Fat-Free Alpha (6 page)

Read Fat-Free Alpha Online

Authors: Angelique Voisen

“Don, Ricky.” Reed’s face and body
still hurt from the pummeling it took from Jax and his other enforcers. He was
unable to stand on his own two feet, so he settled on the floor.

Ricky grinned. “Hey Reed, it’s good
to see you’re still alive.”

Ricky was one of the submissive
wolves who had defected from the Starr Mountain Pack to the New Haven Pack.
Reed didn’t know the Omega well, but he was happier than he’d seen him.

The mate bonds surrounding Don and
Ricky were hard to miss. They pulsed and glowed with an enviable color just
like the pack bonds surrounding the New Haven Pack and their leader. Reed
wondered if the other members of his pack felt the difference.

“He’s not going to last you know,”
Don said too quietly for the other watchers to hear.

Reed jerked up in surprise. “Carlos
is doing just fine. In fact, he might only be the one who’s able to take Jax.”

Don shook his head, his expression

“Don, what are you saying?” Reed
asked worriedly.

“Carlos can’t fight for no longer
than ten to fifteen minutes at the most.” Don’s blue eyes were grim. “He’s
always had problems with his cholesterol levels, Reed. It got worse after you
left, and it doesn’t help he has a weak heart.”

Reed swallowed hard. How could he
forget? Wasn’t he with Carlos years ago at the doctor’s office?

He turned away from Don’s gaze and
back to the fight. Both beasts growled and lunged at each other, intent on
aiming at each other’s throat. They were both covered in bloody scrapes.
Carlos’s left flank was bleeding furiously, and Jax was limping slightly with a
gash covering his right eye.

“How long has it been?” Reed was
afraid to know, but he had to ask.

“Roughly ten minutes,” Ricky
answered unhelpfully.

Reed could almost hear the seconds
ticking in his head. He could see Carlos’s movements were beginning to slow,
and he was panting more. The two Alphas circled each other, and he couldn’t
help notice Jax’s menacing stare or the way he’d ran his long tongue across the
points of his canines.

The yips, howls, and hollers from
the watching wolves faded away.

knows Carlos is growing weaker by the second. He’s counting on Carlos to grow
desperate and attack.

Seeing Carlos’s aggressive and
ready stance and the glint in Jax’s remaining good eye, Reed yelled, “Carlos!

Carlos broke away from the passive
circling and went on the offensive. Jax nimbly danced away, only to barrel
straight into his mate. Seeing Jax lock his jaws around Carlos’s neck, Reed let
out a hoarse cry.

The primal and instinct to defend
his mate arose inside him. Reed began to reach out for his own beast, but Don
gripped his bruised shoulder in warning.

“Carlos isn’t done, Reed.”

“I can’t leave him to die,” Reed
retorted, flinging his hand away.

“If you help Carlos, it would only
weaken his position. Reed, don’t you trust in your mate? Carlos may have heart
problems, but he’s stronger than he was before.”

Numbly, Reed realized Don was
right. Interfering was probably the least wise decision he could make. If he
interfered, Jax would win by default. Time slowed to a crawl. Waiting and
watching helplessly on the sidelines while his mate fought on his behalf was
one of the worst things he ever had to endure.

A growl filled with sheer rage and
frustration tore out of Carlos’s throat. Jax had tackled him to the ground. In
seconds, Jax would be able to rip his throat out. The air around the circle
seemed to shift, seemed to shimmer with heat.

A howl tore from Don and then from
Ricky. More howls joined the pair. All of the howls came from the wolves of the
New Haven Pack. They erupted into a single haunting and unified wolf song, silencing
and humbling the rest of the Starr Mountain Pack wolves.

Carlos was drawing upon the
strength of his wolves, Reed realized, and each of them freely lent him their
strength without being asked. Jax wouldn’t be able to draw on the power of his
own pack because his pack bonds were corrupted.

He could see Jax’s ears flatten,
and the moment the Alpha let his guard down. It was only a fraction of a
second, but it was enough for Carlos to tear himself from Jax’s teeth. Fur tore
and ripped, but Carlos didn’t seem to care about the pain. Moments later, their
positions were reversed.

Carlos didn’t hesitate. His razor
sharp teeth only latched themselves on Jax’s throat and tore it out.

“He won,” Reed whispered.

“Told you he
Don grinned, punching him lightly on the shoulder. “It’s your
turn now, Reed.”

“My turn?”

“To do what none of us can. Cuddle
and bully Carlos into your tender loving care.”

Ricky snorted. “I’d pay to see
something like that.”

“Would you now?”

Reed excused himself from the pair to
run to his injured mate. With Jax dead, there was no longer any immediate
danger. He knew the New Haven enforcers would be watching Jax’s more aggressive
dominant wolves, and would gently stir back the weaker wolves to their

Everyone knew the fight was over.
No use wasting more lives to a dead Alpha’s greedy cause.

Ignoring Jax’s corpse, Reed let his
wobbly knees collapse on the gravel. Carlos shoved his furry head into his
face, sniffing at him. When he began to lick him, Reed didn’t push him back.

He only brought Carlos large, furry
form close to him to whisper, “Thank you.
For deciding to
give us another chance.”

The golden fur pressed against him
shrank back to firm, hard flesh. Blood mingled with the smell of musk and
Carlos’s masculine scent.

“Don’t for a second think I’ve
completely forgiven you, Reed. You’re going to spend the rest of your life
paying me back.”

