Enchantment (17 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Abel

Don’t think about sex, don’t think about sex, Don’t think about sex …



“Are you okay?”

She kept her eyes hidden, but couldn’t hide the tremor in her voice.

“I’m fine.”

“You're lying.”

“I know.”

“Want to talk about it?’

She heard the sheets rustle and groaned.

“Please, Josh. You can’t come any closer.”

“But, I want to hold you.”

“If you think what those girls did to you was bad—”

“Channie, you’re nothing like those girls.”

“I am exactly like those girls.”

“No. You’re not. Most of them have never been the least bit interested in me until today. You liked me before this crazy magic changed me from a beanpole into a sex god.” He quirked his mouth to the side. “Am I the first boy you’ve liked?”

“You’re my first boyfriend.” Channie couldn’t believe she’d ever been attracted to Hunter freaking Feenie.

Josh said, “You’re too damn hot to not have boys crawling all over you.”

“Have you seen the way everyone avoids me at school? You’d think I was a leper.”

“That’s only because they all think you carry a taser. What about back in Arkansas? Did you have any magical boyfriends.”

“No.” Daddy made damn sure of that. “What’s a taser?”

“It’s a non-lethal weapon that uses a high voltage electrical shock to disable an attacker for up to fifteen minutes.”

“You sound like an expert.”

Josh grinned and shrugged his shoulders. “I googled it after you zapped me.”

“So everybody at school thinks I go around zapping boys with a taser?”

“Pretty much. I’m surprised you haven’t been called into the principal’s office yet.”

“I’m not. Most boys are too proud to admit that a girl got the better of them. Did you tell anyone I zapped you?”

“Huh, I see your point.” Josh leaned back and draped his arms across the back of the bench. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure, but I reserve the right not to answer it.”

Josh leaned forward and put his elbows on the table, clasping his hands. He rested his chin on his thumbs and hid his mouth behind his knuckles. “Why did you avoid me at first?”

“Other than fearing for your life if Daddy found out about you, I didn’t want to get too attached.”


“Because you’re an Emp—” Channie’s hand flew to her mouth. “I’m sorry.”

Josh pulled his eyebrows together. “What’s an Imp?”

“Empty. It’s slang for … MD, which stands for Magically Disabled.”

“So that means … I’m what? Not good enough for you?”

“I don’t see it that way.”

“But your parents do, don’t they.” It wasn’t a question so Channie didn’t bother to answer.

Josh said, “Why did you agree to be my girlfriend?”

“Because I like you! I don’t care what my parents think!” Tears pricked the back of Channie’s eyes and she was powerless to stop them.

Josh’s phone blared. He opened it and said, “What? … Since when have I ever been late for the awards? … Fine, I’ll change my shirt. Happy?”

Josh grabbed the back of his jersey with both hands, pulled it off over his head and tossed it on the floor.


Channie’s heart slammed against her ribs so hard she thought it was going to bust right out of her chest. She nearly bit through her lip when Josh’s belly contracted, exaggerating the definition of his abdominal muscles.

She knew she was staring at him like a drooling dog at raw meat, but she couldn’t help it.

Josh said, “Channie? What’s wrong? Your face is all red.”

Of course her face was all red, he’d just caught her staring at his perfect abs. She was still staring, but couldn’t force herself to avert her gaze.

Josh’s lips parted as he blushed. He said, “Sorry,” then jumped up and dug a clean racing jersey out of a drawer under the bench he’d been sitting on. He yanked it on over his head so fast she thought he was going to tear it — but even if he didn’t — she was on the verge of ripping it off herself.

“I need to get out of here. Now.” Channie bolted outside and filled her lungs with the Joshua-free scent of dust, rotting garbage, and chemically treated sewage.

The lust was gone, but for how long?

Josh joined her outside, but he kept his distance.

Channie said, “Promise me you’ll do what your momma said and wait in the trailer for the security men to come fetch you.”

“Where are you going?”

“I need to clear my mind.”

“I’ll go with you—”

“And start another stampede? I don’t think so. Besides, I need to get away from you for a while.”

Josh frowned and shoved his hands in his front pockets.

