Read Enchantment Online

Authors: Charlotte Abel

Enchantment (23 page)

She poured Enchantment’s energy into Josh’s shield and marveled at it’s beauty as it grew stronger, brighter, more powerful.

When she finished, Josh ran his hands over his chest, across his belly …

Chastity’s magic erupted out of Channie’s power-well and slammed into Josh’s shield with so much raw power it should have knocked him flat on his back. It didn’t.

“Channie, are you okay?”

She swayed on her feet as the room spun. Josh sprang off the bed and grabbed her arms, steadying her. Her fingers floated towards his face as if in a dream. His cheek was clean-shaved and baby-soft.

They could touch.

He smiled and lifted his own hand, inch by inch, and cupped her cheek with his palm.

His touch released a monster inside Channie’s body — a fire-breathing dragon that devoured her will-power, her morals and all her inhibitions. Her pulse thundered in her ears. Even with Josh’s support she could barely stand up. But she didn’t want to stand up. She wanted to lie down. With Josh. On the bed.

She skimmed her hands over his washboard belly and kissed a trail across his chest, inhaling his intoxicating sandalwood and lemon scent through the barrier of his turtleneck sweater. She ran her fingertips along the waist of his jeans from the center of his back to his hip bones.

Josh grabbed her wrists and stepped sideways away from the bed. “What are you doing?” His voice was rough as pine bark.

“I want to make love with you.”

“You said all you wanted to do was kiss.”

“I was scared when I said that. I’m not scared now.” Channie tried to wiggle her wrists out of his vice-like grip. She needed her hands on his body the way she needed air to breathe. But he refused to let her touch him.

He was generating every bit as much lust as she was. Why was he fighting her?

He said, “Let’s just cuddle … okay?” and loosened his grip enough for her to slide her hands up his forearms.

Cuddle first. Get him on the bed. Then rip his clothes off.

Channie took a backwards step towards her bed and Josh followed. He pulled his lower lip through his teeth and Channie’s heart skipped a beat. She was so distracted by that moist and softly parted mouth of his that it took her a second to realize he was resisting her again. She tightened her grip on his arms and took another step back. He froze.

She tugged a little more insistently — then a lot more insistently. He was as immovable as a mountain. Fine. If he wouldn’t come to her, she would go to him.

She stepped closer, but he grabbed her shoulders and held her at arms length, shaking her gently. “Channie. Slow down.”

Tears of frustration welled up in her eyes. “I thought you loved me.”

“That’s why I’m stopping this. It’s not you, it’s the magic.”

Her tears overflowed, Josh’s energy shifted. Compassion overpowered his lust. He pulled her against his chest and wrapped his arms around her. “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?”

Guilt twisted Channie’s stomach, but her need for him was too strong to let it dissuade her. Besides, he needed her too. He was only resisting out of some misguided sense of duty to her.

Josh ran his hands lightly over the back of her sweatshirt. She knew he was only trying to comfort her, but his touch left behind a trail of fire. Chastity’s magic pulsed from Channie’s body like blood from a severed artery. Josh’s shield soaked it up and glowed red, converting Chastity’s energy into his own seductive magic.

Fever-hot and suffocating, Channie arched her back and lifted her chin to get a breath of air. Josh’s lust resurfaced — more intense than ever. She felt his willpower weaken. She felt his breath, hot and sweet on her cheek. She felt his agony as he teetered on a razor’s edge of indecision.

All he needed was a little push. Channie wiggled out of his arms and grabbed the hem of her sweatshirt, but before she could peel it off over her head, Josh grabbed her wrists again. Damn it to hell and back, this was getting old.

“What are you doing?”

“I already told you. I want you to make love to me.”

“No. You. Don’t.” He shook her again, not so gently this time. “It’s just magic making you feel this way.”

“You want me too. I can feel it. Why are you being so stubborn?”

“I promised I wouldn’t take advantage of you.”

