Read Explicit Instruction Online

Authors: Scarlett Finn

Explicit Instruction (18 page)

Releasing her Rushe
turned up the heat, then shook her again. ‘I want you naked now.’

‘Why?’ she yawned. ‘Is this about art?’

‘Take off your clothes, Kitten.’

‘I’ll have sex with you when I wake up.’

‘You’re awake.’

Flick took he
r turn at the muttering, but removed her feet from her shoes, and slid forward to undo her jeans.

Take off the sweater; I want to see your breasts.’

She stopped and let her hands flop in
to her lap. ‘Who’s doing this me or you? Do you want to do it?’

’m driving,’ he said.

‘Exactly, so leave me alone.’

In her half fog of sleep Flick didn’t really think about the implication of wriggling out of her jeans, and taking her panties with them. Nor did she really think about pulling her sweater over her head, and unclasping her bra, at least until the cold night air shrivelled her nipples instantly.

‘It’s cold,’ she said
, and made a move to pull her bra back up her arms. But Rushe snatched it and threw it over his head into the back seat, at which point Flick realised he’d done the same with the rest of her clothes. ‘You didn’t think this one through, Driver. You plan to have sex with me, and keep both hands on the wheel?’

yawned, and closed her eyes when she rested her head back again.

‘Hmm,’ he hummed
. If he was anyone else she’d say he sounded pleased. ‘You’ve got a helluva pair of tits.’

With one hand he stroked and squeezed each of her breasts in turn, back and forth.

‘You’ve told me,’ she said, swatting his hand. ‘Drive the car.’

Curling away from him in h
er seat Flick gave him a view of her back.

But his hand seemed just as happy palming her bottom. The night was cold and she drew her knees up to her chest. Sleep hung around her, and with another
yawn, Flick folded her arms over her chest.

Somehow she’d managed to forget
that she was naked until his finger twisted into her. His hand on her rear had been happy enough, but when she’d drawn her knees up she’d given him inadvertent access.

Another finger seemed to be trying to prod its way inside
, but Flick sat upright and glared round at him. ‘You did that on purpose. We can’t have sex out here.’

But when she caught a glimpse out the windshield she saw nothing but abandoned, unlit road, flanked by thick foliage, and dense trees.

‘My dick hasn’t done anything wrong,’ he said. ‘And you like him.’

‘That wasn’t your penis,’ she said
, pinning his offending hand in her sights.

‘Stick your own finger in your pussy
then,’ he said. ‘Got to get you nice and juicy.’

Here, in the car?’

hen he looked at her breasts, her reaction was immediate. The tingling in her knew just what he had in mind, and damn her for wanting it so badly. Fighting would only deprive them both, and she wanted him.

Letting her own hand glide up her abdomen she cupped her breasts
, and ran her thumbs over her nipples.

‘That’s it
, Kitten,’ he growled. ‘Play with them, you think about my hands on you, squeeze your nipples, roll them in your fingers, and those soft little tips that taste so good in my mouth.

Flick did as he
said; playing with the points of her breasts that remembered just how good they felt in his mouth. For now, she was in control of the show, and the power she held over him welled in her belly again.

I’m gonna play with those tits all night. They’re mine to touch, to play with any time I want. You’re gonna do anything I tell you...’

increased her grip, letting her fingers nip her while her thumbs grazed over her tips.

I want to see more of them, all the time, you hear me? You’re gonna start giving me a show. I want then on display to every man who craves you. I want them to pant for you, Kitten, but you’re mine; mine to touch, mine to see, to play with... only mine.’

For as long as he’d been mesmerised by her groping of her breasts those last two words were said into her eyes.
Flick’s hands fell, and while one of them rolled her seat back into a recline she drew her heels onto the edge of her seat and let her knees fall apart. She heard him curse, but she fondled her breasts again.

‘Do you want me to touch myself?’ she whispered.

Her eyelids drooped again, but this wasn’t exhaustion. Her whole body was heavy with slumber but Flick wriggled back, unable to stay still.

Her other hand crossed the centre console and she undid his jeans buttons. As soon as her fingers touched the scorching length of his penis, two of his fingers plunged into her
, and with a gasping call she arched up.


