Enslaved (Brides of the Kindred Book 14) (15 page)

“I…don’t know what you mean,” Trin murmured but his
words made her feel strange inside—things low in her body seemed to clench.

“I know you don’t, baby. Sorry…Mistress,” he
corrected himself. “I can’t really explain it if you’ve never felt it. Unless
you want me to
you what I mean?”

“If you mean by touching me, that wouldn’t be right
and you know it,” Trin murmured, her heart racing. “But…” She cleared her
throat, knowing she should stop but not quite being able to. “But you can
me. Tell me what you would show me if you could.”

“You want me to talk dirty to you, Mistress?” His
voice was a low growl. “Is that it? Because I’ll be more than happy to do that
if you want.”

“I…don’t know about that,” Trin hedged. She felt a
little guilty about the situation she was in but honestly, it wasn’t like he
was doing anything but holding her…and talking. Surely there couldn’t be any
harm in that—could there? “Just tell me what you’d do if…if it wasn’t
improper,” she said.

“Mmm, with pleasure.” He settled her closer against
him. “Well, the first thing I’d do is pull off that thin little night dress of
yours so I could feel your naked body against me, skin-to-skin,” he murmured,
low in her ear. “Then I’d cup these sweet, luscious breasts in my hands and
tease your nipples nice and slow.” As he spoke, one large hand drifted over the
front of her night dress, his fingertips just barely brushing the aching peaks
of her nipples as if in illustration.

Trin bit her lip and tightened her grip on the
remote, which she was still holding in one hand. But his touch was so light, so
fleeting, she felt she could hardly complain. Instead of pressing the pain
button on the remote she whispered, “Go on.”

“Then I’d roll you over on your back and take my
time sucking and kissing your nipples,” he murmured. “I’d nip you…very lightly,
then kiss them to take away the sting. Then suck as much of your ripe breasts
into my mouth as I could—suck
to let you know how much I want you.”

“You…you would?” Trin whispered rather

“Hell, yes I would,” he murmured. “And I wouldn’t
stop there. After I sucked your ripe nipples a good long time, I’d start
working my way down your chest and belly until I got to the sweet spot—right
between your thighs.”

His big hand brushed lightly across her mound,
making her jump and bite back a moan.

“And then?” Trin managed to ask. She knew the
mental images he was painting with his deep, growling voice shouldn’t be
turning her on. But somehow, even though she knew it wasn’t proper to be
sexually stimulated by a male, she
. In fact, she couldn’t remember
the last time she’d felt this hot and bothered. Her nipples were aching at the
tips of her breasts and her pussy felt hot and swollen and positively liquid
with desire.

“Then I’d spread your thighs and taste you,” he
murmured in her ear. “Have you ever been tasted before, Trin? Back when you
were trying to see if you liked it with other females?”

“No, we…” Trin cleared her throat. “No, I never got
that far.”

“Then I would be your first.” There was a definite
note of interest in his low, growling voice. “So I’d have to be gentle…ease you
into it.”

“Into what?” Trin knew it was wrong to want to hear
more and yet she couldn’t help it—she
to hear more. No, scratch
to hear more.

“Into having your pussy licked,” Thrace murmured. He pulled her even
closer against him so that she could feel the long, hard ridge of his shaft
nestling right between her buttocks. “I’d kiss you first,” he went on, before
she could say anything. “Kiss you like I was kissing your mouth—long and soft
and sweet to warm you up and get you ready. Then when you were moaning and
sliding your hips all around the bed, I’d spread you open and taste all your
sweet juices.”

“Oh…I mean, you would?” Trin was getting so hot now
she could barely stand it. The desire growing between her legs was getting to
be too much. She felt like she had to do something to relieve it soon or she
would explode.

“You know I would,” Thrace told her. “I’d love to
spread your pussy open and kiss and lick and taste you.”

“Oh!” Trin wiggled against him, feeling helplessly
hot as the thick rod of his shaft poked her from behind. “I think…I wish…”

“You wish what?” he growled softly.

“I wish I had my clitoral stimulator, but no…” She
bit her lip. What had she been thinking, saying such a thing aloud? But Thrace
seemed to understand and approve of her need.

“You don’t need a stimulator, baby,” he murmured.
“Just use your fingers. I’d offer to do it myself but I know you think it
wouldn’t be ‘proper.’”

“Touching myself while you talk to me wouldn’t be
proper either,” Trin pointed out, breathing hard.

“It might not be proper but making yourself come
might get rid of the last of the passion berry wine,” Thrace told her. “It would sure as
hell help, anyway.”

“It would?” Suddenly Trin began to see things in a
new light.

