Enslaved (Brides of the Kindred Book 14) (21 page)

of Judgment, how can she like that? How can she enjoy allowing a male to
penetrate her pussy? It’s sacrilege…blasphemy…it’s…why is it so hot in here?
Trin fanned herself with one hand. Why did she
feel so overheated and out of breath when all she’d been doing was standing
there, watching with Thrace
at her back? Speaking of hot, she could feel his big body like a line of heat
down her spine.

“So,” Lady Needra said brightly, looking up at Trina
and breaking her train of thought. “What are you waiting for? Sit down.”

“Oh, I can’t…I mean I couldn’t…” Trin began. Then,
looking up for a moment, she caught the eye of Lady Malroth who was sitting at
one end of the long table closest to her. Lady Malroth’s eyes flashed and she
raised a goblet towards Trin and glared. Her meaning was clear.
Do it or the
deal is off.

“What is the trouble, my dear? Why are you still
standing?” Lady Tam-tam’s voice made Trin look away from Lady Malroth. “Are you
having trouble getting seated in your chair?”

“It’s just…as I told you, Thrace is my first body-slave…er,
love-slave and I just can’t let him…”

“Penetrate you? Oh my no, of course not. Has that
naughty Lady Needra shocked you with her little display?” Lady Tam-tam giggled
and winked at the blonde mistress who waved her fingers and smiled back.

Trin said truthfully. In fact,
what she’d just seen had been the single most pornographic display she had ever
witnessed in her life. It should have revolted her and turned her stomach.
Instead, she felt things low in her belly clench and tighten and her pussy felt
wet and swollen with desire. What was wrong with her? Why was she feeling like
this? Why wasn’t she having the correct response to the graphic display she’d
just witnessed?

“Well, don’t worry,” Lady Tam-tam said
comfortingly. “Lady Needra just likes to be shocking—that’s why she’s one of my
favorites, you know. She
has the first dreaming suite reserved
for her
she comes to Dreaming Hills.”

“I see,” said Trin faintly, feeling out of her
depth. If Lady Needra had gotten to be a favorite of their hostess by putting
on such blatant shows, what hope had she that Lady Tam-tam would be content to
watch her simply snuggle with Thrace

ought to go right now. Ought to just leave.

But there was her crew to consider. If she didn’t
make this sale, she wouldn’t be able to make the payment on her ship. And if
she lost
The Alacrity
, she and all the rest of the people who depended
on her would lose their livelihoods.

“Just sit right down on your slave’s lap and don’t
be shy,” Lady Tam-tam urged. “I know you’re a first time mistress which makes
the relationship between the two of you even more charming. But though he’s
such a big brute of a male, I’m certain Thrace there won’t hurt you.”

“Lady Tam-tam is correct,” the big Havoc rumbled,
looking up at Trin. “Come, Mistress—let me cradle your body with mine. You know
I would never harm you.”

Of course he was simply putting on an act for Lady
Tam-tam but the soft way he said the words and the gentle look in his eyes made
Trin feel somehow better.

can do this,
she told herself.
I can handle

“All…all right,” she said at last. Taking a deep
breath, she started to settle herself in his lap.

“Wait!” Lady Needra said before Trin’s bare behind
could make contact with the tented loincloth between his thighs. “You must
remove that first.” She pointed at the black silk cloth. “Your slave must be
bare to sit on a love seat with you or you can’t get a comfortable fit.”

“Oh, of course Needra is correct.” Lady Tam-tam
nodded sagely. “Go on, my dear—raise the cloth,” she said to Thrace.

The big Havoc kept a completely blank look on his
face as he lifted the black silk cloth aside. There were admiring murmurs from
Lady Tam-tam and Lady Needra and even Trin bit her lip. She’s seen him before and
felt him against her thighs the night before but he’d never seemed quite so
as he did right now. Huge and throbbing and hard…and all because of her.