Channie sighed and shook her head. “I don’t want to leave, but I can’t be this close to you right now.” Josh still looked hurt, so she loosened her grip on Chastity’s magic and let a little of it flow into his shield to make her point.

Josh’s eyes widened as a smile spread across his face. “Wow. Call me if you get lonely.”


Channie went to the Abrim's tarp and played card games with the rest of his family. She didn’t know how to play Bridge or Spades and the Abrim's didn’t know how to play Pinochle, but everyone, including Elijah, knew how to play Poker. Channie was just glad that Daddy had already left. Even though they were only betting with candy, he’d still cheat.

When the awards ceremony began, it gave Channie a chance to appreciate Josh without the influence of magic. She was definitely still attracted to him. About five minutes into the ceremony, it became obvious that Josh was looking for her.

Channie used someone’s ice chest as a step stool to make herself visible and waved at him.

The instant his gaze locked onto hers, a thread of golden energy spiraled out of Channie’s heart-of-hearts and burrowed past Josh’s shield, into his heart, opening a conduit of magic between them. Power flowed both ways through that magical connection — from her heart to his and back again. Channie had never felt anything like it before.

The announcer called Josh’s name. Their magical connection dissolved in a shower of sparks, but a part of Joshua remained inside Channie’s heart-of-hearts. How was this possible? It took years of training to create a heart-bond connection. Josh wasn’t even a mage and yet there he stood, with his eyes on fire and his hands over his heart, staring at Channie in wonder.

The announcer laughed and said, “It’s good to see you never lose that feeling of awe no matter how many races you win. Abrim, get over here and claim your trophy.”

The crowd laughed and cheered as Josh stepped forward and shook hands with several people then took hold of his award — a small gold statue of a boy on a bicycle perched on top of a huge gold and marble pedestal. He lifted it over his head to the sound of even more applause and cheering, but his gaze remained locked on Channie.


There were only a few girls still hanging around after the award ceremony, but Channie had already cursed them so they weren’t a problem. She thought about using the moon-curse on herself as she walked to the privy, but she didn’t have any feminine supplies with her and she was too embarrassed to ask Josh’s momma.

On her way back to the Abrim's tarp, Channie overheard Josh arguing with his daddy inside the trailer. She knew she shouldn’t spy on them, but it sounded like they were arguing about her.

Josh said, “I don’t need these.”

“I’m glad. Take them anyway.”


“I saw the way those girls acted today. You need to be prepared.”

“I’m not interested in those girls!”

“What about Channie? You can’t tell me you aren’t interested in her. And she’s obviously interested in you.”

Channie gasped then slapped her hands over her mouth. She’d tried so hard to behave in front of Josh’s parents, but apparently not hard enough.

“Channie just agreed to be my girlfriend a few hours ago. I do not need these.”

“Humor me.”


“Put one in your wallet right now.”


“Why not?”

“What if Channie sees it? Or … Mom?”

“Being safe is nothing to be ashamed of. I’m sure Channie will appreciate knowing you’re a responsible young man. And I’ve already had a talk with your mother.”

Josh groaned. It started out soft and low but crescendoed into a roar that ended with a very bad word. It was quiet for a few seconds, then Josh said, “Are you kidding me?”

Channie didn’t want to get caught eavesdropping so she hurried back to the Abrim's tarp — except it wasn’t there anymore. She had an excellent sense of direction, but she had been so preoccupied trying to figure out what Josh and his daddy were arguing about, it was possible she’d gotten lost in the dark.

“Boo!” Elijah jumped out of the shadows and nearly made Channie jump out of her skin.

“Good grief! You scared me to death.”

He laughed and grabbed her hand. “I was waiting for you. Come on, I’ll show you where we’re parked. The car’s already loaded.”

Mrs. Abrim had a real nice vehicle with leather seats and clean carpets and not a single hole in the floorboard. Channie crawled into the back seat, but Elijah took off when his Daddy called his name. A few minutes later, Josh opened the hatch in back. Channie twisted around and smiled at him. His lips parted into an oval as his ears and cheeks flamed. He shoved a brown paper bag under the front of his shirt and stuttered when he said, “When did you get back?”

