Enticing Her Highlander (3 page)

Read Enticing Her Highlander Online

Authors: Hildie McQueen







The itching was finally receding and Dugan stopped fidgeting in his seat. His clansmen kept a vigil, not missing any opportunity to chide him much to everyone's delight. He'd been the entertainment for them for days and although annoying, he'd not been able to keep from laughing at times. The men could be quite creative when given the opportunity.

All throughout dinner, he'd felt Elsbeth's gaze land on him again and again. No doubt his wife wondered if he'd join with her this night.
He'd thought of nothing else since bringing her to come with his hand. The lass was responsive to his touch and for that he was grateful.

"Are ye well
, wife? Settling in to life here at the keep well from what I hear." He asked, his lips curving at her blush.

, I am. Your clan has been most welcoming."

After the meal ended, he climbed the stairs to their rooms.
It was a moonless night and the darkness made it hard to see once he reached the second level of the keep where his chambers were. Dugan noted candlelight from the interior of the bedroom and followed it to enter. Elsbeth was bent over, in the process of undressing. Luck was with him, her round bottom pointed straight at him.

It was time to make this enchanting woman his proper wife. He would not be put off another night. Dugan walked up and palmed her bottom.

"Dugan, what do you do?" Elsbeth went to straighten, but he held her in place with one hand.

"Don't move, allow me to touch you." His voice hoarse with want,
he reined in the urge to lift her skirts and take her then with force and speed. Instead he pushed her legs open and slid his hardness between the mounds of her bottom. Rubbing himself up and down the wonderful friction making him even harder.

Elsbeth's breath
ing hitched and she looked over her shoulder at him. "What you do. It feels good, I never knew..." She let out a soft moan.

Dugan reached around her and slid his hand between her legs to caress
her cunny and she let out a soft gasp and bucked into this touch.

"I want to
have you like this and I will soon, but your first time should be on the bed with you facing me."

She straightened and Dugan pulled her against his chest, tipping her head back to him
. He covered her mouth with his. The kiss was not soft but demanding and his wife met the challenge, her lips taking his tongue between them suckling it with energy.

"I want you
, Elsbeth," Dugan told her between kisses, picking her up and taking the few strides to their bed, he placed her upon it.

And I wish to enjoy you, husband. Learn what makes you want me more." His eyes widened at her words, the lass was quite outspoken for a maiden.

Her darkened eyes followed the path
of his clothing as he undressed. It became a task to untie the ties at his neck and remove his tunic, his hands shaking at her intense observation.

It was almost as if she studied him, like she'd studied the fish in the water days earlier, with interest.  However at the sight of his jutting cock
, her entire expression changed.  Her pink lips parted and her eyes widened.

"I don't think we'll be able to join," Elsbeth bit her lip, but did not appear frightened; instead she turned her head sideways and studied his member. "Does it become smaller?"

"Nay, but you'll be able to take it, don't worry." On the verge of spilling just from her continued regard of his body, he crawled over her and took her mouth anew.

While he kissed her, he caressed her breasts, using his fingertips to tease each pert point.
Until she panted under his ministrations.  He tore the sheath from her body and Elsbeth seemed to not notice as she pulled at his shoulders urging him to continue.  "Patience, beauty, we must take this slow.  You have to be prepared to join with me."

He covered her body with his and began tracing kisses and nips along her neckline. 
Sliding both palms from her back down to her pert buttocks while at the same time thrusting forward, rubbing his length against her core.  He took her mouth again proud of her mewls of excitement.

Before long she was clawing at his back and thrusting her hips up into him.
Dugan took his cock in hand and guided it against her core, slid it up and down between her legs while she moaned in frustration.

"Spread your legs
, beauty," Dugan panted the words and held back the urge to take her at once when she did as he told.  She looked to him, her eyes dazed and her lips parted as she struggled to breathe.

He pushed the tip of his cock into her wet heat and allowed her time to adjust.
Elsbeth reached for his hips partly holding him in place.

Dugan met her gaze and she nodded prompting him to move
deeper into her tight sheath. It wasn't going to be easy for her and it was best he finish it quickly.  Although she was brave and wet for him, he knew nerves could ruin it for both.

"Ye are beautiful. I'm sorry." Dugan thrust in and Elsbeth screamed.

Not sure what to do next, he waited. Damn it, he should have asked his cousins what to do once a maidenhead was breached.  Elsbeth held onto his shoulders, her nails digging into this flesh. When he saw a tear slide down her cheek he began to move out. He'd not hurt her further

"Show me what happens next, please.  I want to know why Meagan and Calum look at each other the way they do.  My mother explained it would only be unpleasant at first."

