Falling Into You (Geek to Chic) (29 page)

smiled up at him. “Alex surprised me by calling and saying he was without a
date and needed me to join him.
Mama and Papa Porter needed some baby time I guess.”
They all laughed at that.
Of course Alex’s parents thought of Netty as
their own grandchild.
“And I figured if
she can survive an evening with you that included backwards diapers, and an SOS
call being placed, she would be just fine with her adoptive grandparents.”
He cringed a little at the memory and then
He was glad she was starting to
trust people with Netty.
It was good for
C to get out more.

He pulled out
the chair next to C for Roni.
The two
women in his life had become fast friends.
Which made him more committed to Roni.
The two of them chatted complementing each other on their dresses and
other girly items.
Alex and he sat and
Trying desperately not to roll
their eyes.

Soon enough
Collin and Izzy arrived at the table after deterring to the bar.
Both Collin and Izzy stopped short of the
Both seeming to end all
conversation between them with a look of shock on both of their faces.
Which they quickly hid.
Alex and Derek both stood as Collin pulled
out a chair for Izzy.
Alex’s mother had
spent years ingraining good manners into them.
Derek turned to Collin to introduce Collin to Caroline when he noticed
Caroline’s huge smile, eyes focused directly on Collin.

Collin asked through the largest smile Derek had ever seen on any man’s face.

“Collin. How
are you?”
His sister all but squeaked in

“You two know
each other?” Alex interjected.
Protective brother's face in place.

Caroline, not
taking her eyes away from Collin, smiled and answered.
“Yes the night that Derek watched Netty for
me we met at the restaurant I went to with my friends.
While his friends were busy trying to get
laid he sat with me and listened to me tell him all about Netty and how hard it
was for me to be away from her.
eventually ended up having a nice dinner together after our friends ditched us
for a dance club.”
Her face was full of
awe, an expression Derek had never seen on her face before.

“Yes, it was a
nice dinner.
Probably the most fun I
have had in a long time.”
replied, his eyes locked on hers.

Roni’s eyes
twinkled with the mischievous look she gets when she had a plan in her
“Here Collin you can have my
I want to sit next to Izzy anyway,
so we can gossip a little.”
Derek saw
her slyly wink at Caroline before moving over a seat.

“Thank you
Collin said as he sat down next
to Caroline eyes still glued to each other.

He now sat
with Roni on one side of him and Alex on the other.
Luckily it had worked out that they were
between Alex and Izzy. Alex was giving her a big smile that remind Derek of a
cat who just ate the canary.
Izzy on the
other hand, was sending him a look that should have killed him. He didn’t even
want to know what those looks were about.
Neither did he want to know why the two of them had not even said a
polite hello to each other.
He wanted to
focus his attention on his lovely date.

“Well, now
that the kids are all sitting politely for dinner, would you like to dance?” He
ended his question by kissing her hand.

Instead of
answering, she simply smiled at him, took his hand and walked them to the dance
They wrapped around each other
He took a deep breath to
inhale her scent.
A scent that calmed
him completely.
She gave him
Roni offered him peace and
quiet something his over active mind had never allowed him to have.

“This is
wonderful, Derek.
Thank you for
She whispered into his

“It’s only
wonderful because you are here with me.”
He responded.
Kissing her cheek
before pulling her into his arms for a slow dance.
Her body aligned with his perfectionism.
As though they were two puzzle pieces fitting
“I thought we would skip the
after party.
I arranged for a separate
limo to drive us home.
If that’s ok?”
His nerves from the words he wanted to tell her tonight we're getting the best
of him.

She looked at
him strangely before smiling.
“Of course
that’s ok.
I would like for us to have some
time away from the kids tonight.”

He kissed her
briefly and pulled her close. They danced in silence through a song.
Holding each other close.

Chapter Twenty - Five

Roni felt like
a princess tonight dancing with her prince charming.
A prince charming, or Prince Geek as Izzy
often referred to him, which seemed extremely nervous.
She wanted to ask him if he was ok, but
figured that he was nervous about being out of the loop tonight business wise.

He seemed to
be holding firm to the agreement that business, other than the typical
schmoozing that occurred at this event, was off limits.
This was a night for the two of them.
No calls from work or texts or emails or messages
delivered by drone would come between them.
For once she was going to be front and center in his mind.

She understood
the need for him to be in constant communication with his office on most days,
but also felt it was important for their developing relationship that they be
able to focus on each other from time to time.
She was giddy she didn’t have to share him with his phone tonight.

