Eternal Samurai (40 page)

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Authors: B. D. Heywood

“I won’t. It is barbaric.” Tatsu reiterated his refusal and moved to leave. Arisada’s grip on his elbow stopped him.

“We live in barbaric times,
? This is my choosing, please honor it.”

“It will hurt,” Tatsu repeated stubbornly trying to find a way out of this bizarre request yet unable to refuse the one he loved.

“Not as much as my heart if you do not grant me this.” Arisada crooked his head sideways. His golden eyes glowed with trust as he handed Tatsu the sharp needle. “
please. Consider it payment for saving your life.”

Tatsu shook his head. “Freaking blackmailer.” As often as his swords had inflicted pain on others, this was different.

“By Hachiman, I can’t believe I am doing this.” His fingers shook slightly as he positioned the needle under the vampire’s tongue. He took a deep breath and thrust. Felt the vampire’s fang tips graze his knuckle before retracting.

Arisada snapped the barbell into the ball and smiled. “
, Tatsu-kun for making this bond with me. You have made me very happy.” He brushed his lips over Tatsu’s forehead. “Now, we will go see your Major.”

Tatsu clutched the needle with its minute drop of blood. Why did that word
sound more like a farewell?



nable to contain his agitation, the Major paced the confines of his small office. His eyes were hollow, his wispy hair disheveled. An uncharacteristic stubble covered his face. He clenched his jaw to control his frustration. He had lost men before, courageous men who died protecting others, men he esteemed. Some had been his friends. Until four days ago, the thought he’d lost two more, Murtagh and Cobb. His relief at the news that Tatsu was alive almost moved him to tears.

At his core, Major Blenheim abhorred the killing that always arose between different cultures, ideologies and now species. However, he was a realist. His military expertise meant less killing than if conflict was left to those who only lusted for power. Still, the death of any man under his charge hurt.

But for some reason, this time the loss went deeper. When they found Bana’s body charred almost beyond recognition, Major Blenheim felt deep anger boil inside him. Even if Bana was no longer human, the Major still consider him one of his own.

Wyckes had cremated the Irishman’s mangled body, the ashes placed in an urn inscribed
Ireland Forever
. Phoenix’s joke that it should say,
Sod off you wankers
fell flat.

There was no way of determining if the youngster, Tatsu Cobb, lay buried beneath the massive piles of twisted, molten steel. The Major declared Tatsu missing in action, presumed dead. But he knew every Leper clung to the hope that the kid somehow survived.

Then that heartening call from Fornax. Tatsu Cobb was alive. Fornax assured him that the boy was safe in a secret location but he’d sustained life-threatening injuries. Against his better judgment, Major Blenheim agreed not to reveal the news to the Lepers right away despite knowing how much it would lift their morale.

With a mental shrug, the Major combed his hair into place with his palms and entered the Pit. Every man present fell silent and as one turned to him.

“Gentlemen, despite our losses, we still have a contract to fulfill,” the Major’s voice grated. “Discerning Ukita’s plan will allow us to fulfill that contract. Once we know that, we will move out. Agreed?” Every Leper nodded.

“Don’t care what the fucker plans, just wanna kill him,” Phoenix itched for a fight, every nerve screaming for vengeance. He and Murtagh went way back, and he was just beginning to like the little Ninja kid. Now both were gone.

“I’ll tell you his plans.” The slightly inflected voice startled the Major who spun around to see Arisada and Tatsu, standing at the door of the Pit. Fornax hovered behind them.

“Welcome back Mr. Cobb.” The taciturn Englishman struggled to refrain from showing his joy at seeing his youngest operative alive and well. The Major’s gaze shifted to the beautiful Japanese man standing calmly beside Cobb. A momentary shock flickered across the Major’s weary face. Not a man, a vampire.

The sight of the unknown vampire next to Tatsu stilled the Lepers’ exuberant reaction, but only for a moment. Bedlam erupted in the Pit as the mercenaries crowded around a stunned Tatsu. Galloway cupped Tatsu’s startled face in his hands and dropped a deep French kiss on his mouth. Passebon stayed seated with a huge grin across his face. He winked when Tatsu, blushing deeply, looked at him.

