Fighting Dirty: A Stepbrother Romance (When The Gloves Come Off Book 2) (4 page)





The Madame enters the room along with a bodyguard. I’m sure she’ll recognize me so I freeze in place, keeping my back to her.

“What is this?” the Russian demands. “First these two idiots barge in demanding an audience, and now you are here to nag me?”

“Is there a problem here?” the bodyguard asks.

“Problem?” Liam says in a strange nasally voice. “The only problem I see is that I was told this room was empty. How am I supposed to get some alone time with my girl when all the rooms are full?”

Liam grabs me around the waist and pulls me to him. I stiffen as our bodies are pressed together. I’m face-to-face with the Madame now. She only glances at me. I hold my breath, waiting for her to recognize me, but she doesn’t.

“What kind of operation are you running?” Liam continues.

He’s talking fast; his disguised voice sounds annoying and entitled. I’m sure this is by design. The Madame will want to get rid of him quickly.

“This is a whorehouse, right?” he asks sarcastically. “I’m just checking because there doesn’t seem to be much fucking going on. God knows, I’ve been trying, but this Russian fuck-”

The Russian starts to yell at him. Liam returns his insults in a volley of loud nonsense. They shout over each other so loudly that you can’t make out what either is saying.

“Okay!” the Madame yells.

Amazingly, her voice is louder than both the Russian and Liam. She has a way of taking command of the room that reminds me of a school teacher who’s used to having to wrangle loud, hyper children.

“I will find a room for you and your companion,” she says to Liam, sounding calm and professional.

“It’s about time,” Liam replies, though I can tell this is not what he wants. We need an exit, not a room.

The Madame gives Nina a hard look. The mask and ball gag cover most of her face. The negligée hangs a bit loose on her, but the Madame doesn’t seem to realize she’s an imposter. Hopefully, she won’t realize for a while.

We follow behind the Madame as she leads us out of the room. We pass through the front of the club. The place is packed. Girls sit on men’s laps and whisper in their ears. There’s a naked woman sitting on a table with her legs twisted behind her neck. Several men sit around watching as she contorts her body into different shapes. They look almost bored with the display. I can’t imagine how much sex you have to have to become bored with it.

Liam keeps an arm wrapped tightly around me as he guides me through the crowd. The bodyguard follows behind us. We’ve raised their suspicions. Great. It’ll be a miracle if we get out of here alive.

The Madame leads us to a private room and pulls out a set of keys. She unlocks the door and steps aside like a gracious hostess.

“Finally,” Liam says with a roll of his eyes.

I walk in ahead of him and sit down on the bed, crossing my legs. I’m trying to stay in character like Liam, but it’s not easy. This place is terrifying and fascinating. The half-naked girls, the music, the men, the lack of inhibitions on display… I feel like I have sensory overload. A part of me wonders what it would be like to explore the club as a client, but I don’t have that luxury. I’m a captive.

“That’ll be all,” Liam says, dismissing the Madame.

If she’s bothered by how rude he is, she doesn’t show it. She nods and exits the room, but before she leaves she gives me a second look. My heart skips a beat. Does she recognize me? No. She leaves, shutting the door behind her.

Liam sighs and sits down on the bed beside me.

“What now?” I ask.

“Now we wait.”

“For how long?”

“I have a feeling that guard is going to be hanging around outside our door for a while. I think they bought it though,” he says, taking off his hat and glasses.

“You’re really good at being obnoxious. She totally bought it.”


We both laugh. An awkward silence descends on us. I can feel Liam staring at the side of my face. I can’t meet his eyes. I look away, taking in the room. It’s much plainer than the previous room. Thank God. I don’t think I could handle being locked inside another torture chamber.

This room’s walls were free of whips and handcuffs. Instead it was covered in ugly red wallpaper with a swirling print. We sat on a nice, wooden canopy bed. I was starting to think how much I would love to have a bed like this myself, then I saw the handcuffs. They were hanging from the back bed post, forgotten by the previous clients.

“What’s wrong?” Liam asks.

I must have made a sour face.

“How many people do you think have slept in this bed?”

Liam laughs.

“I’m serious.”

“I know, that’s why I laughed.”

“I fail to find this funny.”

“I know, I’m sorry. This is all my fault. If I hadn’t pissed off Tony they wouldn’t have tried to hurt you.”

“What did you do to piss him off?”

“I told him I was done fighting. I wanted out. He took you as hostage to force me to continue fighting. Then the son of a bitch rigged the fight just to humiliate me.”

“What do you mean?”

“I was supposed to take a dive and let the Russian win. I lost my temper and got you into even more trouble.”

