Espino, Stacey - Her Cowboy Triple Team [Ride 'em Hard 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (17 page)

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Kayla was balancing on a tight wire of do and don’t. Part of her wanted to succumb to these three men, but the other part was hesitant. This would be her second ménage. Would Grant still want her if she participated, or would he think less of her? She wanted it all—sex and love. Kayla was slowly growing closer to each man, learning what made him different and special. Each one would add to their relationship, if only she could get them to stop bickering.

A hand snaked around her from behind and palmed her mound through the satin of her panties. The contact was electric, reminding her just how ready she was. The men surrounded her, the heat from their bodies lulling her into submission. The scent of horses, musky cologne, and raw male essence teased her senses. This was her ultimate fantasy. She never expected a woman like her, with all her many flaws, could luck out with a drop-dead-gorgeous man. Kayla had three.

“You just let us take care of you, okay, darlin’?” Grant’s familiar baritone cut through her lust-filled fog. She hadn’t even realized she’d closed her eyes, giving herself over completely. This was even better than the time in her apartment. Not only were there three men, but they weren’t fighting or rushed. They moved slowly, sensually, touching and undressing her.

She braced herself as her jeans were tugged down to her ankles.
hadn’t seen her naked, and the other two men had only seen her in dark shadows by night. Her nerves began to race. She had stretch marks on her thighs and hips. It wasn’t easy being the fat kid growing up, especially when her brother was God’s gift to women. Although she’d shed most of the extra pounds from her youth, she still had a good twenty pounds she wanted to lose.

“Relax, sweet thing.”
’s mindset had shifted. She could see the raw need in his dark eyes. “You’re too tense.”

“I need a blanket or a dark room.”

“What in God’s name for? How will we see you?” asked Ben, unfastening his belt. His jeans were already sinfully low on his etched hips. She watched with fascination, anxious to see the hard bulge behind his zipper.

“That’s the point. I don’t want you to see me.”

Grant chuckled and then pulled off his shirt. The man was a god, his shoulders so broad compared to his tapered waist. “She’s playin’ shy.”

“She’s anything but shy,” said Ben, slipping her panties down her legs. Her knees went weak, but Grant and Austin were right there to hold her steady. “She’s a vixen in bed.”

How could she explain that she was ashamed of her body without saying it aloud? Couldn’t they guess? She never dressed provocatively, not because she had iron-clad morals but to hide her extra weight. Her arms were too fat, her stomach had rolls when she sat, and her hips were way too big. Surely they weren’t attracted to her. Men desired women like Angel—blonde, thin, shapely, and drop-dead gorgeous. Kayla was a wallflower, a woman rarely noticed. All this attention was still a shock, and maybe she’d never get fully used to it.

She attempted to cover herself with her arms, at least keep her midsection out of full view, but the men wouldn’t have it. Ben stood up, those dark, delicious tattoos arousing her despite her nerves. “Never hide yourself from us. You’re beautiful, Kayla.” He spread her arms to the side, putting her on full display for his inspection. The morning light poured in through the many oversized windows and skylights between the rafters.

“Stop it. If this is some kind of joke—”

“What would we be joking about?” asked
, his hand traveling up the curve of her hip toward her breasts. When he squeezed her tender flesh, she let out a throaty sigh. She needed this, but her insecurities kept her from fully enjoying herself.

“My body. You can’t honestly be attracted to me.” There. She said it. Put her vulnerability out in the open.

Grant cupped her face, demanding her attention. “Don’t be saying fool things like that, darlin’. I wouldn’t have been attracted to you if you weren’t nice to look at. Once I got you naked, you were even better than I imagined.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “You make me harder than a stud horse. Maybe it’ll take all three of us to convince you how perfect you are.”

“Men don’t want skin and bones, not real cowboys. We want a woman with a healthy body, big tits, and strong hips that can take a proper fucking.” Ben pulled his cock from his jeans. The length of hardened flesh was dark and swollen. He pressed up against her, his bare dick rubbing against her stomach. With their bodies pressed together, Ben cupped her ass in his hands, pulling her even closer. “I love a woman I can grab hold of.”

“Well, now that that’s settled, what are we going to do with our sweet little Kayla?”
’s mouth descended on her neck from the side, sucking and kissing, hitting all her erogenous zones with each brush of his lips. She tilted her head to give him more access. Ben’s erection still pressed to her front when she really needed him filling her cunt.

“We’ll see how much she can take before she begs us to triple-team her.” Ben brushed
aside and scooped Kayla up into his arms. She held tight around his neck and shoulders, corded with muscle.

He began to walk, easily supporting her full weight without showing a strain on his face. Somehow he managed to walk and look her in the eyes at the same time. He leaned over as he shifted her higher in his arms. She never expected such tenderness from Ben, not after he’d pushed her away time and time again. His kiss was the most special because she knew he gave it freely, from the heart. Even in the heat of the moment when they’d had sex he didn’t give in. Now, he chose to kiss her because things were different.

The few light strokes of his lips to hers weren’t enough. She wanted to play with his tongue, share a passion so strong they’d forget the time and place. They ascended a staircase at the second half of the split-level ranch house. Kayla knew they were taking her to a bedroom, but traveling from point A to point B gave her time to get nervous again. Three men at once? She knew for a fact it was possible, but the thought of being fucked three ways still made her apprehensive. If she was going to relax and give in to their ministrations, they’d have to prepare her, get her so aroused that she’d let them do anything to her body.

Kayla had the distinct feeling they planned to do just that. “I know those two cowboys are in love with you,” Ben whispered when they reached the top landing. “I wouldn’t take that away from you or them. But I won’t give you up, either.”