“Uh-huh—flush it right out of your system,” he
promised. “So go ahead baby, touch yourself. There’s only the two of us here,
alone in the dark. Who cares if it’s proper?”

Honestly, nothing she was saying or doing right now
would be considered proper behavior for a respected daughter of Zetta Prime,
especially one of the Unpenetrated, but Trin couldn’t help it. Thrace’s
warm scent all around her and his big, hard body pressed to her back seemed to
do things to her…things that had never been done by anyone until now. Besides,
maybe this would finally get rid of the lingering effects of the passion
berries. That seemed like a good, valid reason for doing as he suggested. At
least, she

“All right,” she whispered at last. Almost without
thinking about it, she allowed the hand holding the remote to relax and let it
go. Then she slipped her fingers down between her thighs and cupped her mound.
“Tell me more,” she whispered.

“First tell me if you’re touching yourself,” Thrace
rumbled. “Tell me if you’re spreading open your soft little pussy and petting
your sweet, wet inner cunt.”

“Y-yes,” Trin stammered as her fingers found their
way between her swollen pussy lips. “Yes, I am.”

“And does it feel good, baby?” he murmured in her
ear. “Are you stroking your sweet little clit? Are you imagining me between
your thighs licking you there? Running my tongue all over your pussy?”

“I…I am now,” Trin confessed. Dear Goddess, what
was she doing? There was a little voice far back in her head now screaming that
this was wrong, that no matter how badly she needed to get warm this was not
the way to go about it but Trin couldn’t seem to make herself care or listen to
the shrill little pest.

“That’s good,” Thrace growled softly. “Spread your
pussy wide and imagine it’s me. Imagine I’m tasting you there, tracing your
clit with my tongue, licking up your sweet juices.”

“How…how do you know they’d be sweet?” Trin could
barely talk. Her fingers flew between her legs, stroking lightly around her
clit as she pictured the acts he was describing. What would it feel like to
have the big Havoc’s tongue between her legs, his broad shoulders splitting her
wide as he tasted her the way he seemed so desperately to want to do?

“I know it’d be sweet because of your scent,” Thrace
growled. “I can tell how hot and wet you’re getting just by sniffing the air.
And that warm, sweet perfume your pussy puts out when you’re hot is so fucking
delicious I could come just from scenting it.”

Trin didn’t know what to say to that. But her
fingers kept flying between her thighs and her pleasure was close—she was right
on the edge and about to jump off. Thrace seemed to sense that

“Are you close, baby?” he murmured in her ear.
“Close to coming for me?

“Y-yes,” Trin couldn’t help admitting. “I
close. So close…”

“Good.” Thrace pulled her even closer and
nuzzled his face into the side of her neck. “Because I want to hold you while
you lose control—want to feel you quiver against me. Even if I can’t be the one
to make you come, I want to feel it.”

“I am,” Trin gasped as her pleasure suddenly
peaked. “I can’t help it…I…I’m

And then the pleasure was washing over her,
overwhelming her as, for the first time in her life, she allowed herself to
orgasm with another person.

held her tight as she shook and moaned helplessly,
her fingers thrust between her thighs as she rode out the aftershocks of the
intense orgasm. Then, slowly, she began to come back to herself.

“Oh my Goddess,” she whispered shakily. “This is
What am I doing?”

“Just helping yourself a little,” Thrace rumbled reassuringly.
“There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“A lot of people would disagree with you,” Trin
said tartly. “The priestesses at my old temple to start with.” The only good
thing about the shameful thing she’d done was that she now appeared to be
completely warm. She pulled away from Trace and took a deep breath.
“Maybe…maybe you should go back to your place,” she said. She tried to make her
voice hard and frosty but it came out shaky instead.

“Maybe I should. But first…” Reaching around her,
he grasped her forearm and pulled her hand out from beneath the thermal

Trin gasped with embarrassment as she saw her
juices gleaming in the faint light from the floor glows which stayed on in the
corners to prevent midnight accidents.

“What are you doing?” she demanded.

“Cleaning you up, Mistress.” Slowly he slipped her
two fingers between his lips and sucked them into his hot mouth. He licked them
both, cleaning away her honey and holding her eyes with his own as he did so.

Trin stared at him uncertainly as her stomach did a
slow flip-flop and she felt another surge of wetness between her legs. Goddess,
what was he doing to her and how was he doing it? How could he affect her so
strongly when he was a male?

“Just as I thought,” he murmured when he finally
released her fingers. “Delicious. Wish I could lick your sweet pussy clean the
same way.”

she exclaimed, her cheeks burning. “You know that wouldn’t be right!”

