Erin Dameron-Hill (22 page)

I swallowed deeply hearing my own gulp echo in the chilling breeze.

And still I was not allowed to wake. There was something here that the Entity wanted me to see otherwise I would be awake and gasping for breath.

But what did it want me to see?

My eyes roamed over the endless sea of sand and mutilated bodies until finally, far off in the distance, I saw several wolves circling a beaten body. I squinted in the harsh wind to better see. The body had long, brown hair that was tied neatly into a low ponytail. His white t-shirt was stained red. His face was completely crimson from the rivulets of blood coursing down his strong jaw line.

With his dark, golden eyes he looked straight at me.

My breath caught and my heart picked up speed. Adrenaline beat at my chest as I saw the wolves pounce.

The Hunter was going to die.

On the wind I heard Anubis say, “I’ll be waiting.”

I woke gasping for air and shaking. My eyes were fully wide and I felt the warm rush of tears streaking down my cheeks.

Not him. Not the Hunter. I couldn’t lose him too and survive.

Chapter Twenty

I know a trap when I see one. The Egyptian God, Anubis, was holding the Hunter hostage, biding his time for my appearance. He had said, “I’ll be waiting”. He knew what my reaction would be. It was kind of disturbing that the God of Mummification could predict my future actions. Perhaps because he was so old, so ancient, that several hundred years worth of wisdom and experience had fully developed in his mind.

And he was right. I wasn’t going to sit idly by knowing that Morty was being tortured or killed. No. I was going to do something about it.

I wiped thousands of tears away from my eyes as I threw on just a white T-shirt and light blue yoga pants. Normally, I look in the mirror to make sure that I’m decent, but tonight, it didn’t matter. I didn’t care what I was wearing nor that my hair was one big pile of frizz. Those things were trivial compared to the Hunter’s life.

I didn’t have a plan to save the Hunter or even to find him, I just knew I had to. Somehow I knew where I should go, that my hands and my feet would take me there. I’m not used to being tossed around by fate and despite the fact that it was a little bit disconcerting, I still managed to lock my door behind me. Like it mattered.

I scoffed and squeezed my keys tight enough to gouge my skin. The most dangerous thing out there wasn’t a burglar, it was a god. At least, a monster who thinks he is a god.

The swift shot of fear kicked me hard in the back as I stormed toward the Jeep. Yeah, I was scared. Beyond scared. I was searching out a monster in order to find the love of my life. I was stepping into an unknown world to barter with the devil. My heart was beating so fast that I looked like a cartoon coyote with my heart jumping out of my chest.

At least my jackal was enjoying this. It paced back and forth in that dark cave, howling at the full moon that was constantly in the black sky. It lived for the hunt. It lived for the excitement.

And that’s where you separate man from beast. I don’t live for this kind of traumatic experience, I instead, try to focus on the good things in life; my friends, my “family”, and now, the Hunter.

The beast, however, was thrilled at the expectation of meeting its maker. It was volatile. At any other time, the beast would have taken over me because he was so strong right now, completely intense. But so was I.

I needed to stay in charge, needed to keep my body so I could find the Hunter and warn him. Hopefully the dream had come earlier than it had with Charlie. Hopefully this time, I could save someone instead of writhe in the bloody trail.

The walk towards my vehicle seemed to take an eternity because so many thoughts were running through my head; can I make it in time? What would I do when I got there? How would I react to my creator? And why the hell am I doing this? No matter how much you care for a person, Fear will always turn its nasty head towards you and make you doubt all of your convictions. It takes so much love to force a person to walk head first towards the nightmare.

But he was worth it. The Hunter was worth it. And honestly, I would do this for a complete stranger because no one needs to be treated like a piece of meat, to be treated like something less than human, like something less than living.

So I took a deep breath and I heard my vehicle beep as I unlocked the door.

Something brushed by my leg and immediately I jumped ten feet into the air. If my heart wasn’t already beating fast enough, it sure as hell was now. My head turned in a million different directions searching for what had touched me. Finally, I turned off my eyes and found the scent. It was the cat. It was the same black cat that had tapped on my window for a few days now. Stupid cat. Didn’t it know that I was going to face my own demise in a matter of minutes? Did it really have to scare me that much?

