END of LINE: Humanities Last Stand - part 3 (21 page)

Jon turned on the televideo to listen to the news when he heard,

“This is Jon Connell. The Mercury belongs to me. It is currently leased to BBITCo. under contract to haul legal cargo between Haven and Lexon. It was a
military NOVA class Carrier, and while it still has its cannons, it does not have any attack craft onboard. I plan to use it to carry much needed supplies
out to the rim worlds. She may come under attack from the pirates out there, so she is ready to fight if she needs to. Her cannon are defensive in nature
and she poses no threat to the people of Haven. Now, never again send your snoops to my door step because next time my pet will attack and you'll be
cleaning up body parts instead of egos.”

“This station received the video and commentary you've just seen yesterday and we have confirmed that what is shown actually happened out at the Connell
house up in the preserve by Crystal Lake. It would appear that Mr. Connell does not like having cameras shoved in his face. He should take that into
consideration the next time he decides to park a fully armed Warship in orbit around our home world.”

“Leave it to the press to make everything sound like a problem.” Jon muttered. Satrina only laughed and said “Maybe you should tell Wrenches to shoot their
space antennas just to scare them.” she broke into that laugh that Jon loved to hear.

They spent the remainder of Jon's leave time together. Satrina choose to stay with Jon at the house rather than go to the palace each night. There was no
need for them to hide after what they had done. They had become husband and wife. No one could prevent them for acting like it. Zeprik would tell the King
and the official announcement would be made so all would know that she had chosen and been accepted.

They went for walks near the lake with Jon pointing out his favorite places and places that were dangerous, telling Rina that she should stay away from
them to prevent injury. They explored the forests with Talga never far behind or in front of them. They played with Talga as often as the big cat would
play. One time they found him sleeping next to them when they awoke after having exhausted themselves in their love making on the beach by the lake and
fallen asleep locked in each others embrace, she on top of her giant with his weakened member still buried inside her. One day she discovered that if she
touched him very lightly along his side it caused him to shiver and pull away. Her giant with all those wondrous muscles was ticklish and she loved that
about him even if he would tickle her mercilessly until she begged him to stop whenever she tickled him! They each learned all those “special spots” about
the other that brought out the highest most passionate responses. They also learned which things the other did not enjoy and silently determined not to do

As it grew closer to the time for Jon to report for duty, he would spend most mornings talking to the corporate officers of BBITCo. And with the crew of
the Mercury that had stayed in orbit around Haven. One morning Satrina had come up behind him while he was working and kissed his neck. He tilted his head
to give her better access, but then told her, “When I'm dealing with business it’s one of those times you once told me about. I'll need you to sit over
there and just look pretty.” She agreed and the next time he was in a telemeeting she sat across from him so she could not be seen on the video and just
smiled at him. It might have been a perfectly innocent thing for her to do except she was totally naked when she did it and tortured him by exposing her
most private place to his view! Jon found it impossible to concentrate on the meeting and as soon as it was over he took her right there on the couch.
After that they agreed that she would not tempt him during his meetings provided he made love to her before and after every meeting.

When the time came for him to leave, he spent the entire last day in bed with her and they made love in every position they could think of until both of
them were exhausted and they fell into a deep sleep with Rina curled tightly in his arms. Being held by her giant always made her feel safe and so very
loved. She wished she could spend the rest of her days wrapped safely in his embrace.

When they woke on his last day at home they made love slowly, each bringing the other as much pleasure as they could before they showered and Jon prepared
his favorite meal of eggs, bacon, potatoes and toast for both of them. He then put on his dress whites and she donned one of the multicolored garments of
House Connell. Looking at his mate, Jon said, “Do I know you? I'm sure that I'd remember such a beautiful female.”

“Well my giant, if you don't know me by now, I suppose you never will.” Then she leaned into him to look at both of them together in the floor to ceiling
mirror along one wall of the sleeping area. Even in high heeled shoes, Jon towered over her. Her head only came to the middle of his chest and if he were
to stretch out his heavily muscled arm she could walk under it without needing to duck her head.

