Erotic Island Secrets: Forbidden Passions Run Wild (3 page)


              The reception begins and the meal lasts until sunset. The newlyweds share their first dance and then the rest of the guests join in. Preston’s father comes up to Preston and says, “son I have a surprise for you. Pam and I wanted to extend you and Renee’s vacation for three days so we booked you guys the Villa. We figured then you could explore the Island while we head to Jamaica.” Preston says, “that’s so nice of you wow! Thanks!” His dad smiles and says, “I’m just so proud of you for being so successful and thought you really deserve a vacation. I’m paying for everything so do whatever you want!”


              Just then Renee walks up and Preston says, “guess what! Our parents got us the villa here for three days. We can go cliff diving, snorkeling, parasailing and party!” Renee smiles, excited to be stuck on this beautiful tropical island in a villa with a pro football player. Her eyes open wide, “what?! That’s amazing! I can’t wait to explore the island!” Renee gives Preston’s dad a big hug and says, “thank you so much!” He says, “while you’re here you might as well make a vacation out of it!”

              As the party winds down people begin to disappear into their hotel rooms and a few people are still hanging out by the bar and slow dancing. The DJ puts on romantic music which changes the mood from a party scene to a sexy lounge atmosphere. People chat in the dim lighting as the torches cast shadows on everyone’s faces. Renee and Preston sit with their parents at their table laughing and drinking. Pam says, “alright husband, I think it’s about time we take care of business.” Preston’s dad looks at her seriously and stands up. He picks her up and carries her off with a kiss. The room cheers and Preston and Renee are left sitting at the table. The chef walks out and inspects the buffett to makes sure the desserts look good. Preston moves his chair in to let him get by behind him.


              Preston says, “hey man thanks for the great food tonight. Everything was incredible.” The chef who is an older heavyset man says, “you’re welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed it.” He looks at Renee and says, “well aren’t you lucky to have the most beautiful woman in the room.” Renee laughs and says, “actually we are family now.” The chef covers his mouth and laughs heartily “oh I thought you two good looking people were a couple. I’m sorry!” They all laugh and the chef shakes Preston’s hand, “I hope you have a great evening and thanks for showing your appreciation. Wow that’s a strong grip you’ve got there son.” Preston smiles and says, “I play football.” The chef smiles and says, “I thought you must have been an athlete.” Renee says, “Preston you should sign a picture for the hotel.” Preston, enjoying the attention says, “oh good idea, I will.”


              The chef says, “you two have a lovely evening and let us know if you need anything. We will have a big breakfast buffet for you in the morning!” The happy chef walks away humming. Renee says, “what a nice guy!” Preston looks at Renee who is looking absolutely stunning in her blue short dress. Her boobs are bulging out of her dress and he can’t help stare at them. Renee notices his gaze wandering and let’s him stare, enjoying the attention. “Isn’t crazy that we are family now?” He says, “I know!” To himself he starts to think,
damn I wish we weren’t.
Renee says, “I’m pretty tired, I think I’m going to head to bed.” Preston says, “well do you want me to walk you to your room? You are pretty drunk, I want to make sure you’re ok.” She nods and says, “you can if you want, I don’t even remember where my room is!” Preston laughs and helps her up. He offers her his elbow so she doesn’t fall over. She mumbles, “god you are so hot! How are you my brother?” And then she laughs.


              Preston knowing she is drunk and doesn’t think much of it and get’s her to her door. As she sways trying to find her room key in her purse he looks at her long legs. She pulls out the room key and accidently drops it. She bends over in front of him seductively. He stares at her ass. She stands up and says, “ok give me a hug.” Preston gives her a big hug and kisses her neck which surprises Renee because it’s a more affectionate than a kiss on the cheek. She holds her for a second, feeling the intense energy between them. He let’s go and says, “I’d better go.” She looks at him knowing what he is thinking and nods. He walks away and takes one look back. She is looking at him with her head to the side, thinking devious thoughts.

Chapter 3: Alone in Paradise


              The next morning, Preston wakes up in a great mood. He scrolls through his Instagram pictures from the night before with his dad and friends. He laughs at the stupid faces and looks forward to exploring the island. He heads downstairs for breakfast and sees many of the guests already eating. He makes a huge, football player size plate of food and sits down with everyone. He sees Renee come in with a loose black dress and sunglasses, the sure sign of a hangover. Her hair is in a messy bun on top of her head. She sits down and says, “ugh.” She laughs at herself, knowing she looks like a mess. She orders a strong coffee and an orange juice. Her voice is hoarse from yelling over the music the night before. She says, “I think I may need to have a sun bathing day.”