I sighed and bent down to pet it. I didn’t know if it was male or female because honestly, I didn’t want to look at its privates. It’s odd that I’m being a prude with a cat when there are larger issues at hand. I guess my mind was trying to protect itself instead of focus on the shadow that had plagued me for so long.

The cat’s fur was soft and silky and just by stroking its back I felt a little bit more calm. Unfortunately, my beast didn’t feel calm. No, it wanted to tear the poor thing apart.

I shook my head and kept petting the cat. I was strewn a million different ways tonight; a piece of me was a monster trying desperately to kill, another was horrified at meeting its maker, still another was hysterical that I would lose my love. And here I am petting a cat instead of making any movement towards my future. Like I said before, I’m scared.

In books and movies people just plow head first with courage and determination that only heroes have. But I’m just me and I’m not that brave. So I was delaying when every second counts. I don’t like cowards and I don’t relish being one, but I couldn’t help it. I knew the claws and teeth that Anubis had because he had torn me apart before so excuse me if I was scared to death that it would happen again.

I wiped a few more tears from my eyes and thought of the Hunter. How could I leave him there with that monster? Why was I letting fear control me?

Still, I stroked the cat with my indecision and fear. It had the most beautiful gold eyes…

Why does everything in my life have gold eyes? Anubis has gold eyes, the Hunter has golden brown eyes, and now this damn cat has gold eyes too. Everywhere I look, I see those eyes. It’s a constant reminder of my terror, of my nightmare.

My own eyes roamed up towards the heavens, towards the starry night sky. One more night and it would be a full moon. One more night and I would be a monster. Like I wasn’t already. I was a monster because I was delaying. If I was a better person, I wouldn’t let my own dread hold me back. I would rush in and sacrifice myself for the one I loved.

That’s what people do when they’re in love. It’s like my own life doesn’t matter anymore, that only his does. If that was the case, I would stop petting this cat and drive.

But this indiscriminate fear was becoming more and more unbearable. The dream was fading from my fore-mind, lessening its impact. Maybe it was just a dream and I was over-reacting.

The cat meowed loudly and I looked back down at it. It wound its way through my ankles, slithering around me. This thing really craved attention.

“What do you want, cat? I’m really not in the mood,” I said fully believing that the cat would respond and tell me what to do. I talk to animals like they’re people, I guess because I am one. I talk to my jackal all the time. It’s not great dialogue more like, “no, not now, please God don’t let me change,” but it’s still talking to an animal as if it understands.

I looked back down at the cat and I swear to God it shook its head. Great, just great, I’m so scared and out of my mind that I’m starting to see things. That’s really great. I’m going insane. I’m sitting out in the dark parking lot petting a cat that can understand me while I wait for the Hunter to be ripped to shreds. Someone nominate me for the Hero award. Or better yet, nominate me for the Biggest Coward in the Universe award. I hear it’s made of solid gold, or would that be fool’s gold?

Shit. A few minutes ago I was charged and ready. I was going to march into Anubis’ domain and do something noble. I hadn’t really decided on what. I didn’t realize at the time that my future included me paralyzed with fear.

I shouldn’t be waiting, I shouldn’t be frozen. I should be driving as fast as I can towards my destiny, trying desperately to spare the Hunter instead of sitting here on bended knee petting a stray cat.

And the really sad thing is, Anubis would come after me whether or not he spared the Hunter. I knew he would always come for me. I was his, he made me, he wouldn’t give me up that easily. He would systematically try to lure me into his trap no matter how many of my friends and family he took. And then it hit me. Anubis had been the one who was killing my friends. I’m not sure how I know, I just do. If he was willing to kill my lover then you can bet the farm he was willing to kill my friends leaving me alone and “helpless”. That son of a bitch.

Okay, good. Anger. I can use anger.

My jackal howled a few more times at the false moon, riding my rage as I jumped in my Jeep. Anubis had killed so many of my friends just to get my attention. Pathetic. All he had to do was knock on my door and he would have it. Hell, he never lost my attention. Every night before bed I would think of my attacker and make sure the doors were locked tight. Every dark corner I turned I would be scared that he would be there, waiting for me. So all of this showboating was for naught. He had my full attention all along. That son of a bitch.