‘Oh I’m gonna fuck you so hard,’ he said, taking his digits in and out. ‘Play with your clit. I want you to come now, here, on this road, like this.’

With another inhale of his name
, she struggled to writhe up against his incursion, and did as told. His focus stayed on the road when his fingers withdrew, and she parted her lips in anticipation but he trailed his digits to her breast, circling the pebble with the juices from his sodden fingers.

‘I’m gonna taste those tits.’

He took hold of one breast, and with a squeeze she arched up into her own caress. His hand shifted and his fingers impaled her. At the sudden motion, Flick squealed, and orgasm enveloped her again.

Rushe cursed louder this time
, and the car seemed to speed up. Flick’s naked body rocked from one side of her seat to the other. Rushe’s intense concentration stayed on the road, and with two hands on the wheel he swerved from one side to the other. Flick considered what would happen if they crashed with her like this, naked and undone.

Then he hit the brake
, and the whole car lurched to a screaming stop.


His word was said on the way out of the vehicle. He closed his door with such force that the car pitched. If Flick didn’t know him better she might have been scared, because this was a side of him that could intimidate. As it was, she let herself smile because she could see him freeing himself, and rolling on the condom as he came around the hood of the car. Then her own door was yanked open, and Flick was hauled out, naked.

‘Consent,’ he grumbled
, while throwing her down against the hood. Flick had never seen him this tightly coiled. ‘Kitten.’

‘Yes,’ she said
, realising she hadn’t answered him. ‘Yes, of course I consent.’

The last word hadn’t left her lips and he was plummeting in
to her. Because the hood was hot Flick pushed her palms down to hold herself away from the metal but she couldn’t stop saying his name. All of him consumed her, this joining was made all the more potent because not so long ago she’d thought they’d never be united again, that she’d never see him again, and now...

‘Fuck!’ he said
, squeezing her butt cheek in one hand as he drove into her.

punishing thrust in and out drew his name to her lips every time he smacked her centre.

‘Yes,’ she sighed. ‘Yes
, Rushe, oh yes.’

Fucking dumb bitch,’ he said, and though she couldn’t see them Flick knew he was gritting his teeth through his own huffing breaths. ‘She came back, why the fuck...’

‘Rushe,’ Flick
said again, and without thought one of her hands left the hood and reached back.

Still with a hand squeezing her flesh to move her as he wanted
, his other hand came from nowhere, and linked his fingers between hers.

‘I’m gonna fuck you, damn right I fuck you. You’re mine to fuck. My whore, my decision, my
tight little pussy hungry for my cock... You want to be fed, you want me to feed your little cunt here and now, don’t you, Kitten? Don’t you!’

‘Yes! Oh yes!’

Out here in the dark, on an abandoned roadside Flick had no idea where they were, or how far they were from civilisation – or rather discovery. But she didn’t care that she was naked, or that they were outside, or that the air was cold and the metal under her hot. All that mattered in her world right now was that thick shaft propelling into her.

After orgasm three or four
, Rushe roared and smashed into her in time with the vice of her pelvic muscles squeezing him in place and silently begging him to stay.

In the still of
night, Flick could only hear the rhythm of their shallow breathing. Fog from her mouth misted the night. She was naked. They were outside. But all Flick wanted to do was stay here, with her cheek on the warm hood, and him embedded within her.

Their hands were still
coupled, and Flick only noticed when his other hand slapped her rear then soothed her skin, covering her with his large hand span.

But he didn’t speak
, and he didn’t move, and Flick wasn’t sure what to do now. Maybe Rushe was waiting for her to speak, or to do something. The glory about having sex like this was that he couldn’t slam out of the door – there weren’t any.

‘You’re one fuckable bitch
,’ Rushe said, letting his palm glide up her spine, he’d never... touched her like this, and tears sprang into Flick’s eyes.

‘Good enough for a replay?’ she asked
, making herself smile though Flick knew he couldn’t see her face.

‘Maybe,’ he said
, and continued to let his rough calloused hand stroke her body, her back, her neck, her shoulders. He pushed her hair aside and stroked his hand from brainstem to coccyx.


‘You said no to me,’ he said. ‘You came back... and you said no to me.’


‘When I ask a question... no one says no to me.’

