Fighting Control (Bay State Series Book 3) (14 page)

“Okay baby, I’ll take it slow.” With one hand I alternate the feathers on each of her nipples while the other slowly travels to her clit. I roll the tiny bud between my fingertips, making her writhe and pull at the restraints holding her captive for me. Looking down at her body pulled taut, at my mercy; her pleasure for me to control is making me so fucking hard for her but I need to hold back. I need to see just how far I can take her before she can’t possibly take it any more.

She looks absolutely breathtaking, bound and spread for me. Her luscious waves of hair fanned out on either side of her head.




It’s dark beneath the blindfold. I can feel the slip and slide of the soft rose petals against my naked skin, the glide of the feathers across my breasts and most importantly the pressure of his fingers on my clit. It’s enough to send me over the edge and I cry out in pleasure.

I’ve never indulged in anal play so that caught me a bit off guard but I’m definitely not against it. It will just take some time. Just as the thought enters my mind I feel another intrusion, this one smaller than the first and it’s not so uncomfortable. “Yes,” I say breathlessly, a soft whisper on my lips. 

I feel his lips touch mine in a gentle kiss and his words breathe into me. “Is this better?” He asks while he slowly penetrates me with what feels like his pinky finger.

“Yes Julian; please don’t stop.” If he stopped now I would most likely maim him.

He kisses his way down my body paying special attention to my nipples before settling between my thighs, his shoulders a snug fit effectively spreading me wider than I thought possible with these restraints. I have to admit; this is my first time being tied up during sex and I fucking love it. I would have thought that it would make me uncomfortable with what happened with Eric, but it doesn't. There is only one thing that I don’t care so much about and that’s not being able to touch him. The stretch of my limbs, being at his mercy are things that I would have thought haunting not too long ago but he makes me feel safe. Cherished.

Delicious pleasure spreads through my body at the push and pull of his finger inside of me and when the fingers pinching my clit descend lower to spread my lips for his tongue I fly apart and my body momentarily lifts from the bed, making him take the hand holding me open away from me just to place it on my stomach, successfully holding me down for his oral assault. “Please Julian? I need your cock inside me.”

“Let me hear you beg for it Tanya,” He says, momentarily giving my aching core a break from his onslaught.

“I need you Julian. I need to feel you fill me, one precious inch at a time while you finger me.”

“Where am I fingering you Tanya? I want to hear you say it. Tell me exactly what you want.” His voice is rough as he makes his way up my body kissing me between words. “You. Are. Mine. Do you understand me? This,” he says pinching one of my nipples, “is mine. Every perfect inch of you. All. Mine.”

“Yes Julian. Please? Oh God, please? I need to feel your cock now while you finger my ass. Please?”

“My pleasure,” he says right before taking ownership of my mouth with his as he slides himself inside of me slowly, almost torturously. The feeling of being completely full is overwhelming but not something I’ll be complaining about anytime soon.

His finger leaves me and I feel a wider intrusion not at all unpleasant as he once again starts to penetrate me with the anal toy. This time it glides in smoothly, spreading me wider, making me feel even fuller than before. Slowly he moves the plug in and out of me in opposition with his rock hard cock and I’m on the verge once again of letting go. How many times can this man make me cum before releasing himself? 

My grip tightens as my third release consumes me and the blindfold is pulled away from my eyes. The sight before me is magnificent and once again I wish that I could touch him, run my fingers along the glistening sweat dripping down the contours of his muscular stomach. He pulls away from me and seeing the utter shock on my face he assures me, “Don’t worry baby; I’m going to untie you and grab a condom. I want your gorgeous limbs wrapped around me when I explode.” Sounds fucking fantastic to me.

My body is shaking while I try to regain movement in my limbs and I watch as Julian reaches over to his night stand drawer for protection. The movement of his solid body is mesmerizing and I will do anything and everything within my power to never lose this.  Julian makes me feel safe, wanted, and loved, everything I thought Eric had made me feel. Man, was I wrong. It’s never felt like this.