“Rina, your brother said I should take one of the Dragon Swords with me since I can make it shoot its flames. What do you think my love? Shall I be a
Dragon Warrior and carry the flaming sword?”

“I think you should arm yourself in whatever way gives you the best chance of coming home to me. If that means taking the Dragon Sword, then you should
take it. All I care about is that you come home to me safe. I am already planning what names to give to our offspring.”

“If we have a girl child, you can name her anything you like. I'll love her no matter what her name. If we have a male, I'd like to name him Burton, after
my birth-father.” Jon suggested.

“Burton is a fine, strong name for a male.” Satrina agreed. “Burton Connell it shall be.”

In the end Jon opted to not only take two of the fabled swords and a harness that allowed him to wear both in a cross behind his back as well as a double
scabbard belt, but also a full set of the Umin armor in the silver and black of house Connell. He was sure that it would be better than anything the
Peacekeepers issued to him and Officers were allowed to wear personalized armor rather than the standard issue. So no one would question his choice of
battle gear. While he was in the vault, Jon also selected one of the Umin hand blasters that fired a plasma beam rather than the regular lasers used by the

A hovercraft from the Summer Palace arrived to pick up Satrina and she gave Jon one last long kiss before climbing onboard and being whisked away. This
time when she left she was wearing his colors, not the Royal scarlet she had arrived wearing. Jon had seen the look of silent amazement on the Guard's
faces when they saw her. “She is going to turn the Palace on its ear when she gets back to Lexon II in her new colors.” he thought.

After contacting the Mercury still in orbit around Haven, to send a shuttle to pick him up, Jon spent what little time he had left making sure that he was
taking everything he might need. As a last minute decision Jon carefully placed the antique violin and its bow in its case, then placed it with the things
he was taking. There wasn't really a lot of stuff. His armor, the plasma blaster, and Dragon Swords, of course, several of his black leggings with silver
and black tunics, a few photos of his aunt, uncle and now of Satrina. He was taking the ancient violin just to practice so he did not lose the skill needed
to play it. The photos of his real parents went with him also. Even though they were now little more than clouded childhood memories, the memories were all
filled with much love and caring. Jon could not part with the pictures. These were the two humans that had given him life and so he would always keep their
memory alive if only until he died himself.

He was just finishing packing everything in containers to be carried onboard the shuttle when a knock came at his door. Checking the security video to make
sure more news cameras didn’t surprise him, he saw Wrenches standing on his doorstep and went to open the front door. “Hi, Boss. I've heard so much about
this place lately I thought I might get a tour before we leave.”

“Sure Wrenches, come on in.” Jon told her. Something was wrong that she had come in person to talk with him about. He had invited her to visit his home
many times and she had always refused, saying the place belonged to another female and she would not be needed there. Opening the door for her he asked
what was wrong.

“We have been surrounded by news vids ever since you sent them that recording. I've changed our orbit a few times and the things track us. I even tried
taking Mercury out of orbit and bringing her back down. I can't get rid of them.” Phillie told him. Despite his invitation to come inside, she only stepped
far enough into the house to allow the door to close behind her before she stopped and refused to take one extra step inside. “So when you called, I
figured I'd come down myself in case they were camped out at your doorstep. Boss, something is wrong. We received a special Envoy from the Peacekeeper
Command yesterday with a message to be delivered to the commanding officer of the Mercury. I told him that the Commander was on the surface and that I'd
bring the message down to you as soon as you contacted me. He said that he could not give the message to anyone but the Commander. I naturally did not tell
him you were in command. I said that no one knew exactly where the Commander was on the surface, so he decided to wait for you to come onboard.”

