Fallen Angel From Revenge to Redemption (2 page)


Darren Christopher Rodriguez~

Don’t let the darkness from your past block out the light of joy in your present. What happened is done. Stop giving time to things which no longer exist, when there is so much joy to be found here and now. - Karen Salmansohn


              I looked at my reflection in the mirror and shook my head at the guy who was looking back at me. The guys down at the station had joked and ragged me about my hair for the last week, so I had gone and got it stylishly cut. I went shopping and brought a dark brown shirt and a pair of blue jeans. I pulled on my brown jacket that matched my wheat colored Timberlands. I fastened my watch onto my wrist and placed my white gold rope chain with a cross on it around my neck. I grabbed a bottle of water and sipped on it as I locked up my apartment, then grabbed the keys to my 2016 black Lincoln Navigator.

As I opened the door, I shook my head because I couldn’t believe that my homeboys had talked me into going out clubbing tonight. The club scene just wasn’t normally my scene, but I must admit I was a little bit excited. We were all state troopers.  I scooped up Angela, Marcus, Sam, and Damien and off to the club we went.

Once we parked, Damien had to remind us all that we were off duty. This club was fairly new so there shouldn’t be much action to catch, by the way of drug activity or any other illegal activity. Plus the club had a dress code and catered towards a certain age group. I was the designated driver, and I was okay with that because I wasn’t a big drinker. You could hear the music bumping as we approached the door. R. Kelly’s
Burn It Up
featuring Wishin Y Yandel was playing and the dance floor was packed.

I settled up against the wall as the others went to order their drinks. I looked around the club, there were girls dancing around poles with next to nothing on, the bartenders worked fast to keep the drinks flowing. There were several areas where people could just lounge around circular tables with C shaped wrap around sofas. The patrons ranged from age 25 and up, and it was a mixed crowd of Latinos, Asians, African Americans and European Americans.

As my eyes moved over to one of the VIP sections, I spotted a beautiful young lady with sable brown colored skin, flowing jet black hair dressed in a bright orange spaghetti strapped top that just gave you a peek of her firm round ample breast. She wore a fitted pure white skirt that hugged her round bottom and showed off her flawless legs.

A cool smile spread across her lips as she noticed that she had grabbed all of my attention. Not knowing what else to do, I nodded my head in her general direction and gave her a smile of my own. She laughed at something that someone in her party had said before forgetting me completely.

Damien reached me my coke before saying, “Hell no playa player, she’s out of your league. If you going to get back in the game start with one of these chicken heads over here,” he said signaling a group of girls who looked like they had come to the club with the sole purpose of hooking up with a stranger for an evening romp in the sack.

“Nah, man you can have that,” I said laughing along with Marcus.

“Damien don’t care who or when just as long as he goes home with someone,” Angela said not able to hide the irritation in her voice.

“No it’s not that simple, Damien said. She’s got to be bad to the bone. Be able to dance all up on me, in a manner that suggests that she wants me to take her home and that it would be worth my time. She’s got to give as much as she is willing to receive,” Damien said high fiving all of the dudes.

“No she only has to be easy and breathing,” Angela said as she placed her drink down on the table and asked me to watch it for her. She had on a rich navy fitted short dress; her blonde hair tumbled over her shoulders. She was pretty thick for a white girl. She was also our partner, so we had all agreed not to allow the lines to get crossed up. A Daddy Yankee song was being played. It wasn’t long before a gentleman came up to her and started to dance with her.

I looked over at Damien who swear under his breath and went in the opposite direction and started dancing on the dance floor. We all busted up laughing because we could see a storm coming with those two. It wasn’t long before Sam and Marcus found someone to dance with as well and I was left alone at a table watching everyone’s drink. Sometimes being the responsible one sucked.


Be patient. Sometimes you have to go through the worst to get to the best.

I could feel his eyes on me before I turned my head. I smiled as we made eye contact from across the room. He was dressed nice. I could tell that he was mixed but I couldn’t tell you with what. His hair was a chestnut brown color and you could tell that he just had gotten it cut. He seemed just as out of place in the club as she was. Oh he gave me the head nodded and a smile that could melt hearts, he was feeling me.

Lamar said something utterly ridiculous and we all laughed with him.