’m not scared of you, Rushe,’ Flick said, turning her face the other way. ‘I know you couldn’t hurt me... that you wouldn’t.’

When Rushe
slid out of her body, Flick knew that was her cue to stand up. She turned and propped herself on the side of the car, as he disposed of the condom and tucked himself away. Flick stood there with her arms folded under her chest, completely bare, but felt no compulsion to cover up even when he brought his attention to her.

Her nakedness didn’
t seem to register to him though, because he marched over and got himself into her personal space. ‘Explain.’

‘What?’ Rushe
pressed his finger into the dampness on her cheek to show Flick that she was leaking. ‘It’s nothing.’

‘I hurt you?’ he asked
, stepping away to look at her crotch as though he’d find bloody carnage.

‘You’ve never held my hand before,’ she said.

The spark of recognition startled him when he looked to her hands to see that yes, he’d linked his fingers between hers again. Rushe snatched his hand away, and rubbed it on his shirt like she’d passed him a disease. Flick smiled at the disgust on his face because they’d shared fluids, and had plenty of skin on skin contact, but he was suddenly allergic to her hand. This was out of his comfort zone.

‘Do you want to snuggle?’ she smirked
, and he silently growled at her.

‘Get in the car

le Rushe stomped off in a grump, Flick took her time getting back into the vehicle. He wouldn’t tell her where they were going, or why. But as far as Flick was concerned they couldn’t get too far away from where they’d been. And the further away they got from Victor the closer Flick knew Rushe and she would become. Now they had nothing but alone time.

Chapter Eight



Being allowed to put her clothes back on was a battle in itself. Rushe turned up the heat and tried to snatch them away. But he did have to concede because, as she pointed out, the sun was rising and they were still driving. That alone didn’t do it. Flick had to remind him that the cops were not part of his plan, and she queried how long it would take for them to garner unwanted attention when people saw her naked breasts through the windshield. Only then did he let her get dressed. But hours and hours later, they were still driving.

Who’s the other one?’

‘What?’ she asked
, chewing on the last of the power bar he’d given to her for lunch.

‘The guy that popped your cherry.’

‘I don’t know what you...’

‘You said there were two of us,’ he said. ‘Who’s the other guy?’

‘Does it matter?’

‘You’ve been yammering on al
l night. About movies, and books, and music, and some chick called Tamara, and your job, and your boss.’

‘All very generic topics,’ Flick said. ‘How I lost my virginity is personal.’

‘Kitten, you were just naked and fucked at the side of the road by the guy who sprung you from a gang of loan sharks and sex traffickers.’

‘Are you saying I owe you?’

‘I’m saying we’re past personal.’

‘Ok,’ Flick
said, stuffing her trash into the door pocket then turning her attention on him. ‘How did you lose yours?’

‘My what?’ he asked.

‘Your virginity.’

‘I don’t remember.’

‘Yeah right, you’re such a stud,’ Flick said. ‘Everyone remembers their first time.’

shrugged and checked both ways at an intersection. ‘I remember having sex with my foster mother, she could’ve been... no there was a chick who brought clothes, and food, and shit to one of the shelters. I remember her ‘cause when she took her top off and had like no tits I was disappointed, she was before the foster woman. I thought I was actually gonna get my hands on a... are you crying again?’

‘No,’ Flick asserted because she wasn’t
, but she must have carried the notion in the air. ‘You grew up in foster care?’

‘What did you expect of a guy like me?’
he asked. ‘You think I had a mom who baked me cookies and took me to little league?’

she said. As she folded her arms and sat back Flick thought about all of the things that Rushe must have been through to make him as hard as he was. ‘Where are your parents?’

idea,’ he said. ‘Never met them and never asked. I was abandoned as a baby, cops never found out who dumped me.’

Flick felt petulant, like a spoiled brat who’d stormed out on her family because they’d refused to buy her a pony. ‘Want me to blow you?’

‘Might make me feel better about my life.’ She went for his fly but he caught her hand. ‘I was kidding.’

‘I didn’t know you could do that,’ she said, which earned her a glare
, but he released her hand, and went back to driving. ‘I could drive for a while.’

shook his head. ‘You can’t follow instructions, wouldn’t know what you’d do at a red light.’

‘I always
talk my way out of tickets,’ Flick said, and his face relaxed, which was the closest he came to a smile. ‘What?’


