Entangled Hearts (19 page)

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Authors: Yahrah St. John

She reached for both sides of Lucas's face and pulled him down onto the bearskin rug with her. Their bodies sank into the plush rug, her soft curves against his hard, strong masculine body. They kissed, touched and caressed each other, but hadn't removed a stitch of clothing. It was utterly erotic and completely baffling. She'd thought, given his franticness a moment ago, that it was going to be a fiery session, but instead he'd calmed himself and was taking his time to get to know every curve of her body.

And when he'd had his fill, he finally tugged at the zipper of the animal print dress she wore and tugged it down to her waist, leaving her upper body bare to his gaze. She wasn't wearing a bra thanks to the cutout in the back of the dress. This wasn't the first time he'd seen her this way. The only difference was that this time, she wouldn't run away. This time she would go for it.

He lowered his head so he could kiss her alert nipples. A light ripple flowed through her at his featherlight kisses. And when his tongue came to one chocolate areola and licked and flicked at it with the tip of his tongue before taking the peak in his mouth, she began to pant and her chest heaved.

He laved one breast with his mouth and tongue while his other hand moved magically over the other. He thumbed a nipple deliciously, up and down with his fingers, bringing it to a hardened pebble, so he could lean over and give it the same attention he'd given the first. Kenya squirmed underneath him, but that didn't stop his pursuit. He slipped his hands downward to her dress, bunched at her hips, and hooked his fingers inside her thong and slid them down her hips.

Slowly, but surely, he edged his finger inside her and she bucked against his featherlight touch.

“Chynna,” he groaned when his fingers came back dewy with her moisture.

“Yes,” Kenya moaned, wanting more of the delicious friction his fingers promised, and he didn't disappoint. They tormented her with exquisite tenderness until she became wet and nearly crested.

That's when he lifted up for the merest of seconds to pull his T-shirt over his head and tossed it aside while she slid out of the remainder of her dress. He was magnificently cut and toned. She'd never seen him without his shirt before, although she'd felt his muscular proportions underneath the clothes he wore. She couldn't resist tapping her fingers down his chest in rainfall patterns seconds before he lay atop her and crushed her breasts against the hardness of his chest, but it felt oh-so- good, not to mention the drugging kiss he gave her, which sent new spirals of ecstasy coursing through her.

She reached for the buckle on his jeans and began working the belt free. When she felt it give way, she lowered the zipper, and this time, she returned the favor by reaching inside the waistband of his briefs to cup him in her hands. She heard his sharp intake of breath as she stroked his hard length.

“Chynna, oh Chynna,” he murmured into her hair as she stroked him and deepened the kiss by thrusting her tongue into his mouth. She'd never been this take-charge in the bedroom, but there was something about Lucas that told her she was free to do whatever, wherever with him.

Kenya continued to stroke his hard length until he grasped her hand and slowly pulled her away. “Easy, love, if you continue down this path, I won't be much good to you later.”

“Don't tell me you're a five-minute man,” Kenya teased.

“Oh, no, I just prefer to be inside when I come,” Lucas responded.

Kenya was shocked by his boldness, but not enough to stop what was about to happen. She'd never been this attracted to a man so quickly before, but something told her that pure pleasure awaited her.

“Well, then let's see about getting you naked,” she responded and caressed his jeans down his legs. Lucas did the rest by toeing off his shoes and socks until he too was as naked as she, but instead of joining her, he left her side momentarily. He returned with several packets of condoms.

Thank goodness he was thinking logically enough to protect the two of them. She'd been so caught up in the moment that she hadn't thought of the consequences of having unprotected sex. She needn't have worried, because Lucas was protected and poised above her within seconds.

All thoughts scattered of anything else other than this man and this moment. He spread her legs wide, and Kenya felt the thick pressure of him at her center then his thrusts full and deep inside her. Her breath hitched as her body got accustomed to his length. He thrust again, harder and deeper until she
him and sensations began to whirl in her body. He filled her so perfectly, so completely.

