Family Law 3: Secrets in the Stars (30 page)


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The far edges of the system returned no surprises when their radar returned few images to them. By the time they saw most of it they were late in the run to jump and cycled through an alternate crew shift and returned the prime crew to the bridge. They set the acceleration moderate as usual and timed to take the prime crew off shift an hour into the next system.

Once again they ran through that system and five more in quick succession with nothing worth stopping to examine or claim. They fueled two stops back and could have done another short jump, but everybody was tired and this system had a gas giant positioned for easy access from their entry angle.

Gordon declared a stop to fuel and grant two rest and recreation days. The Badgers had no problem with that. The senior Bill, Captain Twin on the Deep Space Explorer
, however called Gordon. He still hadn't found out if the man was really a twin. If he was, what did they call his brother?

"How am I to maintain discipline when we stand idle with nothing to do?" Twin complained.

"That's why we stop. To take a break from constant duty," Gordon explained patiently. Why was this such a difficult concept he wondered, but refrained from saying it.

"How can you get back to normal operations afterward?" The Bill captain asked. For the first time Gordon say some signs of facial expression on the Bill. A hard bill after all wasn't all that mobile like lips, but when he didn't quite close it on the last statement it seemed to have the same meaning as a Human's mouth hanging open in shock or dismay. Derf tended to the opposite, clamping their mouths shut hard.

"Perhaps I don't understand," Gordon admitted. "Do you keep your crews on the ship permanently once they sign on? Are they... " He wanted to say enslaved, but decided that was too strong a word. "Indentured? Do they never get leave time to visit home or to go on worlds or stations when the ship makes port calls?"

"No! Of course not, that is ridiculous," Twin said, unaware how thin the ice was, taking that tone with Gordon. "But we don't have leave
on ship
, which is what this is basically. There is no precedence."

Gordon ground his teeth and refrained from telling him the entire Little Fleet doing it was plenty of precedence. Instead he said: "Well, I'd be happy to stop at the next planet we see with some nice resorts, fine beaches and maybe a casino or two," Gordon offered. "We'll enjoy fine dining and maybe take in a few shows and have some drinks in the evening. Did I miss noticing such a place and zip right past it?"

The poor Bill just stared at him uncomprehending. Did they understand sarcasm? That was interesting. They
have a narrow little tongue in there. He could tell because the fellow’s mouth was hanging wide open. Then it snapped shut.

"Your people report back to their duties on time and ready to work again?" Twin asked.

"Yes, we give them a day off and a day to recover. If they get so wasted they can't recover in a day they have a serious problem. If we had somebody so lacking in self discipline they can't drag their butt to work ready to go I might not hear about it. My captains don't bother me with every detail of their operations."
Take a hint there
, Gordon thought... "But I'm sure such a person would be disciplined."

"The translation program said something weird," Twin said.

"It's far from perfect yet," Gordon agreed.

"It said discipline, but applied self as an adjective. Discipline is from without," Twin asserted.

"Perhaps that is the problem," Gordon said, and he looked over at Talker. Yep, the Badger had those little dimples on his muzzle whiskers and the slight smile at the corners of his mouth. He was amused and about to bust himself holding it in.

"We expect our people, at least our adults, to regulate themselves. We don't rouse them out in the morning or make them go lights out and sleep at a certain hour. We just expect them to be at duty stations ready to work when they are scheduled."

"I see..." Twin looked different. Shocked? Maybe offended. "I thank you. I have one more question and then I'll consider how to apply all this, which is a change for us. How do you...
discipline, when a crewman doesn't step up and do this self discipline you expect?"

"With Humans and Derf I'd expect they'd have a stern talk if it was a minor infraction. Thor here can put the fear of Gordon in them with a sweet little talk that intimates they don't
a talk with me. We only have four Hinth, and only three work. I have no idea what motivates
. You have to tell them to stop working and go eat or take their off shift time. They are obsessive about work.

