Exposed to You (14 page)

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Authors: Beth Kery

“Does that hurt?” he asked, glancing up from where he knelt on the floor in front of the bed.

“No,” she managed. She wasn’t lying. It wasn’t the stretch of her muscles that had made her eyes go wide.

A tiny smile tilted his mouth. She watched him, her breath growing increasingly choppy, as he moved to the head of the bed and restrained both of her wrists. Her head lay flat on the mattress, her arms stretched over her head toward both corners of the bed. The position seemed to constrict her breathing—or perhaps that was just her growing trepidation and excitement. If she weren’t able to clearly see the fat, mushroom-cap-shape of the head of Everett’s cock bob against the cloth of his pants, she might have considered telling him to stop. Everett had been right, though, when he’d said he thought she wanted to give him pleasure. Seeing how aroused he was becoming while he tied her up was her own aphrodisiac.

He finished and climbed onto the mattress, straddling her prone body on his hands and knees. His gaze lingered on her exposed belly and breasts.

“Try to relax,” he murmured. She suspected he noticed her erratic, shallow breathing. “Do you want me to tell you a joke?” he asked, smiling.

“This doesn’t seem very funny,” she whispered.

“No, but it’s not supposed to be brain surgery, either.” She met his stare. She laughed when she saw the heat and humor in his eyes. He chuckled and reached for one of the soft, decorative pillows and carefully lifted her head, leaning down and placing the cushion beneath her. “How’s that?”


“Good,” he said. He shifted his weight and came down next to her on his side, his elbow bent, his jaw in his hand. She turned her chin and looked at him.

“You like this, don’t you?” she murmured, noticing his satisfied expression.

He reached across her and opened his hand along the side of her ribs, brushing the sensitive skin. Her nipples pinched tight.

I like this?” he asked, his gaze on her breasts. “I’m not stupid.”

He continued to stroke the side of her from hip to waist, sending prickly tendrils of sensation across her breasts, belly and sex. He flickered his fingers between two ribs and then traced the taut skin over the bone. She gasped at the sharp sensation, something between a tickle and a jab of arousal. Her muscles tightened in the restraints. She saw his eyes on her torso, studying the effect of his caresses, seeing her pebbling flesh and tightening nipples. He glanced into her face.

“I noticed it before—how sensitive the side of your body is. It’s amazing. I thought it might feel sharper for you if you were restrained.”

She didn’t respond. She couldn’t, because his fingertips had trailed over her belly. He gently caressed the sensitive skin just above the draped silk of her gown, just inches away from her spread pussy. Warm liquid surged between her thighs.

“It’s because your body is drawn so tight,” Everett murmured next to her. She turned her chin to look at him, but he was watching his fingers enliven her flesh. Joy felt perspiration bead on her brow. “It stretches the nerves. Amplifies sensation. Here. I’ll show you better what I mean.”

She parted her lips to tell him she thought he was doing a fine job proving his point as it was, but was distracted when he shifted and straddled her again. His cock strained against the cloth over his left thigh. The bulbous head brushed against her as he reached for the pillow beneath her head.

“Tell me if I’m making you uncomfortable,” he said. He shifted the silk pillow down behind her back, sliding it down to just above her waist, forcing her back into an arch. Before she understood his intent, he came down on his hands and bent his elbows, flexing his arm muscles, and licked her right nipple with a warm, laving tongue. She made a strangled sound, and then whimpered helplessly when he flicked at the sensitive morsel with the tip of his tongue.

“You have the prettiest breasts,” he said, his warm breath striking her wet nipple. He gave the tip an openmouthed kiss and let the edge of his teeth graze her, finishing with a lusty smacking sound.

“Everett,” she moaned.

“See what I mean?” he asked, giving her a smoky glance.

She swallowed with difficulty and nodded. Her entire body was stretched tight, her breasts thrust upward, easy targets for consumption. She saw what he meant, all right. Even his most innocent-seeming touches were making her burn.

,” he commanded quietly.


He leaned down and kissed her mouth. His firm, moving lips seemed to stroke her entire body—coaxing, molding, biting. She craned up for him, pulling the restraints tight.

It was as if she’d never experienced a kiss until that very moment.