"Are you certain?
I don't want to hurt you."

After a soft
sniffle, she nodded and Dugan kissed her deeply, impaled in her, not daring to move. He continued to kiss her and slid his hands down her sides, enjoying the feel of her velvet soft skin until Elsbeth began to respond, her body relaxing.

Dugan slid out and pushed back
in delighted when she moaned in response. Slowly at first, he kept moving until urged by her sounds of enjoyment Dugan went faster, gliding in and out of his wife's beautiful body.

"You will be my undoing." Dugan kissed her t
emples panting with the exertions of keeping the fast pace.  Elsbeth was lost in the moment, grabbing at him and pulling his face down to hers.

"Ah!" she exclaimed over and over. A sweeter sound he'd never heard. 
The sounds of his woman enjoying making love with him.

Elsbeth cried out and her core tightened around him.
Barely able to contain it, Dugan quickly followed gushing into her, his entire body quivering with the release.

"I quite liked it," Elsbeth
whispered a few moments later and lay her head on his chest. "Can we do it again?"

Of course.  I need a few moments." Dugan could barely retain his surprise at the request.

Elsbeth smiled up at him, her beautiful flushed face taking his breath away. He could not help but
grin in return. "Very good then."


The next morning Elsbeth rose to find she was alone in bed.  Everything felt different. She was fully a woman now.  A smile tugged at her lips at recalling her night with Dugan. He was wonderful, gentle, and caring.

They'd spent hours getting to know each other's
bodies, he'd taken her to heights several times until she'd thought she would pass out from it. Elsbeth slid from the bed and went to the basin to splash water on her face.  She ran a cloth between her legs and stopped when noticing the remains of dried blood.

A maid entered the room. "Good day
, my lady." She went to the wardrobe and pulled a dress for her.

When the maid headed to the bed, Elsbeth rushed to her and grabbed her arm.  She took the dress from the startled maid's hands. "Would you mind starting the fire
, Millie?"

When the maid went to do as asked. She yanked the bedding back and gawked at the dark red stain on the
bed sheets.  "Not surprising." The maid's voice made her jump.  "Many couples make love during a woman's courses.  Do not be alarmed by it."

The woman removed the bedding and gave her an understanding look.  "One would think these randy men would give us a wee break while we go through it. Don't you think
, my lady?

.yes. One would think." Her frown must have been convincing because Millie gave her a satisfied nod and left with the bedding.

The dress the maid had picked out was dull enough to dampen anyone's spirits.  Today of all days, Elsbeth wanted to look her best. She shoved the garment back into the wardrobe and pulled out a bright yellow one.  "
This is much better."

"Talking to yourself?" Meagan stood at the doorway her eyes searching the room.  "Is he gone?"

"Yes and yes." Elsbeth giggled and went to her friend.  "Close the door."

While Elsbeth dressed she told Meagan about her night.  They laughed when she got to the part of Millie finding the bloody bedding.

"’Tis a great day. You are claimed as a wife." Meagan's eyes sparked.  "We must celebrate."

"How?" Was this a ritual she'd not leaned about as yet?

"By visiting the seamstress in town and ordering new dresses.  Then we shall drink mulled wine with our evening meal and seduce our husbands tonight."

"A more wonderf
ul plan I have yet to hear of." Elsbeth clapped.


Finding humor in many things she'd not thought funny before, Elsbeth fought not to chuckle when Dugan's questioning gaze moved from her to a giggling Meagan.  The laird exchanged looks with Dugan and stretched.  "I believe it's best we take our wives for a walk in the garden before putting them to bed."

"I don't want to walk
," Meagan said and hiccupped. Both she and Elsbeth erupted into fits of giggles.

, either," Elsbeth told Dugan who pressed his lips together.  "I want to go up the chairs."

"Do you mean stairs?" Dugan asked which prompted her to once again begin to laugh.

"Come along, wife." He took her by the arms and stood her up.

Elsbeth blinked. For some reason the room swayed
. How was it possible no one else felt it?  "Dugan...the world is moving." When her stomach threatened to empty, she put her hands over her mouth.  "I don't feel well at all."

"Ugh." Dugan held her against him and walked her out to the garden.  The fresh air helped.

They continued to the edge of the garden.  This would be the perfect place to seduce her husband.  Elsbeth stopped walking and looked up at him.  "Dugan...I want you to..." She bent and threw up on his boots.

Thankfully her
mortification did not last long because minutes later she was barely able to hold her eyes open.