“Little Bro,” Phoenix bellowed as he climbed over the top of the table to reach Tatsu. He shoved Galloway aside. “I fixed your ride. Runs better than new,” Phoenix crowed and wrapped Tatsu in a rib-cracking hug. Tatsu winced. “Crap, sorry man. Guess you got hurt, huh?” the biker mumbled. As he backed away, he caught a warning flash in the red-haired vampire’s eyes. For the first time in his life, Phoenix felt fear.

“Gentlemen, please let’s have a little order. Give Mr. Cobb and his guest a chance to enter the room.” Chairs clattered as the Lepers resumed their seats. The Snake Eaters remained standing against the back wall. With naked hostility, they regarded the vampire in their midst, their fingers hovering over their holstered weapons.

“Are you the one Fornax told me about?” the Major asked.

Arisada bowed. “
Watashi wa
Saito Arisada, I believe I can answer some of your questions if—”

“How come the kid’s with you?” Phoenix’s growl almost drowned in the din of questions filling the room.

“I found Cobb-san at the power plant.” Arisada replied, reluctant to acknowledge his part in saving Tatsu. Remorse filled the
’s face as he detailed the events at the facility, how Bana had fought to protect Tatsu. He omitted how Bana’s bullets had caused the explosion. These honorable men did not need to know.

“I wish to help. It means I am betraying my own kind and my
who I have served for centuries. But I have my own reason for wanting to stop Sadomori.” Arisada looked with open affection at Tatsu now sitting in his accustomed chair.

The Lepers looked at Tatsu with awe. The kid not only had survived a massive explosion, but also managed to become the very obvious boyfriend of one of the most powerful vampires in Seattle.

The Major frowned at Arisada’s offer. This monster was clever, not to be trusted. Then Blenheim felt shame at his abrupt judgment. No, not a monster, more a brave warrior that had risked his life to return one of Blenheim’s own men. “Why does Ukita want this virus? What possible use is it to him?” The Major asked.

“Total domination.” With those two words, Arisada irrevocably broke his oath to his
. He felt the keen blade of his betrayal twist through him. The pain was as sharp as that caused by his own
centuries ago. Nevertheless, to protect the one he loved, he would endure far worse.

“Ukita Sadomori is obsessed with total power. He has conquered vast territories, slaughtered and oppressed millions of people throughout China, the Steppes, Europe. With this new strain virus, he can create a vampire army, one large and powerful enough to take over this territory.”

, what good is an army that can’t walk in daylight?” Passebon snorted.

“Daylight is not an issue when thousands of vampires can overrun a city within a single night. He will terrorize the surviving people into unquestioning obedience. Make no mistake, all survivors will obey Sadomori, either out of fear or misguided loyalty.”

Bell shook his head. “It makes no sense, turning so many humans. Destroying their source of food supply. Vampires can’t feed off each other,”

“There will still be enough left to feed the new vampires. Only Sadomori will have eliminated the need for indenture.” Wyckes waved his files toward the doubting Leper.

Abruptly, Phoenix moved beside the Snake Eaters lined up along the back wall. Legs splayed in an aggressive stand, he held his shotgun loosely in one hand. “Why are you helpin’ us?” He glowered at Arisada, making no effort to hide his mistrust of the bloodsucker’s offer.

“Many Tendai vampires fear the Daimyō’s ambition will lead to total annihilation of our species. I have sworn to prevent this even if it means betraying my Sire.” No sign of emotion showed on Arisada’s face, yet the crimson flickering in his eyes revealed the pain of his declaration.

The Major regarded Saito Arisada. If he did not trust the vampire’s reason for siding with humanity, he could trust the look of love whenever Arisada glanced at Cobb. The Major decided he’d be a fool if he ignored this offer. “Very well, Saitosan. I’ll accept your help. And Mr. Cobb, if Saito-san agrees, I would like him to be your partner until this matter is resolved.”

Trust an Englishman to describe the possible destruction of an entire population as a “matter.” A moment later, Tatsu recognized his sarcastic thought as nothing but a reaction to his own anger. Tatsu did not want Arisada assigned as his partner. His last partner had died, and he was responsible.

“Your Kawasaki is in the motor pool. However, since you are in no condition to ride, perhaps Saito-san will take you home?” the Major nodded to Arisada.

Tatsu glared at Arisada’s back as he followed the vampire to the Audi. He climbed stiffly into the passenger seat. “I don’t need a partner. I can take care of myself,” he snapped at the
sliding behind the wheel.