“I release you from your promise.”


“Please, Josh. I’m begging you. I want you so much it hurts.”

Josh pushed Channie towards the bed but it was obvious he had no intention of joining her there. “Just sit here for a second and give us both a chance to cool down. I’ll open the window.”

He pushed the window open with so much force it rattled the glass. The sound of drunken laughter echoed across the park and into her room.

Since her awkward attempts at seduction had failed so miserably, maybe it was time to change tactics.

“If you don’t make love to me right now, I’ll go find someone who will.”

Josh spun around. Emotions flickered across his face too quickly to decipher them all. But Channie recognized shock, fear and anger before his features settled into a look of betrayal so poignant it forced her to look away.

“You don’t mean that.” Josh’s voice cracked.

“I’ve never felt this … aroused before. I need sex and I’ll bet at least one of those boys in the park does too.” The thought of anyone but Josh touching her made Channie nauseous, but Josh didn’t know that. If she could make him jealous, maybe he’d give in.

Josh’s eyes widened then narrowed into slits. His nostrils flared as he clenched his fists.

“They’re stoned out of their minds, Channie. I know those guys. They aren’t rapists, but if you come on to them while they’re loaded, they won’t stop. Not even if you come to your senses and change your mind.”

Channie bolted for the window but Josh grabbed her around the waist and drug her across the hall into the bathroom. She writhed in his arms, but she was not trying to escape.

He said, “If I let go of you, are you going to try to run away?”


He sat on the edge of the bathtub and let her hands wander while he turned on the shower and removed first her shoes and then his own. She slid her hands under his shirt, lifting it to reveal the glorious sight of smooth skin stretched over sculpted muscle. He didn’t try to stop her from touching him, but he refused to let her remove his shirt.

Josh took a deep breath, held it for a few seconds then let it out with a whoosh. He did it again then picked Channie up and carried her into the shower. The spray needled her skin and chilled her to the very marrow of her bones. She had never been so cold in her life. The town of Louisville must get its water supply from a glacier.

Channie’s heart thudded against her ribs.

Josh’s teeth chattered so violently, Channie could barely understand him. “Is this better?”

“Yes.” She felt as if she were freezing to death, but at least she would die happy with Josh pressed intimately against her.

He slid his hands between their bodies then grabbed Channie’s hip bones and pushed her away from him. She struggled to regain the lost contact. But he was too strong.

“Please, Josh, don’t reject me. I can’t stand it.”

“I’m not rejecting—”

Channie lunged forward and grabbed the waistband of Josh’s jeans. He slipped and fell backwards — dreamlike and in slow motion. She tried to catch him, but she was part of the same nightmare, moving at the same torturously slow speed. She watched in horror as his arms windmilled, trying to find purchase on the slick yellow tiles. She cast a suspension spell. It slowed his descent, but it didn’t have time to take full effect. The back of his skull smacked the edge of the bathtub with a horrifying crack.

Fear and shame accomplished what the cold water could not. The last ember of lust expired when Josh groaned and rolled his eyes back in his head.

Channie shut off the shower then slid behind him and cradled his bleeding head against her shoulder. She examined his injuries as blood circled the drain.

Her magical scan revealed a mild concussion but no broken bones. Her visual scan revealed a four-inch gash in his scalp. When she turned his head to the side to get a better look, the edges of the wound parted in a grotesque smile.

He continued to bleed profusely but it was his convulsive shaking and the blue tint of his lips and fingernails that worried her the most. Channie knew she needed to get him warm, but she was too weak from casting the suspension spell to move him, much less lift him from the tub.


“I’m here, Josh.”

“What happened?”

“You slipped and hit your head.” That wasn’t exactly the whole story, but if Josh didn’t remember her trying to tackle him, she didn’t see any reason to remind him … except he deserved to know the truth and she deserved to suffer the consequences. “It was my fault. I got carried away and—”

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

Why wasn’t he mad at her? Josh had felt just as lusty as she had. It wasn’t just tonight either, Josh felt this way a lot, but he never let it control him. He tested the boundaries every chance he got, but he’d never tried to force her.

