Ethan (Alluring Indulgence) (22 page)

Read Ethan (Alluring Indulgence) Online

Authors: Nicole Edwards

read the desire in Beau’s eyes and his pulse sped up, but this time it wasn’t
fueled by anger. No, this was pure, unadulterated lust. And truthfully, Ethan
was more than happy to put himself in Beau’s capable hands so to speak.

fact, he craved it.

Beau moved, Ethan followed. Once they stepped into the master bathroom, Ethan
made a quick detour to the shower, flipping on the faucets, allowing the two
showerheads on the wall and the rain showerhead to come on. He made sure the
water was hot, but not scalding, just enough to ensure the last of the tension
could be eased from his body.

again, he knew there would be an entirely different sort of tension where Beau
was concerned.

he made his way out from behind the wall that concealed the shower, Ethan found
Beau leaning casually against the bathroom counter, his hands gripping the
edge, one ankle crossed over the other.

cool. Or so Ethan thought.

their eyes met, Ethan saw the thunderheads brewing, something exquisite and
exciting, and it had nothing to do with fights or fury. This was… It was more
than desire. More than need. He couldn’t even name it. But whatever it was, he
felt it too. And oddly enough, he wanted it.

fact, he wanted Beau – every part the man had to offer.

the fact that he’d thrown caution to the wind, Ethan approached Beau slowly,
not wanting to rush him, but not sure how much his control was worth at this
point. He was having a difficult time focusing on what he was supposed to be
doing, instead thinking ahead to the moment when nothing would matter except
for the satisfaction of being in Beau’s arms.

know that you belong to me tonight, right?” Beau asked.

Ethan’s dick heard the statement before his brain
even processed the words.

E. No one else is invited here tonight.”

understood what Beau was saying. This was about them, only them. Demons and
memories weren’t invited here. At least for now. “I get it.”

grinned, a sexy smirk that had fire erupting in Ethan’s groin. His cock was
paying close attention as well.

Then I want you naked.
.” Beau insisted, that sexy authoritative cadence
making Ethan’s head spin.

like the best plan you’ve had all day.”

winked at him, another move that had Ethan’s entire body trembling with

Ethan’s surprise, Beau didn’t move, just continued to brace himself against the
counter, his full attention focused on him. Slowly, while he watched every
nuance of Beau’s expression, Ethan managed to pull his shirt off and then
unhook his belt buckle.

he could go further, Beau crooked his finger and said, “Come here.” Beau
followed the gesture with a subtle nod of his head, and Ethan moved closer,
stopping when they were just a breath apart.

glanced away briefly, and Ethan found himself reaching up to touch his face.
“Look at me.”

met his gaze again, his brown eyes darker than before. Was it lust that made
them turn molten? Or was it something else?

need you to touch me,” Ethan stated firmly, wondering if Beau had rethought his
need to control this.

voice wasn’t as demanding as he would’ve liked and he was pretty sure he’d
shocked Beau as well. That or Beau’s dominant side was just begging to come out
because the next thing he knew, he was in Beau’s arms, their lips pressed
together in a kiss that was so gentle, his bones turned to mush.

wanted to spend the entire night kissing you last night,” Beau mumbled against
his lips, his fingers running up the back of his neck and cradling his head. “I
dreamed about this. About you.”

Ethan was breathless already.

night. I was tempted to crawl out of bed and come back just so I could hold you
in my arms and…” Beau let the sentence trail off and Ethan pulled back slightly
so he could look Beau in the eye.


shook his head and pulled Ethan closer, but Ethan managed to pull away,
inserting another small amount of space between their bodies. The steam from
the shower had slowly filled the bathroom, causing the mirror to fog, and the
room to warm several degrees. In an attempt to move things along, Ethan
unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them down over his hips.

me. What did you want to do?” Ethan was unable to suppress the needy growl as
he kept his eyes locked with Beau’s.

wanted to make love to you,” Beau growled, the shyness in his voice evident,
but it was mixed with something that sounded like hunger.

immediately realized what Beau was getting at. He wanted to make love
Ethan, which meant… Ethan wouldn’t be the top.

idea sent a chill down his spine, another bout of anticipation erupted in his
gut. God, he wanted to feel Beau, to have him buried to the hilt inside of him
until they were one. Truthfully, it’d been a long time since Ethan had been the
bottom and he bet…


had never…

gripped Beau’s t-shirt, jerking him forward until their bodies collided and he
crushed their lips together, his tongue seeking admission into Beau’s
delectable mouth. Beau had never penetrated another man. And Ethan was going to
be his first.

naked,” Ethan growled. “I want to feel every fucking inch of you against my

away, Ethan stumbled in an attempt to pull his own boots off, but finally
managed to undress himself without face-planting on the floor. He considered
that a good thing.

when Beau was naked too, Ethan would consider that the best possible thing that
could happen to him.


