Read Fated Online

Authors: Rebecca Zanetti

Tags: #Romance, #General, #Paranormal, #Fiction

Fated (21 page)

He nodded. “Yes. I’m the head of security for the Realm.”

Cara shook her head in surprise at this new information. “There’s so much we don’t know about each other, Talen.” She stepped back.

Golden eyes narrowed. “Then it’s a good thing we have centuries, isn’t it mate?” With a small kiss to Janie’s head, he was gone.

The rest of the night was spent playing Old Maid, watching movies, and finally tossing in bed for several hours. When Cara was able to sleep, she dreamt of pale white monsters with blood red teeth laughing as they buried her in a coffin made of granite.

Chapter 23

ara awoke in the sprawling bed with a cry, only to have a strong male arm wrap around her and drag her into his body, spoon style. “Go back to sleep, it’s early,” Talen murmured drowsily in her ear.

Her body melted back into his warmth, and she tamped down on the instant stutter of her heart. “Did you raid the facility?”

“Yes. We’ll go through the data later. We found much of the same information as the place in West Virginia.” His hair roughened leg caressed her own smooth one.

“No mates?” Her voice caught on the last word.

“No.” His breathing deepened and his body relaxed into sleep. The warmth surrounding her lulled her into comforting dreams this time.

She awoke alone in the big blue bed. She leaned up to see a full basket of clothes on the granite floor—her clothes. Her heart jumped a bit that Talen had her clothes brought to Colorado, but that voice in her head reminded her about her doubts. The doubts screaming Talen wouldn’t have married her without some strange gene she’d inherited that gave her not only enhanced gifts but the ability to breed a vampire child. Duty to his people rode him hard.

With a shrug, she took a quick shower in the attached bath before donning jeans and a blue sweater and heading into the
hall. She followed muted voices to the kitchen where Janie and Talen ate scrambled eggs and discussed the best colors of the rainbow.

“No way,” Talen said with a grin. “Golden yellow is the best.”

Janie shook her head sadly. “Grown-ups are so blind.” Her hair fell in perfect braids on either side of her head when she refocused on her breakfast.

“Who did your hair?” Cara asked.

Janie smiled in delight at Talen, who gave her a smug grin. “He did.” Then she started bouncing on the chair. “Guess what? We get to go to our new house today.”

Cara frowned. “Is it safe?”

Talen nodded. “Yeah. I have men sweeping the house and grounds—the Kurjans have no idea where we are—even if they had time to mount a raid. We’ve hit too many of their facilities this last week, and they’re scrambling to protect themselves.”

Cara ran a hand down Janie’s hair before taking a seat at the table.

“What about all my stuff?” Janie asked before shoveling in a bite of eggs.

“Just bring your clothes and dolls, Janie. I have duplicates of everything else already at the house,” Talen said.

“Dupl … duplicates?”

“Um, the same. You have the same bed, dollhouse, and rug at the house.”


Talen’s phone buzzed, and he flipped the top open to read the text before standing. “Our allies raided another facility in eastern Europe—no mates found but a lot of information.” His gaze pinned Cara’s. “I’ll go meet with Dage while you two pack Janie’s stuff. Be ready to go in an hour.” His expression told her louder than words their discussion from the previous night remained on the table. She frowned in response.

Cara bypassed breakfast to help Janie pack her things. They had just finished piling everything into the myriad of laundry baskets delivered by Max when Talen returned to take them home. Several soldiers followed to help carry the baskets.

Just as they passed the control room, Janie balked. “Wait a minute. I forgot my picture from Uncle Dage.”

“There wasn’t a picture left in your room,” Cara answered.

“It was still in his room, Mama. He promised. He drew a pink pony, and he said I could take her home. Please?”

Cara turned in exasperation to Talen, who chuckled and walked several doors down to place his hand against the rock near a big granite door. The door opened, revealing quarters similar to the one they’d vacated, except this one had two laptops and bunches of paper scattered across the table. Several empty grape energy drink cans littered the area as well.

Rushing forward with a happy cry, Janie flipped open a large sketch pad sitting haphazardly among the mess. A pretty pink pony smiled up at them.

