Fanny and Stella (46 page)

Read Fanny and Stella Online

Authors: Neil McKenna

15 ‘Yr Affectionate Fanny’

159  ‘Don’t be too particular’ – words and music by John Orlando Parry, 1843.

162  ‘I am just off’ – Ernest Boulton to Lord Arthur Clinton, 4 December 1868, Letters.

162  ‘We were very drunk’ – Ernest Boulton to Lord Arthur Clinton, late 1868, letters read in evidence, Trial.

162  ‘tired and seedy’ –

162  ‘How
you’ –

162  ‘I must of course trust’ –

162  ‘Now no promises’ –

162  ‘A game pie’ –

162  ‘If you have any coin’ –

162  ‘Send me some money’ – Ernest Boulton to Lord Arthur Clinton, 4 December 1868, Letters.

162  ‘I wanted the money’ – Ernest Boulton to Lord Arthur Clinton, late 1868, letters read in evidence, Trial.

162 ‘I shall leave here’ –

162  ‘Why
you’ –

162  ‘It is now five o’clock’ –

162  ‘When you write’ –

162  ‘I have waited’ –

162  ‘I do not like’ –

163  ‘I am quite tired’ –

163  ‘We cannot go on’ –

163  ‘I am most annoyed’ –

163  ‘I am consoling’ –

163  ‘And now, dear’ –

163  ‘My Dearest Arthur’ – Frederick Park to Lord Arthur Clinton, 22 November 1868, Letters.

164  ‘How
kind’ – Frederick Park to Lord Arthur Clinton, 21 November 1868, Letters.

165  ‘Is the handle’ – Frederick Park to Lord Arthur Clinton, late 1868, Letters.

16 The Dragon of Davies Street

167  ‘Ann Empson’ –
Reynolds’s Newspaper
, 5 June 1870.

169  ‘Are you married?’ –
Reynolds’s Newspaper
, 5 June 1870.

170  ‘Have you been drinking’ –
The Times
, 30 May 1870.

171  ‘a mutton chop’ – Deposition of Ann Empson.

171  ‘I was surprised’ –

171  ‘I saw Lord Arthur’ – Deposition of Ann Empson/
The Times
, 30 May 1870.

171  ‘I complained’ – Deposition of Ann Empson.

172  ‘as an abuse’ –

172  ‘I said to them’ –

173  ‘lady’s wearing apparel’ – Trial Testimony of Ann Empson.

173  ‘The prisoner nearest’ –

17 ‘Come Love’

175  ‘Love is a pretty pedlar’ – Robert Jones, ‘The Muses Gardin for Delights’, 1610.

175  ‘Mr Ernest Boulton’ – John Safford Fiske to Ernest Boulton, March/April 1870, Letters.

176  ‘having indecently’ –
Illustrated Police News
, 16 July 1870.

177  ‘arse-quim’ –
Letters from Laura and Eveline.

180  ‘playing weekday tunes’ – Trial testimony of Agnes Dickson

180  ‘Nothing like him’ – Trial testimony of John Doig.

180  ‘by drinking’ – John Jameson Jim to Ernest Boulton, February or March 1870, Letters.

181  ‘Have you the same love’ – John Jameson Jim to Ernest Boulton, 8 April 1870, Letters.

181  ‘
you stay’ – ‘Jack’, to Ernest Boulton, 4 April 1870, Letters.

182  ‘of unblemished character’ – Joseph Mullin to William H. Seward, 26 August 1867, ‘Letters of Application and Recommendation During the Administrations of Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Jackson, 1861 to 1869’, Microfilm M650, US National Archives and Records Administration.

184  ‘After we were married’ – John Safford Fiske to Ernest Boulton, 20 April 1870, Letters.

184  ‘adventures’ – John Safford Fiske to Ernest Boulton, 18 April 1870, Letters.

185  ‘his smiling face’ –

185  ‘Laïs and Antinous’ –

185  ‘ravishing’ –

185  ‘Come love’ – John Safford Fiske to Ernest Boulton, March/April 1870, Letters.

18 Un Souvenir d’Amour

187  ‘All Cracks are so full of Ails’ – John Dunton,
The He-Strumpets: A Satyr on the Sodomite Club
, 1707, in Rictor Norton,
Mother Clap’s Molly House
(London, 2006).

188  ‘In France’ – William Allingham,
Fistula, Haemorrhoids, Painful Ulcers, Stricture, Prolapsus, and Other Painful Diseases of the Rectum
(London, 1871).

188  ‘immense prevalence’ – William Acton,
A Complete Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Urinary and Generative Organs
, (London, 1860).

189  ‘running down’ –

189  ‘frequently to be seen’ – George Drysdale,
The Elements of Social Science; or, Physical, Sexual and Natural Religion
(London, 1867).

190  ‘infected’ – attributed to Lord Byron, ‘Don Leon’,

190 ‘abomination’ –
Extraordinary Revelations

190  ‘G—’ – Philippe Ricord,
Illustrations of Syphilitic Disease
, translated by T. F. Belton (Philadelphia, 1851).

