EROTICA: kiss kiss BANG: 70 Books SIZZLE Collection: Sexy MILF and Group Romance... (91 page)

Chapter Four

Brent waited two more days, two more agonizing,
masturbation-filled days, before he called me into his office.

Everyone else was gone, and I waited, as I’d done all
week, for him to finally call me into his office.

I walked back to his office, hope flaring in my heart but
reminding myself to be professional.

I stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame.

“Yes Brent?”

“I don’t want to embarrass you but I’ve noticed you’ve
been in the bathroom a lot lately, are you alright? I know I’ve teased you once
or twice now but I need to know you’re okay? Are you pregnant is what I’m

He didn’t look at her, he looked around her. He was
embarrassed, poor man.

“No, just working out some frustration.” I decided to go
for bold.

For a moment Brent looked miserable and I could see the
toll our stint was having on him. The last couple of days he’d been more
jocular but there were dark circles under his eyes and he needed to shave. Even
his clothes looked a bit loose and wrinkled, which wasn’t normal for him. He
was always spotless and well-groomed.

He wasn’t eating then, or taking care of himself.

“Don’t play with me, Callie. Please, I can’t take it. I
don’t know what you have in mind now but you’re killing me.” I saw the naked
pain in his eyes and felt like an utter troll.

Of course he’d have no idea what I was doing. I’d asked
him to leave me alone and the next thing he knew I was throwing myself at him
once more.

“I’m sorry Brent, you’re right.” I stood up straight in
the doorframe. I’ve not played this well have I?”

“It’s been confusing to say the least. But at least I know
you aren’t pregnant now.” He sighed, running his hands through his hair.

“I thought I could do this Callie but it’s hard. I sit in
here in my office, jerking myself off because you’re so near but so far. I
don’t know if I can keep up this game anymore.”

Brent’s voice sounded rough, tired, and I went to him,
coming to kneel beside him.

“You want me back?” I asked.

“More than anything.” He responded, still not looking at

“Then take me to dinner then take me home.” I told him,
pulling him to the floor with me.

We didn’t make it to dinner, or home, we made it to the
couch in the staffroom, naked, our clothes strewn through the office.

“Callie.” He sighed my name with every drop of my
clothing, stopping me when I got to my stocking.

“Leave those on please.” He’d asked.

We’d moved to the couch, not touching, and in the fading
light I watched him undress. Each drop of his clothing revealed his perfect
body. Muscular and smooth, hard and soft mixing to form the man of my dreams.

I rested against the couch, my legs spread out before me
and Brent went to his knees.

Like a supplicant he started at my feet, kissing and
touching me, his fingers smoothing up my silk covered legs.

His hands brushed my inner thighs and I spread them wider,
inviting him in.

He ignored my invitation and moved to my thighs, his lips
sucking at the flesh just at the top of the stockings. His hair brushed at my
pussy, teasing the bare flesh with the delicate touch.

Brent looked up at me, his eyes piercing into mine and he
moved finally, settling his head just at the top of my abdomen, his ear pressed
to my flesh.

“I have to admit, I liked the idea of you pregnant.” He
spoke to me, his words a shock.

“Did you?”

“I did. I’d like to have children with you.”

“Oh.” I didn’t know what else to say. “We can work on that
one day.”

“Good.” The word was a kiss against the top of my pubic
bone, his hands moving to the insides of my thighs. He pulled my legs up,
placing them over his shoulders as he pulled me down, my center pressing into
his face tightly.

“Oh fuck!” I cried out as Brent’s tongue immediately went
to my clit, sucking at it fiercely.

He sucked at the tiny bud until I started to squirm then
he moved down, his tongue lapping at me from bottom to top.

Brent looked up and moved my hands to my nipples. “Let me
watch you.”

I did as he asked and I watched as his eyes moved to my
nipples. Brent’s crystal blue eyes always darkened when he was aroused and they
were so dark now they looked almost black. His eyes watched my fingers as his
mouth went back to my clit, his lips taking the small bit of flesh between

Brent moved his hands once more, down my body, to the back
of my thighs. I squeezed my legs as his hands moved pushing me off of the couch
for a moment. I wasn’t strangling him but I did hold him in place as a finger
moved down to my ass.

“Your pussy is so wet I bet my finger could just slide
right into your ass.” He said, coming up for air. “It’s just running down your

I knew what he was going to do and tried not to tense. I’d
never had that done to me before but found that I wanted it more than anything

I wanted Brent’s fingers in my ass!

