Falling For My Husband (British Billionaires) (15 page)

A sharp yelp came from me when the partially cracked door slammed back shut again with Callum in my way. “You’re not leaving until we’re done,” he said, gritting out. “Who were you with earlier, Stella?”

I meant to respond to him, really, but my voice was lost on me. My throat ran dry as those dark depths pinned me on the spot. Whatever it was, I knew I was in deep trouble.

“I dropped by your office earlier and was told by your assistant that you went out with Mark for lunch and never came back.” He hovered above me like a deadly predator, ready to kill when I made one wrong move. “So again, I’m asking you, what the hell have you been doing all afternoon?”

Was it wrong that amidst all this tension and anger that I was getting turned on? He was all male and, dear God, the man was the sexiest animal I had ever seen.

“You gave me your word. Last night, you promised that you’re mine.” Callum inched closer, his hard, chiseled chest pressed against my heaving breasts. “I don’t appreciate being lied to, Stella. Even if your body has been a new addiction for me, I don’t forgive easily,” he growled into my face, making me quiver from being so aroused with the threat in his words. “If you want to back out on our agreement, then say so. Chasing women was never a thing for me and I don’t plan to start one now.”

He wanted me to decide whether I wanted this or not. Right this instant. Well, what the heck did I want? My brows furrowed as I contemplated what to do. I’d choose him… but I knew I shouldn’t.

“Give me a few days,” I finally found my voice, shaky.

The air crackled between us. Our breathing ragged as it synchronized with each drag of our lungs. His dark eyes reached into mine, pulling and twisting into me, sucking me
dry as they demanded all of me.

“No. Give me the answer now, Stella,” he barked out, unrelenting. “I’d rather have a willing woman in my bed than someone who is unsure of what she wants. I don’t have the time for these silly games, Stella.”

The message was loud and clear. If I wasn’t happy with our little sex union, then he’d be more than happy to look for someone who’d jump for joy and utmost gratitude that he was willing to share his sexual prowess. Even though I was simmering in blatant anger, I had to ponder if cutting this connection, or what of it, with Callum was the best thing to do.

My main issue was, I simply was falling for him. Apart from that, he actually wasn’t so bad. He could even be sweet at times. Deep down, I knew I wasn’t ready to let him go. It was too early and like a true masochist, I felt like I needed to get my fill of him first before I could walk away for good.

“I’m staying.”

His eyes were unreadable. They neither looked pleased or happy. “Then you’re sleeping here tonight,” he murmured. “Use my study to work on your project. I will have someone make a workroom for you. It will ready when you get back tomorrow.” He took his time looking over me before he kissed my cheek. “Don’t stay up late.”

With that, he simply spun on his heels and left me in an utter fucking mess.

God help me, but I couldn’t walk away. I didn’t have it in me to do so. Not until I knew it was over for good.

Chapter 20



It was half past midnight when I heard my phone shrill right next to me. It was Callum. “What now?” I sighed as I reached for the device.

It’s late. Come to bed. You need to sleep. Work can resume tomorrow.

Even though I was still a little miffed about earlier, I couldn’t help melting at his thoughtfulness.

I need a few more. I will be up soon.

He immediately responded.

Anything I can help you with? I can make you a light snack if you like.

I wasn’t particularly hungry, but the thought of declining him when he was being all nice and sweet was awful.

Hot coco, please.

Coming right up

I grinned like mad, typing back.

Thank you…

No need I’m taking care of you.

A light knock at the door made me look up.

“Hey,” Callum greeted after he opened the door. He came in with a steaming mug, wearing fitted, black boxer briefs and a black, ribbed, fitted tank.

Lethal was the word. Mind you, I couldn’t help giving a quick, appreciative glance towards his honed sexiness. “Nice.”

He smirked just as he placed the drink right next to me. His freshly out of the shower scent—clean, crisp, with a hint of sandalwood—filled my nostrils. He then leaned against the table, facing me with sparked interest. “I didn’t know you wore glasses.”

For some reason I blushed. It might be because he wasn’t used to women like me. As much as I liked being pampered and beautified all day long, working was a good outlet for me. I loved doing what I do. “Contacts are a bother. I prefer these.” I pressed my lips together as I cocked my head to look up to him. “They’re very comfortable.”

“I can tell. You look sexy in them.”

We stared at each other for a few seconds before I broke contact and reached for the hot coco. With a cautious sip, I tasted his concoction. Hmm, very good, but… “This is divine, but there’s something—”


I nodded, taking another sip, tasting it again. “Definitely.”

“Chili powder, just a hint of it,” he languidly informed me. “It gives it a little kick. I also added half a teaspoon of chocolate liqueur.”

That made me raise
my brow. “You seem to know a lot about hot cocoa.”

“My grandfather liked it this way,” Callum murmured, moving closer, his thigh almost touched the side of my legs.

“Your grandfather had good taste.” My breathing came to a halt when he leaned over and carefully took off my glasses.

His thumb held my chin, making me look at him directly. “I like the sexy look, but I love staring into your eyes more.” My mouth went dry. My body electrified by his touch. My whole existence became consumed when his eyes landed on my lips. Did he know how badly I wanted to kiss him, suck on his tongue as he made love to my lips? Yes, he’d kissed me, but I wanted the passionate kind.

It was as if he read my mind because he dropped his head and sought mine. When his bottom lip brushed against my upper lip, I swear I trembled, badly. He then kissed me while I slowly parted my mouth to let him in, but I was left disappointed when he withdrew and planted a soft one against my cheek. “Goodnight, Stella.”