“Somehow, I doubt Tony would have let me go either way. You could have done exactly as he ordered and I would have still ended up here.”

“You’re probably right. Still, I lost my temper and put you in more danger. Did Tony…?”


I finally meet his eyes. Up close they’re glassy and crystal blue. There’s a combination of sadness and anger boiling inside them.

“Did he touch you?”

“No. He made me parade around in lingerie, but he didn’t touch me. The Russian was my first client.” I shake my head. “It’s a good thing you showed up when you did. How did the Russian end up with me? Did he request me? It must have looked suspicious?”


“He just demanded a new girl. He’s slept with most of the women here.”

“That doesn’t surprise me.”

“He told them he wanted a fresh, young girl; someone innocent and untouched.”


“In this place, it’s probably one of the least offensive requests they get.”

I wondered how it could get much worse, then realized I didn’t want to know.

The side of Liam’s face was red and swollen. My hand ached. I’d hit him pretty hard. I rubbed my knuckles.

“Did it hurt?” he asks.


“Punching me.”

“Oh, not really.”

“I bet it felt good. Let me see your hand.”

He took it and extended my fingers, then rubbed it.

“Does that hurt?” he asks.


In truth, it was painful, but I didn’t want to look weak.

“You’re stronger than you look.”

“I’m not going to apologize for hitting you.”

“I wasn’t asking you to. I deserved it.”

His fingers pass over the lines on my palm. Heat stirs inside me. I pull my hand away, but I’m not sure why. His touch is comforting. Thoughts of Nina and the Russian flashed through my mind. Were they enjoying their time inside the torture chamber? What was it like to be so attracted to a man that you wanted him to tie you to the bed and fuck you?

Our eyes meet; I quickly look away. Liam doesn’t say anything. Can he read my thoughts? Most guys don’t pay any attention to me. I’ve always been the kind of girl who’s ignored. School bullies couldn’t even be bothered to pick on me. I guess I was too boring for them. There was no sport in it.

The dangling pair of handcuffs caught my eye. Could I become the kind of girl who liked to be tied up? More importantly, would I ever meet the kind of man I wanted to tie me up? My eyes fell on Liam. What if I’d already met him? Was the answer to my questions sitting beside me?

“Liam, do you regret what happened?”

I can’t bring myself to say it- the pink elephant in the room between us.
Do you regret making out with me? Touching me? Pressing your body against mine?
It shouldn’t matter given the trouble we were in, but I couldn’t help thinking about it. We were surrounded by sex. How could I not think about it?

“I regret getting you into this mess. If I hadn’t come into your life, none of this would have happened. But if you’re asking me if I regret what happened at my apartment… No, I don’t.”

He takes my hand again. This time I don’t pull away.

“Do you regret it?” he asks.

Before I can answer, he takes my chin in hand and lifts my face towards his. He kisses me, soft and warm, but there’s more. I can sense his restraint. Hunger burns beneath the surface. It never occurred to me that I could inspire that kind of desire in a man. It fills me with something I’ve never felt before.

Liam’s my stepbrother. It’s wrong to feel this way, but a kiss couldn’t hurt, could it? I kiss him back. I try to tell myself this won’t go any further. We’ve both been through a lot; it’s only normal to want the comfort of another person. Right?

Liam’s hand rests on my thigh. I squirm and pull away from him. A loud, drumming bass rattles the room. The music in the club was picking up. Absently, I wondered what was going on out there. The sound vibrated through my chest and echoed through my bones.


Liam’s voice was rough, as if he spoke from somewhere deep inside him. His hand still rested on my thigh.

“We can’t…” I reply.

Liam slides his hand up my leg and beneath my tight dress. I inhale sharply, but don’t stop him. A wave of desire unlike any I’ve ever felt before consumes me. The pulsing between my legs leaves me breathless. I squeeze my thighs together.

Liam traces invisible circles over my skin. His lips find mine again. This kiss is different; his hunger is raw and unrestrained. He bites my lower lip.

“Tell me you don’t want this,” he says.

His hand slides between my legs, passing over my underwear. I squeeze his hand between my thighs as if to stop him, but I don’t want him to stop.

His fingers slide beneath my underwear. The jolt of energy that floods my body makes me jump. No one has ever touched me like this. Liam starts to massage my clit in small, fast circles. A moan escapes from between my lips.

Suddenly, I’m on my feet. Liam sits on the bed looking confused. I start to pace the room and try to compose myself.

“I can’t… I’ve never…” I mumble.

