Read Erin M. Leaf Online

Authors: You Taste So Sweet

Erin M. Leaf (12 page)

Go check the school, Dillon,” she called, climbing back in the car. She had the shotgun ready.

“Dammit,” he muttered under his breath.
There was nothing he could do. She was right. He headed inside, praying that the gates hadn’t been left open so long the place was overrun with monsters. Maybe the zombies were all in the forest where the fresh blood was, and not in the quiet school grounds. He pushed open the doors cautiously.

There’s no one here, young man,” an old woman said, startling him.

pointed his weapon, but the woman standing just inside smiled at him. He waited, not saying a word.

Her smile fell away.
“There are no zombies in the compound,” she said, her voice cracking as he continued to stare at her. He knew he was making her nervous, but he didn’t care. Ben and Lark’s safety was his first concern.

He slowly lowered his weapon.
“How do you know?”

She glanced
past him. “Those two soldiers made sure.”

Dillon considered what she
’d said. Could he trust her?

If you have Lark outside, she’ll tell you I’m not prone to lying,” the old woman added.

Dillon relaxed slightly.
“We have a wounded man.”

She stepped back.
“We have an infirmary.”

He took a deep breath and decided to trust her.


An hour later, Dillon dropped the metal fragment onto the bed and began to sew Ben back together.

He’s okay?” Lark asked, not for the first time.

He will be,” Dillon replied, concentrating on his sutures. Luckily, the bullet had missed everything important. Ben had some muscle tearing and bleeding, but no serious damage, thank God.

I had no idea you knew how to do this,” she whispered, handing him another piece of gauze to blot away the blood.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I was a medic,” he said, tying the last knot. He blotted the wound with antiseptic and covered it with a bandage. Ben would be all right.

Thank God,” Lark said, clearing away the mess.

Dillon straightened up and his back protested as he stretched. He checked the IV, then made sure Ben was comfortable in the tiny nurse
’s room. He had no idea how they’d managed to get lucky enough to have access to medical supplies, but it had saved Ben’s life. Not only was he able to give him some painkillers, they also had a good supply of antibiotics.

He walked to the sink and washed up, shaking his head at the miracle of running water
in this godforsaken place.

He’ll be okay, right?” Lark came up beside him.

He glanced at her as he dried his hands.
“He’ll be fine. I promise.”

She leaned on him, pressing her forehead into his spine.
Dillon turned, gathering her into his arms. She relaxed into him and he sighed, kissing her hair. “It’s going to be okay, Lark.”

She sniffed.
“I know. I’m just so glad you found me. And right in the nick of time, too.” She tried to laugh, but it came out as a sob.

Me too,” he said, hugging her tighter. She felt so tiny in his arms, but also so right. Like he’d finally found home. He glanced at Ben lying so still on the bed and realized that he finally had everything he’d always wanted. He had a family.
Ironic that I found love in the middle of the world’s end,
he thought, letting Lark’s warmth penetrate his cold bones. He held her gently, almost afraid that if he squeezed too tight he’d wake up, and he’d discover it was all a dream.

I’m so glad I found you,” she said and Dillon had to smile.

Me too.”


Ben opened his eyes. He felt like someone had run over him with a truck. Twice. His left shoulder hurt like crazy and his mouth tasted like something had died in it. He blinked, trying to get his blurry vision to clear up. When it did, he frowned, staring up at an unfamiliar ceiling made from ugly foam tiles. One of them had a dark stain in the corner, spreading out like a puddle of spilled coffee. Where was he? Where was Lark and Dillon? He tried to talk, but a cool hand touched his lips, stilling his voice.

Shh. You’re safe,” Lark said, fingers moving to cup his cheek.

Ben relaxed
, unutterably relieved. “I’m alive.”

“Yeah, you’re alive. You’re pretty hard to kill, which is awesome, by the way.”
She chuckled and he closed his eyes briefly. He thought he’d never hear her laugh again. He swallowed back tears.

Where’s Dillon?” he asked, when he was certain he had himself under control. The last thing he wanted to do was start crying like a baby.