“Just a few minutes ago. What have you got under your shirt?”

“Nothing.” His blush deepened and spread across the base of his throat.

Channie raised her eyebrows.

Josh changed the subject. “Can I sit back there with you, or would you rather I ride up front with Mom?”

“Up front.” It wasn’t what she wanted at all, but Channie knew she wouldn’t be able to control herself if she were sitting next to Josh all the way home.

Josh pressed his lips together and nodded his head once. “Okay.”

“I’m sorry, Josh.”

“Nah, its alright. I understand. I just hope Lijah doesn’t bug you to death.”

“I can handle one eight-year-old little boy. He can’t be half as bad as four-year-old triplets.”

Josh laughed and shut the hatch then called out to Elijah, “Hey, squirt. Channie wants you to sit by her on the way home.”


“Yeah, but just remember, she’s my girlfriend.”

It was after midnight when Mrs. Abrim pulled into Channie’s driveway. Josh walked her to the front door and said, “Thanks for coming to watch me race and for agreeing to be my girl. I hope your parents aren’t too pissed about you staying to watch the awards. Do you want me to come in with you?”

“No. I don’t think that would be a very good idea. Besides, I can handle Momma and Daddy.”


Falling in Love

Channie was surprised that Momma hadn’t peeked through the curtains to spy on her and Josh, especially when she opened the door and heard Momma and Daddy talking in the kitchen.

Momma said, “Channie, get in here,” then softened her tone of voice and added,
“if you please.”

Daddy sat at the table, dressed in his best suit. Momma’s red and white striped dress made her look like a candy cane, but it was her flushed cheeks and open-mouthed smile that caught Channie off guard. Momma rarely smiled, but when she did, she looked ten years younger. “Your daddy and I are going away for a few days. There’s plenty of food in the pantry and icebox, the boys are plum wore out so they’ll probably sleep late—”

“Hold on a minute. What do you mean you and Daddy are going away? Where are you going?”

Daddy said, “I tried to place a few friendly bets on some of the races today but nobody would wager with me. Joshua’s daddy, Ezra, told me that betting on them bike races was illegal but that if I liked to gamble there’s high-stakes gaming up in the mountains.”

“Momma?” Channie couldn’t believe that Momma was okay with the direction this conversation was going.

Momma said, “I don’t usually approve of gambling, but your Daddy’s convinced that he can win enough to pay off his blood debt to the Veyjivik clan. And since there’s nothing but Empties around here. I think maybe this time he’s right. We have a better chance of winning if we work together, so I’m going with him.”

“You’re going to gamble?”

“Betting on a sure thing ain’t exactly gambling.”

“It’s not exactly honest either.”

Daddy smacked his hands together and rubbed them like he was getting ready to role a pair of dice. “It’ll be like shooting fish in a barrel.”

Momma shot a warning glance at Daddy then turned to Channie and said, “They’s nothing but Empties. It ain’t like we’re cheatin’ other mages.”

“You’re fooling yourselves if you think the Veyjivik clan is going to accept money. They want blood.”

Daddy laughed. “Of course they’ll take the money. It’s the law. Gold for blood, ounce for ounce.”

It was pointless to argue against Momma’s bigotry or Daddy’s blind trust in money. It was bred into them. Channie hoped she could come up with a plan before their arrogance killed the whole family. Or tore her away from Josh.

“How long you gonna be gone?”

“I don’t know, but I’ll try to call you in a few days to check up on you and the boys. There’s enough money to buy groceries for at least a week, if you’re smart about it.”

“A week! What about school?”

“You ain’t learnin’ nothing of use in that Empty school anyways. If your daddy and I can earn enough to pay off his debts, we can all go home and you can resume your studies with your Aunt Wisdom.”

Channie’s heart felt like it was being ripped in two. On one hand she was horribly homesick. She missed her friends, aunts, uncles and cousins. She missed her grandparents. And she especially missed Aunt Wisdom. But even if she weren’t certain the Veyjiviks would murder them all, she couldn’t stand the thought of leaving Josh.

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