Evergreen (Mer Tales, Book 2) (19 page)




Thursday evening, April 21

After Lucy’s news, I didn’t have the strength to move. My only option, since Operation Fish and C.H.I.P.’s wasn’t working, was to run away—sooner rather than later. Though my parents would freak, I had to do it. I’d take the rainy day cookie jar money and buy a bus or train ticket. I had run out of options.

But that wouldn’t happen until tomorrow. Tonight, Georgia and I were going out for dinner and a movie to celebrate my last day being seventeen. Though I’d originally balked at the idea, the plans were now comforting. At least I’d have one final hurrah with my good friend before I abandoned her unexpectedly.

And like clockwork, the phone rang next to me.

“Hey, Georgia,” I said, trying not to sound as if I’d been crying.

“The movie is at seven-thirty. I’ll pick you up at six for dinner, okay?”

“Yeah,” I said, still lying on the floor in a pathetic heap.

“Have you been crying?”

“No. Just allergies.”

“What? I didn’t know you had allergies—“

I don’t.

“—well take a pill and get dressed. You’re going out and you’re not cancelling now. Okay?”

“Sounds fabulous.” I smiled feebly, hoping some joy would be transferred into my voice.

“Awesome. I’ll see ya in an hour. Dress cute.”


Our definitions of cute were vastly different. Jeans and a T-shirt would be my attire, period. She’d scold me, but I didn’t care.


Georgia bounced in the driver’s seat to the music with an unusually wide grin as she pulled out of the Crazy Sushi parking lot toward the theater. I was still in shock Mom actually let me go out after everything. She apparently hadn’t checked my phone records to see I’d called Fin’s number on an OCD rampage the past two days.

“I thought you saw this movie,” I said, wondering why she’d be so enthusiastic when she never mentioned the title to me once.

“Movie? Oh, yeah.
Crack of Dawn
is good… so good.”

“What’s it about?”

“You’ll see.” She plastered on a huge grin.

I joined in with her as she sang along to the radio. Her usual small talk was noticeably absent, quite possibly the aftereffects of sushi coma. I enjoyed the break. But once we crossed the state line, her face lit up like a firecracker.

She turned into the Montebleu casino parking lot and I cringed. Mom wouldn’t be happy if she knew we were coming to this theater. Though we’d be within the safe bounds of those under 21, because of late Grandpa Franks gambling addiction, I wasn’t allowed anywhere near a casino, period.

Georgia checked her phone again and giggled.

“Who are you texting?”

“Oh, no one,” she said, then peered out the window.

A group of girls in short skirts huddled outside with their phones in their hands. I shook my head at the ridiculous attire for this chilly weather, regardless if they were clubbing or not.

We parked and Georgia flopped her burgeoning bag over her shoulder.

I chuckled. “What do you have in there, anyway? Did you not get enough sushi?”

“You’ll see.”

Though she’d regularly smuggled in a few snacks, it looked like she’d thrown in the whole refrigerator. But from the sound of her enthusiasm, the bag was a cover for something else.

She teeter-tottered around the car in her heels and tapped her foot. “Hurry up, already.”

I slammed my door and followed, but Georgia didn’t wait for me as she practically ran toward the casino.

“We have plenty of time. The movie doesn’t start for another…”

The group of girls out front—Shannon, Michele, and Chrissi—rushed Georgia for a group hug. Then the mob pulled me in, too. They cheered, “Surprise!” in unison, bouncing lightly on their heeled feet.

I tried to smile and look happy. “You’re coming to the movie too?”
Dressed like that?

“No, silly. We’re going to Déjà Vue!” Shannon pointed behind us to the new nightclub. “It’s 18 and over tonight.”

Music poured from double doors as glitzy girls and guys stood in a line under the glowing blue sign. I suddenly felt very self-conscious and underdressed.

“But I’m not eighteen yet.”

“Not for a few more hours.” Georgia patted her bag before she pulled out a slinky black dress. “You’ll be looking older and glammed up in no time.”

“But… they check IDs.”

The entourage laughed and pulled me into the casino. As we crowded into a handicapped stall in the ladies restroom, someone teased my hair while another pulled my shirt over my head and replaced it with a dress that barely covered my butt. Make-up and some extremely high silver shoes completed my ensemble.

“There.” Georgia pulled me out of the stall toward the mirror. She now wore a dress as well. “You’re finally cute.”

A crown adorned the top of my head that read “Birthday Girl.” I blinked at my reflection. I’d never worn so much makeup in my life.

“Thank you?” I said, not meaning it to sound like a question.

“Perfect.” Georgia handed me a Dixie cup full of clear liquid. “A toast to the fabulous birthday girl. May the music rock and the guys be hot.”

They all cheered and slurped down whatever was in the cups.

“Drink.” Georgia nudged my arm, sloshing around the thick clear liquid tinged with golden flecks.

“What is it?”

“Something I swiped from Grandma Gee Gee’s cabinet,” Chrissi said with a giggle.

I sniffed the liquid and recoiled at the pungent cinnamon scent.

“Don’t be a poor sport,” Georgia whispered and held the cup to my lips.