Well, he might have taken Clyde, Charlie, and Billy, but he wasn’t about to get anymore. I’m not going to allow it. I’m going to embrace my destiny. The cards had said to become one with my beast, become symbiotic or perish. And if I stayed here a coward, I would die like one. Better to go out on top.

As I shut my door, a movement blurred past me. The cat had jumped in the vehicle and was sitting upright on the passenger seat, the tip of its tail flicking.

For a moment I was speechless. After all, I had bigger things on my mind. I really didn’t need any hitchhikers.

“What are you doing?” I asked to the cat.

It licked its paw.

“Come here,” I said and I picked up the animal and tossed him back outside. Within the span of two seconds the cat had jumped back in. I kind of sat there, dumbfounded and shocked at the cat’s speed and determination.

“What the hell?” I said to myself, then I just shook my head, “Fine, I don’t have time for this. If you piss on my seats, though, I will let my beast eat you. I am so not kidding.”

The cat nodded again and I knew I had lost my mind for good.

Chapter Twenty One

Instinctively I drove. I turned onto the interstate and headed north toward Wekiwa National Park, where I knew Anubis waited. It seemed kind of odd to me that the nicely dressed god of the dead would be waiting in a swamp, but I guess logic doesn’t dictate a monster’s actions.

As I drove, the black cat rested gingerly on my leather passenger seat, its gold eyes narrowed and focused on the pavement ahead. It looked to me like it was waiting, thinking, wondering what it was going to do when the vehicle stopped. Would it jump out and make a new life in the wilderness? Would it find some unknowing couple or lonely person to settle with? Those questions seemed so trite compared to my own; what the hell was I going to do when I faced Anubis?

I had a few thoughts running through my head; try to use my jackal strength to delay Anubis from hurting the Hunter, use my feminine wiles, distract him with food…never mind the food bit, I didn’t have any extra available and I wasn’t about to stop by the store before my demise.

I grinned. This whole situation now seemed a bit comical. Anubis was chasing after me, really? The ancient Egyptian god was still alive and hungering for me, really? It all sounded so ridiculous. Being a werewolf was ridiculous. A person grows up knowing what exists in normal society that supernatural creatures were just stories made up to keep people in their homes after dark so that governments and military could do whatever they wanted without anyone knowing. Which, by the way, reading those conspiracy theory websites will really mess with your head. When I first turned, I instantly read everything ever written on werewolves and that was one of the explanations; they don’t exist, they were imagined to keep peasants in their place.

But there I go on a tangent. I ramble when I’m nervous, when I’m scared, when I don’t know what else to do. Perhaps I could talk Anubis out of harming the Hunter, talk him into leaving me alone, just talk his ear off.

My jackal scoffed which feels like a small, isolated earthquake located right at the base of my heart. It’s a bit jarring to first feel the emotions of another animal, but lately, my beast had been making his presence known. My beast had probably realized that Anubis, its maker, was in town and was most likely rejoicing.

I guess I would be rejoicing too if I thought freedom was only a breath away. My beast longs to leave me, to become an individual not hampered by the moon or by me. I can feel it. When the beast thinks of freedom, a sort of shimmer runs through my body and I almost feel at peace, finally free to frolic in the woods, splash around in the creeks and riverbeds, and hunt without regret. But that feeling disappears as quickly as it arrives and fades into only a wonderful dream.

Sometimes I feel sorry for my beast, trapped and hungry, only allowed to roam when the moon is full. And then I remember, I hold back the beast because hunting includes its insatiable desire for babies, fawns, fast food trash, etc. Just like a real wolf or a real predator, it wants the innocent, the easy to catch, prey that cannot protect itself. Most predators are opportunistic seeking out the weak and vulnerable so they don’t waste energy on a meal. I’m not saying I approve, but it makes sense. And that’s why I can’t let my beast roam free without chaperones.

Speaking of things that try to take over my body, where the hell is the Entity? A few years ago all it ever did was linger around me, tell me that the mail man was dropping by in 23. 4 seconds (it’s very exact with its predictions), send me horrifying dreams and never ever leave my side. When it came to me several hours ago, it was the worst feeling I could possibly remember because I didn’t want to see my future, I didn’t want to see horrible events, and I couldn’t stand the cold. But now that it had returned, why wasn’t it with me, telling me what to do? Why was it being secretive and distant?