Gordon shrugged. "If I had to deal with a miscreant directly I'd give them a month of filter duty or wiping down the corridors and work spaces by hand. That should focus their attention in the future. If they didn't learn or gave me any, uh, backtalk I'd fine them." He'd almost said
, which wouldn't do talking to a Bill. He somehow doubted they said – Don't give me any bill.

"Oh really?" Apparently that appealed to the Bill. "What sort of a fine?"

"Oh, I'd probably nick them a million bucks Ceres from their shares and bonuses. Anything less this bunch wouldn't care about. We made some pretty good finds and claims on the way out to you folks, so they're too flush to notice a little fine. That's about twice your weight of silver," Gordon explained. "I don't know your customs well, nor the Badgers for that matter." He refrained from saying the Badgers didn't have any trouble taking a break. Indeed they seemed capable of some serious partying. "But you can adapt and apply your own standards to recreation and reporting back to duty from it."

"I will," Captain Twin vowed. Thank you for the instruction," he said and dropped the call.

Gordon looked over at Talker and gave him his best evil face, exaggerated in case the alien had trouble reading it. "Speak. I can tell you are about to bust a gut holding in your amusement."

entertaining, watching someone else have the joy of dealing with the Bills," Talker admitted.

"I'm so pleased I could brighten your day. Now would you care to explain what that was all about and where Captain Twin and I are not understanding each other?" Gordon asked. He made missing motions with his true hands passing each other to make the point clear.

"You will think me horribly prejudiced," Talker said, but was still smiling. "The Bills will drive you
trying to get them to do anything on time. Or for that matter to follow the terms of a contract. If you try to do business on a Bill world you can tell them to show up at sunrise. They will start showing up about mid-morning and almost all of them will have reported by mid-day and lunch time. They have no concept of responsibility."

"That's cultural, not racial," Gordon insisted.

"Perhaps, but even if it is cultural it is so ingrained the Captain didn't find the phrase self discipline made any sense trying to translate it into Bill. The concept really is
to him. I suspect he was hoping you'd tell him to discipline any laggards by turning the rest of the crew loose on him to inflict physical punishment. Public beating with a light stick is not unknown on their worlds. I'd love to know what would happen if a Bill was raised from infancy by Badgers. Or you folks for that matter. Would they be more civilized and understand regulating one's self, or is it a real genetic failing?"

"Or a Badger raised by Bills," Gordon suggested.

would define child abuse,” Talker insisted.


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The stop came to an end with everyone refreshed. Gordon heard no more from the Bill captain about difficulties regulating his crew. Nobody was too hungover to work, at least on the
High Hopes
, and there were no injuries. Gordon took that for a win. They started a run for a new system. They'd switch shifts as usual and be back on the bridge for jump. When they came back on Lee and Talker had news.


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"We have a break-through," Lee reported. "The Caterpillars are trying to tell us something in the form of a matrix message."

"Well, I'd started to wonder if they would stay silent until one day they'd suddenly start to speak English perfectly, because they wouldn't accept anything less," Gordon said.

"We sent two messages of our own," Lee reminded him. "They never acknowledged the first one, but they seem to have understood it well enough to go down to the Plate Builders' world with us. I really doubt they would have done so without the message. This message from them is definitely a reply though, because it incorporates things from our second message."

"Do you understand it?" Thor asked. Showing an unusual level of interest.

"Talker has some ideas... " Lee allowed. "Let him tell you."

"Do you not agree with him then?" Thor pressed before they could explain.

"I think he might have the right of it. I can't see any other meaning myself," Lee admitted.

"Show us," Gordon invited Talker, meaning the bridge.

"It is thirty-two squares to an edge. They seem to have picked up on our convention of starting from the top left and going clockwise. The start square shows the Little Fleet departing Derfhome. Then it's all blank squares across the top to the right corner.

"The top right square has the Badgers' world, Far Away, and the expanded fleet and the Caterpillars. Then it's blank squares again, all the way down."

"I thought it would be turtles, all the way down," Thor muttered. But he waved it away when Talker looked at him askance, rather than explain.

"At the bottom right corner is our image of Derfhome with the Caterpillar still with us. Then the oddest thing. They put the image of Earth in the last corner. No ships in it either. What do you think of it?" Talker asked.