“There now—much better,” Lady Tam-tam chirped. “Now
just settle yourself down onto him, my dear. And mind you don’t have an
like naughty Lady Needra there.”

The blonde mistress giggled. “Oh, I don’t
know—sometimes accidents are

they’re not,
Trin thought, feeling her cheeks
heat again.
Not that kind anyway. It’s wrong.

But why did her stomach feel so strange when she
imagined letting the thick shaft rising from between Thrace’s thighs slide between her
legs? Part her pussy lips and just…

it! Just sit down and try not to think about it!
she ordered herself.

Feeling that she had no choice, she lowered herself
carefully to the huge Havoc’s lap.

received her without comment and helped her get
settled so that his thick shaft was poking out from between her thighs. Looking
down and seeing its thickness pressing against the outside of her thin
turquoise panties, Trin felt faint. Never had she ever expected to let a male’s
equipment anywhere near her sex. And here she was, sitting with Thrace
pressed against her so intimately only a thin wisp of lace separated them. She could
actually feel the heat of his cock radiating against her pussy lips.

“No, that’s not right,” Lady Needra said before she
could really get settled. “Remember I told you, you have to tuck him into your

“Lady Needra is right, of course.” Lady Tam-tam was
watching them avidly. “Go on my dear, follow her instructions.”

“But I…” Trin cleared her throat. “I can’t—”

“Don’t worry, baby,” Thrace murmured for her ears alone.
“I know how you feel about it. I promise I won’t penetrate you.”

“You’d better not,” Trin hissed back, keeping her
voice low. “If you do I’ll cut off your shaft and feed it to you for last

He let out a low rumble of laughter.

“I’ll keep it in mind. You’ll remain one of the

“Just hold still,” Trin told him. “And

With trembling fingers, she reached down and pulled
the tiny string that connected to the bottom point of the triangle panties to
one side. Then, grasping the thick, hot shaft in front of her, she slipped it
inside her panties so that the club of his sex rested right against her bare
pussy lips.

Trin bit her lower lip. Goddess, she couldn’t
believe she was doing this! Thrace
was much too long to be contained by her panties. The head and several inches
of his shaft stuck up over the lacy top edge of the panties looking completely
obscene, especially when it rubbed against her. She kept this area clean shaven
so there was nothing to come between them. If only her inner pussy wasn’t
already so swollen and drenched with her juices! Though she tried to hold
still, she could feel herself parting, the sensitive bud of her clit pressing
against his hot shaft though she didn’t want it to.

“Gods,” he whispered hoarsely. “I can feel how hot
and wet you are.”

“I am
Trin denied although it was a
blatant lie.

“You are,” he growled softly. “I can feel your
honey coating my cock.”

“It isn’t!” she insisted defensively. “Be quiet and
keep your fantasies to yourself!”

Rather than making him angry, her words seemed to
worry him.

“Are you okay?” she heard him mutter. “Everything
all right, Mistress?”

“Fine. I’m
Trin hissed. But her heart
was pounding like it wanted to get out of her ribcage and gallop away. Wrong,
this was so
And yet it felt so good…so deliciously hot to feel
that long, thick shaft parting her outer pussy lips to rub blatantly against
her tender inner cunt and the sensitive bud of her clit. She almost felt like
she could come like this with his thickness rubbing against her which was
horrible—she couldn’t do something like that in public! She just
fine,” she whispered again, trying to make herself believe it.

“You’re lying,” he muttered. “I can hear your pulse
racing and feel your heart pounding. This situation is really bothering
you—admit it.”

“Well, this is…it’s not…I never…” Trin couldn’t
even go on. She had no words for the swirling confusion filling her right now.

“It’s all right.” He rubbed her back soothingly,
while being careful not to move anything below the waist. “I know it feels
strange but it’s only once and it’s only for tonight. You’re all right,
Trin—you can do this.”

right. It’s just once…just to get this deal done. And no one back home has to
know about it.