When Lucas looked down into her eyes, she locked his gaze and began to move underneath him. She rolled her hips in an erotic dance that Lucas followed just as he had done that night when they'd danced at his birthday party. Except this time, they were taking it to the ultimate level that two people could share.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and he took the cue, thrusting harder, faster, accelerating the pace
Kenya looped her arms around his neck and brought his mouth down on hers. The warm sweep of his tongue inside hers as his lower body thrust into her engaged all of Kenya's senses. She flamed hotter and hotter. So hot, she thought she might burn out, but Lucas didn't let her. Right when she was on the brink of coming, he slowed the pace. Her head lolled, and she arched her back off the floor.

Lucas used it as an opportunity to switch positions. Now she was on top, her hair trailing across his broad chest, and her legs straddling his hips as she pulled him deep inside her body. He gathered her hair in his hands, massaging, seducing and combing it with his fingers. It was highly seductive, and she gazed down at him. His eyes were glazed with passion. She began to move over him, and she could see the tendons straining in his neck as he tried to keep control. She braced her hands against his chest while her thighs gripped his hips and she rode him higher and higher.

“Chynna ... Jesus, what are you doing to me?” Lucas moaned. He caressed one of her breasts and plucked and teased them between his fingers.

“I'm going to make you come,” Kenya said boldly, mimicking his earlier words.

“You first,” Lucas said. Just then, he slid his fingers to find the place where earlier he'd turned her into an aching bundle of nerves and left her hanging, except this time, he skillfully circled his thumb around the hub of her femininity and she shuddered. “Lucas!” she screamed as the room spun around her and the boundary between the two of them fell way.

He gripped her hips and gave one final thrust. Seconds later, Kenya felt his fierce shudders reverberating throughout her entire body as he went over the edge. His completion sent another round of flashing lights in her head, and she came cascading back down to earth.

On the other side of town, Eli met up with Lamar at a dive bar on Sunset Boulevard. The bar was known for its less than favorable clientele, but that was just fine with Eli. He didn't want to be seen in a more well-known establishment because it might get back to Lucas that he hadn't stopped interfering in Chynna's business.

“Hey, man, thanks for meeting me,” Eli said when Lamar slid into a booth beside him.

Lamar was wearing all black, a baseball hat and sunglasses, even though they were inside. “What's up with all the cloak and dagger shit?” Lamar asked. “My agent would kill me if she knew I was in this place.”

Eli shrugged. “Hey, I helped you get signed with her, didn't I?”

“Yeah, and in case you hadn't forgotten,” Lamar said, “it cost me.”

Eli hadn't forgotten. Three years ago, he'd seen Chynna and Lamar getting way too close for comfort. He wanted to keep Chynna focused on the prize of becoming the next pop diva. He'd had to do something. Once he recognized Lamar would give up love for money and fame, the rest had been easy. On the down low, he'd helped Lamar find a record deal and an agent. Soon, Lamar was saying bye-bye to Chynna in favor of finding his own fame. Chynna had been devastated by Lamar's betrayal, especially because her mama had just died. Even though he'd tried putting several men in front of her—directors, actors other musicians—Eli doubted she'd ever truly gotten over Lamar. So yes, the boy owed him big-time.

“Well, what I want to know is what happened between you and Chynna,” Eli said. He had just known if he threw Lamar back into the mix, Chynna would become a bowl of mush.

“That's the thing, dude. I don't know what happened.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean she wasn't herself,” Lamar replied. “If you ask me, she acted like she didn't even recognize me.”

Eli's forehead furrowed into a frown. “What do you mean
she didn't recognize you

“I don't know. I can't put my finger on it. For a few minutes, when I was trying to rap to her, she was completely blank. No emotion whatsoever. She was like a stranger. And then just as quickly, it was over, and she was pushing me away and giving me shit for kicking her to the curb.”

Eli rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “You don't say.” This was an interesting wrinkle.
Why would Chynna act like she didn't know her one and only love? The one man she'd said she couldn't live without?
It didn't make sense.
What's going on
? Eli had to find out. Someway, somehow, he would get to the bottom of it because the only thing he was willing to accept was the old Chynna, who did what he what wanted, how he wanted and anywhere he wanted it.

Chapter 13

ust as Noah and Kenya
were walking toward the main house for some private time, he heard a loud scream. It sounded like it was coming from Rylee. He stiffened almost immediately and began scanning the crowd for some sign of his sister in distress. When he found Rylee, she wasn't in danger. She was kissing their wayward brother, who'd finally arrived nearly two hours late to the ranch's celebration.

