Expecting the Cowboy's Baby (12 page)

Read Expecting the Cowboy's Baby Online

Authors: Charlene Sands

The one she'd worn the night they'd made love.

“It holds one magic memory for me.”

Pregnant with his child, Cassie didn't think he could do or say anything that would bring a blush to her face. But then, Jake Griffin always surprised her.

Cassie gulped down her drink, trying not to choke on the amber liquid, trying to keep her head and her heart intact. Little did he know, Cassie had almost worn that dress tonight, but decided she'd be better off retiring the garment to Cassie Munroe's Hall of Fame. That dress held magic memories for her, as well.

A short time later Cassie stood on the porch to the guest house, Jake beside her, as he'd been most of the night. They'd had a quiet drive home, Cassie taking sideway glances at him every chance she could. The man had discarded his jacket for the drive, taken off his tie and undone the top three buttons on his shirt. All Cassie could think about was slipping her hand in there, running her fingers through the soft curls of his chest and grazing her palm along his hot, muscled skin.

She turned the key in the lock.

“Invite me in, Cassie,” he said softly, his seductive words as enticing as the sultry night air. He stood behind her, his scent enveloping her, a mixture of manly soap and spicy aftershave. “For coffee.” He kissed her throat.

“Sorry, fresh out of coffee.” She spoke automatically, the lie slipping from her lips as her body trembled uncontrollably.

“For soda.” He kissed her again, this time nibbling her neck as if she were a delectable dessert. His body full up against her, Cassie knew they'd bypass the kitchen entirely, barely hoping to make it to the bedroom.

“D-don't h-have any of that e-either.”

Jake turned her into his arms, a smile lifting the corners of his mouth. “For water, then. You wouldn't deny a thirsty man, would you?” he asked softly, running a finger down her throat. He played with the soft swell of her breast, gliding his fingers just under the edge of her bodice, meeting with the lace of her bra and farther, creating tingles and an ache Cassie felt deep, deep inside. Her skin prickled from his bold caress and a sharp pang of desire put her entire body on alert.

“That…might not be a good idea,” she murmured.

“Can't think of a better one, darlin',” he claimed, then he bent his head and sipped from her lips, a tender brush of his mouth that left her wanting. Wanting. “I'm gonna miss you when I'm gone.”

“Gone?” Cassie came out of the seductive haze Jake had so expertly engulfed her in. “Are you leaving again?”

“Tomorrow. First thing.”

“But John T.'s only been out of the hospital for a week.”

Jake smiled. “He's a tough codger, Cassie. And Lottie won't leave his side. I've cleared off all the work until Monday. I have to go. But I'm not going far, just up to Reno.
Won't take but little more than an hour to make it back home if I'm needed.”

Cassie closed her eyes and nodded. He'd only be gone three days, but she'd gotten accustomed to having Jake around this week. She knew she'd miss him terribly. “Have a good trip,” was all she could think to say.

He kissed her lightly and backed away. She watched him descend the porch steps, but before reaching his truck he stopped and pivoted on his boot heels. “Ah, hell.” Climbing back up the steps in long, quick, purposeful strides, he faced her within seconds and she was in his arms again, his kiss this time not tender, not gentle, but a mad, crazy crushing of their mouths, his body pressing hot and hard against hers. He gave her no time to think, no time to breathe.

His mouth took claim, holding nothing back, and the extent of his desire, the dire need, completely evident with the rub of his granite body on hers. He drove his tongue deep into her mouth, probing, searching and then conquering until Cassie went weak in the knees. Her legs barely held her. Luckily she had the door to her back, her only support other than the man who had her pressed solidly against him. Between the two, Cassie thought, she might just keep upright.

“Come with me, Cassie.” He broke the kiss, breathing heavily. “Come with me,” he urged.

No was her first instinct. She couldn't go. It was a dangerous thought. And what about John T. and her work? No. No. She couldn't. But a compelling voice echoed in her head.

Give him a chance.

Surrender, just a little.

Put it all on the line for him.

Lottie's words, her advice, jolted her senses. She stared deep into Jake's searching dark eyes and saw the raw need there, the hope mingled with desire. And Cassie knew she
couldn't reject him. She couldn't deny him. She didn't have the willpower or the inclination to deprive them both the opportunity for happiness. She'd gotten all of her work caught up. And Jake was right about Lottie. She wouldn't leave John T.'s side. Besides, isn't this exactly what John T. had asked of her, also? He'd be the first one to tell her to go.

