Read Fighter (Outsider Series) Online

Authors: Micalea Smeltzer

Fighter (Outsider Series) (11 page)

“You did good. This is-” Emotion choked me. “This is home,” I sat back and noticed the ceiling for the first time. It had the same crisscrossing woodwork that I had fallen in love with at Caeden’s house.

Caeden twisted on his side on the chaise part of the couch and rested his head on his hand. A small smile quirked his beautiful lips. “You like it?”

“I love it,” I answered honestly. “It’s more than I could have ever wanted.”

“And you haven’t seen the two best rooms yet,” his blue eyes shone brightly.

“I don’t want to move yet,” I sunk further into the cushions.

He chuckled and stood. “You have the rest of your life to get comfy on that couch.”

“The rest of my life?” I smiled
up at him. “I like the sound of that.”

“Good,” he said. “I plan to make every moment count.”


Caeden stopped outside a set of closed double doors down the hall from our offices.

Grinning at me he said, “This is my second favorite room the first being, well, our room,” he winked and my stomach flip-flopped. “Ready?” he asked
, but before I could answer he swung the door open.

“Oh my-” my jaw dropped open;
it seemed to be doing that a lot lately. “This is just… Is this real?”

Caeden’s laugh filled the room. “I assure you, this is real.”

“Wow,” I said as I took in every surface of the home library. Every wall was covered with built-in shelves stocked with books. Not a single shelf bare.

Cranberry colored couches sat across from each other
, with a leather ottoman in the middle, to rest your feet on.

“I’m never ever going to leave the house. You realize that right?” I turned to Caeden.

“That was the plan,” he joked and I lightly punched his arm.

“I can’t believe this is our house,” I breathed as I took in the cozy décor. Amy and Caeden had done an amazing job. And he was right… it was homey. “Bedroom?” I smiled.

“I thought you’d never ask,” he grinned mischievously as he took my hand and we ran from the library, out to the hallway, and up the stairs.

Caeden ignored all the doors we passed and I assumed they were just empty bedrooms.

Pushing open the double doors just like the ones that led to the library, he said, “Tada,” and waved his hands in a flourish. “Welcome to our bedroom.”

Our bedroom
. I loved the sound of

I stepped inside and
my feet sank into the plushest carpet I’d ever felt. I kicked off my flip-flops and sunk my toes into it. The walls were painted a light beige color making the room even airier.

The bed… Oh, the bed was a work of art. My finger trailed the cool metal lines. The metal was shaped to look like vines and leaves and the metal was an antique copper. It was a large canopy bed and dominated the space.

“It’s one of a kind,” Caeden said from behind me, “No two are the same. A local guy makes them.”

“It’s so beautiful,” I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him close. “Thank you. I love the room, I love the house, and I love you,” I pulled away to look in his eyes.

“Phew,” he said and wiped away an imaginary trail of sweat, “after the way you chewed me out on the ride here, and then when we actually got here, I was afraid you’d hate it.”

“I could never hate it,” I pressed my lips lightly against his and my fingers curled into his silky soft hair.

His hands gripped my waist firmly and before I knew what was happening, we were on the bed and he hovered over top me, deepening the kiss.

Butterflies fluttered in my tummy and my fingers gripped his hair even tighter. I knew nothing like
was going to happen, not today anyway, but the fact that soon we’d be connected that way, made me feel all kind of things.

His lips left mine and brushed against my cheek before drifting down and meeting with the skin on my neck. A very embarrassing noise escaped my lips but Caeden didn’t seem to mind, in fact, he moaned in response.

His fingers crept under the edge of my shirt. A shiver consumed me as his hand skated over my stomach and then up, up, up, until he cupped my breast. I moaned in response and heat pooled in my tummy. I tugged at his shirt and he pulled away. I mewled in protest. Grinning, he pulled his shirt off, and tossed it in the corner of the room, before plastering his lips to mine. His tongue snaked out and my mouth opened in response. My fingers traced over his sculpted chest and I tenderly rubbed the raised scars on his side. It was funny, I knew his scars were there, but I didn’t see them anymore.

“Oh baby,” he breathed against my lips. “You’re killing me.” His lips trailed down my neck and I arched in response.

We’d never pushed the limit this far, I think we both knew what would have happened, so it startled me that we were going there now.


“Mmhmm?” he hummed as he lifted my shirt and kissed my belly.

Breathing heavily I said, “Caeden, I think

His hand crept up my shirt again.

What was I about to say?

Oh, right.

“Need to-”

His lips captured mine. With a grin
, he pulled away. “Stop? I know.”

I closed my eyes.

His nose brushed against my cheek and his lips whispered deliciously in my ear, “In a few days, we won’t have to stop and I can make you mine.”

I shivered in response.

Caeden pulled away and I suddenly felt very cold without him against me. He grabbed his white t-shirt off the floor and pulled it on, once again hiding his delicious body. Such a shame. He should be made to go around shirtless all the time. I smiled to myself. Maybe, I could make that a house rule.


Caeden finished giving me a tour of the house and then led me back outside.

“Are we not staying here tonight?”

Caeden smiled, obviously pleased that I didn’t want to leave. “Nah, I promised my mom and Lucinda that we wouldn’t stay here until we’re married. It was one of the stipulations they gave me.”

“One of?”

He shrugged. “My mom and everyone else wasn’t too pleased that the house is so far away, so they made me promise we’d visit as much as possible.”

“Oh.” I suddenly felt very alone knowing that we were going to be living in this huge house, just the two of us, so far away from family.

Sensing what I was feeling, Caeden wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me against him. He placed a tender kiss on top of my head and said, “Don’t worry about it, babe. I’m sure they’ll be here all the time. We won’t be able to get rid of them.”

I relaxed a bit.