Chapter Twenty Three



would be the first to admit that he loved the hell out of Ethan’s inability to
conceal what he was feeling in front of him. It didn’t matter if the man
considered himself guarded or not, his true feelings shone like a beacon in his
beautiful smoky blue eyes. Beau had been a little self-conscious about
admitting what he wanted from Ethan, but somehow he’d found the words.

were a lot of things he’d said tonight that had shocked him. Beau had always
been the quiet one, the third wheel so to speak, and now that he was addressing
this relationship with Ethan head on, he was finding things about himself that
he hadn’t known. Things that he liked.

dominating Ethan.

somewhere in the last few minutes, it seemed as though Ethan had forgotten who
was actually in charge here.

didn’t forget.

Ethan was naked, Beau just stared at him, admiring his sexy body.

Beau.” Ethan’s voice held an urgent edge, but Beau managed to refrain from

belonged to him. Ethan belonged to him.

now was an excellent time to show Ethan what that actually meant.

Had he really just said that?

dark eyebrow lifted, but he grinned devilishly and Beau’s skin prickled with awareness.

the moment he had stepped foot into Ethan’s house tonight, he’d been aware of
Ethan. Everything he said, every move he made. It was all cataloged in his
brain because he’d been cautiously feeling out the situation. After what
happened earlier at the shop and then the scene at Moonshiners, Beau had fully
expected Ethan to be on edge. He hadn’t been wrong.

was the main reason he had taken control. This could’ve easily turned into
harsh, take-what-you-want fucking, but Beau hadn’t wanted that. Ok, that was
only partially true. He’d fantasized about bending Ethan over and fucking him
until they were both insane from the need. But he knew there was a time and
place for everything. Pulling Ethan back from the ledge had been his main
priority tonight.

so far, it seemed to be working.

helped Ethan out by toeing off his boots and then pulling his shirt from the
waistband of his jeans. But the rest he would leave to Ethan.

didn’t have to wait long. Ethan made short work of ridding the rest of his
clothes, making sure to drive Beau fucking crazy as he let his hands brush
against his swollen cock more than necessary.

soon as Beau was completely naked, Ethan took one step back, but Beau reached
for him instantly. Backing him through the open bathroom to the shower, he
pulled him close and cupped Ethan’s face in his hands. He didn’t kiss him, nor
did he divert his eyes. He was reading everything in Ethan’s expression, every
flash of awareness in his blue-gray gaze. There was a combination of worry,
heat, lust, and something else he couldn’t name.

wanted all of it. Everything Ethan had to give him. And as he had already
informed Ethan, he fully intended to take it.

wanted to eradicate the worry, to shield Ethan from all of the pain he’d
obviously endured, and to absorb every ounce of the passion he could feel
emanating from him. He wanted to show him what it meant to be open, to share
himself with someone because no matter what, Beau knew Ethan didn’t open
himself up. Whatever he kept buried deep, Beau wanted to find a way to get
Ethan to share. More importantly, he wanted to love Ethan. With everything that
he was.

he had already begun to fall hard for the man.

in him was screaming that it was a lousy idea, but he couldn’t stop himself.
Every waking moment was spent thinking about him, wanting to be closer than the
last time, to understand what made Ethan tick. And this was his opportunity,
his one chance to do things right.

on Ethan’s initial response when he arrived, it was evident that Ethan had
planned to turn tonight into something Beau wasn’t willing to take part in.
Ethan didn’t seem interested in the emotions that tethered them together, although
they were undeniable. Sure, the fires of lust were burning out of control, but
Beau felt something deeper. He’d felt it the first time he had kissed Ethan and
every time after.

he knew Ethan needed that something more that they shared, even if he wouldn’t
verbally agree.

Ethan slowly beneath the shower spray, he continued to watch him. When Ethan
tried to pull him closer, he resisted, using brute force to keep his distance
because the draw of this man was so powerful, he had a difficult time

running his knuckles over Ethan’s cheek, Beau cupped his neck with one hand,
the other sliding over his hip and around to his back. The smooth, warm skin he
found there drew him closer. “I need to touch you,” Beau said, his voice barely
discernible over the shower water.

backed Ethan up until his back touched the tiled shower wall. The anticipation
he saw on Ethan’s face had Beau’s entire body responding eagerly. Ever so
slowly, he slid his hands to Ethan’s chest, the water sluicing between his
fingers as it caressed Ethan’s hard body, the same way Beau intended to do.

his mouth.

move,” Beau commanded, keeping his voice light and gentle, but the demand

loved the way Ethan’s eyes lit up, a hint of surprise in those smoky blue
depths, maybe?

wanted to explore you for far too long,” Beau said, the words coming out easier
than he expected.

was true, he was nervous. He wanted to explore Ethan in ways he’d only dreamed
about, but he was self-conscious too. He’d never done this before. Not with a
man anyway. And never had he been this hyped up before. He’d had a number of
lovers in his life, but his one-on-one encounters were non-existent – well,
unless you considered awkward, almost-there moments that Beau had graciously
backed out of on a couple of occasions because he had found he wasn’t as
attracted to the women he had been with as he hoped. Hell, he’d never been as
attracted to anyone as much as he was to Ethan.

me,” Ethan whispered. “Please.”

was no way Beau could refuse him, even if he was the one who was holding the

his palms down Ethan’s slick chest, he absorbed every ridge of muscle through
his smooth skin, memorizing the feel of him. His chest was wide, the muscles
solid. As he moved lower, he leaned in, pressing his mouth to Ethan’s stubble
shadowed jaw before gliding his lips down his neck, over his collarbone, then
his chest, taking a moment to tease one nipple the way Ethan had done to him
the day before.

