Read Exhale Online

Authors: Kendall Grey

Tags: #Romance, #Australia, #Whales, #Elementals, #Dreams, #Urban Fantasy, #cookie429, #Kat, #Extratorrents

Exhale (27 page)

Fuck. Fuck. Fuckity fuck.

She’d forgotten to relock the door when she got up for the washcloth.

She sunk deep under the covers and pulled the sheet over her head.


Laughter exploded in the room. Adriene sniffed loudly. “Is that a rock star I detect? Here I thought you went to bed early last night because you’ve been so tired lately. Now we know the truth.”

More giggles.

She must have slept through her alarm. Or forgotten to set it.

As the girls teased and she hid, something flashed under the covers. The Air tattoos on Gavin’s arm came to life with a deep yellow glow. He tensed. She popped her head up, careful to keep his arm tucked under the thick blanket.

Heat seared her cheeks. “Okay, ha ha. You got me. Now how about a little privacy before I have to endure the walk of shame?”

No one moved. They kept staring at her with ridiculous expressions.

She shooed them away. “Come on, guys. Give me a break. You’ll have all day on the boat to make fun.”

Beside her, Gavin grinned, but his jaw clenched tight. What the hell was going on with his tattoos?

“Oh, girlfriend, you never cease to amaze.” Adriene clutched her stomach and laughed her way out of the room on her crutches, Dani and Elizabeth right on her heels. They closed the door, and the howls continued from the other side.


Zoe threw the blankets off and stood up naked. Mind racing, she scanned the floor for her robe, snatched it up, and threw it on. “What’s
about?” She pointed at the airy swirls and birds fluttering across his skin.

He sat up and rubbed at the increasingly bright yellow lasers beaming out of his arm.

“I’m sorry, Zed.” He glared at the door. The light from the tats intensified, and he curled his lip.

She squinted and held out a hand to stave off the brightness. This was
how she wanted to start her day. “You think you can turn those things off? They’re giving me a headache.”

“I’d love to.” His expression took on a frantic tinge. He crawled out of bed and quickly put his jeans and shirt on. “Who else is in this house? It’s not one of the girls…”

“Nobody. Just Iri. Why is your arm glowing?”

“Fuck.” He shook his head. “Who’s Iri?”

“One of my researchers. He joined us from New Zealand not long ago—”

He whirled on her. “Your new researcher is an Aer Elemental. He’s what I kept sensing before.”

Shit. She had known something wasn’t right with Iri from the beginning. She had vowed to tell Gavin, and she forgot. This was her fault.

His lips pressed together. “Aer Elementals can manipulate people, which is probably why you let him in. There’s no telling how much he knows, or who he’s sharing it with. Your mind is his playground, and he has access to
in your brain.”


An arctic chill zipped up her spine. “No,” she whispered. “Not again.”

“I need to talk to this Iri bloke. He’s still in the house. Can you get rid of the girls?”

“Is he a threat? I mean, is he gonna hurt us? Or…
?” A sickly combination of panic and bile clogged her throat.

Gavin laid his hands on her shoulders. Blue eyes hard and shiny as diamonds, he glanced at the door again. “Not while I breathe, he won’t.”

Dear God. An Aer Elemental under her roof. And she thought he’d been spying on her for Randy. Well, it looked like she got the spy part right. For whom was the million-dollar question. She inhaled deeply. “Okay. I’ll get the team out of here. But you’re going to explain what’s going on tonight.”

He nodded. “Clear the house. I’ve got business with Iri.” The determination in his voice gave her pause. Judging by the half-snarl on his lips, the deep grooves in his brow, and the tenseness in his shoulders, she had a feeling Iri would pay a high price for inciting Gavin’s wrath. And hers.


* * * *

Gavin sat on the bed and gathered his thoughts while Zoe endured jabs and taunts from her friends in the lounge room. Shit, he hated that he’d embarrassed her in front of them, but if he hadn’t been here, he might not have discovered the Aer Elemental until it was too late. He roughed up his hair with a furious rub. The glowing Air tattoos itched like mad, but no amount of scratching would soothe him.

No, the only way to get relief was to confront the Elemental hiding out in his muse’s house and deal with him properly. But he had to be careful. The Aer must have wanted to be discovered, otherwise he would have Airwalked away like he’d probably done the other times when Gavin had sensed him.

So, what had changed?

He exhaled hard, stood up, and threw his leather jacket on to hide the light still shining out of his arm. He’d play nice with Iri in front of the girls, but once they left, the Aer was fair game. Gavin had a few new Sentinel tricks up his sleeve, thanks to Jack’s training.

