Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series (40 page)

The “Decree Nisi” was blatantly obvious
but it was the gold wedding band and the diamond engagement ring that made him
smile. Sitting back in his chair, examining the woefully inadequate diamond for
such a beautiful woman. He remembered well the night she had received this
ring, it was the same night he had given her the diamond tennis bracelet she
had pined over for years. The bracelet that showed her intended up as a cheapskate.

His own divorce was going through
unprotested. He was giving Eve the house and a very generous amount of
maintenance for both her and Marissa as well as continuing to pay for the
nanny. They would share joint custody of their daughter and in six weeks’ time,
he would be a free man.

Six weeks. It seemed like a lifetime but
given the fact that he’d just done four extremely long years in a marriage he
hadn’t wanted to be in, six weeks was nothing. Time for him to clean up his
act. No way was he going to pass up this opportunity. Suzanne wanted him. He
wanted her. It was clear she had decided he was now at a point in his life
where together they would work. He needed to step up to the mark and prove he
was the man she had always thought he could be.

Suzanne had chosen just about the most
unsubtle way of telling him her divorce was going through apart from throwing
herself naked across his desk which he would have liked quite a bit right at
this precise moment in time.

Was she here? Had his staff allowed her back
to his office? He breathed in although he already knew the answer. If she’d
been in here, her scent would have hit him as soon as he opened the door. Now
the question should be, was she still here?

He decided against calling her and pulled
out some paper to write a note. Confirming he had enjoyed the contents of the
envelope and that his own divorce was currently going through. He would be in

This particular night was no different
from the rest, apart from the fact that Suzanne was indeed there. It took him
only a moment to feel her presence when he returned to the bar. They didn’t
speak as the club had been busy but Paul had found it difficult to keep his
eyes off her throughout the night, especially as every time he looked over she
would be chatting to some random man. The voice in his head praying for the
night to end just so he could be near her.

His staff began to jibe at him about his
prolonged presence at the bar when he would usually be hidden away in his
office. One of them made the comment that as he was hovering, he may as well
make himself useful and take over so someone could take a break.

It had been a long time since he’d worked
the bar. He’d forgotten how much he enjoyed it and it kept him close to
Suzanne. He didn’t have time to ponder his possessive tendencies when it came
to her. No other woman provoked that in him. His brain switched directly to
kill, maim, destroy mode when it came to caring for her. There was nothing he
could do to prevent it so he just went with it.

Although she spent her evening talking to
a variety of men, she didn’t engage any of them for long and was only being
polite. She was very aware of Paul’s presence behind the bar, she was even
involved in the good natured ribbing his staff gave him about making himself

God he looked good behind a bar. He dealt
with the five deep crowd with easy efficiency while managing to look absolutely
drop dead gorgeous at the same time.

It was clear to her trained eye that his
clothes had been altered to fit his form and fit him they certainly did. She
stayed put as the club closed and Paul and his staff ushered the patrons in to
waiting taxis and then the staff began to leave.

Paul was always the last person in the
club. He was meticulous about making sure all the exits were secure and that
all his staff had a safe way to get home. The cleaners would come and do their
part early in the morning, the only thing they weren’t allowed anywhere near
was the bar. Having played a large part in designing and building the large wooden
structure that made up the bar, Paul took the staining and varnishing of it
upon himself and that had now extended to cleaning it. It was always his last
job before he trudged up the stairs to his apartment, happy in the knowledge
that the bar was gleaming.

He was polishing the bar when she finally
slipped onto a stool in front of him. Working the polish into the grain
lovingly and buffing it to a warm glow. He worked around her, leaning into her
when given the chance. Finding it increasingly more difficult to finish the
task at hand as her scent enveloped him.

Tossing the cloths over to the far side of
the bar, he at last turned his attention to her, standing close and wrapping
her in his arms as he lifted her onto his freshly polished bar making sure she
rested one foot on the seat of the stool recently vacated by her bottom.
Hooking her other leg around his waist, he stepped into her, closing his eyes
as her hands cupped his face.

He stood, hands on her hips, face
upturned, waiting for her kiss. He stopped breathing when her lips brushed his
before her hands tightened and she pulled him closer. The sharp nip of her
teeth to his bottom lip had him opening his mouth as her tongue probed. They
groaned in unison at the taste of the other. His fingers dug into her flesh as
he stepped even closer, dominating the kiss, sliding his hands beneath her

She lifted her hips slightly as he
dispensed with her lacy knickers, flung them over his shoulder and pushed her
dress up. Removing one of her insanely high, fuck me shoes, wouldn’t want to
scratch the woodwork, he placed her stockinged foot on the bar top and pushed
her dress further up her lush thighs.

He took a seat on her stool as he situated
her other leg over his shoulder and pulled her behind to the edge of the bar.
Her hands went immediately to his hair as he kissed his way up her inner thigh.
She took a firmer grip as he kissed and nipped everywhere but where she really
wanted him too.

Taking the situation quite literally into
her own hands, she firmed her grip on his hair and pulled his mouth to the
exact spot where it would do the most good. Her hips shot up off the bar as his
tongue stroked her clit. Oh God, how was it possible that he’d gotten better at
this? Had it really been that long that she’d forgotten what he felt like? No,
not being able to forget him was what ultimately had led to the demise of her

When he sunk two fingers within her as his
tongue worked her clit with consummate skill, Suzanne came apart, shuddering,
gasping, calling out his name as he eased her down from her temporary high. She
welcomed the taste of herself in his mouth when he kissed her and pulled down
the neckline of her dress, stretching it beyond recognition in his quest to
reach her breasts. She heard the material rip as his large hands delved into
the cups of her bra, shoving the material aside, bowing his head to torture her

Her fingers snagged the material of his
t-shirt and tugged it up his back. He broke contact with her flesh long enough
to tear it from his body. It joined her knickers and just the one shoe
somewhere on the floor of the club. His mouth was back on hers as they clawed
at each other. She heard the metallic clink of his belt being unfastened and
her mouth filled with saliva at the thought of tasting him again after so long.
Paul it seemed, had other ideas.