She cracked her eyelids open a moment later when she felt the absence of his lips. The light from the bedside lamp gleamed in his narrowed eyes. He shifted suddenly. She twisted her chin to see what he was doing, but his stretching body blocked her vision. The sound of something clicking against metal reached her ears.

He came back over her. A shock went through her when he pressed a small cube of ice to her lips. He slid it against her lower lip, pressing, until she felt a trickle of cold water stream into her mouth. He made a gratified sound in his throat.

“You melt it in seconds, you’re so hot.”

He pressed another cube to her mouth and watched as he traced her spread lips with it. “I remember how hot it felt in your mouth,” he murmured distractedly. “I thought you were going to melt my cock.”

She made a desperate sound in her throat. His gaze flew to meet hers. The ice was now completely melted. Water wet her lips and trickled down her chin. He pressed his thumb to the center of her lower lip. “Where did you learn to suck cock like that, Joy?” he asked.

“I don’t know. I don’t remember ever being taught,” she replied, her voice sounding garbled because of his thumb on her lip. He rubbed her chilled yet feverish lip again while he considered her somberly.

“No? Maybe I’ll refresh your memory,” he said.

Her eyes widened at the subtle threat she heard. He reached again and she heard the ice clanking against the side of the champagne bucket. This time when he returned to her, he held several cubes in his hand. He put his hand at the back of her head and lifted her before he raised his hand to her lips.

“Suck on it,” he said tensely.

She stared up at him, confused, her lips automatically closing around the cubes he’d slid into her mouth.

“Go on. Let me see you melt it. Suck.”

Her heart started to throb uncomfortably in her stretched rib cage, like there wasn’t room for it anymore. She sucked on the ice, squeezing the water out of it like she might the juice out of cold fruit. Everett groaned as she watched her with a steady focus. She drew harder, her cheeks flexing inward, until the last of the slippery, hard, cold splinter in her mouth melted.

Everett slipped his finger into her mouth. He muttered something she couldn’t catch before he gently placed the back of her head back on the mattress. Suddenly, he was coming down next to her on his back. Joy lifted her head. She saw his long legs fly up in the air as he tore his pajama bottoms off them with uncommon haste. Then he was back, straddling her, except this time he came higher, his knees tucking beneath her armpits. He reached again for the ice bucket. He lifted her head again.

Joy stopped breathing, spellbound by the vision of his long golden penis just inches from her face. It seemed to take up her entire field of vision. Her clit pinched so tight in longing, she grimaced.

“Open,” he said gruffly.

But instead of his cock, he slipped more ice between her lips.

“Suck. It’s the only thing that’s going to keep me from fucking your beautiful face and coming in that hot little mouth, so you better chill it off,” he said in a tight voice from above her.

Her eyes widened. What he’d said was raunchy and crude and so erotic, it short-circuited her brain for a second. “Suck,” he prompted again, this time more gently.

Joy stared at the awesome sight of his erect cock and sucked for all she was worth. It was so beautifully shaped. The tapering, fat head; the long, straight shaft; the swollen, blue vein that ran from just below the defined rim beneath the head down the shaft—her tongue longed to taste all of it. His fingers moved, caressing the nape of her neck. His other hand lowered between his thighs. He grasped his cock, stroking the head and upper shaft with what looked like a tight grip.

Joy stilled.

“Suck,” he ordered. “Melt all the ice.”

He jerked on his cock. She saw the skin stretch tight from his squeezing stroke. The bulbous head took on a purplish tinge. Joy’s cheeks hollowed out as she sucked furiously. He continued to stroke himself, sometimes with a loosened fist, sometimes yanking on himself in a manner that struck her as unbearably exciting. She watched, panting through her nose, as he used his thumb to rub a clear drop of ejaculate into the slit on the head.

A few splinters of ice still remained on her half-numb tongue, but she spread her lips wide in an invitation. He grunted and braced his upper body on the cloth headboard of the bed with one hand. Joy thought she’d shatter from the sharp anticipation that gripped her entire body as she watched him lean forward and guide his cock to her lips.

Hard flesh penetrated her mouth and stretched her lips wide. Joy closed her eyes, her entire focus on the sensation of his cock sliding against her tongue.

