Fated for the Alphas: The Complete Collection (Nine Book Paranormal Romance Box Set) (59 page)

Kane ran a hand over her belly. “This is going to grow.”

“I’m going to get fat, you mean.”

“No.” He kissed her neck. “Just beautifully pregnant. I can’t wait.”

She pushed him away, making him look her in the eyes. “You can’t wait for me to get extremely cranky and swell up like I’ve been stung by a thousand hornets?”

“Why would you get cranky?” Kane cocked his head. “You have two mates instead of one. If you feel achy and crave something sweet, I can rub your feet while Ronan fetches you honey and feeds it to you. And when you swell, it’ll be because you’re full of our pup, and new life. What could be more beautiful than that?”

“All right.” Her face was hot. “I’m sure you’ll change your mind once I can’t fit through the den entrance anymore.”

Kane caught her chin, tilting her face up toward his. “You’ve never been sexier to me than you are now. I thought you were gorgeous as our mate, but as the mother of our pups? You’re going to be luminous.”


He cut her off with a kiss. His insistent lips and heady scent made it hard to think about anything else. She gave in to him, relaxing into his arms. His mouth felt so good against hers.

Lia broke away from him at last, panting. His cock was hard, and his eyes gleamed gold. His want was obvious. She looked at Ronan. “Shouldn’t we get back to the den?”

“We most assuredly should not.” His eyes were also blazing, his cock also stiff.

Her heart pounded against her ribs, and she could feel her pulse between her thighs. How could they do this so easily to her?

She tried to appeal to Ronan. “You know this is a terrible idea. We’re in sight of the den, the pack will be waking soon…”

It was a weak argument. She knew he didn’t care if anyone saw.

“Come with me.” Ronan grabbed her hand, his flesh scorching. His breaths were loud as he pulled her deep into the meadow. “The grass is tall here,” he said, his voice strained. “Most are still abed. No one will see.”

She laughed nervously. “The grass only comes to my shoulders. Everyone will see.”

Without warning, Ronan swept her legs out from under her. He set her down, and the grasses bent beneath her to form a cushion. Before she could move, Ronan rolled on top of her, planting his hands on either side of her.

“Private enough for you?” he whispered.

Kane lay beside them, cupping one of Lia’s breasts and circling her nipple with his thumb. “I’d say so.”

Lia took a breath, trying to get herself under control. She didn’t want them to smell her arousal. Then this might really get out of hand.

“I appreciate the attention, but like I told you, I’m pregnant. What about the babe?”

Kane kissed her neck. “What about him? It’ll be good for him, to know his mother is loved.”

Lia frowned. “Why are you so sure it’ll be a boy?”

“Of course it’ll be a boy, to carry on our line.”

She thought of Lilah, her dark hair and dancing eyes. Would Kane be disappointed with his daughter?

“Enough talk,” Ronan said. “I don’t care if you give birth to a litter of goats. We’ll love them because they’re yours.”

She opened her mouth to tell him not to expect any goats when he met her with a kiss. He also made it hard to think, especially with one strong hand behind her head and the other between her legs.

“Ronan,” she gasped when she came up for air. “Should we be doing this?”

He smiled. “Are you really going to tell me you don’t want us when you’re this wet?” Sliding a finger into her, he emphasized his point.

Happy shudders rippled through her. Lia tried to hold the groan that escaped her without success.

“I guess one last time couldn’t hurt,” she said. “Soon I’ll be huge and gross, and you won’t want me, despite all your pretty words.”

Kane laughed. “If there ever comes a day that I don’t want you, you’ll know I’ve gone mad. Ronan will have to take me to the river and put me out of my misery. But I can’t let that happen, because then he’d have you all to himself. Someone has to teach him how to share.”

“I’m sorry, Lia, but we’re never going to find you unattractive,” Ronan said solemnly. “Not now, not when you’re nine months pregnant, not when you’re ninety-nine and wrinkled. Looks like you’re stuck with us.”

Lia laid her head back. “It’s a terrible fate.”

“I know.” Ronan kissed her throat. “I’m sorry. We’ll try to make it up to you somehow.”

“Oh?” She arched an eyebrow. “And how is that?”

“We’ll show you.”

Ronan spread her legs apart, his fingers tight on her thighs. He set the tip of his tongue against her, grinning as a tremor ran through her body.