              They see their parents off who are flying away for a honeymoon and Preston get’s keys for them to the villa. He walks back to the pool with advil for Renee who is laying on her stomach by the pool in a small black bikini. He eyes her body as he approaches. “Here this will help your headache,” he says handing her the medicine and water. He says he’s going to go check out the stores downtown and that he will be back in the afternoon. Preston takes their rental car to the main part of town and sees a cool surf shop. He stops in to look at clothes and gets bored. He buys a hat and asks if they offer surf lessons. The guy behind the counter says they do so Preston schedules it for the next day hoping Renee will come. The shop owner asks if they can take a photo together as he recognizes Preston from TV.


              Preston obliges and thanks the guy for the hat. He walks back out to the street excited for three days of shopping, exploring and definitely partying. He sees a lively place across the street with TV screens and young people in bathing suits standing around high bar tables. The place is the typical tourist trap with tiki decorations, loud music and scantily clad waitresses. Preston orders some chicken skewers at the bar and a beer and feels at home watching sports on tv. He chats with the people at the bar and then hears a loud group come in the front entrance.


              The group has wild braids, bright hair colors, piercings and tattoos. They looks like something right out of Burning Man. They speak in Swedish and seem very free and happy. The three women are wearing small bits of clothing and their free spirits are evident in their styles. The men as well, have crystals hanging around their necks, are sporting wild hair styles and wearing hippy clothing. Even their shoes are totally unlike anything Preston would usually see in Nantucket. He watches them as they walk in with their arms around each other smiling and saying hello to everyone. Everyone smiles back at them and they have a sense of mystery about them. Preston knows this type of person has very unique and unconventional ways of living and viewing the world although he’s never really hung out with them. They walk up to the bar next to him and order a pitcher of sangria.


              The man to his right says, “hello my friend,” in a Swedish accent. “Would you care to share our tasty beverage?” Preston, seeing the smiles on the girls faces, says, “I’m always down to make new friends. Where are you guys from?” They all giggle and one of the women says, “we are travellers.” One of the guys leans over to Preston and says, “you want to smoke?” Preston says, “I’m a pro-athlete and I get drug tested so I really can’t but let’s drink!” The girls get up and dance with each other and Preston watches them as he eats his food.


              The guy next to him introduces himself, “I’m Michael.” Preston shakes his hand and Michael gives him a hug. Michael says, “so we are going to a bonfire later this evening and it’s gonna be a good time. Malin is going to be doing fire spinning and there will be a drum circle.” Preston says, “oh nice, I’ll see if my new step-sister wants to come.” They drink two pitchers of Sangria and the girls are now hanging on Preston and talking to him about his energy and asking him personal questions about his relationships. He is entertained by their openness and the jovial nature of the group. “Hey would you guys like to come to the resort I’m staying at? I have a villa with a private pool,” Preston says. One of the other guys gives him a high five saying, “right on brother let’s go.”


              Preston shows up at the Villa with the six Europeans and Renee is making herself a mimosa in the kitchen. She has taken an adderol and is feeling a little more energized. The girls run in and give Renee a hug and tell her how gorgeous she is. Renee offers them mimosas and they gladly accept. Everyone hangs out by the pool chatting and sharing stories getting to know each other. Sparks fly between Renee and Michael, the tall European man who has long hair and is built like a sculpture. He sits on the edge of her lounge chair and she asks him to put tanning oil on her. As the man rubs the oil onto her thighs and lower back Preston’s eyes glance toward Renee and he feels a pang of jealousy.


              Preston’s eyes wander over to the girls in the pool who are splashing each other and being flirtatious. He wonders if there are couples in this group and if they are gay or straight because so far he can’t tell at all. He goes over to the pool and sits on the edge. One of the girls with long braids swims up and wraps his feet under her arms. She leans her head back asking for a sip of his drink. The girl stays there chatting with the other girl. Preston looks at the guys wondering if this girl is one of their girlfriends. Then he says, “so are you guys married or dating?” The girls smile and say, “we are single. We are open minded you know?” Preston’s eyebrows go up and he thinks,
no I don’t know but I think I’d like to!
The girl on Preston’s feet turns around and says, do you guys want to go for a walk on the beach to catch the sunset? Preston looks at the sun and the girls smile at him seductively.
What are they up to?
He wonders.