For the life of me, I couldn’t mask the hurt that ignited in my heart. I gave him a quick nod and immediately reached for my glasses, not looking at him as he exited the study.

I hated myself for
things that weren’t meant for me. It was dangerous to show my feelings because I was going to lose in the end. Callum was clear with his intentions… and I somehow needed to get my head checked. My crush was shifting, blossoming into something more, and yet I had to put a brake on it. He’d resent me if he ever found out the truth.

I suppose I needed to toughen my exterior when—if—I was shattered inside. Even if it pained me to do so, I would do it just to spend a few more weeks with him. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I’d walk away, leaving him in his secured cocoon.

When I finally decided to call it a night, I wasn’t even surprised to find Callum on his side, his back facing me. Closing my eyes, I tried to calm my thoughts. It was then that my phone silently vibrated on the side table. Reaching out for it, I checked who the person was who texted me at almost two in the morning.

I know I haven’t responded after you sent me an email about you dating Callum. He and I have some history together. He was once a very good friend of mine.

I’m texting you drunk. Had I been sober, I wouldn’t have had the guts. All I’m saying is that I will be here when the time is up. Yeah, I know how he works and he never goes back to the same woman twice.

Take care, Stella. It’s really weird, but I think I really miss you.

It was so like Clive to say something like that. He missed me, but he was embarrassed to say it outright. I couldn’t hold back an amused snort as I reread his message again.


Shit, wasn’t he sleeping? I shifted to my side to see if he was watching me, but he was still in the same position as I’d seen him earlier. “Yes?”

“I need you to come with me tomorrow night for a fundraiser I support for cancer.”

Oh. “Yeah, of course.” Cancer was a sensitive subject for me.

Callum stayed quiet for a minute before he spoke up again. “And Stella?”

I decided to reply to Clive’s message tomorrow morning as I placed it back on the table. “Yep?”

“You need to wear the engagement ring from now on.”

Drat. When he was around, I suppose I could. “Okay.”

“Good. Sleep well.”

Here we go again
, I silently scolded myself as my tear ducts started to have their own mind. “You, too,” I calmly whispered back and then shut my eyes and let the tears flow.




“What are you still doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be leaving now?” Luciana held my elbow and dragged me away into a secluded corner.

That was the plan… but I was getting antsy. Maybe more like I dreaded seeing him after last night because being around him from here on out was going to be extra difficult.
I wanted too much
… far more than what he could give me.

“I was really on my way out, but I noticed that we needed new champagne glasses filled and one of the old ladies said that one of the waiters tried to get with her, so what was I to do?” Valid excuses, they were, but it was far from the truth.

Luciana was about to go mini Nazi on everyone. This event started off wrong. First, the florist called in that the flowers they had shipped out from South America were going to arrive tomorrow. So I had to scramble and find another supplier that could come close to the type of orchids that the starlet wanted for the perfume launch. Second, my assistant had food poisoning, so Sienna had to take all of her responsibilities. Sienna’s quick and a fast learner, but how was she supposed to learn everything when Ally only left a post-it with all of the instructions? Third, one of the hired bartenders was caught taking pictures of the other celebrity guests in the party, so I had to get one of the large, beefy security men to escort him out, sans cellphone.

Lastly, the event I was to meet Callum at. We actually agreed that it would be best if we met there since I wasn’t sure if Luciana would let me get off that early, knowing that this event was going to be on the celebrity news the next morning. It was a great opportunity to get exposure and we were both hell-bent for it to go as smoothly as possible.

“Go. Mark actually texted me that he’s more than happy to come and help us out.” Luciana eyed me suspiciously.

Well, it wasn’t as if I had other ulterior motives... a bit. “I did call for back-up. Besides, he’s more than happy to help. He
our best friend after all.”

She rolled her eyes at me, making me stare at her jeweled green eyes and thick ebony lashes. Sometimes, I just wanted to pluck one out just to see if they were
fake. Seriously, hers were far too long!

“Gotta go now. Be nice to Mark, okay?” I kissed her cheek then the other before giving her a tight squeeze. “Thank you.”

“If you aren’t shagging Callum yet, tonight better be the night.”

That made me smirk. “I’ll keep you updated.”

With a little wave, I darted towards the exit and the flip-flop of my heart in my ribcage started its own jungle-themed rhythm. Luck was on my side when there was a cab waiting outside. A quick thanks automatically left my lips as the hotel staff opened the door for me.

“Claridge’s please,” I said to the driver.

Whilst in the cab, I pulled out my phone and texted him that I was on my way.

See you.

Great. Now all I had to do was get through the night. My thoughts took me back to last night again, rehashing it like a true lovesick person, and before I noticed, the cab was already parked right outside the hotel.

“Here we go,” I muttered under my breath. 

This was the first time I was accompanying him to anything, so the pressure was on. With my aloof persona in place, I trotted in my champagne colored, tight-hugging bodice of a dress that stopped at my knees, but the dress was so tight that I could barely walk a foot apart in my gold, five-inch stilettos. There was only one thing I aimed
at, wearing a dress like this, and that was to be noticed. Not by others, but by Callum. It was a normal attempt for a woman to entice a man this way, but I had to work with what I had. He liked his women this way and, at times—like when I had to work tonight—I sometimes put extra care into my appearance. So maybe I just went overboard with this one in particular. I mean, if his heart was unavailable, I sure as hell didn’t want him to check out other women while he was with me. There was also the fact that I wanted to be remembered by him later on down the years…

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