“Because you don’t know how to control it,” the cat said nonchalantly. It wasn’t a meow, no, it was definitely a soft female voice that carried age and experience like a kindly grandmother who’s offering advice you would do well to listen to.

All I could do was shake my head. That’s great. Not only am I going to face my fears, but I’m going insane at the same time. Wow, two birds with one stone. I’m on a roll.

“You’re not insane,” the cat replied, licking its right paw as if it didn’t just speak.

“I beg to differ. It’s one thing to talk to a cat, it’s quite another to hear it talk back.” “So, it’s alright for a wolf to have human thought but not a cat?”

“What do you mean?” I asked swerving just a little in my lane. It was getting difficult to drive in the dark while a cat was talking to me.

“I’m simply asking you if you believe in other types of were-animals.”

“Other types?”

Okay, I was flabbergasted. First of all, wolves don’t talk, they howl. Secondly, a cat was talking to me. I shouldn’t be this surprised, after all, I’ve had conversations with a tooth fairy who looked like a crocodile and wore a yellow ribbon around her neck. Why should this surprise me? I live in a supernatural community and I’m shocked at the idea of a talking cat.

Maybe I wasn’t just shocked at the cat, I think my mind was trying to protect itself. So much had happened in the past few days that I hadn’t had time to deal with it all. When a person is in a car accident and their body goes into shock, then their body is protecting them from further harm. So my mind must be doing the same thing. It’s protecting me from all of the supernatural bullshit that had become my life.

I wanted desperately to just be a charlatan who reads tarot cards, ripped people off because they were desperate, not go insane because
the desperate one.

“This has been a traumatic time for you, I’m sure,” the cat said gently, placing its paw on my thigh. I nearly jumped out of my chair. It’s one thing to imagine it talking, it’s another to have it touch you, “but you need to embrace this.”

That’s the second time I was told to embrace myself, my future, my destiny. First the Entity had told me and now the crazy cat was telling me.

“I’m not the one who’s crazy,” the cat replied in hush tones.

I brushed the comment aside. I didn’t need a cat to tell me I was losing my mind, I already knew that. Hell, I knew my mind was done for when I saw Anubis in my dream, so really, I didn’t need a talking cat to spell it out for me.

“C-R-A-Z-Y spells ‘crazy’,” the cat responded.

“Jeez, stop reading my mind! I already have too many things messing with me anyway.”

“Such as?”

“The jackal, of course. It always wants me to change. The Entity sending me dreams of blood and gore never of anything cute and cuddly. And now you, a talking cat.”

“Perhaps your mind has made me up, to safeguard you.”

“How exactly would that work?”

“You need to talk to someone, you need them to hear you, to listen. You’ve said it all along, so much has happened to you recently. A person would go insane if they only experienced half of what you have. So, perhaps I’m your mind’s attempt at a psychologist.”

“See, I told you, I’m insane. Even the talking cat in my head agrees with me.”

I paused and watched the palm trees fly by as the soft white light of the moon danced on their fronds. Nighttime can be so peaceful, so serene, if nothing else is weighing on the mind. It can be quite beautiful.

“Alright, you’re probably just in my head,” I said softly, “so, when I face Anubis, will you shut up so I can focus?”

“It depends on your plan.”

“My plan?”

“What is your plan exactly?”

“I’m not really sure. I just know I have to save the Hunter before he becomes just a memory like Clyde or Charlie or Billy.”

“That’s noble of you.”

“You think so?”

“Oh yes. I doubt many would have the courage to face Anubis.”

“Thanks,” I said sadly. I still didn’t feel very heroic, instead, I felt insane. A doctor once said that all the crazy people are the ones who really know what’s going on and if that’s the case, then I think I prefer ignorance. Ignorance isn’t stupidity, ignorance is bliss.

My eyes darted sideways to the lounging black cat that was now licking its neck, cleaning itself in the only way that cats do. It didn’t look at me as if it had the knowledge of several centuries nor the vocal cords of a human, instead, it looked like a cat. It finally laid its head down on the passenger seat and closed its eyes, taking a “cat” nap.