Janie gingerly grabbed the paper by the corner and lifted it, pausing only when Cara gasped and moved forward. Cara reached out and lifted an intricate charcoal drawing of a face she knew almost as well as her own. Narrowing her eyes, she flipped page after page detailing her sister with different expressions in different settings. Dage had perfectly captured Emma’s intelligent almond-shaped eyes, pert nose, and tiny dimple to the right of her full mouth. Emma’s hair was piled high on her head in the last portrait, and her dark eyes smoldered with an expression Cara had never seen.

She turned in shock as Dage entered the room behind Talen, his silver eyes serious on hers. Talen moved to her side, his curious gaze on his brother.

“I don’t understand,” she murmured, ready and willing to put herself between Emma and any threat.

Dage remained silent.

“Why do you have so many drawings of my sister?”

Dage didn’t look surprised but Talen gave a sigh of understanding next to her.

“Why, Dage?” Her voice firmed in annoyance.

Dage flashed a grin. “I’ve dreamt of that woman for two hundred years, Cara.”

“Oh.” She wasn’t sure what to say. “Dage, Emma’s not, I mean, she’s not exactly …” She might not know Dage well, but she knew her sister like a book. And her sister would never put up with a dominant alpha male type of guy, which Dage screamed in spades.

“Not to worry little Cara,” Dage said with an arrogant nod. “Fate wants what she wants. I won’t hurt your sister.”

Cara shook her head. “I wasn’t worried about

“Humph,” came the response as he gestured them out of his quarters.

It was a two-hour drive in an enforced black Hummer from the headquarters to the sprawling ranch house overlooking Great Bear Lake. Cara didn’t miss the large gate or multitude of mounted cameras on several lodgepole pines as they wove through the trees until the asphalt driveway circled in front of a deep wooden house with a large wraparound porch. The door was a forest green enforced steel and looked like it could withstand a nuclear blast while somehow keeping its quaint and woodsy character.

Quiet and solitude surrounded her as she stepped from the vehicle and fought the feeling she had finally come home. The smell of pine filled the air, and birds chirped from high above. Then she yelped as Talen swung her up in his arms and crossed the thick wooden porch before kicking the door open with one strong boot and ushering her across sparkling granite tiles to the living room.

He gently placed her on the hard oak floor before dodging outside and carrying a giggling Janie over the threshold.

“Wow,” Cara said as she stared at the floor-to-ceiling windows showcasing the calm lake surrounded by trees and
mountains. She walked right past the tall stone fireplace, comfortable black couches, and stunning oil paintings to stand at the windows and just look. She turned around to find Talen staring at her, an unfathomable expression in his unearthly eyes.

“It’s beautiful,” she whispered, almost afraid to break the silence.

“Stunning,” he agreed, his eyes caressing her face, the potted Douglas fir in his hands.

Janie broke the mood. “Where’s my room?”

Chuckling, Talen lowered the tree to a spot near the door and held out a hand, which Janie took with a happy hop. Cara followed them down a carpeted hall to a pretty room in familiar pink. Besides the bed, dresser, and dollhouse, this room had a light white desk, walk-in closet, and attached bath.

“Awesome,” Janie breathed before running and jumping on the bed.

Pictures of Janie, Cara, and Emma lined the dresser, and warmth flooded Cara as she turned toward Talen. “These are from our house in Massachusetts.”

He nodded. “And the garage is full of boxes that need to be unpacked.”

Cara smiled. “You had all of our things moved for us?”

Talen grinned back. “You can thank me properly later.”

Hm. Maybe she just would. Talen showed them the remainder of the house; the huge kitchen had dark granite countertops, deep cherry cabinets, and all stainless steel appliances. The center island had plenty of room for someone who enjoyed cooking, which Cara did.

Talen soon disappeared into his office to plot strategy for the Realm while Cara and Janie set to work unpacking their boxes. A desire to create a life with her husband teased her while fear whispered that their marriage was merely convenient. She had the right gene and was in the right place at the right time. Or the wrong. It wasn’t like he’d proclaimed any
great love for her. If anything, he had treated her as a possession. One to be guarded, true, but Cara’s plans had always been to enjoy a nice, mellow, and solitary life.

Talen was anything but nice or mellow, and there was nothing lonely about the feelings he inspired in her.

After dinner Talen put Janie to bed while Cara tackled her new closet. She’d finished lining up her shoes when Talen moved toward the open drawer at her side of the bed and removed her silver nine millimeter gun.