Channie vowed to never let magic control her again. “We need to get you warmed up and take care of this cut on the back of your head. Can you sit up?”

“I think so.” Josh gripped the built-in soap-dish with one hand and the side of the bathtub with the other. He struggled to pull himself into a sitting position then probed the cut on the back of his head with trembling fingers.

“How bad is it? Do I need stitches?”

“I can fix it. If you don’t mind a scar.”

“Will it hurt?”

“Not if I cast a pain-away spell first.”

“You can stop pain?”


“It feels like someone is pounding my skull with a sledge-hammer.”

“I’m not a healer. I won’t mess with your brain.”

“Too late. What was that all about anyway?”

“When I made your shield stronger, I guess it also made it’s power over me stronger too. I’ve never felt so out of control in my life.”


As soon as he was strong enough to stand, Channie helped Josh back to her room, wrapped a blanket around him and sat him down on her bed. He twisted his body sideways, so his shoulders were perpendicular to hers.

“It’s okay, Josh. I’m not going to assault you. At least, not while you’re injured.”

He lifted a corner of his mouth into a half-grin then lowered his gaze to the floor.

She said, “I’m just going to go get the medicine kit and a couple of towels out of the hall closet. I’ll be right back.”

When she returned to her room, Josh was sitting on the floor instead of her bed. She didn’t blame him for not trusting her. Not after the way she’d practically tried to rape him. She knelt down in front of him and opened the box containing Momma’s tinctures, salves and dried herbs — all of them magically enhanced.

Josh wrinkled his nose and furrowed his brow. “What is that stuff?”


“It looks like dead weeds mixed with Vaseline, and it stinks.”

“It also works.” Channie cast a pain-away spell to numb Josh’s scalp, cleaned his wound and then sealed it with magic.

“Wow.” Josh poked at the back of his head. “That’s amazing.”

Channie gently slapped his hand away. “Leave it alone until it’s done healing.”

“Sorry.” A violent shiver racked Josh’s body.

Channie said, “We need to get you out of those wet clothes.”

Josh’s eyes went wide. He wrapped the blanket more tightly around his body and hugged his knees to his chest.

“I’m okay.”

Channie wanted to assure him that she wasn’t trying to seduce him, but she wasn’t a hundred percent sure it was the truth.

She got Daddy’s robe, Momma’s wedding quilt, and a couple more clean towels then went back to her room. She set everything down next to Josh and said, “I’ll be in the hall if you need anything.”

Channie pulled the door closed behind her then leaned against it and slid to the floor. She buried her face in her hands but couldn’t hide from the glare of her shame that probed the darkest corners of her soul like a searchlight.


When Josh opened the door, Channie fell backwards against his bare legs and had to claw the carpet to keep from tackling him. The heat of her lust dried her tears, but Channie refused to give in to her carnal desires. If Josh could control himself, well then, so could she.

He said, “Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. Are you … okay?”

The sight of Josh standing there in nothing but a robe was too much temptation. Channie closed her eyes and turned away from him, trying to rein in Chastity’s energy.

He put his hand on her shoulder, making her tremble, and said, “You must be freezing. We better get you out of these wet clothes.”

She slid away from his touch and said, “Don’t say things like that unless you … unless … just don’t.”

“I’m sorry.”

“So am I.”

Channie yanked her two middle drawers open, grabbed the first things she touched and bolted for the bathroom.

She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and groaned — she looked like a cave-woman. Wet strands of tangled hair clung to her face and blood-stained sweatshirt. Her red-rimmed eyes had a wild, desperate look to them. No wonder Josh was afraid of her.

Channie used a little magic to detangle her hair and changed into dry clothes. She cleaned the bloody mess in the tub and on the floor as tears continued to stream down her face.

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