“Do you like that?” he asked.

Before she could answer, Kane’s lips pressed against hers, hot and insistent. His bruising kiss demanded everything of her, and she gave it happily. She ran her fingers through his hair, resting her hand behind his head. Pulling him close, she held on like she’d never release him.

Ronan ran his tongue between her legs, knowing the answer to his question when Lia writhed beneath him. He licked her in long, lazy motions, holding her legs down as her muscles began to twitch and spasm.

She moaned into Kane’s mouth. She couldn’t help it. Between the two of them, they made her feel like her brain and body might overheat.

Lia bit Kane’s lip, refusing to let go. He responded with a growl, hands cupping her breasts. His tongue darted between her lips, searing, questing. She met it with hers, thinking the heat between them might throw off enough sparks to set the meadow alight.

Below, Ronan began to hum. The vibrations made her legs jerk wildly as they traced their way up her spine.

Lia pulled her lips from Kane’s, trying to breathe. “Ronan!”

He looked up.

“I can’t take it much longer.”

His eyes shimmered gold. “But that’s the point, Lia.”

“Enough talk.” Kane tilted her chin, drowning her with his lips.

Ronan returned to his work, humming even louder.

Lia gasped. Her hips bucked, and tremors ran through her. Ronan gripped her legs, holding her steady. He had the air of a man doing important work, the air of a man who couldn’t be interrupted. Clearly, he wasn’t going to let Lia’s convulsions distract him.

That scorching tongue! Lia threw her head back. Its sweetness made her wet and greedy for more.

“Please, Ronan,” she gasped. “I want your cock.”

He lifted his head, panting. “Not until you come.”

“That’s so unfair! Kane, tell him it’s unfair.”

Kane bent his head toward hers. “Come first.”

Ronan looked her in the eye as he redoubled his efforts. His tongue was blistering, relentless. She trembled as he set fire to her veins.

Kane put his lips to her ear. “Come for us, Lia,” he whispered.

There was no denying them. Their lips awakened her nerve endings, made shockwaves roar through her. Lia cried out, sending a family of warblers into flight. She felt herself flying with them, soaring toward the clouds on the cool morning air. Gradually, Lia floated back to earth, muscles quivering with latent ecstasy.

“You’re too good,” she murmured to her Alphas. “Too good to me.”

“Oh, but we’re not done yet.” Ronan flipped her over, running a hand over her ass. “I said I’d give you my cock. I keep my promises.”

She felt herself grow wet at his words. Heart thudding, she got on all fours. She felt a sharp, sudden need for his cock. She craved it. Lowering herself onto her elbows, she raised her ass, presenting herself to him. Just see if he could resist her this time.

He couldn’t. Growling, he grabbed her hips. His grasp was so tight that her flesh stood out stark white against his fingers. He set his tip against her, teasing her with it. Lia shuddered. He needed to be careful, or he’d make her come again right now.

Ronan wasn’t able to deny himself for long. With a groan of pleasure, he sank into her. She was so slick for him, so eager that she took him easily. Lia lowered her head, hair falling over her face in a curtain. He felt so good inside her. She arched her back, encouraging him to go harder, deeper.

Ronan made a primal sound. He seemed to be losing control. Lia braced herself against the ground as he pounded into her. His harsh thrusts were forcing the wind out of her, and she loved it.

Kane knelt in front of her, his cock hard and erect. Lia looked at it hungrily.

“What can I do?” he whispered. “Tell me what you want from me.”

She wrapped her hands around his cock. “I want this.”

“But Lia…” His voice cracked. “I should be pleasuring you.”

“Nothing would give me more pleasure.” She put her lips over his tip, and he stopped arguing. When she set her tongue against his shaft, his eyes rolled back in his head.

His skin was so smooth, so sweet. His swollen cock filled her mouth just as Ronan’s filled her insides. She was full to bursting with her Alphas.

Lia rocked forward, taking Kane deep into her throat. He moaned, his cock twitching on her tongue. That made her tighten around Ronan, who dug his nails into her hips. He held her steady, plunging harder and harder still until his flesh slapped hers.

She ran her tongue over Kane’s cock, making him pant with desire. His eyes glowed feverishly. Lia sucked him hard until he moaned for her again. The sounds she could make him produce sent shivers through her.