He obliged me but he did it slowly, his middle finger just
teasing me at first as his tongue went back to torture my now throbbing and
hard clit.

A gasp tore from my throat as I felt him pushing into me,
the sensation odd but not displeasing. Then he popped through a tight ring of
muscle I hadn’t been aware was there and my body writhed of its own free will.

“Brent! Oh don’t stop baby, fuck my ass!” I encouraged
him, my shame gone in the wake of the pleasure coursing through me.

His finger pounded in and out of my ass, my feet back on
the floor. I used them to push up into his face, my ass tightening around his
finger as my entire body clutched at him.

“Yes, Brent, yes. Oh fuck me, don’t stop!” I called out,
wanting everything he had to give me.

Brent kept fucking my ass with his finger until he felt my
body relax and my hands pushed at his head. I knew what he’d want next and
pushed him back.

Turning I knelt on the floor and pushed my ass into the
air, allowing him access to the now stretched hole I knew he’d want.

Brent didn’t speak, he just pressed his dick along my wet
crevice to get it slick, then pushed at the still tight hole of my ass.

He grunted as the head popped in, then the rest followed.

I moaned as an odd sensation worked up my spine but it
didn’t hurt so I let him carry on.

Brent, for once in our entire affair, was greedy and
sought his own release quickly. My ass squeezed around him, inviting him to do
as he pleased, and he thrust up into my tight little ass.

“Later I’ll be gentle, later I’ll make you come with my cock
but right now, I just need to come Callie, I need to come in you.” Brent’s
words came out roughly, his body on the verge of release.

“Come for me baby.” I urged, reaching underneath me to
gently cup his balls, a move I knew would get him off quickly.

With a final thrust Brent let go, his cock pulsing as he
emptied his load. He gasped behind me and strangled out words.

“So fucking tight.”

I guess he liked it.

Chapter Five

We cleaned up in the employee bathroom as well as we could,
plotting out what we wanted for dinner, laughing as we kissed each other
repeatedly, happy to be together again.

“Brent, I need to tell you something.” I spoke as we went
towards his office. I wanted to tell him I loved him.

“What’s that babe?” He asked but his words broke off as we
went into his office to get his keys.

A beautiful blonde sat in his chair, her eyes sparkling and

“Hello Brent. Hello Callie. I’m Maria, Brent’s wife. I
thought I’d come in and help Brent out a bit. He’s been so miserable since you
broke off the affair. I see that it’s not so broken anymore. But I do have a
question. How long do you two plan on keeping up this charade, sneaking around?
Wouldn’t it be better for you both if you were just a little more open with
each other? In fact, I think I might have a solution that suits us all.”

The woman’s words were spoken with amusement and no malice.
I stared at her, stunned.
beautiful woman was Maria. This was
Brent’s wife. And she knew about the affair?

“I suggest we head to dinner first, as you two seem to have
worked up quite an appetite. Care to join me?” Maria’s beautiful voice spoke
words I didn’t quite understand, my brain was still five sentences back, but I
shook my head yes.

What had I stepped into now?

The End of Book 3
of 5


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Copyright © 2015 All
rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means without written permission from the author.

This book is a work
of fiction.  Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely
This story has erotic themes and is suitable for adults, 18+ only.

Chapter One

“Maria?” Brent’s voice shook as he looked at his wife. “Uh,
this is Callie.”

“HI Callie, I’m, obviously, Maria. Brent’s wife.” The woman,
cool and composed, looked me over once more before coming to sit on the edge of
Brent’s desk.

“I know this is all very strange for you, and quite
complicated, but I think we can explain it all over a quiet, intimate dinner
where we won’t be overheard.” Her voice purred, drawing me into her web.

“Oh, um. Sure.” I agreed quickly, because it seemed a
refusal was just simply out of the question. One did not say no to a woman such
as Maria.

“Good, I’ll send for the car then.” Maria fiddled with her
phone for a moment and then stood. “He’s outside waiting for us. Come along,
Callie, I’m not going to hurt you, my dear. Not at all.”

Oh my, does that mean she’s definitely going to?
Self-preservation kicked in at that point and my feet refused to move. Brent’s
head bent to mine and he spoke to me.