I allowed a swallow to pass into my mouth and coughed as the liquid burned my throat.

“Okay, time to go.” Georgia pushed me toward the door.

“Um… no.” I held up my hand. “I’m not eighteen.”

“Don’t worry,” Shannon said with a giggle. “My older brother is the bouncer and he knows it’s your birthday. He said he’d let you in a few hours early.”

Georgia packed up the last of her things and looped her arm within mine, ushering me outside into the crisp night air. I worked hard not to fall over as the vibrant colors and lights accosted my eyes.

“What’s in that stuff?” I mumbled as the whirlwind of perfume, flowing hair, dazzling sparkles, and clicking heels took me through the parking lot.

“Goldschlager,” Shannon said with a hum. “It’s so yummy.”

Since I’d never drank alcohol before, I had no idea how my body would react. I didn’t expect it to feel like I’d jumped into a spinning crystal ball. We shuffled past the line to a side door where some guy with hulking tatted arms greeted us. Suddenly we were inside. I wobbled behind the girls, hoping the effects of the alcohol would wear off soon. After tonight, I’d never drink again.

“You okay?” Georgia said, putting her hot hands on my cheeks. Her cinnamon breath rolled my stomach over.

“Yeah.” I pushed her off of me. “It’s hot in here.”

My eyes studied her iridescent hair, floating around her head like she was underwater. The beat of the music pounded into my chest, skipping across my heart. I needed air. I needed cold water. I needed something to quench the fire in my throat.

“Let’s dance,” she said, whisking me onto the dance floor.

A sea of people swayed hard back and forth like a school of fish. The mob enveloped me and I closed my eyes. My body felt weightless, like I could swim up to the ceiling.

Hands grabbed my hips and swiveled me around. I stared up into a pair of chocolaty eyes.

“Callahan? What are you doing here?” I asked, feeling like my voice was detached from my lips.

“Heard you were having a party.” His white teeth glowed bright in the black light. “Happy Birthday.”

“But…” I looked up at him as he kept me close to his body. I could smell his clean soapy scent and I wanted to dive my nose into his collar.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered in my ear. “I wish things hadn’t ended like they did.”

“Aren’t you with Jaime now?”

“We’re just friends.”

He moved his hands further down, holding my hips against his. I molded into him like a rag doll. Something inside me liked it, needed it. His attention dulled the pain I felt from missing Fin.


Slow, wet kisses tickled my neck. Callahan’s lips moved to my ear, his hot breath elating me as he sucked my earlobe. Goose bumps exploded across my skin. I snorted in laughter as my heart skyrocketed. He chuckled softly in return, then moved along my jaw toward my lips.

“I can’t.” I pulled away. “Please…”

Our bodies, glued together, continued to bend to the beat as if they had a mind of their own. His sheepish grin faded in and out of clarity, making me woozy. I knew I should sit down, distance myself from his intoxicating smell and electrifying hands, but I couldn’t.

“You’re so good for me.” He brushed my hair from my face. “I’d never let anyone hurt you.”

I swooned. Safety. Comfort. To be human and whole, far from mer drama. But he couldn’t protect me from Colin. No human could.

“I’m a princess.” The words slipped out. I giggled, surprised I’d admitted it.

“Of course you are.” He touched the crown on my head. “I’d always treat you as such.”

I laughed, wanting to tell him Colin wasn’t trying to attack me after all, but thought I was his lost mermaid princess. Oh, and that he decked him a good one. And that my boyfriend was a fish, too, and that I had no clue where he was and was worried we’d never have a normal life together. I wanted to give up—to choose someone safe. Someone with less drama. Someone like Callahan.

“You smell so good,” I heard come out of my lips.

“You do, too.”

I laughed. He had to be lying. Even I could smell the mosquito repellent over the perfume Georgia doused my body in.

But he started again, kissing my neck lightly. This time I didn’t resist. I wanted him—his lips, his hands on me, his body as close as possible. Nothing like this had ever felt so good. This was all so easy. No drama. No decisions. Just Callahan and me.


I tried to stop, but the alcohol made my arms limp. He was going to kiss me and I wouldn’t be able to stop him this time. The crowd suddenly split Red Sea style and kids tumbled out of the exits like a waterfall. The music stopped as house lights flicked on, blinding everyone.

“Come on, Ash,” Callahan said, tugging my hand. “We have to get out of here.”

The underlying word I finally heard being breathed over and over from the crowd became crystal clear. Cops.




Thursday evening, April 21

A high-pitched wail ripped me from my sleep. I slowly opened my eyes. The backseat of the taxi was overflowing with fins and torn clothing.

“What are you?” the driver exclaimed, followed by a string of unintelligible words in another language.

He swerved off the side of the road and skidded the taxi into a fence. Everything played out in slow motion. A hazy blur of barbwire and wooden stakes uprooted and beat the side of the car relentlessly.

“Sing!” Galadriel screamed.

I turned to her, but my lips wouldn’t move.

Galadriel shook my arm. “Fin, sing right now!”

My tongue lay flat and heavy in my mouth. Did she poison me again? The driver fled the vehicle like a madman, flailing his arms. Headlights hit my eyes. Tires screeched somewhere in the distance. The twilight revealed we’d chanced fate too long.