“I see. Well, let's not keep the envoy waiting too long. I'll just load my stuff and lock the place down. Then we can go.” Jon told her. “Unless you
actually did come to see the house that the legendary
Jon Connell

“No Boss. This is Satrina's home now. I should not be here in her absence. I'll be happy to see everything when she is here to show me.” When Jon started
to protest she held out her hand, palm first, to stop him. “It is the way of my people Boss. I could no more trespass in another female's home than I could
share her bed as long as she lives. Had I not thought it was too important not to warn you about the Envoy I would not be here now.”

“How do you know about Satrina?” Jon asked her.

“Because I can sense her presence. She has made this her house as much as it is yours and just faintly I sense another Lexie female.”

“That would be my heart-mother, Aunt Gala. She was my uncle's wife and raised me in this very house from the time I was a youngling.” Jon told Phillie. “I
miss them both and Satrina only just left this morning.”

“Take heart Boss. They haven't forgotten you.” Phillie tried to reassure him. “Let's get you loaded up and back in space. I'm dying to hear what this Envoy
has to say.” Together they made two trips each carrying the few belongings that Jon wanted to take with him to the ship outside to load into the shuttle.
On their second trip, Phillie picked up the harness with the twin Dragon Swords and asked Jon, “Are these real?”

Turning back from the shuttle he met her halfway between the house and where the shuttle was parked in front. “Yes. Those are both real.” As if to prove
his point Jon drew the weapons and activated the Dragon's Breath causing the blades to become encased in glowing plasma. Jon then picked out two of the
large rocks along his drive and with a quick flick of his wrist sent flaming bolts of plasma at both. The rocks sent sharp edged splinters off in all
directions. “If I'd wanted to, those rocks would have been blown to pebbles right now. It all depends on how much effort I put into thinking about the
shot.” Placing both swords back in their scabbards, he loaded them into the shuttle and they lifted off for the Mercury.

Unseen by them, a video camera was floating just above the treetops that turned to follow the shuttle as it sped up and away from the planet. Back at
VIDNET headquarters, a very harried news editor looked at his video operator and asked, “We've had that camera flying up there for over a month and all you
have is some Lexie female leaving his house and then him showing off a couple of fancy swords?”

“Weren't you paying attention?” the remote camera guy asked. “The female left in a Royal hovercraft. Your average pleasure female doesn't use those! That
gown she was wearing was in his house colors. I was there the day his heart mother wore such a gown during the last Connell day celebration. She told
everyone in the hall what the dress meant. Plus, those weren't just any old fancy swords. Those were the ancient Dragon Swords. The guy is the direct
descendant of the first
Jon Connell.
That male was part Umin. How can we say that this Jon Connell isn't part Umin too?”

“Don't be ridiculous. A Royal air car? You better have your eyes checked out by the healer. No way a Royal air car goes to that freak's house.” the editor
corrected the male. “Besides, the Royal color is a deep scarlet, not that multicolored outfit she had on. If this is all the recent footage we have, run
with it. I'll have the heads over at broadcasting turn it into a fluff piece for the last-meal vid cast and spin it into a whirlwind. Get people talking
and soon we'll have his Warships banned from Haven. I'll teach that over grown freak he can't chase our people into his yard pond and put an end to his
cargo stealing days too! I owe my cousin that much after that freak fired him.”

“Wasn't your cousin BBITCo's Comptroller?” the remote camera operator asked. He remembered the story of the BBITCo Comptroller being fired for stealing
money from company funds. It had been the only story in recent months that his boss had rejected from being aired.

“Yeah, he was, and that Connell freak got him fired for no good reason.” If Connell wouldn't do something to make it easy for the editor to have his ships banned, he'd just have to make something up. Quekko deserved better than to have been fired just because he was making a profit from that freak's company.

Chapter Nine

“Boss, you aren't going to like this.” Phillie told him when he walked onto the bridge of the Mercury later that same day. He’d just come from meeting with
the Envoy and learning of the special mission Mercury would be undertaking. They were headed for the dangerous outer rim worlds, but first they had to pick
up the rest of their crew.

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