He went to the door and stepped out to loud clapping and laughter. Dani grinned from ear to ear. Elizabeth shook her head with a smile, then disappeared into one of the bedrooms on the opposite side of the lounge room. Gavin sensed Iri in the other one.

“Nice job breaking in our boss.” Dani held up a hand for a high five. He slapped it half-heartedly. She laughed and followed Elizabeth into the room.

“Oh, the morning after really suits you.” Adriene balanced between the crutches. Her gaze traveled his body from top to bottom. She licked her lips, dark eyes shining. “So, tell me everything, Gavin. How was she?” Adriene nodded in Zoe’s direction.

His muse ignored her friend’s jibe as she bustled into the kitchen with pursed lips.

“I don’t kiss and tell.” He leaned forward and lowered his voice. “But she’s a wildcat, that one.”

Adriene whooped and stomped her good foot in a lopsided dance of laughter.

“Yeah, she kept me up all night with talk about whales and the like.” He donned a serious expression. “Fascinating stuff you lot do out there on your research boat. Quite admirable.”

Zoe returned and put a steaming hot cup of coffee into his hands. Her muted gray aura matched her self-conscious body language. Gaze fastened to the floor, she went into her room and shut the door. His gut took a painful tumble. He hated the distance he’d created by being here. Especially after what had transpired between them. He ached to hold her, but couldn’t even do that.

Adriene tilted her head and crossed brown arms over her chest. “You’re saying nothing happened last night? You think I believe that? Mike’s told me stories about you.”

He held his flinch at bay. As his band mate and longtime friend, Mike was privy to all sorts of incriminating information about Gavin, none of which Zoe needed to know. And Mike had no off switch between his brain and his mouth.

But things were different now. He wasn’t that bloke anymore. Gavin took a sip of coffee. “If Zoe wants to talk about it, she will. But go easy on her. She seems pretty embarrassed.”

Adriene studied his face for a long moment. “You care about my best friend?”

He met her stare head on. “Yes.”

She glanced at Zoe’s door and straightened. The muscles in her forearm twitched. “Treat her right. Her last guy was a total asshole.”

He raised a brow. “Yeah? I’ll keep that in mind.”

Who was this ‘last guy’? That older bloke?

“Do. Because if you hurt her, I’ll hurt
” Adriene’s eyes flashed with fierce devotion.

Her face set in a neutral pose, Zoe came back to the lounge room dressed in shorts and a green Cetacean Research Network tee shirt. Her long blond ponytail swung from the hole in the back of her cap. Thongs on her feet. Memories of kissing those toes last night replayed in his mind. It was hard to push them aside in favor of harsher pursuits, but he had to stay focused on this Iri.

On cue, a tall but slight man from door number four joined them—the bloke he’d seen with Zoe on his ride home from Brisbane. The
on Iri’s face glowed the same yellow as the Air tattoos still pulsing under Gavin’s jacket sleeve. He resisted the urge to claw them off and smiled.

“Iri? It’s been a long time. I had no idea you were here, mate.” Gavin stepped toward him, offering his right hand.
Play along and get rid of them,
he thought at the Aer Elemental. “How are you going?”

Iri ignored the hand. Instead, he clasped Gavin’s biceps, tipped his head forward, and pressed his forehead and nose to Gavin’s. A
. Gavin recognized the traditional Maori greeting. The intimacy of it—especially coming from an Aer Elemental—was unsettling, but he met Iri eye to eye through the quick embrace. Fuck knew what Iri had stolen from Gavin’s mind by the time he stepped back. As an afterthought, he conjured some Fire to the fringes of his consciousness. He might need it.

I am well. I will stay home today and tend to fluke identifications.
Iri turned to Zoe and gave a nod. The bloke hadn’t spoken a word, but everyone in the room had heard him loud and clear.

“That’s a great idea,” Zoe said. “Why don’t you two catch up over breakfast? We need to get out of here.” Her avoidance stabbed Gavin in the heart. She’d been so full of passion and tenderness last night. This morning she hardly looked at him.

. He’d talk to her later and smooth things over. Now wasn’t the time for schoolboy swooning. He had an arse to kick.

Iri’s gaze snapped to his.
Go on to the harbor now,
he seemed to say to Zoe and Adriene.
Gavin and I have much to discuss.