Liam catches my hand, stopping me. He stands and wraps an arm around my waist. The temptation is too great. My body doesn’t care that he’s my stepbrother, or that I’ve never done anything like this before.

This time I don’t wait for him to kiss me first. I press my body against his. I can feel his cock through his pants, hard and thick. He kisses my neck sweetly; his fingers twist through my red wig.

“A man’s never touched you? Let me show you what it feels like,” he whispers.

When we kiss, I know I’ll remember the sensation for the rest of my life.

“Show me,” I say. “Please Liam. I want to feel you inside me.”





The sound of Riley’s voice makes me rock hard. I’m not sure how much longer I can take this. I try to think about the fight, about baseball, about anything other than the way her body looks in that tight dress. But my cock has a mind of its own. I can barely think. My throbbing cock demands release.

I kiss Riley; she grinds against me. Heat shoots through my cock from the base to the tip. For a second, I think I’m going to cum. A girl has never made me feel like this.

“I want you to show me,” she says again and again. “I want to feel you inside me.”

I lose control. I flip Riley over onto the bed. She squirms beneath me as a chill shoots through her body.

“It’s too much…” she says.

“What’s too much, baby?”

She shakes her head. She’s overwhelmed by the moment. She’s a virgin so naturally she’s nervous. The thought puts a smile on my face. She’s untouched and she’s mine.

“Will you do something for me?” she asks.


“Will you handcuff me?”

I was not expecting this.

“Handcuff you?” I say dumbly. She’s got me so hard, I can barely think straight.

“I just feel like I’m losing my mind. I can barely lay still. Every time you touch me, it’s like…” She looks away and blushes. “I want you to hold me down. I
you to. Will you handcuff me?”

She looks at the bedpost. There’s a pair of handcuffs dangling from them. I wrap an arm around her, lifting her easily. I move her closer to the bedpost, then take her hands. Her skin is so soft I can’t help kissing her wrists before snapping the cuffs on them. I stretch over Riley as I cuff her. Our bodies rub together. As the cuffs click shut, she giggles.

“Can you feel how hard you make me?” I say.

She bites her lip and grinds against me. She likes it when I talk dirty. Who would have thought Riley of all people was into dirty talk? Was she secretly kinky? She seemed to like being handcuffed.

I lean in close and whisper in her ear.

“Do I make you wet?”

“Yes,” she moans.

“Show me. I want to see your wet pussy.”

Riley shudders. I kiss the top of her breasts and squeeze them together. Her tits look like mountains squeezed into her little black dress. I’m tempted to stay there, biting and sucking her nipples, but my cock is screaming for release.

I pull her dress up around her waist. Riley can barely lie still. She twists, pulling against the handcuffs. The bed rocks back and forth. She’s almost as excited as I am.

“Easy, sweetheart.”

I twist a finger around her g-string and pull it off. She crosses her legs shyly. I grab her knees and spread her legs. Her pussy is shaved bare. I kiss the insides of her thighs. I’m dying to get inside her, but I can’t resist the urge to taste her.

I run my tongue over her clit. Riley cries out and arches her back. I do it again. The sound of her moans is like a jolt of electricity through my cock. I can’t wait any longer. I position myself between her legs and take off my pants.

I watch her eyes. She’s focused on my cock. It occurs to me that she’s never seen a man naked- or hard, before.

She bites her lip and groans. I move the tip of my cock over her pussy, teasing her.

“You’re soaking wet,” I say. “Is that for me?”


Her voice is barely a whisper. It never occurred to me how shy Riley can be, but it’s clear to me now that she wants to be taken. She lifts her hips. There’s no question what she wants. I slide my cock inside her slowly. It takes every fiber of my being not to drive my cock inside her, fucking her fast and hard until she breaks. But I want to enjoy this, and more importantly, I want Riley to enjoy it. No matter what happens when we leave this room she’ll remember this moment for the rest of her life.

The lips of her pussy stretch around my cock.

“God, your pussy’s tight,” I moan.

She’s soaking wet, but she’s small. For a terrifying moment, I worry that I’m hurting her.

“Are you okay?” I ask.

She’s biting her lip hard, but she nods yes.

“Are you sure?”

Stopping now would be borderline impossible. A primitive urge to drive into her again and again has taken over. It takes more control than I knew I was capable of to keep my thrusts slow and measured.

“Don’t stop,” she pleads.

I pull back slightly, never actually pulling out of her completely, then slowly move my cock inside her. Her body reacts instantly. Her hips lift; her back arches, begging me to go deeper.

Heat radiates through my cock. I’m not sure how much longer I can last before cumming. I want Riley to cum, though. I have to last longer for her.

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