He’s getting us something to eat. He dug the bullet out of your shoulder this morning,” Lark explained, still speaking softly. “You’ve been sleeping for almost eight hours. You need food.”

turned his head. An IV hung from a cabinet, tubes going into his arm. “Where did you get the medicine?” He recognized what he was feeling now: painkillers. They’d somehow managed to dose him with morphine.

The school had a supply. Luckily Dillon knows what he’s doing,” Lark said, sliding her hand down to grasp his. Her other hand clutched the locket they’d given her all those weeks ago.

Ben tried to nod, but quickly stopped when the motion set off sparks of pain in his shoulder.
“Dillon’s a medic,” he said instead.

Yes, that’s what he told me. I had no idea Dillon used to work as an EMT, but lucky for you, he knew what he was doing.” She smoothed her palm up his arm. “Rest. He’ll be back soon enough.”


When Ben woke the next time, he could barely remember Dillon helping to prop him up to eat. Lark had fed him soup and then he’d fallen asleep again. Thankfully, he felt more aware now, though the room was dark. The flicker of a single candle on a table near the door lit the space only dimly.

He shifted slightly, happy to find that he could move without yelling. His shoulder still hurt, but didn
’t feel as messed up as it had before. He looked around, trying to remember what had happened. He vaguely remembered killing zombies. He had no idea how they’d gotten him into a building and he wasn’t sure he cared. Lark slept next to him, her thin frame tucked onto the edge of the bed. Her hair was messy, but she was breathing and alive. She looked beautiful, even covered in mud and blood. A little messy hair was nothing. On his other side, Dillon slept in a chair, head pillowed on his arms on the mattress. Ben lifted his good arm and let his fingers slide through his lover’s hair.

Dillon stirred, then lifted his face. A crease from his sleeve cut across his cheek. It didn
’t detract one bit from his good looks. Ben stared at him, not knowing what to say. How did you thank someone for saving your life?

You don’t have to thank me,” Dillon said, reading Ben’s mind as he had so many times before.

Ben smiled.
“How did you know that’s what I was going to say?”

Dillon huffed out a breath.
“I know you. You always say dumb things when you feel awkward.”

Thank you,” Ben said anyway, smiling.

Dillon rolled his eyes and put a finger on Ben
’s pulse. “How are you feeling?”

Like I got stabbed in the shoulder,” Ben replied quietly, not wanting to wake Lark. “But better. A lot better.”

You weren’t stabbed, you were shot,” Lark said.

So much for letting her sleep.
She blinked up at Ben sleepily.

I know. I remember a little bit from in the car,” he said, drinking in the sight of her. “How did you get me here? Weren’t there more soldiers?”

She nodded.
“Yeah. Dillon took care of them.” Her face went tight. “There are only a few people left here. All the others are dead. Dillon and I told them they could come with us when we go north, to that place you found.” She sighed heavily. “I can’t believe the soldiers were feeding people to the zombies.”

It was a sick operation, that’s for sure,” Dillon said, his voice rough. “I never thought anyone could do that.”

People can be really evil,” Lark whispered.

Ben shivered and glanced back over at Dillon, knowing without even asking that he
’d had to kill people to save him. “Thank you. I’d be dead if you hadn’t—”

Dillon interrupted him.
“Will you stop that?” He stood up and loomed over Ben. “I did what I had to.” His eyes flicked to Lark. “We both did.”

Ben frowned, his gut suddenly churning. He remembered giving Lark the shotgun. He remembered her shooting over the car seat. She
’d killed for him, too. He gripped her hand tightly. “Thank you.”

She glared at him.
“Shut up, Ben.”

He sighed, wincing when the movement pulled at his shoulder.
“Can’t a guy be grateful?”

You can be grateful, but you can’t say it out loud,” Dillon said, bending down and kissing him softly. “That’s the rule.”

chuckled. “Okay, okay. Enough. I’ll let it go.”

I agree,” Lark said, tugging on his fingers. “You’ve saved my life so many times. It’s stupid for us to go on and on about it.”

Ben grinned at her.
“Are you sure you’re female?”

Dillon snorted.
“You were sure she was a girl a month ago.” He sat back down and leaned his head on the pillow next to Ben. They exchanged a look rich with the memory of what the three of them had done together.

