Eye of the Abductor (18 page)

Read Eye of the Abductor Online

Authors: Elaine Meece

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

“Not necessarily. I’d like to see how things go between us.”

“It all sounds great, but what if you miss being a player and
want a divorce before I get Nathan back? Where does that leave me if you’ve
already received your inheritance? I don’t want to sound like a shrew but what
guarantee do I have?”

Brance wanted her to think she had choices so she wouldn’t feel
boxed in. She didn’t trust men, especially cops. Not to mention she believed
he’d slept with two women recently. “We’ll put it in writing. If we divorce,
you can have the house along with a hundred thousand. Keep in mind, I’ll be
paying the legal expenses.”

“I’m sorry for sounding so greedy, but I’m so afraid of making a
mistake again. I’m afraid of not gaining custody of Nathan. I don’t want to
start back at the bottom scraping nickels and dimes to survive.”

Brance didn’t have any plans of divorcing Allison or leaving the
home he purchased. He truly believed they could be happy if she’d give him the

“What about sleeping together?” She blushed.

“I certainly hope that’s part of our marriage, but I’m not going
to rush you into it.”

“You realize any infidelity on your part would hinder my chance
of getting custody. Not only will the Wilsons attack my character, but yours as

“I know. I’ll be faithful, and I'll have myself checked for

“And your career? It’ll be over if you marry me.”

“That’s a chance I’m willing to take. With almost a million
dollars in my pocket, I might open my own PI firm.”

No matter how much money he had, he loved his job and wanted to
keep it. True, his marriage to Allison might end his career. But he wanted to
help her, and in the process just maybe she’d learn to trust him and even come
to love him.

“Brance, there’s something you need to know.” She paused as her
eyes filled with fear. “Remember the gold sedan?”

“Yeah. What about it?”

"I think it's one of Escobar's men. He showed up at work and
said Escobar wants to speak with me and handed me a business card.”

“Have you spoken with him?”

“No. I’d hoped to be out of town before he caught up with me
again. Even you can’t stop a man like him.”

Brance agreed. He was no match for a drug lord. “Call him soon.
Find out exactly what he wants. Let’s meet the confrontation head on.”

She sighed. “I suppose I should. Marrying me could be

"I'm willing to chance it. So are you going to accept my

"I don't know."

There were so many reasons to stay away from Allison, but he
couldn’t. He had a deep commitment to her and wanted to correct the injustice
that had been done to her.

“Sleep on it tonight.” He leaned and kissed her forehead, then
offered his hand and helped her from the sofa. “You look too tired and stressed
to make a rational decision tonight.”

In his bedroom, he showed her where to put her things. While she
prepared for bed, Brance changed the sheets for her and then made the couch up
for him. She stood in the bathroom doorway, wearing the blue robe that he’d
seen her in before. “Why me?”

“I need a wife.”

“I’m sure you know several women who’d marry you and wouldn’t
ruin your career.”

“Maybe, but my grandmother wouldn’t like any of them. She’ll like

“She wouldn’t like Tammy?”

“Hell, no.”

She sat on the edge of his bed. “Thank you for letting me stay
the night.”

He offered a smile and fought the fire burning in his groin. It
wouldn’t be wise at this point to let Allison know how much he wanted her in
his bed. Like a wild animal, she had to learn to trust before she could be

“Goodnight, Allison.”

“I need to let the nursery know I won’t be there tomorrow.”

“You can call in the morning.”


Allison couldn't sleep. Too many thoughts bounced around in her
head. Too many unanswered questions. And Brance’s proposal in the forefront.

How could she believe him? The story about his grandmother seemed
lame. Did he have some underlying motive? Finally, she drifted to sleep.
Restless and troubled.

Allison woke to tapping on the door. She rolled over and raised
her head. She felt like hell, both mentally and physically.

Brance entered the room and walked over to her, extending the
phone. “You need to call the church.”

Not fully alert, she sat up, letting the covers fall down to her
waist. Her gown hung loosely, revealing her breasts. The hunger in his eyes
made her all too aware that she’d exposed herself. The thought of his desire
aroused her. She tucked the blanket under her arms and snatched the phone.