Cassie would go. She'd put her heart out there, hoping Jake wouldn't trample it. She'd muster her courage and let go her protective instincts. If she were to be a fool, she'd be a happy one. “Yes, yes, Jake. I'll go with you.”
I'll take the chance.

“You mean it?” His smile was as wide as a schoolboy who'd won first prize in a spelling bee. Was Cassie his prize? Apparently at the moment. He lifted her gently and swirled her around in his arms. Her feet hit the ground with a soft thud.

But Cassie was certain she was still floating on air.


The next morning Cassie sat in Jake's truck as they drove north to Reno, his horse trailer hitched in the back, carting Shadow and Jake's other rodeo horse, a sleek roan named Strawberry Wine. “On long drives I have to stop every four or five hours to water the horses, but today's drive is easy. I'll have them corralled up at the rodeo grounds in no time. Then I have a surprise for you.”

Cassie turned to gaze into Jake's smug face. She narrowed her eyes, and gave him a tilt of her head, wondering what kind of surprise Jake had in mind for her. “I don't like surprises,” she teased.

A killer smile flashed Jake's sparkling teeth and lit his brown eyes with amusement. “You're gonna like this one.”

A short time later, after Jake had signed in at the rodeo grounds and taken care of his horses, true to his word, he'd
surprised her. They pulled up to the house Cassie had lived in as a young girl in the small rural town of Tyler, just twenty minutes outside of Reno. “Jake! How did you know?”

Cassie sat dumbfounded in the truck, gazing out at the small cottage-like home she and Brian had been raised in as children with their folks. Jake bounded out of the truck and before she knew it, he had opened her door and helped her down. “I called Brian.”

Cassie stood on the elm-lined street, gazing into his eyes with stunned surprise. “My brother, Brian? You spoke with him?”

“Yep. And after I got my ear chewed off for about ten minutes, he finally gave me the address.”

Cassie was too thrilled about Jake's surprise to ask him what Brian had said to him. She shuddered inwardly, figuring it was best not to know. She knew Brian and his temper could stand up to Jake's on any day of the week. “This is a wonderful surprise, thank you,” she said softly, turning to glance once again at the home that had meant so much to her. She'd had great memories of her young life here, when both of her parents had been alive. They'd been a family for too short a time. “It's yellow now, but the shutters are still white. When I lived here, the house was peacock-blue.” She chuckled. Her mother loved blue. Everything inside the home was some shade of blue, the kitchen, sky-blue, the living room, a baby blue, and Cassie's room, a blue-green that one would define as turquoise but her mother had insisted on calling shallow-waters blue.

A young woman hustled out of the home next door, chasing a small child, catching their attention. “Brendan James, you come back here right now.” The woman caught the laughing boy in her arms, her voice not demanding but playful. “I've got you now!”

She stopped up short when she spotted Cassie, her gaze making a quick sweep of her face. “Oh, my God! Cassandra, is that you?”

Cassie stepped forward tentatively. “Cynthia? Cynthia Graham. Oh, my goodness!” Cassie approached her childhood friend with a big smile. Years washed away as Cassie noted that Cynthia looked exactly the same, with light brown hair and scattered freckles on her wholesome face. “I can't believe it's you! Do you still live here?”

“Yes, yes I do. My parents retired and moved south to San Juan Capistrano. They gave us the house as a wedding present.”

“You're married and this darling boy must be your son?” Cassie smiled at the blond-headed boy. “Hello.”

The child hugged his mother's neck, suddenly shy. “Say hello, Brendan. This is my friend, Cassandra.”

“You can call me Cassie,” she said to both mother and son. Brendan only smiled slightly. “And this is my friend, Jake Griffin.” Cassie turned to find Jake leaning casually against the cab of his truck, arms crossed, wearing a big grin, but his gaze, his sole focus, rested on the little boy. Deep yearning gleamed from his dark eyes as he studied adorable Brendan James. Cassie's throat constricted and her heart leaped forcefully in her chest.

Jake moved away from the truck, putting a hand out to Cynthia. “Nice to meet you.” They shook hands briefly. “Hello, buddy,” he said to Brendan.

The little boy stared up at Jake. “Cowboy.”

“Well, you could say that,” Jake said, and then the boy reached up to touch the brim of Jake's hat.

“Hat.” The boy's eyes gleamed with interest.

“That's right, it's a h-a-t,” Cynthia said in a motherly tone that Cassie knew she'd come to use, also, one day soon.
“My goodness, this is quite a nice surprise. Do you have time for a drink so we can catch up?”

