Read Falling for Rayne Online

Authors: Shannon Guymon

Tags: #Fiction, #Christian, #Romance

Falling for Rayne (12 page)

Rayne rolled her eyes, hoping her sister was right.


Chapter 11 – Slumming It



Rayne walked out of the kitchen and headed upstairs and then realized Jack was right behind her. She stopped and turned around to stare at him in wonder and then smiled. “You and me buddy. Together forever.”

Jack made a grunting noise and she smiled. “Then we’re in agreement. Follow me Jack for a tutorial on how to get ready for a hot date. And yes, I saw you checking out Kenya. She seems a little too girly girl for you though if you don’t mind my saying so,” she said as she headed to her room.

She spent a relaxed hour showering, primping and talking to Jack. Jack followed her around her room with his eyes but seemed content to sit in a corner with his head on his paws. As she sat down to do her makeup, she had to admit having Jack around felt good. And he was the best listener a girl could have.

When it was time for Garrett to arrive they walked down the stairs just as the doorbell rang. As if on cue, all five dogs began howling, barking and growling with Jack surprisingly being the loudest of them all. Cleo and Ivy arrived at a sprint and both grabbed two dogs, leaving her to deal with Jack.

She blinked in surprise as Jack snarled, showing some impressive and quite frightening teeth. “Holy cow, Jack,” she said, trying to soothe him. “I guess you are a guard dog.”

Cleo ran back to help her and grabbed Jack’s collar so she could open the door. She took in a deep breath and opened the door.

“Hey Baby.”

Rayne choked as she came face to face with her ex. Liam Michaels.


, what are you doing here?” she demanded over Jack’s loud and furious barking.

Cleo glared at Liam but was forced to leave so she could get Jack under control. Rayne smoothed her hands over her Salmon colored cocktail dress and ran a hand nervously through her hair.

Liam took his time answering her and looked around, studying the house critically. “Slumming it now, Rayne? I’m surprised.”

Rayne glared at Liam and remembered why she’d broken up with him.
She couldn’t stand the man.
She noticed he was wearing his typical Ralph Lauren uniform and wondered why he insisted on combing his hair straight back. She much preferred Garrett’s short, clean hairstyle.

“I’ll ask again Liam. What are you doing here?”

Liam shrugged and leaned up against the wall nonchalantly. “We always come up for the Seafair hydroplane races. You know that. When Graham texted me and told me you were here I got a little curious.”

Rayne glared at Liam and walked over to the hall mirror to fix her hair so she wouldn’t have to look at his smug face. “You and Graham are pretty close friends these days. How nice that you text each other.”

Liam grinned at her anger and walked over to stand behind her. “He’s just worried about you. Said there was a suspicious looking guy hanging around. I have to admit I got a little jealous,” he said and ran his hands down her bare arms.

Rayne stood still and felt a cold shiver run down her spine. For some reason, having Liam touch her now made her want to push him away. She moved out of Liam’s reach and turned to face him.

“Not buying it. You were never the jealous type, Liam. Why are you really here?” she asked coldly, wanting him gone before Garrett arrived.

Liam smiled at her, showing his teeth and she wondered why she’d never realized the man looked like a sneaky little rat.

“I’m here for you, Baby. I’ve been patient and I’ve given you your space to mourn, but it’s time to get on with life. You and I were meant to be together from day one. My parents knew it and so did yours. It was their dying wish that you and I get married, Rayne. Why don’t we go out for dinner and we’ll talk?”

Rayne looked at her feet and felt slightly queasy at the thought of going out to dinner with Liam. Before she had the chance to even shake her head though, Ivy walked into the foyer looking ready to rock out at the local bar. Rayne lifted her eyebrow as she noticed Ivy had added a new bright blue streak to her hair. Tonight she’d outlined her eyes so heavily with eyeliner, her green eyes were like neon dots in her face.

“You have to be kidding me,” she said as she came to an abrupt stop as she caught sight of Liam. “I thought you dumped him?”

Rayne cleared her throat as Liam sneered at Ivy. “We made a mutual decision to take a break. No one was dumped. And what’s with the makeup and hair? You look even more horrifying than usual,” he said with the disdain that only a man addicted to Ralph Lauren could ooze.

Ivy rolled her eyes and turned her back on him. “And this is your ex. I’m feeling very proud of Anthony right now.”

Rayne nodded her head. “As well you should.”

Ivy glared at Liam one more time and then turned and walked out of the foyer, leaving her alone with Liam again. “Liam . . .” she began and then stopped abruptly as the doorbell rang.

She swallowed nervously as Liam turned and opened the door, since he was closer. She peeked over his shoulder and bit her lip as she saw Garrett standing on her front porch, holding a bouquet of deep red roses and wearing a very nice suit.

“You wouldn’t happen to be cheating on me now, would you, Rayne?” Liam said in a displeased, sarcastic tone that had her pushing him out of the way.

“Garrett, come in,” she said, smiling apologetically.

Garrett looked at her with an expression that let her know she would have some explaining to do. “These are for you,” he said, handing her the bouquet and then leaning down and kissing her thoroughly on the lips and taking his sweet time about it.