“Maybe not but it would be fucking hot.” His eyes
burned. “Good night, Mistress.” He gave her a slow smile she could see even in
the dim room. Then he slipped out of her bed and went to lie on the floor where
he had started the night.

Heart pounding, Trin looked at her freshly cleaned
fingers, feeling a strange mixture of shame and desire. She’d never had such a
strong reaction to anyone, male or female, in her life. What had he done to her
and how had he done it?

whatever he did, it can’t happen again,
told herself sternly.
From now on I must be in complete and total control of

With that promise to herself, she rolled over and
tried to get to sleep. But even though she was now warm through and through,
sleep was a long time coming.



Trin made a small noise in her sleep and rolled

looked up from his chair in front of the
viewscreen and cast a glance in her direction. Was she waking up? It was about
time—they were about to enter Yonnie Six airspace in an hour, as the navigator
had called to say. Thrace
hated to wake her up from her slumber but it was time they got up and started
getting ready to go.

“Mmmph.” She rolled over again.

bookmarked the search he’d been doing on the
duties of a body-slave on Yonnie Six and the
Celebration in
particular and went to her bedside.

“Mistress?” he murmured. “Miss—”

The words died on his lips as Trin, apparently a
very restless sleeper, rolled over again. The motion pushed the blankets down
around her thighs and revealed that the thin nightdress she wore was pushed up
around her waist. The tiny pair of panties she wore was riding high. The thin
crotch had slipped up between her plump pussy lips and the top of her dress was
stretched tight across her full breasts and berry dark nipples.

knew he shouldn’t look—it was disrespectful and
wrong. But he couldn’t tear his eyes away from her creamy brown skin and her
full curves. She was like no female he had ever seen before and he longed to
stroke all her exposed flesh and make her moan and come as she had last night.

Of course, last night was about the passion berry
residue, he reminded himself. Trin was doubtless never going to want to repeat
it…which was why she was going to be very unhappy about some of the things his
viewscreen searches had turned up.

She was a strange mixture, he reflected. On one
hand she was a self assured female, the captain of a star ship and a very
competent leader. On the other, she was a virgin, having never actually been
with anyone, even one of her own sex as was usual for her people. And she still
seemed completely tied to the ideas she’d grown up with which was going to be a
problem in the near future unless he was very much mistaken.

“Mistress?” he said again and cleared his throat.

“What?” Trin’s eyes flew open and she looked up at
him and then down at herself. “What…what’s going on?” She began trying to
straighten her night dress hastily. “I had the strangest dreams.”

“What did you dream, Mistress?” Thrace averted his eyes pointedly
though he wanted nothing more than to keep drinking her in.

“That I was cold and you held me to warm me up and
then I…I…” She stopped fighting with her twisted dress and put a hand to her
mouth. “Oh my Goddess, that was no dream, was it?”

“Afraid not,” Thrace said.

“I can’t believe I
those things.”

From the corner of his eye, Thrace saw that his new mistress
looked really upset.

“You had to,” he said quickly. “It was the only way
to finally rid yourself completely of the passion berry residue. If you hadn’t,
you might
be having problems with it.”

“Then…why didn’t you tell me to do that in the
first place instead of offering to hold me?” she demanded.

“Right,” Thrace said flatly. “You think you
would have listened to me if I suggested out of the blue that you touch
yourself until you came? Besides, you were freezing to start with—frostbite and
sexual arousal don’t usually go hand in hand. I had to warm you up first before
you could let yourself go there.”

“I guess. But…I let you hold me and talk to me that
way and you’re a
She still looked upset. “And the things you
to me…”

“Were all true.” Thrace sat on the bed beside her.
“But I only
them—I didn’t act on them. You remain pure—you’re still
one of the Unpenetrated.”

“Yes, I suppose so.” Trin still looked troubled.
“I’m just thinking about what everyone back home on Zetta Prime would think if
they knew. What they would say in the temple of the Goddess of Judgment if it
was known that I—”

“They don’t have to know,” Thrace told her. “And you shouldn’t
worry about them or what they think or believe. Outdated beliefs are
going to get those crystals sold and make you solvent again.”

“I suppose not.” Trin took a deep breath and threw
back her shoulders—a distracting move that thrust her full breasts out. Thrace
tried hard not to notice but her berry dark nipples made his mouth water to
taste them. “You’re right—I’ll be fine,” she said resolutely.

I’m right,” he said roughly. “And
you’re going to have to keep it in mind the whole time we’re on Yonnie Six at
this damn celebration. Otherwise we’re not going to make it.”