They danced
for a bit, then sat down for dinner.
they ate and drank, everyone around the table talked and laughed.
Izzy and Alex even stopped scowling at each
They were finishing up dessert
and the people were heading back to the dance floor.
Alex came over to Izzy offering his hand and
tilting his head toward the dance floor in a silent request for a dance.
The entire table waited to see if she was
going to punch him or expect.
Izzy lets
out a loud sigh and nodded, taking his proffered hand, allowing him to lead her
to the dance floor.

Roni smiled as
looked around to see all her friends having a wonderful time.
She was happy and so content with life.
Derek leaned over and kissed her neck.
He suddenly stiffened, but quickly went back
to kissing her.
“Are you having a good
time?” He whispered.

“Yes, I
This has been a wonderful night.”

“Mmm, how
about we head out after I go to the restroom?
I can’t wait any longer to have you alone.”
His whispered voice had taken on a husky lust
filled tone. His hand, making its way up her thigh under the table.

She shivered
in response.
Her voice lost she
He smiled his predator smile at
her and kissed her deeply.
“I’ll be
right back.”

Roni watched
as Derek stepped out of the ballroom on his way to the bathroom.
She noticed that her eyes were not the only
ones who followed him out.
She couldn’t
blame the females, and some males, that were checking him out.
He was a remarkable specimen of man.
And he
is all mine!
She smiled to herself.

Just as she
was getting lost in her dirty thoughts of Derek, Izzy huffed over to the table
and dropped into the seat next to Roni.
crossed her arms over her chest and blew a stray hair out of her face.
Clearly she was frustrated.
Roni held in her laughter.

“So… how was
your dance with Alex.”
Roni leaned in
closer to Izzy.
“And what on Earth was
he whispering in your ear that had you pushing him away and storming back over
Roni found that it was
increasingly more difficult to hold in the laughter that was threatening to
burst free.

“Ugh, that
He is the definition of
Why women throw themselves at
him I will never understand! He seems to have this crazy idea that I am somehow
interested in him. He can’t seem to get it through his thick moron head that
his boyish charm and good looks have no effect on me!
I need a drink!
And since I refuse to walk to the bar alone,
out of fear Alex will accost me again, you are coming with me.”
Izzy yanked Roni from her chair.

Roni giggled
and followed after her friend.
Roni had
the feeling that Izzy was more upset that Alex had discovered Izzy’s true
feelings for him than him being a player.
Roni, never one to pass up an opportunity to provoke Izzy went right for
the question she had been dying to ask Izzy.
“Tell me, what is it about Alex that puts you off?
Is it his success?
His GQ looks?
Or his obsession with you?”

Izzy stopped
and turned to Roni.
“His obsession with
He is only obsessed because I won’t
sleep with him.
The minute I did, he
would forget I exist.” Izzy turned back toward the bar.

“That’s it!
You don’t think he would stick around and you want him to! You like him and his
Roni knew Mount Saint Izzy
was about to erupt, but she also knew she had nailed the truth behind Izzy’s
She clearly wanted Alex,
even liked him, but was afraid he would take off the minute he had her.
“What if he didn’t take off?
What if he stayed?
I think you’re the reason he ditched the
blond and brought Caroline instead.”

Izzy shook her
“Roni I will admit that Alex is
I will even admit he is drop dead
However, I will not pretend
that he isn’t the type of guy who likes the chase not the catch.
I won’t be hurt by him again.”
Once again, Izzy was off to the bar.

Roni grabbed
her by the elbow, stopping her.
“What do
you mean again?
Did something happen
between the two of you?”

Izzy’s eyes
grew big and her mouth opened and closed.
“No, nothing has happened.
I just
know his type.
He is the guy I have been
trying to avoid since college.
Can we
drop it, please?”

Roni wasn’t
going to push it any further, tonight.
Soon she would get Izzy blazing drunk and get
the answers she wanted once and for all.
“Ok, we will drop it.
Let’s grab
a drink.” They sauntered over to the busy bar area.

“What can I
get you ladies?”
The overly friendly,
overly handsome bartenders asked.

“Two shots of
tequila and whatever she wants.”
Maybe Roni would get her answers
tonight after all, if Izzy was going to start on shots.

“A glass of
Merlot, please.”
The bartender nodded,
heading to get their drinks.