‘What are you smirking at?’ She dug her nails into his thigh. ‘Tell me.’

‘A cop stops you,’ he said
, as though explaining the most obvious thing in the world. ‘He gets out his vehicle and comes to your window.’


‘At that point, Kitten, before you’ve opened your mouth, that guy knows he’s not giving you a ticket.’

How do you know that?’

Drawing his eyes around
, he took an eyeful of her cleavage. ‘You’ve got great jugs.’

Flick looked down at her breasts then back at him
, but he was driving again. ‘Are you saying...?’

‘You could curse about his mama, his wife, and his sister, he’s not listening. You’re not getting a ticket. He’s imagining what he wants to do to those babies.’

Flick wasn’t ignorant of her breasts, she knew they were there, she just didn’t think about them very often. From a young age, Flick had been taught how to dress properly and that meant not flaunting your assets. In comparison to her mother, sisters, and most of the women in their sphere, Flick’s breasts were an anomaly.

Instead of folding her arms under her
chest as Flick usually did she tried to fold her arms over them, feeling incredibly self-conscious about these lumps bestowed on her without her permission. She didn’t want to be a freak, and Flick certainly didn’t want to be nothing more than a pair of breasts on legs.

‘That shut you up,’ Rushe
said. ‘If I’d known talking about your cans would do that I’d have done it last night.’

was not in the mood for his needling. Tiredness was a long distant memory. She’d had enough sleep this week to see her through the rest of the month. But if Flick could’ve fallen asleep now and blocked him out she’d have done it.

Are you sulking?’

‘No,’ she said
, aware that it sounded as though that was exactly what she was doing.

‘Good. I plan to fuck those girls again as soon as I find a motel.’

‘We’re stopping?’ Flick asked, perking up a little.

‘Yeah,’ he said. ‘
It’s daylight, can’t fuck you on the roadside in this town.’

They had come to a more
built up area, but she was lost. Flick hadn’t bothered paying attention to where they were. Rushe had been driving all night but he didn’t look tired, he looked... Flick observed his profile, all of his features were strong, a square stubbled jaw, his nose had been broken at one time, maybe more, but that only added to the danger shimmering around him. His face was arranged in a permanent scowl, like someone had just dared him to a fight. Rushe was ready, alert... angry.

found herself curious about his past, if he’d ever been in love, if he’d been hurt, if he’d had anyone to trust. Something about Rushe meant business, and Flick wondered if he’d ever smiled, if he found anything funny, if he was capable of stepping down from DEFCON one.

Trusting that Rushe knew what he was doing
Flick said nothing when he stopped in a dark corner of a motel parking lot, then arranged a room for them. She remained quiet while he retrieved a duffel bag from the trunk and ushered her into room twenty-nine.

Flick had noticed that he’d been ornery since they escaped from
Victor – more ornery than usual. With everything that had happened Rushe must have a lot going on in his head, but Flick’s mind kept drifting back to that roadside, and his hand in hers. He’d walked away from everything at Victor’s because she was unhappy.

Rushe threw the bag to the floor, locked the
motel room door, and then went for the bathroom. Still neither of them had addressed the other.

Flick hadn’t been in many motels
. The only time she’d slept in one was that night after she’d left her parents’ house more than a year ago. This one was just the same. Threadbare carpet and curtains, the room smelled musty, and the bed looked anything but comfortable or inviting. A mirror hung on the wall above the drawers that served as a stand for the TV at the end of the bed. That was it. She drew the curtains over the window, blocking out the glare of the sun, and then took off her clothes. Rushe would only ask her to do it when he came back into the room anyway.

If she’d known where the condoms were she’d have found one but
Flick didn’t want to snoop in his bag. Rushe was a secretive guy and Flick wouldn’t for a second want him to question her integrity in this situation. If he thought for half a beat that he couldn’t trust her he’d close down tight. So Flick would do what she was told and respect what she knew he was.

ning her hands into her hair Flick knew she could use a shower but the water hadn’t turned on in the bathroom yet, so whatever he was doing in there she wouldn’t want to disturb him. Lying on the bed Flick wondered if she should try to arrange herself seductively, or if he would just tease her for that.