Eyes suddenly empty windows, Adriene knocked on Dani and Elizabeth’s door. They came out and helped Adriene load the car. Under Iri’s spell, no one said a word.

But Zoe resisted. She stood defiant, hands on hips, studying Iri. Gavin’s heart picked up speed. Had she somehow found a way around Iri’s mind tricks? If she could defy an Aer Elemental as powerful as Iri, it was no wonder the Wæters needed her help. Not a Sentinel, not an Elemental, and clearly not a typical Wyldling. His muse was something…else. He crossed his arms as pride swelled in his chest.

“We’ll talk tonight.” She finally met his gaze, then turned to Iri. “And you should pack your bags. I want you gone when I get home.”

Iri gave a curt nod.

Zoe glanced at Gavin, mouthed a quick goodbye, and shut the door behind her.

Chapter Twenty-seven

Zoe was so physically drained, she could hardly keep hold of the Land Rover’s wheel, but her mind spun with the morning’s developments, last night’s romp, and deepening worry about Lily.

She stifled another yawn and banged a fist on her thigh in an attempt to wake up. Nothing made sense anymore. She had to get her head in order before they reached the harbor. Lily needed her.

“What’s the matter, Zoe?” Dani said from the back seat. “Didn’t you get any sleep?” She and Elizabeth exchanged giggles.

“Leave her alone, guys. We’ve all been caught red-handed before. And landing a hunk like Gavin makes staying up all night worth it, I’m sure.” Adriene swatted Zoe’s arm and smiled.

Zoe rubbed her eyes. “I claim full responsibility for my actions. I shouldn’t have allowed Gavin in the house without asking everyone’s permission. I’m sorry—”

“Hey, nobody’s criticizing.” Pulling her good knee up, Adriene faced her. “I don’t have a problem with him being in the house. Do you, guys?” She glanced to the back seat.

“Hell, no.” Elizabeth patted Zoe’s shoulder. “He seems like a really nice guy, Zoe.”

“I’ve got my sweet, darling Elizabeth, so who am I to judge?” Dani said, her tone sarcastic. “Bring on the Gavin.”

Laughter broke out. Zoe shook her head and cracked a smiled. “I appreciate your being cool about this, but I’m gonna tell him to sleep at home from now on. I wasn’t thinking. It was unprofessional. It won’t happen again.”

Adriene slapped the dashboard. “So help me, Zoe Morgan, if you do that, I’ll disown you. You spent the last seven years sleeping with Randy. Gavin is a far better alternative, and I actually like the guy. Randy didn’t deserve the privilege of your bed. Gavin’s a totally different story.”

“It was just one night. It’s not like we’re dating or anything.” Zoe turned the Land Rover into the Urangan Harbour parking lot. The giant humpback whale statue greeting them with open flippers reminded her of Lily again.

“Maybe you should be,” Elizabeth said.

Zoe tensed.
they dating? Hell, she had no idea what they were. They’d been through life and death in the Dreaming, crossed time and space to find each other in reality. What were the chances?

Last night had been amazing. The way he held her so gently, how he stared into her eyes as they climaxed together. He’d opened up to her about his brother and the condoms—even suggested he might be willing to give them up for her. Didn’t that mean something?

But this morning was just…weird. The whole Iri thing had thrown everything off. Not to mention the rude awakening. And lack of sleep.

She hadn’t even kissed Gavin goodbye.


She shook her head and parked the car. “Let’s tag some whales.”

She pulled the door handle, but Adriene’s touch on her arm stopped her from getting out. Dani and Elizabeth exited the SUV and opened the trunk.

“Gavin stays.” Adriene’s eyes were soft, but her tone was firm. “
need him around, even if you don’t. You feel me, sister?”

“You’re the best friend anyone could ever have. Thanks, Adriene.” She leaned over and rested her head on Adriene’s shoulder. An arm came around her, and fingers entwined in her hair.

“You know I love you, girl. Gavin is
for you. I can tell just by looking at the two of you. You guys are going places.
.” Adriene squeezed her, then they separated. “Don’t screw it up.”

Zoe laughed. “I love you too.”

Adriene opened the door. “You can tell me all about the sex later.” She winked.

“I’ll think about it.” Zoe smiled.

Fat chance.

* * * *

The moment the door closed behind Zoe and her friends, Gavin shot forward and shoved the Aer Elemental against the wall. The substantial
and lack of a dent confirmed his suspicions about the thickness of the old house’s walls and sturdy construction. Good. Adriene probably hadn’t heard Zoe and him going at it last night.

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