Endless Flames (Surviving Ashes, Book Four) (29 page)

Read Endless Flames (Surviving Ashes, Book Four) Online

Authors: Kennedy Layne

Tags: #Romance, #military

Berke swiped away at what she would assume he would say was something in his eye, but she fully comprehended what family meant to him. It signified the same to her and she wouldn’t give it up without a fight. They had too much on the line, but they could protect it together. He pulled her into his arms and they stayed that way, looking down at their new son for a very long time.

“I’d be honored to walk by your side,” Berke murmured as he kissed the top of her head. He placed a finger underneath her chin until she was looking at him, her own eyes filled with tears. The corner of his mouth lifted and she was already laughing at the forthcoming retort. “If ever we have someone here who could officiate a wedding, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

“Yes. I’m not quite sure Tank’s position here at the bunker qualifies the same way as the captain of a ship,” Maxie laughed through her tears, already knowing that the world they lived in would never be the same. She was totally okay with that as long as he loved her. “How about we start that honeymoon since it might take a decade to find someone with that kind of authority in our new world.”

Berke didn’t have to be asked twice. He slid an arm underneath her legs and lifted her up, shushing her when her laugh became a little too loud. She looked over his shoulder, but Jacob was still fast asleep. She’d left a nightlight on so that his room wasn’t too dark. There were already enough real monsters in the world for him to worry about, let alone the imaginary ones lurking in the shadows.

“The stress of you out there instead of safe inside this bunker is going to cause me an early death,” Berke stated firmly right before he set Maxie on her feet and captured her lips. He probably did so in order to keep her from telling him that couldn’t happen, but she’d show him instead.

Maxie lifted the shirt she’d changed into after her shower up and over her head as she walked backward. Berke’s eyes appeared hooded as he did the same, not wasting any time considering they could be called out at any moment. The baby monitor was on and all was quiet, allowing her to reach into the desk drawer and pull out one of the condoms. She didn’t want to think about the time that would come when they didn’t have this type of protection, but they would deal with that when the time came.

“Lay down, Berke,” Maxie urged as she walked toward the bed where he now waited for her.

Maxie lowered the jeans she’d changed into along with her panties, and then settled in between his legs. She set the condom on the bed. She wasn’t ready for this to be over quite yet, but understood they were also on a time constraint. There would be time to love one another the way they each deserved once everything returned to normal…well, as normal as it could be.

His cock was long and hard, lying against his lower abdomen. She wrapped her hand around his smooth shaft, lifting him up so that she could lick away the drop of pre-cum at his tip. The warm salty flavor burst on her tongue and she hummed her approval. She hadn’t had the occasion to love him like this, so she did the best she could with the amount of time given.

Maxie placed soft kisses alongside his happy trail leading down to the base of his shaft. She then ran her tongue up and down his cock until his hands tangled in her hair, showing her he needed more. She obliged and parted her lips, taking him into her mouth.

“Damn, Maxie,” Berke called out in a strangled whisper, “it’s been a long day. You need to have mercy on me.”

Maxie would have laughed, but she was a little busy. She didn’t alter her rhythm as she loved him with her mouth, alternating between her tongue, lips, and hand. She wrapped her index finger as far as she could around the base of his cock, tightening it when she took him to the back of her throat. Arousal spiked higher when his hold on her hair tightened and pulled it lightly. He was losing control, but she didn’t want it to be without her.

Maxie ever so slowly released his cock and waited for him to do the same with her hair. She reached for the condom and tore the foil with her teeth. The heat from his eyes practically set her on fire. She couldn’t stop the small tremor of excitement as she settled the condom over his cock and slowly rolled it on, promising herself more time to love him like this later.

“Let me,” Maxie whispered to him when he would have rolled her over. “Let me love you.”

Maxie settled over him and captured his lips before he could say no. Berke rested his hands on her hips and then caressed her arms until he was cupping her face with his palms. The warmth of his touch invaded every part of her and she couldn’t help but rub her clit over his shaft, the lubricant from the condom not needed due to her own juices. She wanted him. It was that simple.

Maxie slid herself forward and then back, his tip immediately rising up and wanting entrance. She obliged and kept moving down until her sheath became accustomed to his width. She needed to adjust him a couple of times until he was fully seated within before she was able to sit up, biting her lip as pleasure shot through her at the movement.

“Hmmm,” Maxie hummed, resting her palms on Berke’s chest for leverage. “You feel so good. I—oh!”

Berke had taken her breasts in his hands and was rubbing her nipples with his thumbs. There now seemed to be a connection between all of these erogenous zones and the electricity was gathering for one hell of an explosion. He was still watching her. His eyes never once wavered from hers as if he understood the intensity of what she was experiencing.

“Come for me, sweetheart,” Berke urged, lowering his right hand so that he could stroke her clit, which was swelling with each caress she managed to make using her knees as leverage. He’d flipped the switch and she exploded into a million pieces, taking him with her. “I’ve got you, Maxie. Trust me. I’m never letting you go.”

Berke held onto Maxie until she was no longer trembling. She was tucked in close with her cheek resting against his chest, both of them breathing more easily now. There was a moment where the radio clicked and he tensed, waiting to hear some news on any developments. No announcement came.

“It’s okay,” Maxie said softly, leaning up on her elbow so she could see his face. “You’re not going to rest until you see that he’s okay.”

“He’s not okay,” Berke said, reaching up with a finger to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “He won’t be until Allie is here. I don’t know who she is, but I do know how I would be if it were you in that situation.”