I prefer cats that are just that--cats. All of this supernatural and/or insanity crap is a little bit too much to handle from time to time. For instance, I could look at that candle in the back of my jeep and say that’s a real living thing with thoughts because in the supernatural world or in the crazy world, anything goes. There isn’t any stability nor reality and that makes life difficult.

But there I go again, rambling.

Perhaps I was more scared than I let on.

As I passed the sign, “Glen Park”, I knew my instincts had drawn me back to Ms. Jean’s trailer park. Just a few hours ago the Hunter and I had stood in front of her yellow farm house knowing something sinister was watching in the woods. I should have called Ms. Jean or done something other than hide in the bathroom yesterday. I wonder if she’s doing okay, if that “dogman” scared her as much as he scares me.

I stepped out of the Jeep and oddly enough, I stepped into the Hunter’s tracks. The ground was still muddy because of all the rain and the swamp dirt around so I could fully see his large shoe indentations in the ground. At one point, he had stood here, with me. He was alive, healthy, and not in any kind of pain. He hadn’t been kidnapped yet, nor had we made love. Perhaps if we kept to the plan of just finding the culprit then this wouldn’t have happened. I had the sinking suspicion that Anubis, my creator, was extremely jealous of his creations and that no one could have me but him. So if the Hunter was being hurt, it was my fault. I shouldn’t have gotten close but I couldn’t help it. I love Morty and I would do anything for him which is why I’m here facing the silence and about to face Anubis.

The trailer park was eerily quiet, not even the flushing of a toilet could be heard. So as I stood there, I felt nothing, heard nothing but my own internal monologue.

The cat had already jumped out of the vehicle and was bounding through the swamp, out of sight. She obviously had plans.

But I just stood there and looked around. I still didn’t have a fully detailed outline of what I should do nor where I should go. I was flying by the seat of my pants which is never a good idea because I wouldn’t be prepared for what the future held. I needed a plan. I needed to really know what I was facing.

I remembered that I had a book on Anubis back at home and I silently cursed at myself for forgetting about it. The book could have probably held certain insights about Anubis that I could have used to my advantage. I wanted to slap myself for not doing any research. But I had been in a hurry, after all, the Hunter was in danger.

Oh my God, I’m an idiot. I should have called the Hunter and warned him instead of prancing off to my doom. Matt probably has his number, I should give him a call.

I dug deep inside my black purse and reached for my silver flip phone calling Matt on my speed dial. Why didn’t I think of this before? I shouldn’t be making stupid moves when there is a very ancient and very intelligent monster out there watching everything I do.

The phone rang several times before Matt answered, his breath a ragged picture of health, “Sophie…you alright?”

“Matt, what’s wrong?”

“Sheila, Eric, Ernie and I are on our way to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Wekiwa.”


“We just got a message from Mr. Black telling us to meet him there.”

“When did you get the message?”

“Just now.”

“And you’re on your way?”

“Yeah. Sophie, what’s going on?”

I wasn’t really sure what was going on. If the Hunter had just given them a message, then he was bound to be fine, right? Maybe there was still time to save him before the dream came true. Perhaps I hadn’t made the worse mistake of my life by running off like a bat out of hell. Perhaps I could fix this before anyone else got hurt or worse, killed.

“Do you have Morty’s number?”


“The Hunter. Do you have his number?” I asked impatiently.

“Yeah, why?”

“I have to get in touch with him, Matt, it’s important.”

“Sophie, what’s going on?”

“Matt, I just…” I took a deep inhale and finally I could say it out loud. I had been keeping Anubis a secret for so long, hiding his identity for so long that it seemed like I was betraying him by revealing Anubis, but that no longer mattered to me; I had to speak up, “Matt, I’ve been having dreams again. I’ve felt the Entity again. And I know what’s out there. I know what’s doing this.”

Matt was silent for several moments. All I could hear was the deep inhales and exhales pouring through the phone. With the way he was breathing, he should be running a marathon, not riding in a car.

“Matt?” I asked.

“Yeah, Sophie, I’m here.”

“Matt, are you okay?”

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