Cassie glanced at Jake and he nodded. “I don't have to be at the rodeo until later in the afternoon.”

Half an hour later Cassie sat with Cynthia on the back porch, sipping her second glass of lemonade. She figured they'd bored the boys with all the “catching up” they'd done, so when Jake offered to play a game with Brendan James, the boy was only too eager to agree. They watched as Jake tossed a big rubber ball to Brendan on the backyard lawn. “He's a good catch for a two-year-old,” Cassie said, admiring the child.

“He loves to play. His father plays ball with him whenever he can. Chuck is a firefighter so his shifts vary from week to week. Brendan loves it when Daddy is home. But he's usually shy with strangers. Jake is good with children, I see. Brendan took to him immediately.”

Cassie swallowed hard, the ache at seeing Jake so patient and caring with Brendan, twisting a knot in her stomach. She knew Jake would make a great father. Was she so wrong to deny him that chance on a permanent basis?

Perhaps, this weekend alone with Jake would change things. Maybe, once Cassie bared her heart and soul to him, he'd let go his bitterness and mistrust. Cassie was willing to put it all on the line for Jake. Glancing again at Brendan's joyous face and Jake giving gentle instruction to the boy, Cassie knew she had to try. “Yes,” Cassie said to Cynthia softly, seeing firsthand what she'd always presumed. “Jake is very good with children.”


assie took one last glance at herself in the hotel mirror, unnecessarily adjusting the black satin dress that fit her perfectly, the one she'd worn the night she and Jake had created their baby. She ran shaky fingers through her hair and puckered her lips, making sure the lip-gloss was applied evenly. Jake would be here any second. After his rodeo event they'd had a wonderful dinner at the Silverado Hotel's finest restaurant. And after, he'd had to make a personal appearance at the rodeo carnival where he would meet fans and sign autographs, but Cassie had begged off, claiming slight fatigue.

Jake had hesitated at first, his indecision evident as to whether to leave her alone or not, but Cassie had insisted she needed to rest and that she'd be fine. In truth, she'd planned a surprise for him.

Something she hoped he would appreciate.

When she heard the front door opening, she sucked in a
breath. Here she was, laying her heart on the line for him and secretly praying she wasn't making another “Classic Cassie” mistake.

Candles lit the room in quiet elegance. Champagne chilled in a bucket, and a small chocolate cake burning a single thin white candle sat atop the marble tabletop. Cassie met him in the middle of the suite, her smile wide, her heart pounding. “Happy Birthday, Jake.”

Jake stopped dead in his tracks, his face masking emotion as his gaze darted around the room. Finally he focused his attention on her. Cassie held her breath. In his dress Western gear—new jeans, crisp, black-studded shirt and shiny polished silver buckle—Jake looked irresistible. “How did you know?”

“It's just past midnight and officially your birthday. A little bird told me,” she teased. Bravely she walked over to him. “I thought we could have a little private celebration.”

Jake slammed his eyes shut, saying nothing, but his body trembled and the slide of his Adam's apple in a big swallow, told her all she needed to know. Cassie took his hand and led him over to the sofa where she made him sit down. She lowered herself next to him. Softly she added, “There's chocolate cake, champagne for you, juice for me, a candle for you to wish upon and more.”

His eyes met hers. “More?”

She nodded. “Much more.” She kissed him tenderly on the lips. It was all the invitation he needed. He kissed her back with heat, a passion that seemed to explode into hot fragments of desire. His hands went into her hair, threading through as he leaned her back, kissing her chin, her throat, the sensitive swell of her breasts. She tingled immediately from Jake's touch. Shooting sparks traveled a speedy trail to all of her female parts, her nipples especially sensitive. Carrying a child had some great advantages. Every erotic
sensation thrilled her to heightened peaks. But she knew that would only be true with Jake. No other man compared to him in that regard.

“This is the best birthday celebration I've ever had, darlin'.”

“I was hoping you'd like it.”

“You wore the dress,” he said in a soft tone that belied the fire in his eyes.

“This old thing?” she teased, plucking at the material as if it were nothing more than a dishrag.

“Old thing?” He chuckled, then a wickedly sinful light gleamed in his eyes. “You're right. Looks like it's just about ready to fall apart. Might as well take it off you.”

He turned her around and began the seductive slow release of the garment, kissing each inch of the skin he bared. Tingles shot straight through her, creating fiery heat inside, but Cassie couldn't give in to her desire just yet. She wanted to do this right. She wanted Jake to celebrate, to know that his birthday was important, that
was important and that it meant something to her. “We'll have cake, Jake, and a drink to begin with,” she said, glancing at him over her shoulder.