Galadriel pulled her body up and hung over the front seat. Her thin tail circled around next to me. She forced the gearshift into drive. The car jerked forward, rolling slowly.

“What are you doing?” I managed to say.

“Getting us out of here!”

She turned the wheel toward the highway. We couldn’t merge into traffic, not going five miles an hour.

“You can’t possibly think we’re going to coast anywhere, do you?”

“Then help me!”

I gave my head a hard shake to release the overwhelming drunkenness assaulting my senses. My tail, thicker than hers, was smashed on the floorboard and wrapped under Galadriel’s caudal fin. I rolled over and pulled the lever to lower the driver’s seat all the way down. Then I yanked myself forward so my hands could reach the pedals.

“Gas it,” she yelled.

I pressed the gas and the car lurched forward, bumping over rocks and potholes. She maneuvered the car to the left. Someone honked, disrupting her confidence. She yanked us onto the bumpy shoulder. I let up on the gas.

“I can’t merge over,” she squealed.

I wanted to switch places, frustrated all I could see was her terrified face and the night sky out of the passenger window.

“You can do it. Just tell me what to do.”

“Okay.” She pushed her damp hair off her forehead. “Let me get comfortable.”

She flopped her body the rest of the way onto the passenger’s seat and moaned. Blood seeped from the side of her dorsal fin. “Crap. That’s going to leave a scar.”

She leaned further over to the wheel and wove her tail around on the ground. Her fin fanned behind her head. Headlights hit her face as she turned to look behind us. “Okay, on my word, hit it.”


“Hit it!”

I pushed down hard on the gas.

She gasped as the car lurched forward. Dirt spun under the tires as we merged onto the road.

“I did it.” A smile finally appeared on her face. She studied the road again. “Okay. I think I see the lake.”

“Good.” I took a deep breath.


I pushed the brakes hard.

“No, NO! That’s too hard. The gas—gas it!”

Cars honked all around us.

“What’s going on?”

“Just keep the gas steady!” Galadriel’s voice wavered. “Okay—let up. Now give it more. Listen to me, Fin!”

“I am!”

Every instruction took all my concentration as knives pounded into my brain. Why did I knock out like that again?

“Did you drug me?” I asked.

“I—we just—fell asleep—more gas. Not that much! Let up.” Her hands shook as she gripped the steering wheel with white knuckles.

My stomach and neck ached from bearing all my weight. I leaned my head against the door.

“Don’t fall asleep again!” she yelled in a panic.

“I’m not. This is majorly uncomfortable.”

“Well, if you would have sang!”

“I tried. My voice wouldn’t work.”

Galadriel shook her head. “More gas. Well, I kind of—let up!”

Dirt and rocks embedded themselves into the underside of my arms. I tried not to think about what other disgusting stuff might be on the floor of the taxi. Her ripped up shorts circled her waist. A hint of purple liquid was splattered on the white fabric.

“You octopus inked me!” I yelled. “You wanted me knocked out. Why?”

“It was an accident. I just—Oh, no. OH, NO!” she cried.

A red flicker hit the mirror.

“Where’s the lake? Is it close?”

“I don’t know. Just—just floor it!”

I pressed the gas as Galadriel swerved the wheel. We jerked left then right and back again. I tucked my head down and tried to stay balanced.

“Just steer us for the lake!” I yelled.

“I don’t know where it is—oh wait. I see it!”

“Great! Keep driving towards it.”

Tires squealed and sirens blared.

“Can you sing your way out of this one, Fin?”

“Just keep driving.”

Galadriel breathed hard, like she’d run a race. “They’re gaining on us. And—there are four cars now.” A white rectangular block of light from the rear view mirror illuminated the terror behind her eyes.

“Pull over!” I heard blaring behind us as a strobe light lit up the inside of the taxi.

“Just go!” I yelled.

Galadriel whimpered. “There’s a motorcycle cop next to me.”

“Keep going!”

She turned and waved to someone I couldn’t see. “I wish you could sing. Should I roll down the window?”

“He won’t hear me. Keep going.”

She repeatedly looked to the left hand side of the car. “He’s motioning me to pull over.”



“How fast are we going?”

“Over a hundred miles per hour. All the cars are out of our way now.”

My heart pounded. How long could we do this?

She gasped, freaking me out. “There’s the lake, Fin! It’s right next to us.”

“Can you get us down there?”

“I think I can. It’s just—steep.”

“Is it drivable?”

“Well, maybe. I—I don’t know.”

“Is it or isn’t it?”

“Yeah. I think I can do it.”

I knew singing would be a better way to get out of this mess, but we needed to get into the water and if the lake was right there, I wanted to avoid anymore attention. The police would only let us run for so long before they shot our tires.

Without warning Galadriel screamed, “Here goes nothing!”

She yanked the car to the right and curled up in a ball, hiding her face. Suddenly there wasn’t a road under us. We were airborne. I pushed myself backward as the car tipped vertical. Darkness was all I could see through the windshield. I wrapped my arms over my head and tried to protect my face as the car flipped over and my body levitated to the ceiling.

Then we hit, and everything went black.

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