Although Carlos’s words were harsh,
his tone wasn’t hard or unforgiving. There was fondness there, Reed was sure of

“I’ll be happy to make it up to
you, Alpha.” Reed brought Carlos’s face close to him for a kiss.

Despite the inappropriate
situation, Reed was incredibly aroused just feeling Carlos’s rock-hard and
sweat-slicked body rubbing against his. He could feel the possessiveness and
sheer strength in his mate’s hands as they ran across the length of him.

Reed tenderly sucked on Carlos’s
bottom lip, making the Alpha groan. He licked at the coppery saltiness from the
small, bleeding cut there, and let his mate’s seeking tongue in. Carlos thrust
his tongue inside his waiting lips, and Reed could feel his eager hunger.

When Carlos withdrew his tongue
after thoroughly fucking Reed’s mouth, there was a dangerous look in his eyes.
A look Reed learned to be wary of years ago.

“Are you mine, Reed?”

All the wolves of the New Haven
pack remained
, and their gazes were latched on Carlos and Reed.
Was this a turn on for his mate?

could play. Most of the Starr Mountain Pack had left, leaving the road leading
to town open once again.

“You know I am. Didn’t you claim me
hours ago?”

“Mine.” Carlos licked his lips.

One hand found his nipple, tweaking
and pulling at it. Reed ached. A sudden
Carlos’s other hand curling around his cock, kindled heat in his belly and

“I’m going to claim you again,
This time in front of my entire pack, so everyone here
will know who you belong to.”

A shudder passed through Reed. In
the Starr Mountain Pack, the wolves weren’t shy even when it was not mating
season. Dominant wolves took and fucked submissive wolves on a regular basis,
sometimes alone and sometimes in groups. Reed never participated because he
knew there was only one man for him.

Carlos waited, his look expectant
but no less hungry. His hands were still fastened on Reed’s intimate places,
refusing to let go. Reed could feel his cock betraying his emotions, hardening
and thickening the longer Carlos’s hand was over it.

Was Carlos expecting Reed to
protest? If he thought Reed’s pride would get in the way, then the Alpha was

“I’m not doing this to prove a
point to your pack, Carlos.” Reed could see his eyes darken and bleed back to
amber at his words. “But I’m doing this to prove to you I’m yours and yours
alone. So how do you want me?”

Carlos smiled.
your back.
I want to see your eyes while I fuck you raw.”

Reed wanted to see Carlos’s eyes
heavy with desire too. Carlos gently laid him back on the gravel road. Both
their aches and injuries were already healing, so Reed was more aware of his
needy body more than ever.

“I want to hear you beg, Reed.”

Reed was more than eager to beg.
Craning his head, he could see the other wolves of the New Haven Pack, his pack
now, in various states of undress.

“Fuck me, Carlos. Claim me. Let
your pack know I’m your mate.”

He felt Carlos push his legs to his
shoulders. Carlos’s hands were firm and sure on his thighs.

“I didn’t get to bring a lube, but
I’m going to wet you up good all the same.” Reed watched Carlos wet his fingers
with his mouth. Feeling those thick, warm, and wet fingers massaging and
lubricating his slit, Reed let out an eager moan.

“Tell me how badly you want me,

“I want to feel filled by you,
Carlos. Fuck me good.” Feeling Carlos insert a finger then a second inside his
asshole, Reed whimpered. He relaxed his muscles, eager for his mate to make his

He felt Carlos nudge a few inches
of his cock head in, and slowly, the rest of him until he was buried hilt deep
inside Reed.

“Fuck, Reed. You feel so good
around my cock.”

“Stop talking and start fucking
me.” Reed groaned when Carlos complied.

His mate withdrew from him in an
achingly slow motion only to slam back into him. Pleasure leaked from his groin
to the rest of him. The hard ground beneath him felt delicious, and Carlos’s rough
handling made it even better.

His mate knew what kind of
lovemaking he
even after all these years, and
it made him warm.
Made him burn even brighter.
Carlos’s thrusts went deeper and deeper, eager to hit his sweet spot. One hand
found his cock, and with a thrust, Carlos tugged and pumped Reed’s throbbing

Reed gasped when Carlos found his
sweet spot. Seeing his reaction, a wide grin split across Carlos’s face. He
continued tugging and fisting Reed’s
movements slow as if he wanted Reed to last longer. Carlos rammed into his gland
over and over again, making both him and his writhing beast cry out.

“Carlos,” Reed whispered in
staggered breaths.

“I’m never letting you get away
from me again, Reed,” Carlos said breathy.

His fingers on Reed’s cock
tightened. Hearing the words from his mate was enough for Reed to orgasm.
Crying out Carlos’s name, Reed let out a shudder and let pleasure sweep him

The road, the woods around them,
and other wolves mating around them, fell away. His mate bonds with Carlos
pulsed with excitement and with life, and he could feel the other mated wolves
glowing as bright as he was.

Two quick thrusts and Reed could
feel Carlos erupting, emptying his warm cum inside him. He could feel their
joined bodies, shuddering and quivering against each other. The metaphysical
energy of their beasts satisfied at finally being whole again.

Feeling spent, Reed curled
contently against the chest of his mate. Carlos brought him closer
to him
his hands lovingly stroking Reed’s back. Above them, the night sky was alight
with a net of stars. Perhaps somewhere above them, Bonnie was watching them.
Reed imagined she was smiling.

“I love you, Carlos. Time or
distance doesn’t change anything.” Reed felt Carlos’s lips on his forehead,
impossibly gentle.

“You don’t have to worry about
either time or distance, Reed. I plan to keep you permanently on my side, and
we have all the time in the word.”


The End





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