Fated for the Alphas: The Complete Collection (Nine Book Paranormal Romance Box Set) (37 page)

He nuzzled her, and she stirred. Something was strange about her, aside from the fact that she seemed to be smeared with her own blood. Why was her skin so cold? If Shade had tired of her, why had he left her here of all places? Was it a trap?

He didn’t care. He’d save her, trap or no. Shifting, he took Lia in his arms.

“It’s dark,” she mumbled.

He brushed some stray hairs out of her face. “It’s all right. I’m here.”

Her eyes snapped open. “Kane?”

He smiled, but she flinched back.

“What’s wrong?” he asked. “Did Shade hurt you?”

Lia touched the side of his face, her hand trembling. “Is it really you?”

“It’s me. It’s Kane.” He grabbed her hand, squeezing hard.

She didn’t seem convinced. “You’re not an illusion?”

“If I were, I don’t think I’d be so tired from running all the way from our den.” He showed her his palm, which was bleeding sluggishly.

Lia laughed. “You could do magic with that, you know.”

He felt her forehead. If she weren’t so cold, he’d think her mind was fevered.

“You smell real.” She leaned into his chest, as if drinking him in. “There was an illusion of Ronan, but he didn’t smell like anything, now that I think about it. I don’t think Finn’s powerful enough to make his illusions smell like they’re supposed to. That’s why they’ll never fool Shade.”

Kane didn’t really know what she was talking about, but he loved the sound of her voice. She was alive. She was alive, and he had her. Now all he had to do was keep her safe. He had to ignore the part of him that wanted to storm Shade’s den for taking her, and the part of him that wanted to break down with relief. They needed to get back to the den. Once there, he’d guard Lia himself.

“You escaped, didn’t you?” Kane asked.

Lia nodded.

“I’m sorry I didn’t get there in time to help.”

She looked up at him, something burning in her eyes. “You got here just in time.”

“Does Shade know you’re gone?”

“Not yet.” She gave him a coy smile. “I don’t think he’ll know for a while. We have plenty of time.”

He knitted his eyebrows. Did she plan on lingering here?

“We need to get across the river, okay? Don’t move, I’ll take you.” He didn’t trust her to be able to stay on his back, so he’d have to stay in human form. Not that he minded. He liked the feel of her soft skin against his.

“I’m sorry if the water’s cold,” he said. “You might get wet.”

“I already am.”

Kane almost lost his footing. He realized that it was true. Lia looked up at him, her eyes full of stars. How had she gotten so aroused?

He shook his head. It was neither the time, nor the place. She needed the safety of the den, and a long sleep. Kane jumped into the river. She was probably just glad to be rescued was all.

“Whoa.” The cold rush of water made his arms break out in gooseflesh. Why was he so chilled all of a sudden? As he strode through the water, he realized that carrying Lia was like carrying an ice chest—her skin felt frozen solid. “Are you cold?” he asked.

“Not with you.” She snuggled closer to him. “You’re like a bed of embers.”

“Lia? Are you all right?”

She sat up in his arms, arching her back. “I’m more than all right. Let me prove it to you.”

Then she leaned into his lips, pressing herself to him.


She drowned his words with her mouth. Her touch felt like wild lightning. He was sure she left scorch marks on his flesh. Her tongue flicked out to play across his lips, and it wasn’t cold at all. It felt like a hot poker, and he ached for more heat.

He pulled away, panting. “We need to get away from here, Lia. To the den.” His words sounded thick to him, like she had stolen his ability to speak with her tongue. “It’s not safe here.”

“You’re not safe here,” she said. “Not from me.” Lia grabbed his hair and pulled him toward her. She laid searing kisses on his face, his lips, his neck, everywhere she could reach.

Kane marveled. She was right. He could feel his will sapping away. He didn’t want to take her anywhere. Right here was just fine.

“I was so cold,” Lia said between kisses, “but now that I see you… Oh, Kane, I think the wine is working.”

He didn’t know what wine she was talking about, but he soon forgot all about it. She wrapped a hand around his cock, and he hardened at her touch. Her skin wasn’t cool anymore—it blazed with heat, so much that he wondered if she would make the river boil.

She looked at him, eyes glowing like coals. She was burning for him, and he felt powerless before her need, her want. He groaned as she slid her hand up and down his cock. He couldn’t go on like this. Willing himself to walk, he forced himself toward the opposite bank.