The D.J. was playing back to back hits from the Reggaeton genre. I grew tired of waiting for my prince to come and dancing in my seat, so I drank the rest of my Amaretto Sour and walked over as Aventura song
All Up To You
came on featuring Akon.

I walked over to Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome like I did this sort of thing all the time. I leaned down and placed my lips close to his ear and whispered “do you want to dance” while reaching my hand out for him to take it. To my surprise he did take my hand and led me out to the dance floor. The dance floor was packed, but somehow I managed to slip into a world where there was only the two of us. The smell of his cologne was intoxicating. His height was impressive and he was in great shape. To my surprise he knew how to do some of the Latino dances and he sang along with the D.J.’s mix. We danced the night away, but my favorite songs that we danced to were Wisin Y Yandel’s
Algo Me Gusta De Ti
featuring Chris Brown and T-Pain and Enrique Iglesias’s
featuring Descemer Bueno, Gente De Zona and Sean Paul.

I didn’t want the night to end; I wanted to have this moment with this man forever. Damn my sentimental heart, I thought as a slow ballet began to play signaling that it was about time for the club to start to close down. “

“Are you hungry?” I asked.

“I could eat,” Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome replied.

“Oh, but I am responsible for getting the rest of my friends home safely,” he said as an afterthought.

“Oh, I understand, it was nice meeting you anyways…I said letting the sentence trail off.

“Darren Christopher Rodriquez, and you are?” he asked.

“Shanice Williams,” I replied in kind.

“Well can I get your number, or hey I can give you mine? Maybe sometime we can get something to eat, talk, and get to know one another,” Darren said as he reached into his pocket and reached me a business card, which I delightedly accepted.

“I will call or text,” I said as I began to walk away, but before I could get away, Darren walked up, turned me around, bent his head, and kissed me. At first it was a chased kissed designed to pique my interest, which it did, then it became a lingering kiss, where our tongues danced to a  tune that was as old as time.

After what seemed like an eternity, Darren broke the kiss, and said, “I have wanted to do that all night. Don’t forget to call.”

It took all of my strength and energy to just nod my head in the yes motion. I felt like one of those stupid bobblehead dolls and was even surer that I looked like one. My breast had stirred to life and there was a gentle ache between my legs. Darren Christopher Rodriquez was dangerous; he could possible break down the walls I had so carefully built up.  I don’t know if I am ready for all that, but only time would tell.



It all begins and ends in your mind. What you give power too, has power over you.

“Man, if a chick like that was giving me play and I was the designated driver, y’all asses would have had to walk, catch a cab, something,” Sam said in a dead serious manner even through everyone else was laughing.

“I gave y’all my word and my word is my bond, “Darren replied.

Darren looked around his group of friends and some of them were feeling good but nobody was falling down drunk. Being in law enforcement, they all had seen the damage that buzz driving could cause, about 30,000 people die in DUI related cases each year. It just wasn’t worth the risks.

“Do y’all want to grab something to eat from the Waffle House?”

“Yes, I am hungry and could eat,” Angela said.

“The lady has spoken we are going to go grab some food,” I said as everyone climbed into my vehicle. We pulled into the Waffle House a few minutes later and thankful it wasn’t too crowded. We selected a booth and a waitress came and took our drink orders immediately. After returning with our drinks she took our orders and all we had to do was wait for them to prepare it and bring it out.

“Man, I was sleeping on you. I had no idea you could pull a honey as fine as that and dance with her all night,” Sam said smiling hard.

“She approached me, it was fun,” I can’t wait to do it again,” I responded.

“It’s always the quiet ones you have to watch out for,” Angela said teasingly.

“I am happy for you bro, when are you going to see her again?” asked Damien as he took a sip of his orange juice.

“I gave her my card, so she could call me when she wants to grab something to eat or something? I responded.

“You gave her all the power man. What happens if she doesn’t call?” asked Marcus.

“She will call if she knows what’s good for her,” Angela said encouragingly.

Our food arrived shortly thereafter; we ate and talked about things going on at the station and some of the cases we had been on during the week. We all declined the waitress’s offer of dessert and paid our tabs. I then dropped everyone off at their residents then went home.

I took a shower and settled down for bed with erotic visions of Shanice in my head.


Better Days are Coming


“Girl, have you called Officer Darren Rodriquez yet?” Vanessa asked.