Julian positions himself once again at my entrance, the plug still in its place and this time when he enters me it’s swift, almost painful but the scream that escapes me speaks nothing but pleasure. Each penetration is somehow harder, deeper than the last and each time a small scream escapes me. 

Minutes, hours I’m not sure how much time has gone by but he doesn’t let up. He just keeps going. My legs start to slip from his sweaty back and he reaches down to holds my ass up higher, creating a whole new angle. After several more intense thrusts, he stiffens and I dig my nails into his back, holding him to me as we climax together. He removes the toy from me and I get hit with the small aftershocks of my orgasm. I had no idea that I would enjoy giving up my control in the bedroom so much.

We’re definitely going to have to do this again sometime and often.

My body is covered in bright red petals and the smell of them hits my senses as Julian lies beside me, turns me and buries his face in my neck. “I love you,” he whispers.

I know we haven’t known each other long and it seems way too soon but I feel it too. The feelings that I have for Julian go beyond anything I’ve ever felt before so I have no problem saying those three words back to him. “I love you too Julian.”


“Tanya, can I see you in my office please?” Amy asks while poking her head inside of my cubicle. Just the sound of her voice makes me hate Monday mornings even more and I ask myself why it is that I want to work here? I take a minute to stow my phone away in the desk drawer so I’m not tempted to use it and begrudgingly get up and follow her down the hall. As I pass other employees I can feel all eyes on me like they know why I’ve been summonsed. “So Tanya, the word around here is that you’ve been seeing a famous football player. I’d be willing to give you a hefty raise for some inside scoop on the down low if you know what I mean.” She has the audacity to smile and wink at me as if it’s even remotely possible for me to consider it.

This is exactly what I was worried about. Bitches like her thinking they can use me. So not going to happen. “I’m sorry but that’s not something I’d be comfortable with. I’m sure he would do an interview but I’m not spying on the team.”

Her lips curl up in a sinister smile and my gut churns at the sight of her. “Tisk, tisk, Tanya. I know a lot of people in this business and I would hate to have to put a bad word out about your cooperation.” She stands from her seat and perches her upper body across her desk, pinning me with a glare. Am I supposed to be intimidated by this bitch? I think not.

Rising from my seat across from her I hold my head up high as I give her the answer she’s not looking for. “Not gonna happen. Sorry, go find yourself someone else.” I walk back to my cubicle, not sparing her a single glance and set to work like that confrontation never happened. If I was smart I would have recorded that conversation and gotten her ass fired over it. Thankfully she’s not my boss. Not sure if anything will ever come of her threat but she can bring it on if she wants to.

“Are you fucking serious? That hag actually said that to you?” Autumn watches me for my reaction over the table at our favorite deli as we discuss my little ultimatum from this morning.

“Yeah, basically told me she would black list me if I didn’t get her dirt. I don’t know who she thinks she is but I’m not her puppet or anyone else’s for that matter.” If looks could kill I would be buried in a shallow grave somewhere near the studio by now. Every time she walks past me she pins me with a death glare. Does she think it’s intimidating? “I’ve been thinking about finding another job after the trial is over. One that doesn’t involve sports, that way no one will be tempted to try and use me for inside information.” Just the thought of people using someone’s personal life to gain points in their field seems sickening to me; not to mention disrespectful.

“What would you do? You said it yourself; sports journalism has been your dream way before you started high school,” She asks after taking a bite from her bagel sandwich.

“I don’t know. There are plenty of other options out there though and I have time. My car is fully paid off and I don’t pay rent living with my parents. I’m sure I will find something.” She’s right. I’ve always wanted to do this. Sports have always been a big deal in my family and quickly grew into something I was very passionate about at a young age, but having found Julian and knowing now how strongly I feel about him; I would gladly trade one passion for another.

“When is the trial again? You said in July right? That’s right around the corner.”