So there was a chance to make her dreams come true, even with the one man she expected to bow out. It was like a weight off her shoulders, a blessing granted.

“You better not,” she said, smiling.

He kissed her one last time before kicking open a door with a thud. “Play time’s over, baby.” He unceremoniously tossed her on the king-sized bed. Immediately he climbed up over her, his jeans scraping her inner thighs. He was like a predator deciding where to feast first. The other two men entered the room, closing the door behind them. “
, get my boots for me, will ya?”

complied, pulling off the tight-fitting cowboy boots and tossing them in the corner. “You’ve already had a chance with her. It’s my turn.”

“Just let me taste her a bit.”

brushed his brother out of the way. He stood at the end of the bed, staring at her. She swallowed hard, waiting. “Are you afraid?” he asked.

She shrugged. “A little.”

He began to tug off his shirt but hesitated.

“Go on,” she coaxed.

scowled but continued to reveal those fine, sculpted shoulders and lean muscles. Of course she could clearly see the scars he tried to hide, but she saw through them. She only saw the man, his inner beauty radiating outward. If he could move beyond his insecurities, so could she. She let her legs drop a little farther apart.

Just like the other two, he was sun kissed from working outdoors. There was a stark contrast when one of the men pressed against her skin to skin because she was so fair. It was the price for always covering up, even in the heat.

“Change your mind?”

“Still not afraid.”

“You should be,”
said. “It’s been a long time since I had a woman in my bed.”

So this was
’s room. She glanced to the sides, immediately thinking of the mural and where she should put it. There was some sports memorabilia on the walls, and he apparently liked Native art. One wolf statue in particular caught her eye. She almost felt giddy, being granted permission into the lives of these three unique men. Kayla wanted to learn everything, bond on every intimate level.

“What do you plan on doing with me?” She propped her upper body up on her forearms. Her bare breasts were on display, but she was getting used to them looking at her nude.

“I want to suck and lick every inch of your body.”
lifted up her foot, which caused her to lose balance and crash softly down to her back.

sucked several of her toes into his mouth. She tried to pull back, finding it impossible to believe it didn’t gross him out. But he was too strong and continued his sensual assault. What shocked her more than the act was the fact it felt so fucking good. She swore there must be a major erogenous zone in her foot because the sensation traveled all the way to her clit.

“Do you like that, Kayla?” asked Grant, sitting on the side of the bed.

She could only nod, too focused on the rising pressure in her cunt.
worked magic on her, and she couldn’t wait to see where he’d travel with his thick lips next.

Grant took her hand in his and kissed her knuckles. He then proceeded to mimic
, sucking her fingers into his mouth before he nipped up her arm to her shoulder. Ben took the free spot opposite Grant, stark naked now. He went right for the gold, cupping her breast and sucking on her nipple. His tongue swirled around her areola and flicked her sensitive bud, releasing a cascade of warmth through her veins. Her pussy began to weep, her nerves fading away. They worked together flawlessly, spoiling her with a multitude of sensations all at once.

“If I asked you to choose between us now, could you?” asked Grant before rimming her ear with his tongue. A shiver raced down her body.

“I don’t want to choose.” It was the truth.

“And I won’t make you. But after tonight we’ll stick together or break apart. That’s up to them.” Grant suckled behind her ear, a particularly sensitive spot.

“Don’t worry about me,” said
. “I’ll follow Kayla to the ends of the earth if she asked me. And I ain’t worried about sharing her with either of you, as long as your intentions are honorable. A real cowboy has enough confidence to share his woman.”

What would Clay think? What about Grant’s parents, the Richmonds, the whole town? Maybe it would appease them more to have her hitched to three men as opposed to living alone above the hardware store. She may actually have a chance to capture that rare love Clay managed to achieve in his life. Kayla knew she had enough love in her heart for all three men, and her body was ready and willing to satisfy them.

Chapter Fourteen

Grant had several personal goals, some immediate and others long-term. With the way things were progressing, it was best to take each day as it came, but tonight he had a few goals he wanted to reach. He needed to get Kayla comfortable with her body. She was God’s gift to man with all her padding in the right places. Her hourglass figure was everything a cowboy would die for, but here she was trying desperately to hide herself from their eyes.

Next he needed her to open up, ask for what she wanted. Things were going to get hardcore and dirty, especially with Ben in their ménage, so she had to lose her prim-and-proper streak in the bedroom. His first thought was bondage and spankings. If she wouldn’t stop hiding herself and thinking negatively about her luscious body, she needed a good, solid spanking. Being tied up to the bed frame would then ensure she couldn’t cover her intimate parts. It was the tough love she probably needed, and he’d enjoy doling it out.

He rested his hand on her knee and slowly tried to pry her leg open. She held firm, holding it shut, even with her other leg up in
’s grasp. He was now trailing kisses down her leg, nearly at her sensitive inner thighs, a particularly orgasmic area for most women.

“Kayla still doesn’t believe she’s beautiful,” Grant said. Ben and Austin froze, looking to him for clarification. “Well, look, she won’t even part her legs for me. She’s been trying to hide and cover up since we were downstairs.”

“She did the same thing at her apartment,” said Ben. “Why, Kayla? Surely you believe we’re here because we like what we see?”

“Do we have to talk about his now?” she asked. She twisted slightly on the bed, probably eager for more erotic massage but not willing to open up to them as she needed to.

“Yes.” Grant pulled her up into a sitting position and slid her to the side of the bed. “Ben, what did your daddy do when you were naughty as a kid?”

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