“What's going on?” Kenya asked from his side with concern.

“Oh, that's just Caleb, my younger brother,” said Noah. “Apparently, he's finally decided to grace us with his presence after three months. I'll introduce you.”

Noah sensed Kenya's alarm and said quietly, “Don't worry. Caleb will love you. He loves all the ladies.”

He squeezed her hand and walked her over toward where his parents, Rylee, Jeremy and Caleb were standing in a semicircle.

“Oh, thank God you're home,” Madelyn Hart said to Caleb as Noah approached. “I've missed you so.”

“Well, I'm here, Mama,” Caleb said, rushing into her welcome arms. “Just like I told you I would be.” He glanced over at Noah, expecting a reaction, but Noah wasn't going to give him any. He'd had plenty of drama tonight from his former in-laws.

Noah could, however, see the dismayed look flash across his father's face at Caleb's appearance. He wondered what Kenya thought of his rebellious younger brother.


Chynna was a bundle of nerves at Noah's side.
Could lightning strike twice and Caleb not recognize her either, like Noah?
She glanced at Noah's younger brother. Caleb was the exact opposite of Noah, thought Chynna. Noah was classically good-looking, but Caleb was a sexy rake with low-cut hair and a wide grin. He was wearing dirty rodeo chaps over snug-fitting jeans, sported a smudged white shirt, snakeskin boots and a cowboy hat sat atop his head.

“Caleb.” Madelyn was eying him warily. “You didn't have time to change?” She glanced around the party, and they had several onlookers. “We do have guests.”

Caleb shrugged. “You wanted me on time, didn't you?” He glanced at Noah. He raised an eyebrow at the woman on his side. Noah had a date?
Who is she?
She looked oddly familiar.

“Go change, boy,” Isaac said, interrupting Caleb's thoughts.

“Will do, sir.” Caleb gave a quick nod to everyone before departing to the main house. He determined that when he came back, he would have another look at the arresting woman at Noah's side.

“I think we should have a drink,” Madelyn said to Chynna, “while we wait for Caleb to join us. Then we'll have a proper toast.”

Chynna sighed inwardly. Clearly, she and Noah were not going to get that alone time they were after—at least not tonight.

“What do you say?” Noah asked, turning to her. Was it her imagination, or was he as disappointed as she that they wouldn't get their time together?

“I would love a vodka tonic.” She really wanted a glass of red wine, but vodka had very little calories, and she had to keep herself fit and trim for when she returned to her tour.

“I'll go get it.” Noah left her to go to the far side of the party where a bartender was set up.

When he exited, it dawned on Chynna that she hadn't thought of her career in days. She'd been so fixed on the ranch and Noah, heck the entire Hart family that she'd forgotten that a life awaited her in Los Angeles. She hadn't spoken to Kenya in days, and she had no idea what was going on. She assumed everything was okay. Otherwise, Kenya would be calling her in a panic.
Has Kenya finally become accustomed to living my life? What does her silence mean?
Most of all, she was falling for Noah Hart. In a short time, he'd crept inside her heart and made her want to know what it would be like to be loved by this man. Eventually, something would have to give, but what?

“You're deep in thought,” Rylee said when she came up to Chynna while her pseudo-suitor was speaking with her parents. “What's wrong?”

Chynna shrugged. “I was just thinking how much fun I'm having here.”

Rylee understood what Chynna
saying and finished her sentence, “But that it will have to come to an end soon?”

Chynna nodded. Warning signs of alarm were erupting inside of her.

“Who says it has to?” Rylee replied. “Tell Noah who you are. I'm sure the two of you can figure something out.”

“Rylee, my life is in L.A., and I'm always on the go. Noah's life is here on the ranch. He wouldn't fit in my world. It would be like trying to fit a round peg into a square hole.”

“True, but you won't know until you try.”

“I suppose you're right,” Chynna said in a small, frightened voice, “but I'm afraid of how he'll react when he realizes I've been deceiving him about who I am.”

Rylee grabbed Chynna by the arm. “
are still
. The Chynna he's gotten to know is just another side of you that the public doesn't see.”