190  ‘sodomy’ – Drysdale,

191  ‘I saw one case’ – Trial testimony of Dr Henry James Johnson.

192  ‘principally dowagers’ – Deposition of Amos Westropp Gibbings.

193  ‘shabby plaid trousers’ – Deposition of Dr Richard Barwell.

193  ‘He was walking’ – Trial testimony of George Layton.

194  ‘He confessed’ – Trial testimony of Dr Richard Barwell.

195  ‘a gonorrhoeal discharge’ –

195  ‘rather common clothing’ –

196 ‘I examined him’ –

197  ‘insisted’ –
, 28 May 1870.

197  ‘And so’ –
, 28 May 1870.

19 The Battle of the Bottoms

198  ‘An Awkward Question’ –
The Pearl
, 1880.

199  ‘in close prison’ – Opening address by Mr Digby Seymour, Trial.

199  ‘We are of the opinion’ –
Report From the Departmental Committee on Prisons
, Prisons Committee (London, 1895).

200  ‘eminent medical gentlemen’ –
Daily Telegraph
, 15 May 1871.

200  ‘by the direction’ –
Reynolds’s Newspaper
, 19 June 1870.

202  ‘vaginal spasms’ – Evidence of Dr David McLoughlin to the Skey Committee on Pathology and Treatment of Venereal Disease, 6 December 1864.

205  ‘a feeling’ –
, 25 June 1870.

205  ‘The two things’ – D— S— ,
Eighteen Months’ Imprisonment
(London, 1883).

206  ‘dignified courtesy’ – Obituary notice of Dr Frederick Le Gros Clark,
British Medical Journal
, 6 August 1892.

207  ‘characteristic signs’ –Tardieu,
Étude médico-légale

207  ‘noticed by all present’ – Taylor,
Medical Jurisprudence
(1873 edition).

208  ‘Beware’ – Tardieu,
Étude médico-légale

208  ‘a small varix’ – Trial testimony of Dr Johnson.

209  ‘It may be relied upon’ –
Reynolds’s Newspaper
, 19 June 1870.

20 He, She or It

210  ‘There is not the slightest doubt’ –
The Englishwoman’s Domestic Magazine
, 1871.

211  ‘the smallness of the anus’ –
Trial Testimony of Dr Johnson

212  ‘the Hermaphrodite Clique’ –
Reynolds's Newspaper,
5 June 1870.

212  ‘the Hermaphrodite Gang’ –
Reynolds's Newspaper,
12 June 1870.

212  ‘By special request’ –
Extraordinary Revelations

212  ‘During the piece’ –
Essex Herald
, 2 January 1869, in
Daily Telegraph
, 9 May 1870.

213  ‘Listening’ – anonymous newspaper report in
Extraordinary Revelations

213  ‘We agreed’ –
Daily Telegraph
, 13 May 1871.

213  ‘We may add’ –
Extraordinary Revelations

214  ‘On one evening’ –
Daily Telegraph
, 13 May 1871.

214  ‘My darling Ernie’ – Louis Hurt to Ernest Boulton, 4 April 1870, read in evidence, Trial.

215  ‘rustics’ – Louis Hurt to Lord Arthur Clinton, 9 October 1868, read in evidence, Trial.

215  ‘I really thought’ –
Daily Telegraph,
21 May 1870.

216  ‘I pretended to resist’ – Saul,
Sins of the Cities.

217  ‘I resigned’ –
Daily Telegraph,
21 May 1870.

218  ‘It was from the manner’ – Deposition of Francis Kegan Cox.

218  ‘Oh you City birds’ –
Daily Telegraph
, 21 May 1870.

219  ‘I treated Boulton’ –

220  ‘I afterwards heard’ –

222  ‘a letter from Captain Cox’ – ‘657 – December 1870’, Treasury Solicitor’s Account Books, TS 40 14, The National Archives.

21 A Bitches’ Ball

223  ‘a bitches’ ball’ – Statement of Malcolm Johnston, Dublin Commission Court.

225  ‘the slang term “drag”’ – Deposition of Amos Westropp Gibbings.

226  ‘chanced to see’ – Arthur Munby’s diary entry for 13 April 1864, in Derek Hudson,
Munby: Man of Two Worlds
(London, 1974).

227  ‘dressed in the pastoral garb’ –
The Times
, 1 August 1854.

227  ‘a hundred persons’ –

227  ‘a sort of dance’ –
Illustrated Police News
, 2 October 1880, in H. G. Cocks,
Nameless Offences: Homosexual Desire in the Nineteenth Century
(London, 2003).

228  ‘Sister’ –

228  ‘They changed partners’ – Deposition of Edward Nelson Haxell.

229  ‘the best amateur actress’ –

229  ‘I heard Boulton sing’ –

230  ‘There seems to be’ – Jack Saul,
Sins of the Cities

230  ‘No doubt the proprietor’ –

231  ‘I sat for a while’ –

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