Trin felt a surge of gratitude for the big Havoc
for bringing her back to herself. She lifted her chin and stopped staring at
the mesmerizing and obscene sight of his shaft pressed against her pussy, the
thick shaft parting her pussy lips and rubbing against her slick core.
the captain of a star ship, a businesswoman, occasionally a diplomat. I’ve
dealt with strange foreign customs before—I can deal with this too.

She just wished that the strange feelings she had
when Thrace
touched her intimately would stop. All of her calm and self-possession seemed
to leave her when she felt his big, warm body next to hers. It made her
doubtful and unsure of herself in a way she hadn’t been since adolescence. Why
did she feel this way when he touched her?

Of course, she had no answers. All she could do was
cover her lap and the embarrassing sight of his shaft pressed against her with
a napkin and try to sit rigidly still, not moving an inch.

“There—now that you’re settled comfortably we can
enjoy the first course,” Lady Tam-tam remarked. “We’re starting with nectar
pods from Rigex—have you ever had them, my dear?”

“No.” Trin cleared her throat. “No, I haven’t. But
they sound tasty.”

“They’re actually quite bland,” Lady Needra said
from her left. “But they’re worth trying anyway.”

“I see,” Trin said, not seeing at all. A server
reached over her shoulder and placed a heaping spoonful of waxy white pods
about as long as her little finger in front of her.

“There now—eat them up,” Lady Tam-tam directed.
“And remember to feed every second one to your love-slave. That’s how we do
things here,” she explained, smiling. “On the rest of Yonnie Six, the slave has
to feed the mistress. Here we turn things on their head and the mistress feeds
the slave.”

“So delightfully
,” Lady Needra
remarked, popping a pod into her mouth and reaching back to feed one to Yorth
as well.

“It certainly is,” Trin said, and she wasn’t just
talking about the dinner. She picked up a pod with her fingers, since that was
how everyone else was eating them, and put it cautiously into her mouth. It
tasted vaguely sweet and when she bit into it, a gush of bland, waxy liquid
squirted across her tongue.
It wasn’t very pleasant but Trin had
eaten worse when stores got low and they were stuck in deep space without a
port nearby. She chewed and swallowed dutifully and then picked up a pod to feed
to Thrace.

“How is it?” he asked as she twisted carefully
around to place it between his lips.

“Not the best thing I’ve ever tasted,” Trin said
under her breath. “But it’s edible. Open up.”

He parted his lips obediently and accepted the waxy
pod. He made a slight face when he bit into the pod but he chewed and swallowed
without complaint. Trin took another pod for herself and gave another to him.
Soon the little pile was gone and the second course, which consisted of a pile
of steaming purple mush, was being served.

Trin picked up a long handled instrument which
looked like a tiny silver shovel and got a bite of the mush. But before she
could taste it, a shadow fell across the table.

“Forgive me, Lady Tam-tam, for my tardiness,” a
deep voice said.

Trin looked up startled and saw a male almost as
tall as Thrace
standing across from her. He had broad, muscular shoulders and black hair with
a reddish tint. His eyes were the same strange color—caught somewhere between
midnight black and scarlet and a small, cruel smile hovering around his lips.

Unlike the other males in the room, who were all
slaves, he was fully dressed in black trousers and a scarlet tunic that looked
excellent against his dark tan skin. A black cape that swirled around his broad
shoulders and tall black boots that ended above his knees completed the outfit.

“Oh, Lord X—how nice of you to join us,” Lady
Tam-tam fluttered. She turned to Trin. “This is the male I told you about—he’s
the ruler of a small planet in the Degas system. Isn’t that unique?”

“Very,” Trin agreed, though she could scarcely
imagine a whole planet ruled by a male.

“Introduce me to your ravishing friend, I beg you,
Lady Tam-tam,” Lord X said, smiling at Trin. “I’ve never seen such lovely skin
tones—truly her beauty is unmatched.”

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