“When you put it like that, it makes it sound easy. I'm not sure of how Noah will take the news.”

“Take what news?” Noah said from behind Rylee, and Chynna flinched at the sound of his voice. He handed Chynna her drink, and their eyes connected when their hands touched for a fraction of a second as she accepted the glass.

Luckily, Rylee covered and said, “That Caleb said he's going to stay awhile.”

Noah chuckled. “What, a week? You know that boy can't stay in one place for any length of time. He's got wanderlust in his eyes, and I don't see that changing anytime soon or at least not until he meets the right woman.”

He looked at Chynna with such longing that Rylee cleared her throat. “Excuse me. I'm just going to get Jeremy and prevent him from talking Mama and Daddy's ear off.”

Seconds later, she was gone and it was just Chynna and Noah again. “I'm sorry we keep getting interrupted,” Noah said. “Perhaps it's the universe's way of telling us to slow things down.” If they hadn't been stopped by his in-laws and Caleb's arrival, Noah knew where they would be right now—naked and between the sheets.

“There's always later.” Chynna smiled mischievously.

Noah was about to comment when Caleb returned in a clean shirt, jeans and wearing the same snakeskin cowboy boots as before. “The prodigal son is back,” Noah said, walking toward his brother, but then Caleb stopped dead in his tracks as he came face-to-face with Chynna and truly saw her for the first time. “Why didn't anyone tell me we had a celebrity in our midst? If you had, I would have dressed better.”

“What are you talking about, Caleb?” Madelyn asked.

“C'mon.” Caleb laughed incredulously, looking back and forth between his parents and siblings. “Don't tell me none of you knew you were having cocktails with
Chynna James.” He turned to Rylee. “C'mon, sis, you have all her music.”

Noah turned to Chynna, and her entire face blanched. That's when he stared directly at Rylee, but his sister hung her head low too ... and that's when Noah knew Caleb was telling the truth. The woman who'd been a part of his family for weeks, would he'd been falling for, been about to make love to, had been lying to him about her real identity as a pop star?

Noah fixed his eyes on the woman of the hour, willing her to tell him the truth. “It's true, isn't it?”

“I'm so, so sorry for the deception,” the words tumbled out of Chynna's mouth.

?” Noah snapped.

“Yes, really.” She turned to face Madelyn and Isaac. “I've wanted to tell you the truth.” Tears welled in her eyes. “But you see, my life has been in turmoil, carried out in the media for the entire world to see. I,I just needed a little reprieve from the real world for a world for a while, so I used my twin's name, Kenya, instead of telling you my real name, which is Chynna James.”

“I'll say,” Caleb replied. “You probably wanted to get away from all those folks calling you a slut and a homewrecker.”

“Caleb!” His mother was horrified by his bad manners.

“I'm just repeating what the press said weeks ago. They had pictures of her,” he said, nodding toward Chynna, “kissing a married man.”

“I am not a homewrecker!” Chynna stomped her feet. She couldn't believe the progress that she'd made with Noah was about to slip through her fingers. “None of what they wrote is true.” She faced Noah with pleading eyes. “Just because the press writes a fiction doesn't make it fact.”

“Then how did they get photos?” Noah asked. Although he hadn't seen them, it sounded awfully suspicious. And where there was smoke ... Chynna stared at Noah several long moments. She could see in his eyes that his image of her was tarnished.
Will he ever look at me the same?
She gave a horrified cry and ran toward the main house.

Noah turned a murderous look on Caleb.

“Listen, I'm sorry, okay?” Caleb's voice softened at seeing a beautiful woman in distress. “I was just running my mouth off at what the tabloids say. How was I to know she hadn't told you the truth? I mean, you are dating her, are you not?”

Noah stared at Caleb with bewilderment.
For the first time, Caleb was right about one thing. He'd been falling for a woman he didn't really know. A woman who'd lied and deceived him about who she truly was. And if she was lying to him about something as simple as her real name, what other secrets was Chynna hiding?

He stared at her retreating figure and wondered,
Can I believe anything that happened between us in the last two weeks?
Or was it all just a lie or a figment of his imagination?
Who is the real Chynna?

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