Ethan groaned, Beau’s body perked up, eager to please him in every way.

his way down Ethan, Beau lowered himself to his knees until he was eye level
with Ethan’s beautiful cock. He dared to look up, wanting to see the expression
on Ethan’s face. The bliss he saw there made his cock throb.

his attention to his task, Beau gripped Ethan’s long, thick shaft, stroking
slowly, mesmerized by the man’s sexy body. When Ethan’s legs loosened, his body
relaxing into the wall, Beau inched forward, darting his tongue out to lick the
glistening tip of Ethan’s cock. The deep, guttural moan that rumbled up from
Ethan’s chest was a reward all in itself. Keeping his eyes locked on Ethan’s
face, Beau stroked him slowly, the water easing his way.

further thought, Beau leaned in and sucked the engorged head into his mouth,
swirled his tongue slowly around the bulbous tip before pulling him deep into
his mouth.

Ethan growled, his fingers sliding into Beau’s hair, sending shards of sensation
coursing down his spine. “Beau.”

loved the way Ethan said his name. Wanted to hear it again and again.

continued to work Ethan’s cock with slow, deep pulls of his mouth, taking him
deeper, sucking him harder, keeping his movements controlled. He wasn’t rushing
this. He wanted to savor every taste, every sound from Ethan. He’d relive this
moment time and time again in his dreams he was sure.

it,” Ethan groaned. “Suck me just like that. Slow.”

released Ethan’s cock with an audible “pop” before sliding his tongue down the
underside as he stroked with one hand, the other planted solidly on Ethan’s
muscular thigh. He reveled in the way the muscles bunched as Ethan tried to get
Beau where he wanted him.

down, Beau lifted Ethan’s dick and then laved his balls with his tongue, one
then the other before returning and sucking each one into his mouth. He
remembered the way Ethan had done it, the moist heat driving him wild and he
was bound and determined to push Ethan just a little further.

yes, Beau. God, your mouth is so good.” Ethan’s raspy tenor slid over him,
enveloping him like a physical caress.

continued to torment Ethan leisurely, enjoying the raw sounds, the sharp sting
in his scalp as Ethan’s fingers tugged roughly but sensually. After long
minutes, he pulled back, letting Ethan’s cock slide out from his lips, but
keeping his hand tightly around him, stroking gently.

his free hand, Beau gripped Ethan’s hip and stared up at him. “Turn around.”

Ethan’s credit, he didn’t ask questions, just turned around to face the wall,
his cock jerking ever so slightly in Beau’s hand.

Ethan’s perfectly sculpted ass was in front of Beau, he released Ethan’s dick
and gripped both of his hips in his hands, holding him still and pressing his
mouth to one strong, muscled cheek, then the other.

his hands down and over Ethan’s ass, Beau continued to memorize him by touch,
loving the way Ethan’s muscles bunched and flexed beneath his hands.

driving me crazy,” Ethan groaned as he pushed his ass back toward Beau.

the plan,” Beau laughed, gripping Ethan’s ass tightly before separating his ass
cheeks and sliding his finger down the crease until he found his puckered hole.

Ethan moaned, pushing back, obviously trying to impale himself on Beau’s

had other ideas.

remembered what Ethan had done to him, the way he’d ravished his ass with his
tongue and he wanted to return the pleasure. Pulling him back so that he was
farther from the wall, Beau then put one hand on Ethan’s back, forcing him to
bend over.

don’t move.”

promises,” Ethan responded with a laugh, followed promptly by a tortured groan
when Beau went to work on him with his tongue. He alternated between fucking
his ass with his tongue and nipping his ass cheeks until Ethan was writhing and
thrusting back against him, his moans shattering the otherwise silence of the

Fuck! Not yet!”

exactly what Ethan was trying to tell him, Beau stopped suddenly, squeezing
Ethan’s ass with his hands as he made his way to his feet once again. Once he
was fully upright, Beau grabbed the bar of soap and proceeded to wash them
both, wanting to get out of the shower because there was so much more he wanted
to do, but the water and the hard tiled floor wasn’t conducive to what he had
in mind.

Ethan grinned back at him, he had to wonder whether the guy could read minds.

that was the case, then Ethan should be fully aware that tonight was going to
last a long, long time.

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