Bathed and dressed in a fresh nightgown, Millie put her to bed while Dugan watch from across the room.

"I'm sorry." Elsbeth lifted her eyes to him when he approached the bed.  "I drank too much wine."

"Do not fret
, pretty wife. ‘Tis not the wine ye will loath." Dugan kissed her and gave her a stern look.  "It's the morning that will be your true enemy."







"He has not lain with me again," Elsbeth confided in Meagan two days later. "What am I doing wrong?" She tore the thread from her embroidery none-to-gently.

Meagan's warm eyes met hers
. "Perhaps he's giving you time to heal from your first joining. You did say he is quite large."

"Aye, but he barely kisses me goodnight, then
rolls over and goes to sleep."

Other than at bedtime, Dugan was more than attentive to her when they went about their daily chores.  He came in from sword fight or other chores to find her and ensure she was well. During the meals, he flirted and kept a con
versation going between them.

"I would not suspect it's anything more than him giving you time. I can have Calum speak to him if you wish." It was endearing the way the laird's wife and she could speak about almost anything. Elsbeth hadn't a sister and now was thankful to have Meagan as a confidant and friend.

Not wanting to hear Meagan's attempts to defend Dugan, Elsbeth got up and went to find her husband. She'd just have to ask him herself. It was beyond ridiculous that she tossed and turned in want at night while he slept peaceful as the dead.

The great room was dim. A maid ordered two lads who went about scrubbing the tops of tables and sweeping the rushes from the floor. 

Spotting Dugan exiting a side door, Elsbeth went to call after him only to stop when spotting the serving wench, Gertie walking behind him. Her heart pounding, she waited until her breathing stabilized before following.

The days were
cooling and Elsbeth was thankful for the briskness in the breeze on her flushed face when she stepped into the open air. She didn't spot anyone at first, but then heard the unmistakable timbre of her husband's voice.

"I doubt this will work
, Gertrude, hold still." He sounded as if out of breath. "Perhaps we can try in the stables."

"I want to do it now...here," Gertrude seemed
to strain and then she groaned.

"Get away from my husband
, whore!" Elsbeth rounded the corner with a stick raised above her head.

Both Gertrude and Dugan turned to her, eyes wide.
Gertrude held a goat between her legs and Dugan who had been holding its hind leg released it and fell onto the ground when the animal bucked in surprise. Gertrude lost her hold on the beast and stumbled to land on her arse. The goat kicked in the air and limped a few feet away before letting out a pitiful cry.

"What are you doing
, wife?" Dugan got to his feet and frowned toward the goat. "Gertrude, take that animal to the stables. Ask Liam to help remove the thorn from its foot."

dropped the stick and began to retreat, but Dugan grabbed her arm and held her beside him as Gertrude struggled away with the baying animal.

"She treats the thing as if it were a child, refuses to allow anyone near it for fear they'll butcher it for a meal." Dugan explained not looking at her.

"I didn't mean to scare it," Elsbeth admitted. "But I saw her follow you and assumed."

"You called her a whore," Dugan shook his head. "I admit she's warmed many a bed, but she is a good person."

"She's got her eyes on you, I feel it."

"Is that so?"
At his knowing smile, she eyed the stick and considered popping him on the side of the head with it. "Jealous, wife?"

"Of course not."

"And this?" Dugan picked up the stick she'd held. "Who did you plan to smash with it?"

Elsbeth bit back a smile. "I'm not sure."

"Come here," Dugan guided her to a low wall in a secluded section of the garden. "Lean over and hold it."


"You must be punished for not trusting me."

Her eyes widened, would her husband strike her?
Elsbeth considered refusing, but she had to obey. It was his right as husband after all.  Hurt and resentment began to take hold in her.  Knowing it was his right and that he did nothing wrong by striking her did not mean she'd easily forgive him for it. Following his instruction, Elsbeth bent at the waist and waited, her anger rising.

Warm hands circled her ankles and
slid up her legs. His fingers skimmed over her skin lifting her clothing. Elsbeth felt more and more exposed as his trek continued upwards. At the same time, her breath hitched at finding she was enjoying the experience. Finally his hands reached her upper thighs and he hesitated, skimming his hands across her now heated flesh.

"Are you prepared
, wife?" The deep husky tones did little to settle her and she replied with a simple nod.

threw her skirts over her head.

Not sure if it was from anger or something else, her breathing became erratic and her heartbeat faster.
Elsbeth prepared for the assault only to gasp when Dugan's calloused hands began to rub over her behind.