All he needed to do was get them on dry land, so the river wouldn’t sweep them away. It seemed possible. She blazed so brightly in the night that he was losing track of minor details, like the fact that they were waist-deep in water.

Somehow, he managed to haul them onto the bank. Lia rolled onto the damp grass, pulling him on top of her. He felt like he barely knew this beautiful demoness, this seductive enchantress. But it didn’t matter. He was losing himself to her. He was hers to command.

Her hands worked magic down his spine, tracing his muscles and making him shiver with need. Grinning, Lia spanked his ass and pushed him off her. Kane rolled onto his back, waiting for orders.

“Tell me what you want me to do,” he begged. He felt like his cock would burst from her scent alone, from her overwhelming presence.

“Shh.” Lia laid a finger to his lips. “Lie back. Relax.”

Straddling his legs, she arched her back and took his cock in her mouth. Kane needed his entire will to keep from thrusting deeper. She looked up at him, pushing dark hair from her face. Pulling up to his tip, she sucked him hard. Kane groaned. Lia went down to his base, then back to his tip, never taking her eyes from his face.

Kane wanted her, all of her, but she had him under her spell. He could only hope she took mercy on him.

She swung her body around, not taking her mouth from his cock. Now her legs hugged his ribs. Her ample ass rose in front of his face, tantalizing and tormenting him. Heat seemed to emanate from between her legs, and she left a wetness on his chest that threatened to drive him mad.

Lia’s head bobbed as she serviced him. Kane growled, grabbing a handful of flesh on her ass and pulling it toward him. Though she was making his fingers twitch of their own accord, he could still pleasure her.

He put a finger between her legs, his cock throbbing at the wetness he felt there. Slowly but insistently, he stroked up and down. He was rewarded with a cry from Lia that was muffled by his own cock. He thought he’d burst at the sound of it.

There was a gasp near his cock as Lia came up for air. She twisted, arching over him.

“Did I say you could do that?” she demanded.

Kane didn’t know what to say. The scent of him on her lips was very distracting.

“Don’t focus on me,” she whispered in his ear. “I’m going to take care of you.”

He wanted to protest, but before he could, she had lowered herself onto his cock. Kane lay back, his muscles twitching as he tried not to come.

“That’s better,” Lia said. “Now I can show you how you’re supposed to be fucked.”

Kane couldn’t help the loud moan that escaped his lips as she began to ride him. She gripped his shoulders, her hair falling over her breasts as she moved her hips on his.

The stars seemed to spin out of control as she grinded against him, falling onto him again and again, impaling herself with his cock. She was so warm, so tight. The way she moved on top of him left him panting for air, desperate for release. But he didn’t want her to stop, not ever.

Lia sat back. The change in angle sent shivers through him. She put a hand on her neck, running it down her chest to her breasts. Locking eyes with Kane, she licked the tip of her finger, then touched her hard nipple. She circled around it until she gasped, throwing her head back. His cock felt her spasms, and answered with its own. Kane gritted his teeth to keep from exploding inside her.

He could smell the scent of her sweat and the scent of her wetness. They mingled in his brain, wrecking higher functions and leaving only primal need in their wake.

Kane put his hands on her hips, not to control her, but just to feel her body move. Her body was a sweet song that he wanted to memorize, so he could keep it with him always. He wanted to lose himself to the melody.

She rode him harder, then harder still, with such abandon that she seemed Delirious. Just when he thought he could take no more, she slowed, grinned, and twisted so that he got an eyeful of her ass again.

He grabbed her by both cheeks, reveling in the way his fingers dimpled her ass. With a soft sigh, Lia drew up, until it almost seemed like she was going to dismount. Kane was in agony. How could she leave him like this?

Just when he thought his cock would slip out of her, she slid onto him again, letting him fill her. She repeated this, slowly up and slowly down, until his breath came in jagged gasps and streaks of light shot across his field of vision like comets. Lia was torturing him, and he loved it.

She began to fall on him faster, faster. He could take no more. Lia moaned as he pumped himself into her. He came hard and long, until he felt she had drained him. At last, he felt sated.

Silently, she collapsed on top of him. The fire seemed to have left her skin, and she was cool to the touch now. Her eyes were closed, but her lashes fluttered slightly.