“Now stop moping,” he smacked my butt. “We’ve got to meet our parents for dinner.”


“Bachelorette party!” squealed Chris as she wrapped a feathery pink boa around my neck. I tried to bat it away but she gave me a look and I was seriously afraid
she might strangle me with it, so I left it around my neck.

“Where are we going?” I asked as I peered out the limo’s tinted windows.

“No, no, no,” Chris scolded, grabbing my chin, her freshly manicured nails digging in. “You’ll find out when we get there.” She stuck some kind of tiara on my head that said: Bride to Be. Shoot me now.

“Ugh, this has to be the longest bachelorette party in existence,” I grumbled.

First, we’d been to the spa to get massages, then we got manicures and pedicures, and now I was being subjected to Lord knows what.

“Do I need to blindfold you?” she asked.

I looked over at Charlotte, with a panic stricken expression. “Don’t you dare let her blindfold me.”

“I’ll tackle her
, if necessary,” Charlotte promised and Chris glared at her.

Chris, looking for a way to change the subject said, “Can you believe you’re getting married
, tomorrow?” Her green eyes were bright with excitement.

“No,” I smiled. “But I’m happy about it.”

“Of course you are,” she patted my hand and gave me a motherly look. “Caeden’s going to lose it when he sees you in that beautiful dress.”

I blushed. “You think so?”

“Ten bucks says he tears up as soon as he sees you,” she smiled.

“I say he won’t cry
, until she’s in front of him,” Charlotte piped up.

placing bets?” I asked with a smile.

“All of us, duh,” Chris rolled her eyes.

“You guys are so mean,” I crossed my arms over my chest but my smile ruined my air of anger. “I can’t wait until you two get married and I can torture you.”

“Nuh-uh,” Chris waggled a finger. “You already promised me strippers. Torture was not part of the deal.”

I rolled my eyes and before I could reply the limo came to a stop. I looked out the window. Hard Rock Café. I shook my head. Only Chris would pick that place to hold a bachelorette party.

The driver opened the door and as she climbed out
, Chris said, “I hope the others are here.”


“Just wait and see,” she grabbed my hand and hauled me out. Charlotte was already at the door. “Come on!” Chris shrieked as she dragged me along.

They must have been expecting us
, because they immediately led us to a private room upstairs without anyone saying anything. My stupid tiara probably tipped them off. When I got home, I going to burn it, along with the boa.

The doors opened and I was greeted with, “Surprise!” from seven of the greatest guys ever.

My jaw dropped open. “I can’t believe you guys are here!”

“Frankly, we can’t either,” Evan fiddled with some kind of
sash around his torso that said, With the Bride. Grinning, he looked up at me, “But we had to be here for our she-wolf.”

“We still can’t believe you’re getting married so soon,” Brody flicked a piece of dark hair from his eye before wrapping me up in a hug. With a lopsided grin he said, “Is there anything you want to tell us?”

I smacked his arm. “Of course not.”

“So you’re not pregnant?” Riley asked. His sandy hair was shorter than before. Now it ended at his ears instead of reaching
his shoulders.

“No, definitely not pregnant.”

Christian squeezed my shoulders. “Our little Sophie is a virgin,” she informed the guys who all looked at me with disbelief.

I blushed.

“Geez,” Shane said, “We all assumed you and Caeden were going at it like bunnies.”

My face turned even redder. “Nope, sorry to disappoint you.”

“We’re not trying to offend you or anything,” Cam said. “We just assumed with the way you two look at each other…” He shrugged. “You’re just obviously in love.”

“So, if you’re not pregnant,” Kyle piped in, “what’s the rush?”

“I love him,” I answered honestly, “and he loves me.”

“I’ll drink to that,” Evan brought a glass to his lips and I eyed him. “It’s ginger ale.”

“Enough of this,” Chris said, fluttering around like a little fairy. “Sit, sit,” she pushed me into the chair at the head of the table. Charlotte and Chris took the empty seats beside me.

A waiter came in at that moment to get our drink order and ask if we wanted an appetizer. I just let Chris take over with that.

After the waiter left, Chris said, “We’ll eat and then we’ll get to the presents.”

“Presents?” I gulped and for the first time noticed the small pile of packages in the corner. I was a bit afraid, between Chris and the seven, there was no telling what I would get.

“Yippee,” I feigned enthusiasm and failed miserably.

Chris ignored me and I turned to the guys. I was amazed by how much I had missed them and I hadn’t even realized it until they were here. “What have you guys been up to?”

“Nothing much,” Tyler shrugged. “Just hanging out, playing soccer, the usual.”

“What about college?” I felt bad that I hadn’t asked any of them where they were going.

Evan grinned. “Virginia Tech all the way.” He slapped Brody on the back, “And this annoying fucker is coming with me. We’re roomies,” Evan made a smoochie face at Brody.

Brody shook his head. “Dude, grow up. Act your age
, please.”

“Not going to happen anytime soon
, so don’t hold your breath.”

Brody rolled his green eyes and didn’t say anything.

“What about you? I asked Shane.

He motioned to the remaining guys. “Lord Fairfax for all of us,” he said, referring to the local community college.

“That’s where Caeden and I are going. Maybe we’ll see you around?”

“I hope so, she-wolf,” Riley grinned. “It’s no fun without you.”

I plastered a smile on my face and tried to appear upbeat because suddenly I wasn’t so sure about the whole school thing. I
to do it. But that was the thing; I had a responsibility to my pack. Now, I realized that being normal wasn’t everything. I owed it to my pack to focus on pack business instead of silly human things. I know now that college isn’t the right path for me. I just hoped Caeden didn’t look at me like I was crazy. Oh who was I kidding? He’d definitely think I’d lost my marbles.

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