Both of you, stop it. Ben needs his rest,” Lark retorted. She put her hand on Ben’s forehead. “No fever. Good. Go back to sleep. Morning will be here soon.”

He drew her hand down to his mouth and kissed her palm.

Okay,” she repeated, smiling sweetly at him.

The sudden urge to tell her how he felt, before life got in the way again had him speaking one last time, even as his eyes grew heavy.
“I love you.” He looked over at Dillon. “I love you both, so much.”

Lark eased closer, tucking her arm around his waist.
“I love you too,” she sighed into his side. “I thought I’d lost you forever.”

We looked for you for a long time, Ben and I,” Dillon said, sliding his hand over to grasp her arm. “But I knew we’d find you eventually. I don’t give up on the people I love.” He grinned against Ben’s good shoulder. “I hung around this guy for years, pining away.”

Hey,” Ben exclaimed, indignant.

Lark giggled.
“Ben was oblivious, wasn’t he?”

Dillon nodded.
“He was. It didn’t matter. I love him. And I love you, too, Lark.”

Ben felt Dillon tighten his fingers around Lark
’s arm. “No more splitting up, not for any reason,” he murmured. “I’d rather die together than live apart.”

I agree,” Dillon said.

Me three,” Lark agreed solemnly, then yawned.

Ben smiled, letting the warmth of his lovers relax him.
“We’ll figure it all out tomorrow.”

Now that we have a tomorrow to look forward to,” Dillon murmured, even as Ben slipped over the edge into sleep.



Lark laughed as Dillon dragged her further into the woods.
“Dillon, this is crazy! It’s freaking snowing out! It’s below freezing and you’re dragging me off.”

I told you, we’ve got a surprise for you,” he said, still pulling on her arm. “Ben’s waiting for us.”

She stumbled and almost fell. Before she could catch her balance, Dillon scooped her up. She blinked as fat snowflakes hit her eyelashes.
“Are you crazy? I can walk.” She squirmed in his arms and he tightened his grip, still heading down the trail and away from the town.

Shush,” he said, kissing her head. “Stop wiggling or I’m going to drop you. You’re tiny, anyway.”

She wound her arms around his neck. His hair had grown long enough that she could play with it around his shoulders.
“Where are we going?”

He grinned, still walking.
“It’s a surprise.”

She shook her head.
“Where’s Ben?”

I told you, he’s waiting for us.” Dillon suddenly took a right turn, squeezing between a cluster of rhododendron.

The leaves rattled in the cold and she shivered.
Now that she was no longer walking, it was easier to feel the chill, but then again, Dillon was hot. He gave off warmth like an oven. She snuggled closer.
Also, this is a good excuse to put my hands all over him
, she thought, smiling.

Cold?” Dillon asked, still pushing through the forest.

Not really,” she said. And she wasn’t. She was shivering more from the feeling of his arms around her, carrying her. He was so big and she was so little. He made her feel safe and uniquely feminine. She could feel his muscles flexing beneath her legs. His strength aroused her. She shivered again.

It had been a month and a half since they
’d rescued her and Ben had been injured. More than a month with only kisses and cuddles and nothing more. It had taken a while to travel up to Vermont to join the man Dillon and Ben had met. And then it had taken a longer while for Ben’s shoulder to heal properly. They’d settled into the town Jonathan Soldan had single-handedly wrestled together from the remnants of a scattered handful of people. It was winter, and zombies didn’t like the cold, so it was the safest she’d been in months. None of them knew what would happen come spring, or how many zombies were left, but for now, they were alive. And now that it was mid-December, Lark really wanted more from her men, but she was afraid to push it. She wasn’t sure why they were acting so shy with her.

We’re almost there,” Dillon said, walking a little faster.

Almost where?” she asked, knowing he wouldn’t tell her.

You’ll see,” he replied mysteriously.

She looked around. The forest was quiet and beautiful. Even with the snow falling, she didn
’t feel cold. Dillon was too warm for her to get chilled. Well, except for her nose. She grinned and tucked her face into his neck.

Dillon yelped.
“Your nose is cold!”

She giggled.
“Serves you right for dragging me out here.”