Jake undid the dress entirely and she turned to witness deep appreciation in his eyes as he raked over her near naked body. She wore black lacy underwear. He groaned and repeated her words with regret. “We'll have cake and a drink.”

She smiled. And he pulled her into his lap. “That's better,” he said, nuzzling her hair, breathing in her scent and stroking the skin just above her breasts. One finger played provocatively with the delicate lace on her bra. Her skin prickled from his heady ministrations and the area between her thighs began to throb. “You wouldn't want me to have a heart attack on my birthday.”

She might be the one to have the heart attack. If Jake didn't quit caressing her that way, no telling what sort of irregular jolts her heart might have. “No, just cake and—”


“That's right, cowboy. And me.”

He was rock-hard underneath her. “Hurry up and cut the cake, Cassie.”

“Make a wish, Jake. And blow out your candle.”

Jake grinned. “I'm getting my wish tonight.” He blew out the candle.

Cassie cut the cake with a small knife. She brought it up to his mouth and fed it to him, deliberately smearing the frosting on his face. She ran her tongue along his chin, his cheek, licking off the mess she'd made. He groaned, as if in terrible pain, but remained where she had him, pretty much at her mercy. She applied light pressure to his mouth, her tongue stroking over, giving him a taste of cake and a taste of her.

“Do you like the taste?” she asked, licking at his mouth once more.

An anguished sound escaped his throat, telling Cassie she'd probably gone too far. Jake grabbed her tight and lowered her down on the sofa. He stared deep into her eyes; his, incredibly dark and hungry. “Forget the champagne, darlin'. I appreciate the thought, but you've got me ready to combust.”

With one quick move the snaps of his shirt came apart and he flung it, without care, exposing his chest, the burn of his skin meeting with hers. Cassie thrilled at his strength, the stunning supple muscles of his flaming body. He was firm where she was soft and the contrast, the press of his skin on hers, made her dizzy with passion.

His lips were back on hers immediately, the tang of his spicy aftershave mingling with chocolate cake and the scent
of the candle, a sexy combination of aromas that heightened Cassie's awareness even more.

“I can't wait any longer,” he murmured. “I've waited too long for you.” She heard the slide of his zipper and within a moment they were one, Jake taking her with single elemental purpose. His body joined with hers, a perfect union that bordered on ecstasy. Cassie released a small moan of pleasure and waited. Perfectly still, Jake looked down into her eyes. “The baby?”

Cassie assured the concerned father-to-be, “Is fine, Jake. Making love won't hurt him.”

With relief evident on his face, Jake bent his head to kiss her. Through the filmy haze of desire, Cassie realized her sexy cowboy had failed to remove his jeans and boots. The erotic thought seeped into her soul, bringing thrilling shivers of excitement as Jake continued his tender assault. He left no part of her body untouched and with urgent caresses and expert finesse he brought them both to a quick and satisfying release.

She breathed out his name, and he, hers. They lay joined for a moment more, to catch their breaths, then Jake stood, took her into his arms, making a sweep for the champagne bottle as he carried her into the bedroom. “Now that we've gotten the first go round out of the way, it's time for the finals.”

Cassie stared into his eyes, a smile playing on her lips. “I love it when you talk rodeo, cowboy.”

Every bone in her body ached for Jake again. She needed him as she needed oxygen in her lungs. She relished being with him, being in his arms and the way he had of making her feel cherished and beautiful.

Gently, he set her down on the bed then flung off his boots and stripped out of his jeans. Cassie watched in awe as the man with sleek moves and dangerous grace came
down beside her. His breathtaking muscular form astounded her. He was all man, a rugged, sexy cowboy. And for tonight, he was all hers.

He took her into his arms. “Sweetheart, I've got enough rodeo talk to keep you happy for a lifetime.”

Cassie ignored his gentle hint to turn the tables, using a bit of rodeo talk to tease him. “Are you a high roller, Jake?”

Jake burst out laughing, his eyes warm with invitation at the reminder of the herd of high-flying bucking horses they'd viewed at the ranch. His eyebrows rose up provocatively as he lifted her to straddle his thighs. He set her down slowly, carefully, impaling her with his rigid manhood.

He responded with a slow, sexy drawl, “Darlin', it'll be my pleasure to show you.”


Morning dawned and Jake woke up next to a thoroughly rumpled Cassie. Satisfaction, a contented sensation he'd never experienced before, settled in his gut. He rolled over and gently laid his arm across her, possessively, trying not to wake her, but the need to hold her, to keep her by his side, was too strong to fight.

