Finding Solace (47 page)

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Authors: Barbara Speak

I looked
back at Shawn and Ashlee and said, “You better. I will miss the hell out of you

I then walked over and stood behind Ash,
placing my hands on his shoulders. He looked up at me and then jumped out of
his seat and offered it to me. I laughed and said, "How about we
compromise and sit together?" Ash sat back down and patted his lap.
"Come sit with me so I can hold you." Heather let out an ‘aw’, where
the rest of the guys gave him trouble. I sat on his lap, leaned back and gave
him a kiss over my shoulder. Then I grabbed his hands and wrapped them around

guys are just jealous. You wish she would give you the time of day." Ash
was proud. It felt good but I was afraid of what the guys were going to come
back at him with.

she's been thru the circle already. You’re getting all the left overs."
Geoff barely got all of the words out of his mouth before Ash was standing up
advancing on him, causing me to be thrown off his lap. Ash didn’t have a chance
because we were on the other side of the deck to start with. Tony on the other
hand did. He swung so fast and hard that Geoff was knocked out on the floor
before Ash even got there. I followed them after I picked myself up. When I
passed by Ash, I went through the door and into the kitchen. I grabbed a
pitcher and filled it with cooler water,
I headed
straight back out to Geoff. When I was able to move everybody out of the way, I
dumped the pitcher over his face. He immediately shot up looking around trying
to make sense of what happened. I didn’t give him that much time though. I
slapped him as hard as I could right across the face.

stupid mother fucker, I've never came close to touching you. Is that what your
problem is still? Is that why you’re always a dick? It will never happen!"

"It was
supposed to be a joke, Sadie. Funny, you know?" He was an idiot if he
thought that was funny. Geoff sat there rubbing his hand across his already
swollen cheek. Dave helped him up but then escorted him through the house. I
was afraid to look at Ash. What must he have been thinking of me? I felt hands
wrap around my waist and then a mouth was pressed to my ear. "Nice one, by
the way." It was Ash. I turned around and he was looking right at me.

"I hate
him sometimes."

would hate him all the time if I were you. He's a dick."

Tony walked
over and said, "Ash, sorry I took that from you. It was your shot to take.
That dude has just rubbed me wrong since the first time I met him."

"Hey, I
appreciate that. No one should talk about a girl like that. Well, at least not
my girl." He grabbed me and kissed me in front of everybody. It was
something that I didn’t expect because Colt would never have done it. They
truly are two completely different people. I
was liking
this a lot better. I kissed him back and then when he pulled back, I thanked
him again by giving him one more peck.

went back to normal and the rest of the night went perfect. We all laughed our
asses off remembering things from over the years. Ash just listened during
those stories, but he was enjoying himself, I could tell. Before we knew it, it
was three o'clock in the morning. Everyone decided the night was over and it
was time to say goodbye. We hugged, I cried (even though I said I wouldn’t) and
then I said goodbye to all of them. I knew everything was going to change after
that night. Well I guess that isn’t true, some things were going to remain
constant; Heather, Jason, Tony, Mike and hopefully if all things went well,




weeks went by and the loss of some of my friends was bearing down heavy on me.
Ash and I couldn’t be better, but he spent a lot of his time between
volunteering and still being in school. Heather and Jason were still always
together. Mike went away to train for another fight but this one was going to
be low key so nobody went with him. Tony was still doing fantastic. Sometimes I
looked at him and I didn’t even know how he managed to be back to his old self
so fast. We all knew we weren’t in the clear yet when it came to him but
everything showed signs of things moving in the right direction. I had still
never heard from Colt. The majority of the time I don’t even think of him and
then a song will play and tears form instantly. How could he make me feel so
much, so beautiful, so powerful, so everything and then walk away without a
trace. I had tried to just stay as busy as I could at work and even had gone
out with Lindsey a few times.

Ash felt bad
about our lack of time lately so he came up with an idea to spend the day
together. He said he has a surprise for me and he was on his way to pick me up
when I had talked to him. I love summer; it’s my favorite time of year. So I
didn’t really care what we were doing as long as it was outside. I had found
the cutest romper and couldn’t wait for an excuse to wear it. It was orange and
pink striped, strapless and with balloon legs. I bought orange cork heeled
shoes to match. I paired my pink summer bag with it and was just waiting
anxiously for him to show up.

Ten more
minutes passed and he still wasn’t there. I was purposely late getting ready,
hoping he would have to watch me put my clothes on. Dirty? I know. But if a
girl can't play dirty sometimes, what fun would life be? I was starting to get
worried so I called him. He answered on the first ring.

I'm sorry. Traffic was horrible because of road construction. I'm pulling in

I heard his
car as he said it so I just said, "
I’ll see you in a bit."

I walked out
the door and stood on my porch while he finished pulling in and got out. He
looked amazing as always. He wore a grey fitted t-shirt with plaid white, light
blue and grey cargo shorts, and black flip flops. His dark hair was spiked up
and his tan was getting pretty fierce.
came to

"Like I
said, I'm sorry. But most importantly, you look edible. Turn around."