We just wanted to make it special,” Ben said, his voice carrying through the hush of the snowfall.

’s heart skipped as she twisted around. Dillon had stopped walking and stood in the middle of a small clearing. Ben was smiling at them from where he stood near a fire. Lark took in the beauty of the scene: tall pine trees clustered around a ridge of large rocks while a cheerful fire crackled in the midst of a light afternoon snow shower. Ben had spread furs between the fire and the rocks, creating a line of warmth. The rocks would catch the fire’s heat and reflect it back onto the furs. He’d stretched a canvas tarp across the rocks, protecting the furs from the snow.

Oh, it’s beautiful,” she said as Dillon slowly slid her down his body to her feet. He didn’t let go, though, once she was standing. Instead, he hugged her closer. Even through her coat she could feel his body heat. He kissed her neck, breathing next to her ear.

Do you know why we brought you here?” he whispered.

She shuddered.
“I’m starting to have an idea,” she murmured as his hands wandered down to her hips. “And I heartily approve.” He moved against her so that his cock pressed up against her hip.

It’s time,” he said, voice husky.

Wait, what? Here? Outside?” she turned in his arms.

He kissed her lips gently.
“Where better? We’re safe and it’s completely private.”

She slid her hands under his coat.
“It’s also freezing out.”

It’s not freezing over here,” Ben called, shrugging off his coat and lying back on the furs. He didn’t try to hide his arousal from her. Instead, he stretched his arms over his head, showing off his strong body.

stared at him, flushing. He wore tight jeans and a thick brown sweater that brought out the green in his eyes. His jeans looked too tight for him. As she watched, he let his hand slide down over the bulge in front and idly stroke down.

Dear God,” she muttered as a flash of heat swept through her.

Yeah. I agree. He’s gorgeous,” Dillon said in her ear, voice rough. “I want to go over there and pull off his jeans and take him in my mouth.”

“Jesus,” she breathed, turned on by Dillon’s words.

“I’ve sucked him before, you know. He won’t tell you out loud, but he loves to watch when someone gives him head. He likes the way his cock looks going in my mouth.”

“Dillon,” Lark said, feeling desperate.

“Do you want to suck him with me?” Dillon asked her.

She nodded,
unable to speak.

What are you two doing still standing over there?” Ben said, popping the button on his jeans.

Fuck,” Dillon said, urging Lark closer. “Look at him.”

She nodded, loosening the top of her coat. She was suddenly roasting. She drew out her scarf and let it fall to the ground. It landed on the edge of the furs. Dillon abruptly let go and she went to her knees, still staring at Ben. His shoulder didn
’t seem to be bothering him at all.

You’re all healed?” she asked, realizing why the two of them had made her wait so long.

All better, except for the scar,” Ben said, smiling. He tucked his hands under the bottom of his sweater and pulled it off, taking his undershirt with it.

Lark stared at his bare chest. He had even more muscles than she remembered. The scar on his left shoulder was still red and sore looking, but he didn
’t seem to have any trouble moving his arm.

You’re wearing way too many clothes,” Ben said, unzipping his jeans. His cock pushed at the cloth, still trapped behind his cotton boxer-briefs.

’s arms slid around her torso and began to unbutton her coat. “See? I told you it wouldn’t be cold.”

She swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry. Ben was sitting up now and unlacing his boots. Lark wanted to touch him so badly her hands twitched. She let Dillon pull off her coat and then she crawled forward, needing to touch that incredible skin. She placed a kiss on his abdomen. He was so warm.
He smelled so good.

God, Lark,” Ben breathed, hands going to her hair.

She moved up some more, trailing her face up his chest until her lips came to the jagged red scar. Slowly, delicately, she put her mouth on it, tracing the wound with her

Come up here,” he said, voice rough. He hauled her up and then they were kissing, deep and hot. She fell onto him and he caught her, rolling until she was on the bottom. He pulled her sweater up until she was bare, nipples puckering in the cool air. For a moment he stopped and she knew he was looking at the locket that had been Olivia’s hanging down between them, but then he smiled and kissed her again. When he rolled, she realized that Dillon had shed his coat and shirt too. He was right behind her, close to the rocks. She struggled a little, then put a hand on Ben’s chest, pressing him down.