“Holy fuck.” She heard his voice as if from a distance. “Your mouth is so cold.” Joy’s cheeks and jaw ached, she drew on him so hard. He groaned and thrust between her clamping lips. “And so damn hot.”

She couldn’t move toward him, restrained as she was and with his hand holding her head, but he must have sensed her eagerness, because he fucked her mouth for a moment, pulsing his hips and sliding in and out of her several inches. She wasn’t hungry—she was ravenous. Crazed. Her entire world shrank, becoming the smell and the taste and the sensation of Everett’s cock.

He paused, depriving her of a downstroke. Her nostrils flared for air and she clamped the head of his cock tighter between her lips. She laved at the taut flesh with a stiffened tongue, coaxing him to give her more. He grunted appreciatively.

“Open your eyes.”

She did so sluggishly, light and vision splintering her dark, voluptuous world. He put his thumbs beneath her jaw and gently tilted her head back, thrusting his hips forward so that his cock remained lodged in her mouth. She stared up at the long, muscular length of him dazedly, feeling strange . . . drunk . . . drugged by desire.


He said it harshly at the same time that his cock slipped from between her lips. He laid her head back on the mattress. She murmured his name through numbed lips. Suddenly, his hands were on her breasts, plumping them in his palms, and one of her nipples was surrounded by his warm, wet mouth. He lashed at her with his tongue and drew on her until she cried out in anguished arousal. She wouldn’t call his treatment rough, necessarily, but it was far, far from being the gentle, teasing awakening of her nerves he’d subjected her to earlier. He made a sound of satisfaction in his throat as he molded her breasts, sucking insistently on one tip. Her hips twisted on the bed in arousal. Her nightgown was still in her lap. The light, flimsy silk was inadequate pressure on her wet, wanting pussy. Everett transferred his mouth to her other nipple and gave it a similarly lusty, insistent treatment. She let out a groan of pure misery.

“Oh God, please.”

He lifted his head and gently nipped at her nipple. Joy ground her pelvis down into the mattress and shifted her weight, desperate for friction.

“Please what?”

“Please touch my pussy,” she panted. If he wanted her to beg, no problem. She had nothing else to do but lie here and twist and drown in excitement. “
, Everett.”

His mouth lowered. He dragged his teeth gently across her sensitive ribs, raising goose bumps on her skin, making her gasp loudly. She pressed down again on the mattress. Even her anus tingled with electric arousal. Everett’s tongue touched her belly, making the muscles leap. She lifted her head, panting, seeing his back and shoulder muscles bunch as he held himself off her, his head lowering to the folds of yellow silk. She watched him through the mounds of her heaving breasts. She felt it in every cell of her body when he kissed her just above the silk. He lowered it slowly. She felt it sliding over her labia.

She dropped her head back on the mattress. She was having difficulty drawing adequate air into her lungs, the anticipation was so great.

“Oh, God,” she muttered under her breath when she felt his fingers on her mons. She clamped her eyes shut when she felt him spread her labia. Wide. Had she ever been parted so wholly? She swore she felt his gaze on her exposed, wet flesh like a pressing weight. If nerves had mouths, hers would be screaming. The tip of his tongue flicked her clit.

Her entire body convulsed like she’d been lashed with a whip.

He made a rough sound. He kept her parted wide, making her clit entirely exposed for his rigid, rapid tongue. Joy just lay there, helpless under the ruthless flail. He pressed and agitated. It was patently lewd what he was doing to her—pressing, flicking, waggling his wet flesh against hers. He was going to make her come in seconds, his movements were so wickedly precise.

He covered her clit with his mouth and sucked. A curse flew out of her throat. She clenched her thigh and ass muscles so tight, she thought they’d break. Didn’t they say the female anatomical equivalent of a cock was the clitoris? God, she thought wildly as she crested, she
wished she could swallow Everett whole and stimulate every single inch of him with a relentless tongue.

She did break—helplessly against the sharp edge of pleasure, her body shaking with release. He continued to lick and agitate and suck her as she came, seeming determined to milk every last shudder out of her quivering flesh. Her final cry segued into a shaky moan. Her body sagged into the mattress.

She felt like she’d been wrung dry.

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