“It really is fine, Callie. Just hear her, us, out and it
will make sense. You’re safe, I promise.” Brent ushered me out of the office,
locking the door behind us, and ushered me into a black car that I didn’t even
know the brand of. I didn’t see the brand symbol or any markers inside either.
All I saw was luxury beyond what I could imagine.

“So Callie,” Maria began, her hand accidentally brushing at
the top of my left thigh as she shifted her skirt. “Where shall we eat, what do
you like?”

“Something light tonight, I think. I’m feeling a bit

“Ah, sushi then.” The blonde woman next to me directed the
driver to a restaurant I’d have never been to before. This was going to be an
expensive night.

“Brent, darling, be a dear and hand me my phone out of my
bag. I’ll arrange a table so we won’t be disturbed.” Maria’s hand brushed
against my breast as she reached for the phone, looking down at a tablet and
not paying attention.

I felt a shiver as the back of her slim hand grazed my
nipples but remained calm, seated between them with my hands in my lap.

Down girl!

The other two beside me went quiet and for some reason,
perhaps Maria’s casual accidental touches had sparked my memory. I thought
about the girl I’d had an affair with in college.

Louisa had been a dark haired, dark eyed French girl
studying biology at the same university that I was studying at. We’d hit it off
immediately and I had learned from Louisa that there was far more to sex than
awkward groping in the backseat of a car.

Louisa left when her term was up and I deeply missed the

Callie looked at Maria now and felt a strange attraction.
She should be panicking, instead she felt a need to brush the woman’s long
blond hair from her face and inhale just below her ear.

Stop it, I told myself. Focus on what’s going on. Watching
Brent and Maria, I saw that they never really looked directly at each other,
even once we were sat at our table, they barely spoke to one another. You could
see by their interaction that they led very separate lives.

Dinner was winding down when Maria finally started to give
me her speech. My nerves had grown tighter and tighter as dinner progressed and
little was said. Even after the waiter brought us several bottles of wine our
tongues seemed to have become stuck to the bottom of our mouths.

“Right then.” Maria said suddenly, bringing the table’s
focus to her.  “Let’s put this beautiful woman out of her misery, shall we?

Maria was looking directly at Brent when she spoke, her eyes
holding a question. Brent assented by shaking his head yes, his face flat and

“Good. Now, Callie, Brent is free to do as he pleases, so
long as it brings neither of us shame. That can be difficult when you are
married but I’ve managed to for quite a few years now.”

“Pardon?” I asked, taking a gulp of my wine.

“We aren’t necessarily what people call swingers but we live
our own lives.”

“Excuse me?” I asked, my mind still blank.

“We aren’t exclusive to each other.” She added helpfully,
her hands gesturing a sign of togetherness.

“Oh.” I said. I’m pretty certain my IQ had gone down several
points in her eyes.

“We’ve been married for ten years. We married when I was 18,
almost 19 years old. We still love each other, that’s not a problem, we just
live very different lives and Brent is very dedicated to his company. I’m quite
proud of him though. “

“You have an open marriage then?” I stuttered, taking
another sip of wine. I looked over at Brent. He looked pained for some reason.

Maria caught my attention once more. “We do, yes.”

Maria looked over at Brent and with a bow of his head he
seemed to give her his consent to continue.

“Well, I have more accurately. I’ve had several lovers over
the years. Brent, however, has always stayed true to me. Until you came along. You
are very special to Brent and I’d wanted to meet you before now but Brent
wouldn’t hear of it. Then you broke it off and I saw how very much it hurt him.
We talked about the relationship and I knew I had to do something. Brent cares
about you.”

“Pardon?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “You talked about

“Oh yes. Not in a bad way but we are very good friends,
aren’t we dear?” Maria finally reached a loving hand out to Brent and he kissed
it, his love for her clearly in his eyes. The same way he looked at me.


I took a deep breath and turned back to Maria.

“So you knew about me. You wanted us back together. What
then? What’s this solution?”

“You become our partner.” Maria’s answer came quickly.

“Our?” Again with the stupid questions, I know, I know.

“Yes, our… most of my lovers have been women.” She gave me a
rather sexy wink to my astonishment. “And part of your issue with the affair is
that you are lonely. There was the married part but obviously we’ve dispensed
with that concern. We can end that loneliness by making this a triple affair.
Or is it double? Oh, I don’t know, but you know what I mean.”

All I could do was stare at her, stunned into silence.

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