Rushe needed no encouragement, and he didn’t need her to spell anything out for him. If he wanted sex he’d ask for it straight out, and if he didn’t he’d ignore her no matter how she chose to arrange herself.

Still in the middle of the bed when the bathroom door opened, Flick saw he’d had the same thought, or if not the same one then he was prepared to accept her idea. For Rushe stood there as naked as she was, holding himself in hand, condom already on.

Without a word Rushe
came to the bedside and curled his fingers around her head into her hair. Guiding her toward him Rushe pushed his penis into her mouth and Flick relished this new sensation of the taste of latex on his solid offering.

This was a new skill for her
, and as nice as it was to have his dick pumping in and out of her again, Flick decided she preferred him rubber-less. But while his hips moved back and forth and his hand guided her action she’d keep him happy. Letting her eyes move upward Flick watched him watch her. Rushe surged far into her mouth and paused letting her feel the stretch in her throat, the burn of her held breath, the power he had over her, life or death, pleasure or pain.

In one motion he slid out
, and she gasped in a breath, but his eyes remained on her. Something was different. She couldn’t quite fathom it, but he was... looking for something in her, searching for something. But Flick didn’t know what it was, or how to give it to him.

‘Sit on the edge of the bed,’ he said
, and she did as she was told.

He got
his knees between hers and urged her legs apart until her thighs burned. But she stayed perched on the edge. Rushe took a handful of her hair and pulled her head back forcing her to sit up straight and look right at him.

‘You’re gonna use your tits to pleasure me, understand?’ Flick didn’t know what to say but nodded, except he increased his hold on her hair. ‘Now.’

Flick had never done this before, and as Rushe leaned closer she felt him in her cleavage, sliding in close. She couldn’t see because of the angle, but with her hands Flick pushed her breasts together around him. Mimicking much of the moves he had used in the shack, she rolled her breasts up and down around his member.

‘Tighter,’ he demanded
, and she recalled how his fingers had bitten into her when he’d done this himself. ‘Yeah,’ he sneered, and taking one of her nipples in his fingers he squeezed and pulled her. ‘Keep going.’

the hand that was in her hair Rushe pulled her up sharply, and at her gasp his gaze only darkened. He’d forced her closer to him, thus her breasts consumed every part of him, balls and all.

his is what every guy wants,’ Rushe said without moving his lips while looking her straight in the eye. ‘That cop, guys in the street, at the store, every man who looks at you wants his dick right where mine is, fucking your jugs.’ The pinch on her breasts increased. ‘Your tits make you a slut, every man wants to fuck your titties, Kitten.’

Releasing her hair
, Rushe tossed her backward making her bounce back onto the bed. But then he was over her, inside her, right up to the hilt.

‘You missed this,’ he said
, licking the side of her neck. ‘You missed my fat cock in you.’               Rushe stayed in her, but he didn’t move. After a long pause, he pushed away and took her legs higher forcing her knees into her shoulders. Only after Rushe leaned back did he begin to slide in and out of her. Something in the way that he watched the motion of himself move in and out of her was almost...  wondrous. Then as quickly as it started, it was over. Rushe was out of her, off the bed, standing there with his back to her.

found herself at a loss. He hadn’t climaxed and neither had she. ‘Rushe, what’s—‘


Driving his fingers through his hair Rushe spun to face her, and the blackness in his eyes, the clouds that gathered around him, that intensity... All of him was feral, black, devoid of any humanity. His snarl made Flick’s mouth dry and her body tense, and for the first time she wasn’t sure what he was capable of.

Give me your ass.’



Flick turned and closed her eyes
, hoping her tension didn’t carry to him. She stayed on the bed, but did as told presenting herself on all fours. Initially nothing happened, so she tried to relax her breathing in anticipation for whatever might come next because she knew Rushe moved silently, and she was right.

His finger speared her vag
ina and was followed by another. They stilled for a few seconds then he wiggled them inside her, curling them into the cushion of her g-spot. With a groan, Flick pushed back against his caress. This was like nothing she’d experienced, the automatic desire to writhe against his gift. But Rushe smacked her ass harder than he ever had, and her eyes popped open. Then his fingers were gone. He touched her anus, which caused another automatic desire to seize Flick – a desire for retreat.

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