She was a unique woman, he admitted, unlike any other he'd ever met. She was soft now, unguarded, appearing peaceful as she took quiet breaths. But when the woman was awake she was as spirited as the mares they raised at the ranch, and he liked that about her. She'd continually shocked and surprised him time and again, not always pleasantly. Her refusal to marry him rankled. He'd offered her all that he had, all that he could, yet she still had refused.

But her sweet birthday surprise had hit him straight in the heart. She'd done for him, what no other ever had. She'd made the day special, and even if they hadn't had mind-
blowing sex last night, Jake still would never forget the softness in her eyes, her eagerness to please him and to celebrate the day of his birth. He hadn't ever had a reason to celebrate before this, but being with her changed all that. She'd given him a reason. She and the baby were the reason.

But they had had incredible sex. And as Jake peered down at her, those expressive green eyes, still calmly closed, the spiky ginger hair and that sassy mouth of hers stirred him again.

Hell, he wanted her.

Jake figured they could make love all day, right here in this room, and he'd never tire of her. It wasn't a bad plan since the calf roping finals weren't until tomorrow. Except by then he'd be so worn out he probably wouldn't have the strength to toss the damn rope.

He let go a long sigh and rolled away from her.

Confusing thoughts crowded his head. He struggled with warring emotions. All of his adult life he'd set out to win the rodeo championship, to prove a point, to make John T. stand up and take notice that Jake didn't need him or the ranch. He was his own man. When he'd needed his father—really needed him while growing up—the man was too busy with his
family and building his empire to give him a thought.

Now the rodeo was all Jake had. And the baby. His baby. A child he wouldn't abandon. No matter what Cassie had to say about it, Jake Griffin was going to raise his own child. He had months to make her change her mind.

He glanced at her once more, a quiet groan erupting in his throat watching the sunlight stream onto her body, only half sheathed with a sheet. He tossed his sheet aside and climbed out of bed.

The woman needed her rest.

And Jake needed a cold shower.


Water sounds woke her. Cassie opened her eyes to find Jake gone from their bed. She rose slowly and followed the sound until she stood outside the frosted-glass shower door in the bathroom.

She debated half a second, then opened the door and joined him, all the while repeating the mantra in her head.

Lay it all on the line for him.

“Hi.” Hot steam assailed her first, then water rained down in a warm rush that soothed as it cleansed.

Jake grinned. “I was just thinking about you.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and on tiptoes, kissed his cheek, the shower spray hitting them both in the face. “Anything good?”

He took her in his arms, bringing his back up against the intricately tiled shower wall. “Everything good.”

He brought her close, his body pressing against hers, sleek, and hard and wet. Cassie sighed. His voice took on a sultry tone. “You ever make love in a shower before?” A tick worked at his jaw then and a frown stole over his face. “Never mind. I don't want to know.”

“No. No, Jake. I've never experienced anything this…wonderful before.” And Cassie meant it. Her lovemaking experience had been limited, and she knew Jake didn't want her explanation of details, just as she'd die knowing of the women who had come before her. But she had to in some small way let him know that he was the one man she wanted to experience new things with, the one man whom she'd surrender her heart to.

Jake bent his head, kissed her soundly on the lips and spoke softly. “Me, either.”

Her heart soared with that bit of knowledge and all conversation drained away. Jake turned her around and Cassie thought she'd faint from what he had in mind, but then the
fresh scent of apples assailed her. Jake poured a dollop of shampoo in her hair and Cassie relaxed and smiled as strong fingers lathered it in, massaging, caressing and scrubbing her hair squeaky clean.

“All clean,” he said, tugging her hair gently, pulling her back against him. He wrapped his arms around her, stroking her torso, then farther up, until both hands cupped her breasts from behind. He played havoc with her then, caressing, teasing and rubbing her nipples until she wanted to die from the sensual torment.

Her wet skin met with his. Their bodies clung to each other. There was no mistaking Jake's arousal as it pressed into her in provocative places.

He kissed the back of her neck and spun her around. With a bar of almond scented soap in his hand, he began a slow, torturous seduction, moving the slippery soap over her skin. He started at her throat, making small circles, then moved the bar down to loop around one breast, bubbles lathering up. Jake blew them aside and put his mouth there, suckling and kissing, her nipples sensitive to his touch, peaking and aching for him. He did the same to the other side and when he left that responsive area, Cassie felt a keen sense of loss.

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