She explained to Jo Anne why she wouldn’t be in, then handed
Brance the phone. “The director was very understanding. I think I’ll go to my

“Mind if I go with you? I could sit with Mom.”

She smiled. “I’d like that very much.”


Once at church, Allison disappeared to the choir room while
Brance headed for the sanctuary.

“Allison, we've missed you!” the choir director stated.

“I'm back to stay.”

“Have you been working on the music I gave you?”

“Yes, I have.” It wasn’t a total lie. She had glanced over it a
couple of times.

“I think it suits your voice.”

"It's a nice piece." She disappeared into the dressing
room, tucked the music in her folder, and slipped her robe on before joining
the others to review that morning’s anthem.

Her heart hadn’t stopped having power surges since Brance had
proposed. Could she really be considering the marriage? The man had the ability
to break her heart. All he wanted was his grandmother’s money. But if things
went well, she’d have Nathan back. How could she not do it?

In the sanctuary, her gaze landed on Brance sitting beside his
mother. His dad sat on the other. She recognized him from the picture she’d
seen in Brance's apartment.

Several times she’d considered what it’d be like to be married to
Brance. Would his family ever accept her? The music began, and she concentrated
on her singing.


Brance smiled as Allison sang. His mother's intense scrutiny made
him nervous.

She jotted a note to him on her church program.

You haven’t taken your eyes off of her, nor she you. Has this
become more serious?

He met his mother’s gaze and gave her a slight nod.

At the end of the service, she grasped his arm. “How serious?”

“I proposed to her last night.”

“Proposed to who?” his dad asked.

“The red-haired girl walking out with the choir.”

“Very pretty.” A frown furrowed across his father’s forehead. “Is
she the woman you spoke of?”

“Allison Davenport. She was married to Rob Wilson.”

His father’s expression changed to disgust. “Why in hell would
you want to do something so stupid?”

People around them stopped and stared.

“Shh. Now isn’t the time or place to discuss this,” his mom
warned. “Bring her by the house today.”

“She’s not coming to my home,” his father quipped.

His father’s reaction hadn’t surprised him.

“It’s my house too. Come by for lunch.” She glared at his father.
“You can go to the bedroom if you don’t care to meet her. I think she’s a
lovely girl.”

“She hasn’t said yes yet.” Brance kissed his mother’s cheek, then
hurried to the choir room to meet Allison.

“My mom wants us over for lunch.”

“What did you tell her about us?”

“That I proposed and you haven’t given me an answer.”

“How did she take it?”

"It didn’t seem to surprise her.”

“Do your parents know who I am?”


“What did your father have to say?”

“Don’t worry about him.”

“Brance, even though I want Nathan back more than anything, I
can’t come between you and your family. I can’t. So, I won’t marry you.”

He grinned.

“What’s so amusing?”

“You. Anyone who thinks you were involved in a crime is a
complete moron.” He kissed her forehead.

“But what about your family?”

“Just be yourself. They’ll see what I see.”

“And what do you see?”

The woman I’m in love with.

“A beautiful woman who has been wronged by the system and life in
general. Someone who is as much of a victim as Johnny Jenkins was.”

“Oh, Brance.”

Admiration flickered in her eyes. Could she have feelings for
him, feelings that even she wasn’t aware of?

Rick stopped her at the door. “Give me a call to schedule a time
to run through your solo.”

“I will.”

Brance grinned when he recalled the Stone family had never missed
a Christmas Eve candlelight service. Allison might be his wife by Christmas.
His father and brothers would have no choice but to listen to the newest member
of the Stone family perform.

He drove Allison to his parents' house. He rang the bell, and his
dad opened the door, staring at them with a grim expression.

“Dad, this is Allison. Allison, my dad, Mike Stone.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir,” Allison said, squeezing
Brance’s hand so tight she cut off his circulation.

Without speaking to either of them, he walked away leaving the
door open. “June,
your son
is here.”

His father’s coldness sent chills down Brance's spine. He hadn’t
missed the
your son
remark. No doubt his father had embarrassed Allison.
He kissed her cheek. “It’s all right,” he whispered and escorted her into the
living room. “He’ll come around.”