He moaned and continued to massage her. Next he kissed where his hands left to follow with his hot
mouth suckling over her skin. His tongue traveled down the center of her bottom and Elsbeth clutched the rocks harder. Her legs began to wobble when his hand slid between her legs and he not so gently pushed them apart.

've wanted to take you like this, beautiful Elsbeth. And I will." His breath feathered at her core and for an instant she felt nothing until his tongue slid into her. Elsbeth's legs wobbled, but Dugan pulled away. "Do not move, wife, take your punishment." She could hear the mirth in his voice.

"Yes," Elsbeth responded and then cried out when one of his hands cupped her
center and his finger rubbed over the tingling nub.

When his hard cock nudged at her entrance, she pushed back into it. "Now
, Dugan."

Augh," he groaned and pushed into her. With large hands on her hips, Dugan began to thrust until losing control and pounding against her so hard the sounds of flesh against flesh rose to mingle with their moans.

Elsbeth lost control and flew high, stars flashing behind her eyes until she could no longer stand.
Dugan held her up, his arms around her waist while he continued in his trek to find a heaven of his own.


That night Dugan held her legs over his shoulders while allowing his length to almost fully exit before he slid back into her. His movements erratic, Elsbeth barely noticed as she flayed under him, lost in her own passion. She screamed in release, arching against him.

"You're made for
lovemaking, vixen," Dugan whispered in her ear when he collapsed over her. "I will not be able to walk tomorrow."

Mmmm," Elsbeth mumbled nibbling on his earlobe. "Are you angry about it, husband?"

"Not one bit
." He lifted to gift her with a wide smile. "I cannot wait for Calum to try to boast on his bedroom escapades."

Elsbeth slapped at his shoulder. "Don't you dare share.

hey only have to see my face in the morning and everyone will know I am well bedded by my beautiful wife."

"Why did you barely touch me the last two days?"

His brows knitted. "I wanted to, but was told to give you time to heal. Just laying next to you has been torture. But I feared that just a touch would make it impossible to keep from taking you fully. You are my weakness, my wonderful, beautiful weakness."

, Dugan." Elsbeth took a breath and smiled up at him. "Kiss me once more."



Morning came too soon. Elsbeth begrudged the sunlight that took her
husband from her bed too soon.  She stretched only to find Dugan remained beside her.  He slept soundly, not roused by her movement.

She lifted and studied him.  Was he not feeling well? Or
it could be he'd decided to linger in bed this morning. The thought made her happy.

A smile tugging at her lips, Elsbeth lifted the bedding and skimmed over his wonderful body.  The valleys and planes of his muscular build so very different from her softer curves, yet alluring to her.  Most of his skin was soft to the touch, not rough as she had expected.

Unable to resist, she skimmed her fingertips down his flat stomach to just above where his cock lay against it.

Elsbeth hesitated and looked up to his face.  Dugan continued to sleep
.  Becoming braver, she moved lower in the bed and pressed her lips to the skin of his lower stomach.  She loved the smell of her husband, all man and earth.

His cock twitched and she jerked up to see Dugan watched her. His sleepy eyes met hers and his lips curved. "A better way to wake up there is not."

"I want to pleasure you." Her face heated at the words. "Tell me how."

He lay back onto the pillow. 
“Take me in hand, wrap your fingers around and hold it tight.” Her fingers wrapped around his hardening length, not quite closing all the way around it.

Dugan moaned.  "Yes. That's it.  Now slide your hand up and down."

Once again she followed his instructions enjoying watching the strong warrior lost in what she did to him.  He neck muscles corded with exertion when she bent and kissed the tip that slid from her palm.  "There is more isn't there. Dugan?"

"Aye, but you don't have to." He grunted. "I can spill my seed if you continue..."

The sentence was left unfinished when she wrapped her lips around the end of his cock and took him into her mouth.  She suckled at it while continuing to move her hand up and down.

Dugan's fingers dug into the bedding and he grabbed fistfuls of the blankets and lifted his hips while crying out.  Elsbeth had barely lifted when Dugan cried out and spilled his seed.

With a satisfied sigh she crawled to lay on his chest while he continued to shudder.  Dugan kissed her and held her against him.

When he was able to speak, he lifted her face up to him.  "I have no doubt I will love you more than life itself.  I am a lucky man to have you."

She held back a giggle at how men thought.  Unlike Dugan, she was already madly in love and would tell him soon.  "It is good to hear, husband.  Now, it's best I rise and prepare for the morning meal.  Most may be done by now." Elsbeth sat up and pushed her hair away from her face.

When a strong arm pulled her onto her back, she yelped only to moan when her husband began a descent of his own.

They did not make the morning meal that day.


The End

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