I did a
little spin for him and then walked toward him seductively.

"Do you
really like what you see? I will let you have a taste if you’re lucky."

"My God, Sadie.
If we didn't need to get going, I would
totally take you up on that one."

"Your loss.
Now, what are we doing? And am I dressed
okay for it?"

look perfect but there has been a slight change of plans."

way you say that makes it sound like it isn’t very promising."

forgot it’s my parent’s anniversary today. I had a perfect date planned and it
still can happen but I have to show up at the country club for a while. Their
best friends are throwing them a party."

"Wow. I
don't think that is something I could’ve forgotten, Ash. Do you just want to
swing back by when you’re done?"

"No. I
want you to come with me."


I don't want to be there all night and you are all I ever talk about to them.
It would kill two birds with one stone."

can’t believe you’re sneaking a meet your parent’s thing on me last minute.
On their anniversary, no doubt.
There is no way I'm going to
a country club dressed like this."

swear to you I didn't plan this. And as far as what you’re wearing? Look at me.
If it was a formal event I would tell you and also be in different clothes

I’ll go. But we’re not staying long if it gets awkward. You promise?"


An hour
later we were pulling into the country club’s valet parking. They let us out
and then drove off, leaving me and Ash standing outside hand in hand.

you ready?" Ash asked.

"If I say
no, would it do any good?"


let’s do this."

We walked
through the doors and were met by a ballroom filled with people dressed to the
nines. I wanted to kill Ash and run away at the same time. He squeezed my hand
and said in my ear, "I had no idea. I'm so sorry." It did nothing to
make me feel better.

you are. I was starting to freak out. Mom and Dad have both been asking for
you. Oh, I'm sorry.
Hi Sadie."
Kate looked
gorgeous. She wore a red sequined cocktail dress with black pumps. Her hair was
up and her makeup looked flawless. I have never wanted to be somebody else so
much in my life.

not trying to be rude or anything, but why are you two dressed like that?"
It is officially over between us. Ash looked at my face and obviously read what
I was thinking because he panicked. And when Ash gets nervous he gets angry.

Kate! No one decided to tell me it was cocktail attire!" He turned to me,
go. Kate,
you can explain to Mom and Dad how you dropped the ball."

I never
thought I had heard a better idea in my life. Ash grabbed my hand and led me
back the way we came. Well that was until we were stopped abruptly by a woman
with features just as striking as Kate's and I knew it had to be his mother.

"You made
it!" She grabbed Ash in an embrace only a mother with pure love for her
child could give. I stood there awkwardly. "And this must be Sadie."
She turned to me and threw me into the same type of embrace. "It is so
nice to finally meet you. You are more beautiful than Ash described. And I love
your outfit! Where did you find that?" I looked at her puzzled and said,
"Neiman Marcus. And thank you." She raised an eye brow at me like my
own mother would do and whispered in my ear, "If you let them see you’re bothered,
they will pluck your eyes out. Stand tall, beautiful girl. You have them beat
regardless." I was shocked.

appreciate your kind words, but no amount of confidence could fix this

She refused
to believe me. "You’re wrong. You could be wearing a potato sack and still
put them to shame. The women here all have ghosts in their closets. I know all
of them. If they say one rude thing to you, I will out one.

I just fell
in love with Ash’s mother. I was ready to agree when another woman walked over
with a murderous look on her face until we made eye contact, then she smiled.
Those are the worst kind.
"Oh dear.
Get your
gloves up. I didn't know she was here."

I didn't
have time to ask who she was; she was right next to me in no time flat.

I opened my
mouth to say something when Ash pushed me behind him and said, "Tina, what
are you doing here?"

Oh my God!
school ,Tina
. Legends were made from these two.
This night just keeps getting better.

wouldn’t I be here, Ash?" She looked right past him and into my eyes when
she finished, "They were almost my parents too. Do I not have a right to
be here?"

Did she
really bring up a high school romance? How many years ago was that?
Time to move on, girly.
He's mine.

"Tina dear,
thank you for coming, but you
wrong. To attend a
closed event, you need to have been invited and you were not. So I want to
thank you again for your visit, but you need to leave.”

is no way I'm leaving while somebody who would be fool enough to wear
that" she pointed right at me, "to an anniversary party at a country
club no doubt, gets to stay. You have to be kidding me right now?"

She was
getting loud and starting to draw attention. Ash grabbed her arm and asked,
"Can we please finish this in private, please?"

you want, Ash. I would do anything to make you happy." She looked at me
and smiled. I gagged. Who says that to a guy? They walked away and a tender
hand rested on my arm.

have to excuse her and please forgive my son for another one of his poor
choices. He is the best son I could ask for and I love him dearly, but his
choices in women are not the best. You, on the other hand, have brought out a
side of Ash I haven't seen since he was a child. He is truly happy and I have
you to thank for that."

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