His mother entered the room and offered Allison a warm smile,
then hugged her. “I’m glad you came. Ignore Mike and don’t judge him too

“Hasn’t he already judged me?” Allison asked, cutting her eyes to
his dad, who sat in a recliner facing the television.

“I’m afraid so.” She took their coats and hung them on a coat
rack. “I assume she said yes.”

“Actually, she turned me down.”

“You did?” His mother appeared surprised.

“I can’t let him ruin his career.”

“I’m not giving you a choice. This is the best thing for us both.
First thing, I plan to do is buy a house and try to get custody of your son.”
He grinned at Allison. “I strike a hard bargain, don’t I?”

“Yes, and it’s not fair.”

“Are you going to marry me?”

“Yes.” She grinned. “You play dirty.”

“Trust me. You won’t regret it.”

“I hope not.”

“Congratulations, you two,” his mom hugged them both. “Let’s go
in the kitchen. Lunch is ready.”

During the meal, they discussed Allison’s apartment being
ransacked. His father entered the kitchen and removed a plate from the cabinet.

“They took my money I had saved.”

“I’m so sorry,” his mom said.

“I’m glad she wasn’t at home,” Brance stated.

“You think this is connected to your past?”

Though his dad ignored them, he was clearly listening to their

"More than likely. My car had been ransacked earlier."
She paused long enough to sip her tea. “Maybe I should run an ad swearing that
I don’t know where Rob stashed the five million.”

His dad placed two pieces of chicken on his plate and grabbed a
couple of rolls. He turned toward them long enough to snatch the salt from the

“Tell me about your son,” his mother requested.

“Nathan is four. His grandparents have custody.”

Brance explained Allison’s theory of why Rob involved her.

“How wicked of him and his mother." She turned to his dad.
“There’s cheesecake in the fridge.”

He nodded but didn't speak.

“I'd like for us to get married next week." Brance gave
Allison a reassuring smile. His father's rudeness had made her uneasy. “Maybe
Sunday after church.”

“He promised he’ll attend church with me,” Allison said, a slight
quiver in her voice.

“That’s something I never could get him to do.”

“Has he told you about his inheritance from his grandmother?” his
father asked.

“Yes. But if I’m guilty as you presume, then I have five million
hidden somewhere. Why would I be interested in his money? I’m willing to sign a
prenup so I can’t touch his inheritance, if that’s a concern.”

Brance couldn’t hold back the grin. "You just hit the old
man with a sucker punch. He didn't see that one coming."

His dad scowled at him before looking back at her. “Do you love
my son?”

Brance drew in a deep breath and held it, afraid of how she’d
answer. He knew she didn’t. But surely she didn't despise him.

“Actually, Brance frightens me.”

His father appeared curious. “Why’s that?”

“I’ve already been married to a policeman who destroyed my life.
I don’t know if I can let my guard down long enough to love anyone again.”

“So why do you want to marry him?”

“He’s promised to help me get my son back.”

His father turned to him. “Why her?”

“Mike, you’re prying,” his mother said.

“If he’s going to throw everything away for this woman, I have a
right to know if he loves her.”

“My feelings for Allison are private.”

His father expelled a huffy breath. “God, you’re a fool.”

Allison winced at the comment. “Please take me home.”

“Sure. I shouldn't have subjected you to this.” Brance stood.
“Mom, are you coming to our wedding?”

“I’ll be there,” she replied.

His dad vanished into the den.

"Finish your lunch," his mother said. "He won't be
back in here."

"The food was delicious, but I don't normally eat
lunch. I’m full. Thank you for inviting me."

The phone rang in the other room. "Let me grab
that," his mother said and left the room.

Allison looked at Branch. "I’m not sure about us.”

“I am. We’re perfect for one another. You’ll see.” He
helped her to her feet and pulled her against him. As she rested her head on
his shoulder, he rubbed her back softly. “I said I’d take care of you, and I
will. If you want your son back, you’ve got to stay strong. Facing my family
isn’t nearly as hard as facing the Wilsons in court. Do you want Nathan back?”

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