Stepping up onto the chrome foot rest at
the base of the bar, he leant over her, making her lay back and lifted her
hands over her head, wrapping them around one of the gleaming beer pumps.
Holding them fast with one of his large hands, he continued his assault on her
breasts before reaching down and freeing his erection, fisting it a few times
before positioning himself against her more than ready entrance.

Paul was in grave danger of blowing his
load in his pants if he didn’t get inside her soon and even then, longevity was
not guaranteed. It had been so long, too long. His body needed hers like a fish
needs water.

He looked deep into her eyes as he guided
himself into her. Her hands never left his body, feather light touches that set
his skin alight. They had always enjoyed each other’s bodies but this was
different, more intense, she was all his now, no one else would ever touch her
this way. Her remaining heel dug into his arse as he pushed deeper, quickening
his pace.

Brushing his lips to hers as she lifted
her hips to meet his with each thrust, he kissed his way to her neck, his teeth
grazing her sensitive skin. She tightened around him as he began to suck on her
collar bone. His hand gripped hers tighter around the beer pump, he buried his
face in her neck and let his orgasm rip through him.

Suzanne smiled as he groaned his release
against her neck. Her hands went to his hair when he released his grip,
stroking the silky blackness while her heart thumped in her chest. She’d come
here with the intention of claiming her man but she had the feeling he had just
claimed her.

Their breathing slowing, he eased up onto
his hands and smiled down at her. “Mine.” He whispered.

Nodding, smiling, trying to hide the
uncharacteristic tears that burned her eyes, Suzanne replied “Mine.”

“Always.” He confirmed. He stepped down
from the foot rail and helped her sit up. “This is it Suzie. You and me. No one
else. Forever.”

“Finally.” She smiled. “Took your bloody
time Jensen.”

Laughing, he helped her down from the bar
and found her shoe. “Perfection takes time, you know that.”

Rolling her eyes and retrieving her
knickers, Suzanne looked at the semi naked man in front of her. The love of her
life, the man she had just committed to, hoping she had made the right
decision. She stroked her hands down her body watching his gaze ignite. “It
certainly does and you, little boy, will never do better than me.” She took his
hand as he pulled her towards the door that led to his apartment. “We messed up
your nice clean bar.” She laughed.

“I noticed, you’ll make it up to me I’m
sure.” He flicked the lights on and guided her into his living space. He
watched as she took in the cavernous ceilings and picture windows both front
and rear. When she turned back to him, he held out a key. “Just so you don’t
have to hang out in the club if you don’t want to. I’m not asking you to move
in or anything just yet.”

Taking the key, she slipped it into her
bag. “This is completely different to how I imagined it. What a beautiful
space.” She turned to face him. “Must have impressed your floozies.”

Shaking his head, Paul moved closer to
her, taking her in his arms as he confessed. “I haven’t brought any women up
here. This is my space. Only people special to me are allowed in here. The
floozies as you call them were restricted to my office. Mainly the couch which
I will be replacing.” He added the last part hastily.

“So I’m the first?”

“Yes and the last.” He confirmed. “Come to
bed baby.”

Suzanne woke a few hours later to Madonna
singing about how virginal she was. She snuggled closer against Paul’s warm
body behind her, sighing when his arms tightened and he kissed her neck while
his hand stroked down her side. She turned to face him when he pushed away from

“Go back to sleep, I won’t be long.”

“Where are you going?” She murmured

He was already out of bed, pulling on
jeans and a t-shirt. “I have to get the delivery in, no rest for the wicked
Suzie.” He grinned and then was gone.

She turned and breathed in his scent from
his pillow, wrapping her arms around it and holding it to her body as she
drifted back to sleep.

Delivery received and deciding he now
smelled a little ripe, Paul paused at the doorway of his en suite to marvel at
how just the presence of the beautiful woman in his bed had brought him peace,
instantly, completely.

His body warm from the shower, he slid
beneath the covers and snuggled in close to her. Suzanne rested her head on his
shoulder, her hand lazily stroking his torso as he settled in beneath her.

“You keep doing that, you’ll be waking up
parts of me that should be sleeping.” He murmured into her hair then sucked in
a breath as her hand dipped lower.

Feeling him grow in her hand had her
smiling against his chest. Lifting herself from him, she swept her long hair
over her shoulder before lowering her head and kissing her way down the dip in
the centre of his stomach where his clearly defined abdominal muscles met.

He growled as she took him in her mouth,
one hand caressing his tightening sac as she hummed her appreciation of his
taste. She felt empowered when his fingers wrapped around the base of his cock
and squeezed. The fact that she could get him so worked up so easily, a man of
his reputation and sexual prowess was a thrill she hoped she’d never tire of.

When he began to move his hips in an
effort to obtain release, she withdrew her mouth and tutted at him, making him
chuckle. Throwing a leg over his hips, she settled his erection against his
belly and herself firmly against it as she slid to and fro on his length. He
was spewing copious amounts of pre cum and his face was tight with
concentration as he watched the head of his cock slide out from between her

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