              “Sure,” he says and gets up. Their villa is right on the beach and so two of the girls and Preston walk down to the water’s edge and down the coastline. Sarah reaches into her bag and says, “do you guys really want to have a good time?” She pulls out three little white pills. She puts her arm around Preston and he is now drunk enough not to care about his drug testing. He looks at her beautiful eyes and her breasts and then says with a laugh, “you two are trouble.” The other girl, Malin, takes one and says, “you only live once.” Sarah feeds one of the white pills to Preston and holds her hand out for him to grab the other one and feed it to her.


              Meanwhile, back at the villa, the three Europeans and Renee are getting spicy by the firelit pool. The pool is changing colors from a light underwater and Renee put on dance music to set the mood. She is vibing with Michael, the guy who put oil on her and the other two are flirting in the water. Michael says, “I know you probably hear this a lot but I would love to pleasure you.” Renee looks at him a smiles. He looks at the doorway into the house. He reaches for Renee’s hand beckoning her. She gets up and jumps up wrapping her legs around him playfully. He carries her inside and once they are out of sight, he sets her on the counter in the kitchen and pulls off the bottoms of her bikini. He moves his tongue into her with great skill and pushes her legs apart. Through the open door they hear Preston and the girls return and Renee thinks,
we should stop
but it feels so good she doesn’t move.


              By now the ecstasy that Preston and the girls took is taking hold and they decide to go to the bonfire. Preston, who is now sitting on a chaise lounge, looks around for Renee and for a moment realizes she’s probably with that guy. Sarah is sitting on the same chair as him and he leans forward and kisses the back of her shoulder. She responds by leaning back onto him. They are now laying next to each other and he has his arm around her. He holds out his other arm and Malin comes over and lays on the other side. The girls interlace fingers and hold hands on his chest. Preston feels himself getting aroused. The darkness gives them a little privacy and the other two in the pool are now making out so the three of them feel free to do whatever they want. Preston says, “I think you two should kiss.” The girls lean in front of him and kiss passionately. Then Sarah kisses him and then Malin.


Malin says, “there are many places at the bonfire we can get away. I know of a private gazebo.” The girls look at each other smiling and then look at Preston. He says, “I’d like to give it to both of you at the same time.” The girls move their hands down to his cock and grab it. “Oh man,” he says. “Alright let’s go,” he says biting Sarah’s neck. Just then Michael comes out of the villa with Renee on his back. Preston can tell they just fucked. He secretly wishes it was him. “Hey!” he says and catches Renee’s eye who sends him a devious look. “You guys want to go to that bonfire?” Renee hops down and says, “I’m down.”


Preston calls the front desk and asks for a limo. They all walk toward the front of the resort and get into the limo to head to the bonfire. In the limo Preston says, “hey Sarah, you have any more of that stuff? Renee you gotta try this.” Sarah pulls out three more white pills from her bag and feeds one to Renee and the other two. By the time they show up to the bonfire, everyone is in an altered state, feeling frisky and high.


As Renee gets out of the limousine, Preston watches her with desire. The girls get out and he follows them. There is a huge party going on at the bonfire with kegs, tiki bars and dancing. There are at least 100 people around the fire in the darkness. Renee and Michael go to the tiki bar and Preston watches her walk away, she glances back catching his eye.
What’s that all about?
Preston thinks to himself. Then he feels a tug on his hands as the girls lead him around the corner to a hidden gazebo in a garden. The gazebo has soft cushions and the girls playfully put them on the ground instructing him to lay on his back. One of the girls takes off his pants and sits on his cock while the other sits on his face. They are totally engrossed in the moment and then they switch places.


After everyone has been satisfied they go back to the bonfire and Renee is making out with Michael. Preston goes up to them and says, “hey Renee, think we should get going soon?” She looks at him and says, “umm yeah sure.” She get’s up and they walk over to the limo in a very drunken state. The limo takes them back to the resort and on the way they listen to music. Sitting across from eachother, Preston can see up Renee’s dress and as she looks at her phone he stares between her legs. The limo drops them at the front.


They get out laughing and stumble down the pathway towards their villa. “Well that was fun huh?” Renee says. Preston replies, “you’re fun to hangout with, I’m glad we got to hangout for a few more days.” He puts his arm around her and they get back to their villa. Suddenly, they realize they are all alone on a tropical island and they both can think of only one thing.

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