“I take it he wanted to be alone?” Maxie asked, figuring the only reason Berke would have left Van was because of something to that extent. “Is he here or up at the lodge?”

“I was with him in the infirmary,” Berke confessed, glancing at his watch. “Milton refused to let him leave until he had a couple of stitches in that cut on his face. He was heading to his room to shower when I found you in Jacob’s room.”

“Go and clean up,” Maxie urged once again, leaning down for a kiss. She even gave him a little push. “Your brother needs you. And before you say anything about Truman, you and the guys are Van’s true family. Sometimes the bonds we form in life can be thicker than blood.”

“You’re right,” Berke agreed, giving her a genuine smile. He pulled her down once more, kissing her tenderly. “I needed to be reminded of that fact.”

Maxie savored another few moments in his arms before giving him another nudge. She firmly believed that everything was going to be okay. She had to, because this was now her family too.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

erke was standing
in the hallway and found himself debating if he should check in on Jacob. No doubt the little boy was sleeping after playing most of the day with Rosa, but Berke found himself looking in on the boy before seeking out Van. He didn’t expect to find the stinker wide awake and smiling, immediately lifting his arms to break out of his prison.


“Hey there, buddy,” Berke whispered, hoping that Maxie was still in the shower where he’d left her. He leaned over the side of the playpen and hoisted Jacob up before walking back through the door. “I have someone I want you to meet.”

Jacob rubbed his eyes when the light from the corridor became brighter than the nightlight in his room. He rested his head against Berke’s shoulder and he figured it wouldn’t be long before this little one was conked out again. They both walked past Van’s room and toward the only place he would be.

Sure enough, Van was standing over a table in the conference room and poring over several different maps of Snowy Peak. The USGS 1:25000 were always the most detailed as far as topographical maps were concerned. However, they didn’t cover as wide an area as the 1:50000 or 1:100000 maps. He was scouring the designated search area that they thought would be most promising for the next day.

Tank was sitting in the black leather chair, the only other person in the room. Berke figured in another five minutes the entire team would be descending. He sat in the chair Henley usually occupied when Jacob noticed Van, but even a one-year-old could sense the underlying tension.

Jacob twisted so that he could watch Van, and immediately wanted to go to Tank when the older man held out his arms in order to be closer to his object of interest.

No one said a word.

Maybe three minutes had passed before the door opened, revealing Owen and Mason. Both retrieved coffee before taking seats at the side table. Mason even moved an empty chair so that he could put his legs up, leaning far enough back so that he could be somewhat comfortable. Jacob was now standing on Tank’s legs so that he could see over his shoulder. Mason finally lifted a brow to relieve his usual stern expression and waved, causing Jacob to wiggle his hand and give him a toothy smile as if he’d finally won a round.

Mav entered at the five-minute mark, completing their makeshift family. Berke used a foot to push a chair back for him at the end of the table. No one said a word as Van continued to do what he had to in order to keep his sanity. A woman he obviously cared about was somewhere out in these harsh elements, most likely wondering if she was going to die out there alone.

The minutes ticked by in silence and was only interrupted by Van when he slammed his fist down on the table in anger, most likely trying to recall anything that Allman might have said to give an indication on Allie’s location. He pushed the maps away and stood back, covering his face with his hands in frustration.


Berke shifted so that he could take Jacob from Tank, but stopped mid-reach when Van turned around and held out his hands. He picked Jacob up without a word and accepted what the small boy had to offer. It was a poignant moment that would forever stay imprinted on Berke’s memory—a tormented man and an innocent child taking comfort in one another.

Yes, their family had indeed grown in the most unexpected manner. It wasn’t time to tell Van he had an additional brother, this one his own blood. That was Truman’s gift to give. Until then, they would follow Van’s lead on this quest to rescue a woman who clearly held his heart.

The world had thrown them challenges they hadn’t expected and they’d risen to the occasion due to their trust, their bond, and the women who loved them. They would continue to do so without taking a precious minute given to them for granted.

In this new world full of strife and flames, there still existed men who fought as knights who were members of a brotherhood. Those brave few would always be faithful to their values—honor, courage, and commitment.

Semper Fidelis
was their motto.

The End

Author’s Note

Thank you for joining me on these journeys. For those of you who loved the first book in the Safeguard Series, Faithful Addiction (The Safeguard Series, Book Two) is
now available for pre-order
. Don’t forget to grab your copy!


USA Today Bestselling Author Kennedy Layne follows up her latest romantic suspense novel with a romantic thriller that will have you leaving the lights on at bedtime…

Former Marine Royce Haverton had needed a break from the bloodshed he’d witnessed time and again during his last combat tour. He’d fulfilled his contract to the Corps and it was now time to move on. Little did he know the job he’d just accepted would lead him down the same violent path as before.

Cailyn Geneva had spent the last three months recovering from a brutal hit and run her family swore was intentional. Another vicious attempt on her life proves their suspicions to be true and her brother takes matters into his own hands by hiring a security firm to look after her. She agrees to do whatever it takes to stay alive…even if that means facing her past mistakes.

Royce doesn’t like surprises, so walking into the office to find an old family friend desperate for a favor certainly doesn’t make his morning. Neither does discovering a cold-blooded murderer is after the one woman who had once meant everything to him. Will they be given the time to explore the still smoldering desire that lies beneath the surface before a ruthless killer tries to finish what he started?

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