“It is and it’s not something I’ve wanted to think too much about but it’s there rearing its ugly head at me every time I close my eyes. Hopefully it doesn’t drag out for too long. Julian will be away that week. As if it wasn’t going to be bad enough; I’ll be missing him too.” I really hope it’s an open and shut case. There’s plenty of evidence stacked against him. “I’ve spoken with the district attorney and she says that the defense is going for an insanity plea. I was in that room with him Autumn. He definitely wasn’t the guy I knew in college.”

“Damn girl. If you need someone to go with you just let me know and I’ll free myself up. I have some vacation time coming to me.”

“Thanks for the offer but Frank and George will be with me. They’ve already taken the time off of work. Our dad kind of insisted on it.” The day I asked my brothers it didn’t go over very well. They said that they would most likely kill him if they ever had to see his fucking face again and I couldn’t say that I blamed them but it wouldn’t be a good idea because then they would be the ones being carted off to jail.

“Shit! We’re going to be late. We’ve got less than five minutes to get back.”

“Do I have to go back?” I ask, dreading stepping foot back into that building and having to see that she-devil.

“Unfortunately yes. You have to put up your strong front. If you let her know she’s gotten under your skin it will probably make it worse.” Damn her for making sense.

“Alright let’s do this. Is it Friday yet?”

“Not even close girl. Not even close.” She shakes her head with a smile on her lips as we leave the deli in route of the office and I hear my name being shouted from behind us.

“Tanya,” I hear a female voice call out.

“Miss Mitchell,” this time my name falls from a man’s lips and I inwardly cringe at the thought of having to answer questions about Eric. Of course with the trial so close there was bound to be vultures circling so the next thing out of this guys mouth makes me pause in shock. “Is it true that you’re seeing Julian Martin? There have been reports of you two being spotted together.”

“No comment,” I say and grab Autumn’s hand, dragging her quickly behind me.

“Are you denying the fact that you’ve been with him? We have photos Miss Mitchell,” The man says as they chase us, hot on our heels.

“Ignore them Tanya.”

“Oh I am. There’s no way I’m going back to work now. Just stay with me until I get to my car okay?”

“No problem. Do you want me to bitch slap Amy for you?” She asks slightly out of breath from running three blocks. Shit we still have four more to go.

“You read my mind but no; that will probably give her the satisfaction of knowing she got to me. Just say I got sick in the bathroom after I ate. Say its food poison or something.”

“Okay, yeah, good idea.” I don’t think we’re being followed anymore and a look over my shoulder confirms it.

“I think they’ve given up. Just go in there and act normal like nothing ever happened. I’ll probably wait a couple of days before coming back. Hopefully it will all blow over.”


I spent the past couple days at home, in my room looking at the classifieds in and around Boston, hoping for something to catch my eye.

The sight of these four walls is making me depressed; not to mention Julian has been super busy with the team gearing up for training. It’s Wednesday and I haven’t seen him since Sunday. I miss him like crazy and it’s only been three days. The thought of not laying eyes on him for over a week is also weighing on me. I seriously need to get out of this house.

As I’m opening my door to venture out into the rest of the house in hopes to find another living, breathing person to interact with I hear my father yelling my name. “Tanya!” What the fuck? I haven’t heard him use that tome of voice in years. You know the one your parents use when you’re in deep shit? Yeah, that one. I hurry to find him, not wanting to hear him shout again and when I round the corner to the living room I see my face plastered on the TV with the caption below paused on the screen and once those words register I can only imagine what is going through my father's head. “What the hell is this? Please tell me it’s some kind of mistake? Why am I finding out about this from the news and not from you?”

I can’t say that I blame him for being pissed. If it was true and I wasn’t the one to make him privy to it he would have a right to be angry. I take a seat next to him on the couch and bury my face in my hands. How did I not see this coming? My reason for leaving work on Monday laughs at me for giving that bitch fuel to start this fire.

“I’m so sorry daddy,” I choke out as I start to cry. “I knew this wasn’t going to work out.”

“What are you sorry for?” I feel his arm wrap around my shoulders and I bury my face in his neck and let the tears flow. I know I’m soaking his shirt but he doesn’t care. He holds me without speaking. He knows I’ll answer him when I’m ready.

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