“No,” I said but couldn’t stop the smile that began to spread across my face.  Even though I had decided not to call Darren, it didn’t mean that he hadn’t been on my mind. He invaded my thoughts as I lay down to sleep each night. I don’t know if it was the combination of his raw exotic sex appeal and the sensuality of the songs we danced too, but whatever it was my body was still humming with desire. If the truth where to be told, I would have to admit to the erotic dreams that involved us doing the horizontal tango. Dreams that where so real, I have awakened to throbbing breast and dampness between my thighs.

“Girl, I would have called him as soon as I got home and settled down in bed. How many days has it been? Vanessa asked.

“A whole five days, I answered playfully.

“Look you guys know my deal. I don’t know if I am ready for a relationship. I don’t do casual relationships but I don’t judge other people who do. I have too much going on between my hours here at the hospital and my hours down at the Help Center,” I said defending my stance.

“Well, give me the number I will call him,” Vanessa said laughing and nudging me playfully.

Lamar had been standing by just listening to the conversation finally decided to chime in, “D.C. only had eyes for Shanice that night at the club but speaking of the Help Center, is Alyssa still stopping by?”

“Yes, but she is just as quiet now as she was the first day that she came.  She brings her little brother Omar down there sometimes too. She just reads her books. Omar is more outgoing than she is. I keep hoping that she will come around. For now, I am just giving her some space. I hope she will talk when she is ready. I just hope that I am not missing something,” I said.

“I am glad that she is showing up period and bringing her brother is a plus. I am glad that the Help Center is there period. Maybe this Friday we can order pizza and do a movie or something for all of the kids,” Lamar suggested.

“That’s a good idea,” I said.

“I will make the flyers and donate some money for pizza,” Domonique jumped in.

“Me too,” Vanessa said handing over some money for the pizzas.

“You guys are the best, the kids are going to love this,” I replied.

“I will help chaperone as well, I have the morning shift on Friday,” Lamar said.

“I can help chaperone as well,” Domonique said.

“Thank you guys, the Help Center would not be able to do as much without your help and support,” I told them.

“We love the kids, Vanessa said.


“There is no person that love cannot heal; there is no soul that love cannot save –Carlos Santana

“Man, what do you have planned for tonight?” Sam asked.

“I am hanging out with Omar,” I responded.

“Doing what?” Sam asked.

“Ah, he wants me to go to movie night with him down at the Help Center.  He has been talking about going down there with his sister Alyssa. He says the people are nice. They help him with his homework and let him play games. I want to check it out and be there for the little guy you know,” I explained.

“Man, I want to be like you when I grow up,” Sam said in a kidding manner.

“Come with me man for real. We can grab something to eat afterwards, my treat,” I suggested.

“Sure why not,” Sam responded.

A few hours later…

Sam and I walked into the Help Center with Omar and Alyssa. There were colorful blankets on the floor with small equally colorful pillows. The smell of buttery popcorn hung in the air. There were bowls of plain M&M’s set out as well. Omar let go of my hand and ran over to a woman he called Ms. Williams.

The lady received his hug with so much joy and enthusiasm. When she turned around, due to something Omar had said to her, she seemed to be frozen for a moment before snapping out of it. She waved at Alyssa who waved back before burying her head in the book she has been reading.

My heart had picked up its pace as I realized that this vision of loveliness that was walking in our direction was the same woman from the club last week. Fate had given me a second chance and I was going to make good use of it.

Omar tugged on her hand as she walked towards Sam and me.

Ms. Williams this is Officer Darren and Officer Sam,” Omar said making the introductions.

“Officer Darren helps me through the Big Brother program. He got me a bike for Christmas last year and he sometimes hangs out with me,” Omar explained.

Shanice reached out her hand to shake both of ours hands.

“I am Sam by the way,” Sam said introducing himself.

“Nice to meet you,” Shanice said directing her comment to Sam before turning to me and saying, “again.”

“Thank you guys for coming with Omar he has been so excited about this for most of the week. He thinks the world of you guys. We are going to watch the movie,
A Letter to God
.  Halfway through movie I will order the pizza. You guys can sit anywhere that you like, please make yourselves comfortable.”

“Thank you, we sure will,” I replied as we walked over to a long sofa that was apparently for the adults.

Shanice spoke to a couple of the young ladies before walking over to where her friends were.

“Oh the night certainly has gotten more interesting,” Sam stated as we took our seats.

“Indeed,” was my one word reply.

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