? You really think that?” Arisada leaned over and poked Tatsu in the ribs, forcing an involuntary grunt of pain. “You are not fully recovered,
Now be quiet and fasten your seat belt.” He turned the ignition. The car purred. Tatsu thought it sounded like the smug satisfaction purring in Arisada’s throat.

A day later, Tatsu was about to go nuts. Twenty-four hours of this enforced rest had shredded every ounce of his patience. He paced from his bedroom to his living and back, wearing a trail in the cheap rug. Frustration etched lines in his smooth, boy’s face.

Earlier in the day, Phoenix had brought Tatsu’s Drifter home. The biker had grumbled good-naturedly about having to ride a crappy, rice-burner. Still, Phoenix could not conceal his pride in the overhaul he’d given the motorcycle.

“Everyone’s on the rag, man. This is some heavy shit what with the virus and all. We won’t catch the fucking bug, but if it gets loose folks are gonna be royally screwed. I’ve told my brothers to go down to Oakie and hang out with the Disciples, get some California pussy.” On that note, Phoenix tossed Tatsu his keys and left to catch his ride rumbling in the street below.

As soon as the front door closed, Arisada slipped into the living room. As usual, he’d entered through the bedroom balcony.

“Can’t you enter like a normal person?” Tatsu snapped to conceal his immediate arousal at the sight of the beautiful

The vampire grinned. “Well, I’m not exactly a person am I?”

“You know what I mean.” Tatsu strode into his bedroom. “
, I need a smoke. Why are you here?”

“I need to see you.” Arisada followed Tatsu’s tense, retreating back. He removed his full-length coat and placed it and a wrapped object on the bed.

Tatsu stared, felt his mouth water.
. It was very, very obvious that Arisada wore nothing beneath his leather pants.

Needing a distraction from that all-too arousing sight, Tatsu fished a fresh pack of cigarettes out of his dresser drawer. He lit one and took a couple of drags. It didn’t help. His belly started quivering and his blood rush south, pooling into his groin, Crap, he was already half-hard. Pretending anger, he stubbed his unfinished smoke out in his ashtray.

Arisada picked up the still-smoldering butt, rolled it for a moment between his slim fingers and inhaled. The tobacco held a whiff of spearmint from Tatsu’s toothpaste. Arisada extinguished it with an odd care in the ashtray. He wandered over to the teak
and traced his finger over the empty slot.

“You should not be without a worthy weapon.” He unwrapped the cloth, and silently held the Ikkansai out to Tatsu who just stared at it.

The vampire lifted the boy’s left hand, placed the weapon in it. “You are Kurosaki, descendant of one of the most ancient Japanese houses. You should never be without a sword that honors your ancestors. Please, this time, accept it,” Arisada entreated.

Tatsu stared at the marvelous sword as if for the first time. Unable to hide his reverence, he pulled the weapon from its ancient wooden
. Truly, he was not worthy to wield a weapon of such esteem. “I already told you I cannot.” He snapped the sword back into the protection of its polished scabbard. Held it out.

The vampire growled low in his throat, clenched his fists, refusing to take the proffered sword. “Will you dishonor me by rejecting my gift, Cobb-san?”

Flustered, Tatsu looked into those golden eyes, the pupils now ringed by tiny flecks of red. Within their depths, he saw hurt and yearning and pride. The sword was more than a weapon. It was a symbol of love. How could he refuse such a gesture? A mélange of conflicting emotions rippled through him. He was incapable of sorting them out.

Domo arigatō gozaimasu
, your gift gives me great honor.” He bowed very low, and then placed the
in the lacquered kake stand. It looked perfect, resting above the

“I pray this weapon never fails you as I failed Koji Nowaki.” Arisada stammered to a halt before the sudden confusion in Tatsu’s jade eyes.

“I dreamed about him, about Koji Nowaki.”

“You dreamed about him?” Arisada stilled. He sensed something more in Tatsu’s use of the word
. His unreadable gaze told Tatsu nothing.

That look made Tatsu uneasy. He heard no emotion in Arisada’s simple question. No emotion in this vampire meant danger. In terse sentences, Tatsu related every detail about the dream. He thought he would feel nothing with the retelling instead his heart raced—he knew the vampire heard it—his armpits grew damp, his belly filled with warmth rolling down to his now throbbing dick.

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