“Make it? What do you mean?” She frowned.

took a deep breath. “Gods, how do I say this?
Remember how I asked you what the
Celebration is all about
and you said you had no idea?”

“Yes? So?” She shrugged. “It probably has to do
with the phases of one of Yonnie Six’s moons or a new fashion emerging or
something like that.”

“Wrong.” Thrace shook his head. “It’s none
of those things.”

“And you know this
, exactly?” She put a
hand on her hip.

“Because I’ve been doing searches while you were
sleeping. Look.”

He went to the viewscreen and pulled up one of his
bookmarked searches. An elegant female in an old fashioned opaque lace dress
and long, curling hair appeared on the viewscreen. Thrace pointed at her.

“Mistress Landra—one of the first females to subdue
a male to her service. Before that, the Yonnites eschewed
with males, much as your people on Zetta Prime do. But Mistress Landra started
a trend—one that became a way of life when she took herself a body-slave.”

“Why did she do it? Why did she decide she wanted a
male?” Trin sounded puzzled.

“Don’t know.” Thrace shrugged. “The site doesn’t
go into that. But apparently she and her body-slave, Rey, were the ones who
first laid the foundation of the mistress and slave relationship on Yonnie Six
which used to be much more
than it is now. The celebration is to
commemorate what they started and highlight the ways a body-slave must serve
his mistress.”

“Really? They have a whole celebration for
Trin frowned at the viewscreen. “Weird.”

“Well, not
the relationship between
them,” Thrace
said dryly. “There’s also the fact that he gave his life for hers when they
were attacked by space pirates.”

“He did? Why would he do that? Didn’t he hate being
her slave?”

“I don’t hate being yours,” Thrace remarked, looking at her.

“And you’ve already risked your life for me,” Trin
murmured, her eyes flicking over to his and away again quickly.

“You risked a lot for me too,” Thrace reminded her. “We make a
good team.”

“So…maybe this celebration won’t be too difficult.”
She sounded so hopeful he hated to burst her bubble. But she had to know what
was coming before they took a pod down to Yonnie Six.

“Well…” Thrace cleared his throat. “That
really depends on you.”

“How do you mean?”

“The celebration can be rather…graphic in nature.”

“Graphic?” She raised an eyebrow at him. “Graphic

sighed. Might as well get it over with.

“As in, a body-slave on Yonnie Six is expected to
do much more for his mistress than simply
her body. Listen…” He
switched over to another site he’d bookmarked and read aloud. “A proper
body-slave must be all things to his mistress. He must guard and protect her
with his own life, if necessary but that is only the beginning of his duties.
He must also groom her—wash her hair, bathe her, soften her skin with lotion or
oil and massage her sore or tired muscles to be certain she is well rested. In
addition, he must dress her, wait on her, anticipate her every need and
to her sexual desires
so that she is never wanting or in need.” He looked
up at Trin and raised an eyebrow. “Beginning to get the picture?”

“All right.” She nodded, seemingly taking all this
in stride. “I’ve been in Yonnite high society before—I know that some
mistresses use their body-slaves in a sexual capacity. And we can certainly
that we do that.”

“We may have to do more than pretend,” Thrace
pointed out. “Especially if we’re on display with a bunch of Yonnie mistresses
who are hyper-alert for any wrong behavior. Some of the things I’m supposed to
do in order to serve you—”

Trin said firmly. “Just
because we’re going among all the decadent, sexually depraved Yonnites doesn’t
mean I have to turn into one of them.” She looked at him. “I promised you I
wouldn’t use you for sexual purposes and I meant it, Thrace.”

sighed. Like he would mind if she
to use him for such purposes. After holding her soft, sweet body in his arms
while she gasped and cried and came the night before, he would be willing to do
almost anything for her. But he knew she was off limits.
Might as well stop
he told himself roughly.
She’s never going to let you in.
She’s the mistress, you’re the slave. And even if you weren’t, being with a
male is against her fucking
one of the Unpenetrated
There’s no
way it’s ever going to happen.

“As you wish, Mistress,” he said formally. “Then
may I suggest that we get you dressed in some of the latest Yonnite fashions? I
synthesized a few from the searches I did on the viewscreen while you were

“You did?” She sounded surprised. “Forgive me, Thrace,
but you don’t seem like the kind of male to care much about women’s fashions.”

“No, but the Yonnites care,” he growled. “Part of
my job as your slave is to make sure you’re well dressed and presentable at all
times. I take that seriously.” Not to mention he’d enjoyed picking a few of the
gowns he’d found for her to wear.

“All right.” Trin sighed. “Let’s see what we’ve
got. Time to get dressed up and go meet Lady Malroth.”

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