"I thought you were going to tell us," Gordon said.

"Lee knows my thoughts on it. So I can't change it based on what you say. I'd like to hear your opinions before I prejudice you," Talker requested.

"Are we going to have to do a secret ballot thing?" Thor asked. He didn't sound happy about it.

"Nah, just speak up," Gordon said. "None of us are afraid of contradicting each other." For some reason he seemed to be looking straight at Thor when he said that.

"Then it's a question," Thor said confidently.

"A precise numerical question," Ho-bib-bob-brie said, it being unusual for him to speak up.

"And I'm looking up the answer," Brownie said, working the manual keyboard. Now
was confidence.

"You're good," Lee told them. "We argued about it for a good half hour. You all seem to have it in seconds. I'm glad I don't have stupid friends."

"From Derfhome to the star before Far Away was thirty seven jumps. We didn't go straight in. We took a round-about five jump offset to hide what direction we'd come from. But if we'd gone straight in it would have been thirty eight jumps. So you need to put a little star in thirty-seven boxes between Derfhome and Far Away to tell the Caterpillars how far we came. We're not sure how many we'll do going back. So I don't know what you'll want to tell them about that," Brownie admitted.

"Better to leave them blank than guess," Thor said.

"Yeah, I'm not sure how to say we're going a different route and don't know," Talker said. "That's a little complicated for us to express at this point."

"If I may... " Ha-bob-bob-brie offered. "Put a star in two boxes running towards the center of the grid on a diagonal. Then a single star down. Leave the squares under that blank – indefinite – and terminate it with a single star in the same column and two more diagonal stars leading into the bottom right corner square that shows us back at Derfhome. It graphically depicts a loop of indefinite length."

"Perfectly," Lee said, awed.

"And how many jumps from Derfhome to Earth?" Talker asked.

"The fast way a courier might go is nine jumps, a few of which are a stretch for a slow ship. The way a freighter or a passenger liner usually goes is twelve jumps, and two refuelings. The few who do fourteen are doing it because they want the extra stops, not from any necessity. I'd split it and show ten stars straight along the edge to the Earth square. No need to confuse them trying to show alternate routes," Brownie suggested.

"Ha-bob-bob-brie, I'm awarding you an extra crew share for that idea," Gordon said.

"I thank you. May I gift a portion of it to another?" Ha-bob-bob-brie asked.

"Of course. Your entire payout will be unencumbered and you can do as you please with all of it. Blow it all on an epic port celebration that will live in the history books or give it all to charity," Gordon said, with a wave of his hand. "None of our business what you spend it on."

"Then I wish to give the half of my extra share to Talker. I feel he is undercompensated for the effort he has put in to our benefit, which is far beyond his duty to his government. I feel a decorative bowl no matter how unique and lovely is not enough reward. Besides, he'd never sell it."

Gordon was relieved, because he had been thinking the same thing, but worried it could create a problem of jealousy in the other Badgers and Bills no matter how justified it was by his help. He felt just a twinge of guilt because he hadn't simply done the same out of his own rather generous share.

"Are you sure?" Talker asked. "I mean, thank you, but don't want to leave you short years from now when you retire, and resenting me for accepting it."

"Can somebody explain for Talker how much a crew share looks to be worth, in terms he'll understand?" Ha-bob-bob-brie asked. "Does anybody know Badger money or how much it is worth?"

"I think I can," Lee said. "Talker, you know the Ceres dollars? The ones that weigh fifty grams of fine silver?"

"Yes, I know those. That was one of the three coins you gave my father," Talker remembered.

"Well a crewman's half share isn't really easy determined until we register all our finds and the Claims Commission solicits bids and starts to pay money into your account. But given the claims we have I'll give you a
estimate. Within a few weeks you will have several million dollars Ceres easily. In a year a hundred million or so. In the range of say, five to ten years you will be a billionaire," Lee assured him. "Ha-bob-bob-brie will never have to worry about the bare necessities of life if he only had a
share to his name, but he'll have at least a share and a half."

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