questions.

“Even that Lily was taken?” I asked, looking at Lily, who shrugged, not understanding what was going on either.

“Yes. Just tell her it was a mistake. A prank gone wrong,” drilled James. “Just leave out the gun part, please.”

“Okayyyyyy,” I said in a sing-songy voice. Mom was going to have a fit and this wasn’t going to work. When we got back inside, Mom was looking for me.

“What’s going on? Are you okay?” she asked looking concerned.

Before I had a chance to answer, James stepped forward and introduced himself, “I’m James Haydin, Daniel’s uncle.”

Mom shook his hand. “Lena Devon
. What happened to my husband?”

“It was the craziest thing. Dad, Lily, and I were walking home and we bumped into Daniel at Columbus Circle. As we walked up Central Park West, Lily and I got ahead of them because they got caught at a light. Lily and I were across the street when a van pulled up. Two men jumped out, grabbed us and started dragging us inside.”

“What?” she exclaimed. Staring at me in horror, she cupped her hand over her mouth.

“Somebody yelled and the guy who was holding me let go, but the other guy dragged Lily inside the van and drove off.”

Mom looked at Lily. “What? How did you get away?”

“It was a
mistake and they let me out,” Lily said.

“What mistake?
What happened to Oliver?” Mom asked puzzled.

“Dad and Daniel ran across the street and the next thing I knew Dad was on the ground unconscious. He tripped and hit
and smashed his head.”

Mom glanced over at James and Daniel and asked, “Were you there, James?”

“Not when they were accosted. Daniel called me after he called the ambulance. I was in a cab on Eighth Avenue on my way home. I arrived shortly after. The police were already there and basically it was a prank gone awry.” What was he saying? There were no police, just NSA.

“A prank?” she shrieked. “What are you talking about?”

James continued, “Apparently, some guy was trying to frighten his ex-girlfriend. He asked his cousin to scare her, but he mistakenly grabbed Lily.”

“Are they
crazy? I can’t believe this! My husband’s lying in a hospital.”

Mom believed this crazy story, which absolutely surprised me. At the same time, James does works for the NSA. Why wouldn’t a person believe him? Why would he lie?

Looking at Lily and I, she added, “I’m so glad you two are okay.”

“Thank you for being there to help,” she said addressing James. “Of course and you too, Daniel. I’m so glad you were there

“No problem. Glad to help any way I can. I
’m really sorry.” Mom didn’t catch it, but Daniel was looking at me when he apologized.

wasn’t responsible for this mess, but I was angry with everybody, even myself.

“What if Oliver had been alone with the girls? What would’ve happened?”
she said. “Were they arrested?”

“I’m not sure. We followed the ambulance here,” answered

t felt like hours when the doctor finally came out. He said that there was no blood on the brain, but Dad had a bad concussion and needed to stay overnight. With a loud sigh, Mom rushed to his room and we all lingered outside. Peeking in, I saw her stroking his hair and talking to him. Step by step, I slowly entered and stood staring at my father. What had I done? Guilt consumed me and I couldn’t look him in the eyes.

Lily came in after she called Aunt Cecile.
“Aunt Lena, I spoke to Mom and she’s waiting for Dad at the train station and then they’re driving straight to the hospital.”

“Let me go call her. There’s nothing they can do. Lily, you told her what happened to you?”

“Yes, she’s really upset, I told her I was okay, but maybe she’ll believe you.”

“I’ll do my best,” Mom said, as she walked
out of the room.

I said, “Dad, I’m so sorry.
Are you okay?”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. My head’s hard as a rock.”

I know he was trying to make me laugh, but that was impossible.
“Not funny Dad.”

“What actually happened? Everything’s a bit fuzzy. I remember walking home with you and Lily then I woke up here.”

Dad listened as I told him, but he didn’t remember anything.

“You’re kidding?” Dad said at the end.

“No, she’s not,” said Mom, as she came in. “What an asinine prank. Oliver you should sue them for medical bills, pain and suffering. Paige and Lily should sue, too. They’ve been traumatized and they could’ve been hurt. Those guys have to be punished.”

“Lena, let’s talk about this later. There’s been enough excitement for one day.”

“Fine, but I could scream! Lily, your mom isn’t coming. She said to call her later.”

“I will.”

“Girls, let’s go home. I’ll feel better making sure you two are safe inside. Will you be okay if I stay here with Dad tonight?”

Lily nodded at me, so I said, “Mom, we’re good. We’ll just watch a movie and try to relax.”

“Lena, no. I’ll be fine. Stay home and sleep there.”

“No, I’ll walk the girls home and I’ll be back,” Mom said. “Girls go find Daniel. I want to talk to Oliver for a minute.”

I hugged Dad and told him to get better. He smiled weakly and squeezed my arm.

I put my arm around Lily and helped her up. She looked like she would fall over. We found Daniel in the hallway talking to Pierce. James was gone.

“Mom is walking us home and coming back to stay with my dad tonight.”

Pierce got on his cell and that’s when I noticed it. On his left palm, there were three black dots. It had to be a traveler thing.

While we waited, Lily called Chad and told him what had happened.

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