“Can you shoot?” Talen took the weapon and checked the empty clip.

“Um, no,” Cara confirmed. “The gun is Emma’s and she wanted me to have it when there were some break-ins in the neighborhood.”

“It isn’t loaded.”

“I didn’t feel safe with it having bullets, but I promised Emma, so …”

“I’ll teach you how to use it, Cara.” He placed the gun inside the drawer and pulled out a dog-eared book.

She shrugged and then flushed scarlet as she saw what Talen held in one hand. She struggled to stand.

“Bound Hearts?” Talen’s voice deepened as he scanned the back cover. “Well, well, well, Cara. Nice reading material.” He looked up from the book, and his eyes flashed liquid gold as they trailed over her burning face.

“It’s just a book, Talen. Not a big deal and definitely none of your business.” Cara willed the heat from her face, with no luck. For pete’s sake, everyone read a bit of erotica once in a while, though she should’ve tossed the book after unpacking the box from her bedroom at home.

“I’m not so sure about that.” Talen’s voice was almost hoarse now. “You ever been spanked, darlin’?”

Cara caught her breath at the dark intent in his eyes, and her behind actually clenched in protest. “Um, well no,” she blushed even more. “It’s just a book, Talen. That’s all.”

“I don’t think so.” Masculine power flowed strong in his
husky voice. “I think you’d like it.” His gaze kept hers as he replaced the book and closed the drawer. Cara took one step back and stopped herself from taking another when his eyes flared as he recognized her retreat for what it was.

The silence blanketed heavy as they stared at each other across the blue-covered bed, Talen’s watchful eyes holding her wide ones captive. “Run.”

With an instinctive yelp, Cara turned and did just that. She ran down the hall, through the living room and into the dining room, seeking safety. She felt, rather than heard, the hunter on her heels as she skidded to a stop around the large cherrywood table.

“Now, Talen,” she held up one hand to placate him as she gulped in huge gusts of air.

He raised an eyebrow and stood deceptively calm inside the wide French doors, not panting in the least.

“This room is full of pretties—lots of china and breakables.” Cara’s eyes darted for an escape as she tried to catch her breath on a nervous giggle. Unfortunately, she was trapped. “We don’t want to break anything,” she continued with another stuttering chortle. “Let’s stop this silly game and maybe watch a movie or something.”

“But Cara”—Talen moved gracefully to the left, his voice low and soothing—”I want to play.” He stopped moving as she inched in the other direction, her eyes tracking him. Even playful, Talen was as intimidating as hell.

Yeah,” Cara retorted with a snort, “like a lion plays with a gazelle. Before he eats her.”

A slow, lazy smile crossed his face and she gulped, realizing what she’d said. Her blood started to thrum with the thrill of the chase, with the thrill of what he’d do to her if he caught her.

“It looks like you’re trapped, little gazelle.” He moved a bit farther to the left. “Now I get to eat you.” With the last, he lunged across the table in a formidable display of power and speed.

Cara shrieked in feminine panic and darted in the other direction, barely escaping his outstretched arm. She flew out the wide doorway, Talen’s masculine chuckle echoing behind her, letting her know she was free simply because he hadn’t finished playing. Only the thought of waking Janie kept her from shrieking again during the chase.

Cara’s bare feet slapped against the thick tiles in the entry-way as she darted past the front door into the safe haven of the kitchen. She skirted the dark, granite-covered island and backed up to the counter, her eyes wide on the entryway, and her elbow hit the huge basket of deep red apples.

The hurled red apple hit Talen on the chest as he stalked into the kitchen. He caught the second sailing apple an inch from his nose as Cara raised a third to throw.

His “I wouldn’t” made Cara pause, hand cocked, ready to throw, the breath heaving in and out of her chest. He moved forward much like the time he’d stalked her in Jordan’s kitchen, and Cara stifled a whimper.

His answering smile was more predatory than mischievous as he started around the island, holding her eyes captive. Cara froze as the sharp edge of desire warred to reconcile the predator with the fun she was having. Talen stepped up to her still form and gently took the apple from her hand.

One finger lifted her chin to meet his strong face. “Such a temptation.” His voice sounded like gravel and sent desire rushing to her core. “Adam didn’t stand a fucking chance in hell.” Talen slowly ran the smooth skin of the apple down the side of her face. He lowered his lips to hers.

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