Kane’s cock rubbed at the back of her throat. He tasted so good, but she saw the ache in his eyes. She couldn’t torment him forever.

Then Ronan began to thrust faster, making her forget everything except his name. He rode her hard, demanding that she come for him again. Colors and lights exploded behind her eyelids.

Her cry was muffled by Kane’s hard cock. Scorching heat rushed through her, singeing everything it touched. Her legs buckled under the onslaught, and Ronan had to catch her. He continued thrusting, each time harder than the last, until she couldn’t bear any more. Her mouth tightened around Kane’s cock, her tongue rippling over him. She felt him stiffen.

They both came at once, filling her with hot seed. She almost crumpled at the dizzying sensation. Kane pumped until he was spent, and Lia swallowed every last drop he had to offer. Ronan grunted with his last thrust, then pulled out of her, dripping. The three of them collapsed to the meadow grass, sweaty and spent.

Sated, her Alphas curled around her. Each of them took one of her hands and held it tight. Lia looked at one, then the other.

“Ronan?” she asked.


“You think I’ll still be beautiful, even nine months pregnant.”

He rolled over, putting an arm around her. “I know it.”

“So do I,” Kane murmured.

Ronan kissed her cheek. “We won’t let you forget it. We’ll tell you every day.”

“We promise,” Kane mumbled, his eyelids closing.

She smiled, tucked between their hard chests. How had she gotten so lucky, to find not one, but two incredible men? Her mates always made her feel loved, made her feel like she glowed from the inside out. The meadow grass made a lovely mattress as she basked in the smell of their skin.

Long moments passed in silence. Lia gave each of their hands a light squeeze, but neither responded. Their breathing deepened as they drifted to sleep.

She lay in the grass, unable to stop the image that swam to the front of her mind. The knife cut across Lilah’s belly again and again. Lia touched her own stomach, feeling nauseous. Her mates could protect her from almost anything, but not from this. She couldn’t help but wonder if she was pregnant with a babe doomed to die in battle.

Chapter Three

The Alphas announced the news the next morning, at breakfast.

“Isn’t it too soon?” Lia had asked. “The babe was only conceived two weeks ago.”

“They’ll want to know,” Kane had replied. “Besides, why put off telling good news?”

The cheers that went up around the table echoed the truth in his statement. Lark launched over the table to give her a hug. Huck and Orion clapped her on the back, while Fox howled his approval. Flint called for toast after toast for the newest pack member, despite the fact that they were all drinking spring water. Dove, finally awake, beamed at the news.

Lia’s cheeks burned at her womb being the center of attention, but their enthusiasm made her tear up all the same.

Sequoia stood on one of the benches. “And how are we going to celebrate?” she asked the Alphas, her eyes glinting.

“There’s only one way to do it properly,” Flint said.

“And how’s that?” Duke grinned, like he already knew the answer.

“Feast!” Flint and Sequoia shouted.

Flint stood next to Sequoia, and soon they had the entire pack chanting for a feast. Lia laughed so hard her jaw hurt.

“All right, all right!” Ronan held up his hands. “I see there’s no arguing with you savages. I want everyone out of the den today. Hunt, gather, collect wood for fires, whatever you want, as long as you bring back something that we can cook tonight.”

Everyone cheered. Flint and Duke finished their breakfast hurriedly, then began to organize a boar hunt. Lark declined their invitation, saying she was craving venison. Fox and Dash quickly agreed to join her hunting party. Flint moved on to Cage and Grey, who decided that boar sounded good to them.

Clove and Ivy were the first to leave, off to gather fresh herbs. Blossom and Rain trailed after them. Flint’s hunting party followed, howling as they shifted onto all fours.

Dove sighed, watching the hunters sprint into the woods. “I wish I could join them.”

“You will, in time.” Cricket gave her a hug. “But you’ve only been awake a full day, and your arm won’t heal if you run on it for hours.”

“I know, I know.” Dove made a face. “Ivy’s told me that repeatedly. But I want to do

“Let’s collect firewood,” Huck suggested. “We don’t have to go far from the den. We can come back when you get tired.”

Dove stuck out her tongue. “We can come back when we’ve collected enough fuel—not that you’re going to let me collect much more than kindling, anyway.”

Huck smiled. “Do you remember how much you babied me when I had a fever last winter?”

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