Rayne smiled through the kiss, immediately feeling better. When Garrett stood up he smiled back at her. “Ready to go?”

Rayne nodded her head and sighed in relief as Cleo walked into the foyer with a comical look of horror on her face.

Liam sighed loudly and took the flowers from Rayne and handed them to Cleo. “Be a good girl and go put these in water,” he said, dismissing her as if she were a servant.

Cleo glared at him and took in a deep, calming breath. “You know, you two are going to be late for the concert if you don’t hurry,” she said pointedly making Liam frown.

Liam smiled and shook his head. “Actually there has been a change of plans. Rayne’s going to dinner with
. And from now on, she won’t need you to bring her flowers or take her to concerts. We’re getting back together,” he said calmly as if that was the end of the matter.

Rayne gasped at Liam’s audacity and shook her head mutely as Garrett’s eyes turned cold and deadly.

“Is that right?” he said in a soft voice that had the hair on the back of her neck standing up.

Cleo’s eyes went huge and she looked at Rayne worriedly. Rayne cleared her throat and prayed Garrett wouldn’t punch Liam. It would be a shame to get blood on such a fine sweater vest.

. We’re not getting back together. Not now, not ever. Now if you don’t mind, Garrett and I are late for a concert.”

Garrett held out a hand to her and she immediately took it, stepping into the warmth of his side as he pulled her close.

“Just a little advice. Don’t come to my girlfriend’s home and bother her anymore. She’s over you and I don’t like it when she’s upset. And trust me, you don’t want to upset me,” Garrett said as he opened the door wide and gestured for Liam to leave.

Liam blinked in surprise and then turned to shake his head at Rayne. “I guess Graham was right. You’re in over your head. I’ll be in town for a few more days. Let’s get together for lunch tomorrow when you’re not
,” he said looking Garrett up and down coldly and then walked out the door.

Garrett watched him go and then shut the door. “Why is it every time I turn around you have weird guys in strange clothes trying to pressure you into having dinner with them?”

Rayne laughed weakly and shook her head. “I wish I knew the answer to that. Come on, let’s get out of here,” she said pulling on his arm.

Cleo walked over to the side window and peeked out. “He’s gone. You two go have some fun now. Forget about that jerk,” she said with disgust in her voice.

Garrett stared at her strangely for a moment but then looked down at his feet as his shoulders relaxed. “You really dated a guy who wears pink sweater vests?”

Rayne blushed and toyed with a strand of hair. “I’m going to plead the fifth on that. Do you still want to go out? Or do you want to cancel now?” she asked softly as Cleo looked carefully between her and Garrett and then quickly left the room.

Garrett frowned but then pulled her into his arms and looked down into her eyes. “When it’s just you and me, it’s just you and me and we’re good and we fit. But sometimes I catch a glimpse of your real life and I feel like we’re from different planets.”

Rayne closed her eyes and looked away. “I guess we were. But I want to be on your planet with you.”

Garrett ran a hand down her back and then kissed her forehead. “Come on then, we’re late.”

Rayne nodded her head in relief and followed Garrett out to his truck, not even surprised when he opened the door and then lifted her up into the cab as if she weighed fifty pounds. She smoothed her dress down and spent the next twenty minutes trying to relax again. She could tell something was on Garrett’s mind from the tense way he was holding himself and the grim set to his mouth. He hadn’t been happy to find Liam in her home announcing they were back together. But to be fair, if she had shown up at Garrett’s house and found a woman there declaring that she and Garrett were together, she’d be furious too.

They arrived at the concert Hall and from the poster she could see that it was a benefit concert with all proceeds going to the
Elizabeth Smart Foundation
. Rayne smiled as she read.
To bring hope and stop the victimization of children through education and in support of law enforcement in rescuing victims
.  What an amazing foundation. She paused so she could read the fine print, but Garrett had caught sight of his friends and pulled her away.

“Rob! Hey man,” Garrett called out and Rayne caught sight of a good looking man with his arm around a petite woman with the most gorgeous strawberry blond hair.

Garrett put a hand on the small of her back and grinned as the man clapped him on the shoulder.

“Wren owes me twenty bucks now. I knew you’d show. She swore you’d find a way to get out of it.”

Garrett gave the woman a fake glare but then grinned. “Trust me, Wren, you were going to win that twenty, but my date here is something of a music expert and so I figured, why not? I might even enjoy myself.”

Rayne smiled and cleared her throat, waiting for Garrett to introduce them. When he continued to stand there grinning happily she sighed and took charge.

“Hi, I’m Rayne Nyman and you must be Rob and Wren. You’re the talented chef that I’ve heard so much about.”

Rob smiled warmly at her and shook her hand as Wren did the same. “It’s nice to meet you Rayne. I was about to give up on this guy ever dating again. How in the world did Garrett convince you to go out with him?”

Garrett glared at his friend as Wren elbowed her husband in the ribs. “Ignore him, Rayne. He’s a man. I
understand why you’d date Garrett,” she said winking at Garrett as he laughed at Rob’s narrowed eyes.

“You’ll have to excuse my wife. She’s a shameless flirt. We better go grab our seats though. They’re about to start,” Rob said as he glared at his wife.

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