When Derek had
been kissing Roni’s neck and his phone vibrated in his inner jacket pocket, he
thought she would feel it and be mad at him for not being able to leave his
phone behind for one night.
He made the
excuse of using the restroom to check his phone before the thing went off

As he left the
ballroom he pulled out his phone checking the message.
He leaned against the far wall slightly
hidden from ballroom doors.
The message
had been nothing more than his team lead giving him the status update he had
requested, the upload was successful.
Good he wouldn’t have to leave Roni.

tonight not even a huge multimillion dollar crisis at work could get him to
leave her.
Not tonight.
He pocketed his phone and start heading back
into the ballroom to claim his date.

A high pitched, sing song voice called from
behind him.

He turned, his
smile fading as he saw who stood in front of him.
Nice to see you.”

“Nice to see
you too.
I see you finally started
seeing someone for real.
And not just to
have someone with you for the sake of arm candy.”
Jennifer responded coldly.

“Yes, I
Speaking of her I need to get
back, have a good night.”
He turned to
leave not wanting to spend another minute with the woman who tried to break him
so long ago.

She laughed.
The sounds of her laugh told him she was about to make a snarky comment that
would cut to his core.
“You know she is
just using you right?
No girl could
actually be interested in a man who still owns Star Wars toys and has no social
You were better to stay with the
arm candy.
At least they weren’t faking
anything beyond the bedroom.”

always was a nasty person.
He looked at
her not knowing what he ever saw in her in college.
“No Jennifer, only shallow, boring, spoiled
women like yourself see men as commodities.
Roni, is nothing like you.”
spat in response.
He hated her.
Hated that she still affected his self-esteem
with only a few words.

She laughed
Leaned in close to his ear, with
her perfectly manicured hand wrapped around his bicep.
The contact made him want to vomit.
“No, sweetie, all woman see men as
This girl must have sucked
your cock as though it was made of gold to make you so blind, because like all
women she is always looking for the next best thing.” With those last vile
words she sauntered off toward the ballroom.

He decided to
actually go to the restroom while he was out there, to splash some water on his
face and allow the anger from the short encounter to fade.


Izzy and Roni
stood at the bar chit chatting about the more mundane parts of the night.
The bartender returned with two shots and a
glass of Merlot.
Izzy downed both shots
in record time and ordered a cape cod before the bartender could move on to the
next customer.

The bartender
returned with Izzy’s drink and she dropped a few dollars in his tip jar.
They decided to return to the table to finish
their drinks.
As Roni turned she only
took two steps before she tripped over nothing but air and splashed her bright
red drink all down the white shirt of the man walking near them and continued
her journey down to the floor.
The man
caught her before she hit the floor thankfully.
She looked up to thank the man and instead pushed him away upon seeing
his face.

“Roni, I know
I had to fire you for sexual harassment and assault, but throwing yourself at
me is not going to change things.”
Michael Conner sneered at her as he brought her back in his arms.
“Then again a blow job with that mouth might

He was holding
her close, too close, and his grip was tightening around her back.
The bastard reeked of expensive scotch.
He had obviously had a few too many.
Adrenaline and anger rushed through her system.
She tried, and failed, to push away from him.
To any onlookers, it appeared like they were
a couple in a meaningful embrace.
thought made her want to throw up all over his expensive tuxedo.
Which made her smile since that would
guarantee he would let her go.

She smiled big
at him and opened her mouth to tell Michael Conner to go fuck himself, before
she could get the f sound out, his lips were crushing into hers and his tongue
was pushing into her mouth.
She fought
to get out of his arms again.
Now he had
one arm trapping her arms behind her back and the other holding her face in
Yep, she was going to puke.

She lifted her
foot to stomp on his, before she could, she was thankfully ripped out of his
“What the fuck is going on
I was gone for 5 minutes!” Derek
was mad, very mad.
Unfortunately, he
seemed mad at her and not the asshole who had assaulted her with his disgusting
“I come back to find you in the
arms of this fucker, kissing him!”
eyes were practically glowing with anger.
His hand wrapped painfully around her bicep.

More anger
coursed through her veins.
She pulled
her arm out of his grip.
His scowl
“Nothing is going on here,
Derek! I fell.
As I often do and spilled
my wine all over this dip shit.”
waved her hands wildly toward a smiling Michael.
“Then, he decided to pull me into his arms
and shove his nasty tongue down my throat.
That’s when you stepped up and so elegantly jumped to my rescue!”

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