Kane pulled her close. He had felt lost without her. It was like there was an emptiness inside him, one only she could fill.

“Don’t ever run from me again,” he said. “Please.”

She simply nestled closer to him, a content smile on her lips.

Kane got one last look at the stars before his eyes closed. His final thought was that Lia was safe at last.

Chapter Five

But she wasn’t. Kane’s eyes flew open. What were they doing here, so close to Shade’s territory? How had he let himself get sidetracked?

He rose, his mind still in a haze of confusion. What time was it? The new moon hadn’t risen yet. It wasn’t dawn, at least.

Lia grumbled a wordless complaint, having just lost her pillow. Frowning, her eyes still closed, she threw an arm over her face.

Kane bent, giving her a gentle shake. “Wake up. We have to get back to the den.”

“Now?” she complained. “Can’t I sleep?”

“Not here.”

She turned over, making a displeased noise.

“Lia, we’re too close to Shade’s den. If he sends his pack after you, we’ll have to run. I don’t think I can fight them all off and defend you.”

She sat bolt upright at the mention of Shade. “He’s not here, is he?” She clung to Kane’s arm. “He’s not going to get me?”

“He’s not, but we should leave. You’ll be safe in our den, with the pack to protect you.”

“All right.” Lia gazed over the river, her breaths seeming to come faster. Her hands on his arm were so cold.

“Can you run?” Kane asked. “Or should I carry you?”

She swallowed, looking pale. “Shade gave me everwort, and it feels like my wolf is still sleeping. I don’t—I don’t know if I can shift.”

This wasn’t the time to test her abilities. He cursed Shade. Once Lia was safe, the Alpha would answer to Kane.

“Get on,” Kane said. “Hold tight.” He shifted, crouching before his mate. Lia pulled herself onto his back, but it seemed like she had to struggle. Kane didn’t like her lack of strength.

He ran into the woods, not at his full speed to make it easier on Lia. His paw pad cracked almost instantly, leaving spots of blood on the grass.

It couldn’t be helped. Besides, if Shade wanted to follow, he knew where to find them. Let him come. Kane would be waiting.

The new moon was rising over the trees as they broke into the meadow. Kane almost yipped with relief. The den was in sight. It didn’t matter that his muscles ached, or that his paw might take a week to heal, or that he was ready to lie down and sleep for three days. Lia was home.

Dawn broke when they were halfway across the meadow, spilling light into the sky. It would have been beautiful if not for the angry howls in the distance.

Shade knew Lia was gone. He was coming.

Kane began to sprint. He hoped Lia could hold on. From the sounds of it, the Shadow pack had probably just crossed the river, but they had no time to waste.

Wolves poured out of the den, looking like they were ready to fight.

“Who goes there?” he heard Ronan call.

He’d better shift before his brother got jumpy. Though he’d rather stay a wolf until they’d trounced Shade, Kane rose to two feet. He caught Lia before she could slide off his back.

“It’s me, dung brains,” Kane called. “Someone had to rescue our mate.”

The wolves stood down, though Kane noticed five guards on the heights, scanning the horizon for Shade.

“You went without me?” Ronan’s voice faltered.


“Ronan!” Lia tumbled off Kane’s back and into Ronan’s arms. “You’re all right!” She ran a hand over his chest and stomach, as if trying to convince herself that he was whole. Lia must have been satisfied with her inspection, because she threw her arms around his neck and almost throttled him with a hug.

“Hey now,” Ronan said. “Shouldn’t I be the one making sure you’re all right?”

“I’m fine, as long as you’re okay.” She looked up at him, eyes shining.

Kane felt jealousy flare within him. It was ridiculous, though. He’d had his time with Lia, and he’d have more after the coming battle.

“I’m sorry I didn’t come for you,” Ronan said. “I tried, but it wasn’t enough. I didn’t mean—”

She cut him off with a kiss, but Ronan still seemed distracted. He met Kane’s gaze, eyes bloodshot. He must have been up all night. Besides that, Ronan looked haunted with guilt. Kane felt a pang in his gut. Maybe he shouldn’t be so hard on his brother. It couldn’t be easy, being the responsible one.

Ronan turned back to Lia. “You don’t have to tell me anything. Not now. Just rest, and we’ll figure out what to do.”

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