Stay still,” she said, sliding between his legs.

His jeans strained over his erection and she palmed him, then eased his underwear down so that he sprang out, thick and hot and so perfect. Her mouth watered. Before she could think about what she was doing, she kissed the tip, licking the musky sweetness of his pre-cum away.

“Fuck,” Dillon said, leaning closer even as Ben writhed beneath her touch.

Lark smiled and took Ben in. Dillon came closer still, until his mouth was sucking where hers couldn
’t reach. Ben cried out and his dick pulsed under her hands.

Yeah, that’s it,” Dillon murmured.

Wait, wait,” Ben said.

Lark lifted her face and looked up Ben
’s body. His hair fell across his forehead, mussed and a little sweaty.

I want to do you,” he muttered, sitting up. He pushed her down and shimmied out of his pants. Then, he grabbed Dillon and manhandled him down until he was the one lying on the furs.

Dillon laughed.
“What are you doing?” He looked delicious, all masculine energy as he stared up at them. His dark eyes twinkled mischievously. Lark wasn’t sure what she wanted to do to him first, but Ben took the decision out of her hands.

What I’ve wanted to do for months now,” Ben growled, yanking at Dillon’s jeans. He pulled them off and tossed them away, then pulled Lark down.

She squeaked, confused until he began to undress her. Her sweater and boots went first, then he had her leggings down and off before she could protest.
“Ben, oh my God, slow down,” she said, laughing.

He didn
’t listen. He picked her up and put her down next to Dillon, arranging her so that Dillon’s cock jutted up between her legs, both of them on their sides. She shivered, reveling in Dillon’s warmth. His body rubbed all along hers, muscle and skin and heat making her writhe to get closer. His arms came around her waist, hands reaching up to cup her breasts.

Fuck,” she breathed as he began to play with her nipples.

Yeah, this is good,” Dillon said, hips moving. His dick slid along her cunt, hot and perfect.

Yeah,” Ben said, then he crawled between their legs and put his mouth on her clit. He held her leg out of the way effortlessly.

’s spine bowed as pleasure crashed through her. Dillon’s arms tightened, then he moaned, too, as Ben’s mouth moved down and took him inside. Lark looked down to see Ben alternating between sucking Dillon’s cock and licking up her pussy. He went back and forth until neither she nor Dillon could do anything except breathe and try to hang on.

Jesus,” Ben muttered, then he took Dillon’s erection and slid it inside Lark’s body. He licked at her again. “You taste so sweet.”

She froze for a moment, wondering why he didn’t bother with a condom, then she realized that she didn’t care. She’d wanted to be pregnant weeks ago anyway, so she stopped worrying about it and watched Ben.

Dillon groaned, long and low, hips bucking. It didn’t do any good. Ben controlled this show and he didn’t let go of Dillon until his knuckles bumped at Lark’s clit.

Don’t move,” he said.

She wasn
’t sure which one of them he was talking to and wasn’t sure she cared. He licked at her some more and she shook, so close to orgasm she couldn’t think anymore. When he moved away, she protested until Dillon went hard and still behind her. She heard the crinkle of a condom wrapper and frowned.

What’s Ben doing?” she asked, suddenly worried.

Oh God,” Dillon said in a thick voice.

Lark twisted slightly, trying to see. Ben was behind Dillon, face buried in the other man
’s neck.

Fuck!” Dillon breathed out. His cock jerked inside her.

Lark abruptly realized what Ben was doing.
“He’s fucking both of us, isn’t he?” she asked, hanging onto Dillon’s arms for dear life.

Dillon nodded, biting down on her shoulder. His arms were warm bands around her waist.

“Does it feel good?” she asked. Her clit throbbed at the thought of it, at the idea that Ben was inside Dillon at the same time Dillon was inside her.

Fuck, yes,” he said, biting a little harder.

The pain from his teeth added yet another level to the pleasure coursing through her. She shuddered.

“Oh fuck, don’t move, Lark. Please, I’ll go off and I want this to last,” Dillon begged.

Open up for me, Dillon,” Ben said thickly.

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