Finding the Center Within: The Healing Way of Mindfulness Meditation. (39 page)


Beck, Joko, 111

individualism and, 241

“Become the Beloved” practice, 20

on love, 187

beginning of day, 87

new form of, 240

behavior, emotion and, 156–57, 169–73

practical nature of, 39, 239–44

bells, 55, 88–90

on relationships, 194

Benson, Herbert, 46, 74

religion vs., 240-41

bereavement, 211–12

in West, 239–50

bhakti yoga, 74

Burns, David, 157, 158, 182

Bible, dreams in, 127

busyness, 48, 58, 60–63, 115–17,

big mind, 48


black-and-white attitude, 108, 157

blamers, 177–78

calling, central, 22

bodhisattva, 74

calmness, 27, 68, 154–55, 156, 159, 176,


179–80, 189

awareness of, 68, 222

calming/smiling gatha, 67, 68

dream work and, 136, 138

camel, lion, and child parable, 36

scanning, 68

Campbell, Joseph, 132

books, inspirational, 74–75

career, 22

borders, as dream symbols, 148

catastrophizing, 158

Bowen, Murray, 119

centering, holding to, 233

Brahma, 69

centering, 90–91

brahma-viharas, 69–70

chakras, 55, 71


“Challenge Depressive Thinking”

as anchor, 62–63

practice, 161–62

awareness of, 27, 59–60, 67–68

“Challenge Your Busyness” practice,

as calming, 27, 63, 154, 155, 179–80


counting, 27

change, 5–6

“following,” 59–60

change, fallacy of, 177

practices, 27

change of heart, 186–87

restless mind and, 61–63

“Change Must to Prefer” practice,

returning to, 64–65


sleepiness and, 63

“Change Your Environment” practice,

Buber, Martin, 118



“channel-changing” meditation, 80–81

becoming, 81, 181, 241, 245

chase, abandoning, 40–41

killing, 28–29, 242–43

checking understanding, 199

nature, 21, 47, 48, 73, 119, 189

children, in dreams, 148

pragmatism of, 39

Chinese Zen, 85

as teacher, 120, 240, 242.
See also

“Choose a Living World” practice, 121

Buddhist teachings

Chopra, Deepak, 103

Buddhist teachings

Christ, 73, 119, 243

Buddhist teachings (dharma)

Christian traditions, 73, 74, 187

dreams and, 127

Chuang-tzu, 86

eightfold path, 108–12

circles, in dreams, 132, 145

five remembrances, 104–105

“clear light” meditation, 71

four noble truths, 109

clichés, 227–28

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clinging, 125–26

disqualifying the positive, 157

coffee-break attitude, 50–51

dissatisfaction, cause of, 24

cognition, 156

distractions, 54, 172

collectivism, 118

divine dwelling places, 69–70

community, 73–74, 118, 241

divorce, 19

comparing, 53–54, 158–59

Dossey, Larry, 188

compassion, 69, 70, 117, 189, 190


complexes, 162–68.
See also

archetypes in, 139–40, 148


associations in, 135

conclusions, jumping to, 157–58

body awareness and, 136, 138

conditional awareness, 163–64

characters in, 137, 139–44, 145–46

conflicts, 230–31

circles and squares in, 132, 145

consciousness, 46

drawing, 137

consumption, right, 112–15

enactments of, 138

container for divine light, journaling as,

interpreting, 130–40, 147–50


journeys in, 146

contemplative prayer, 67, 70

as meditation subject, 129, 135–36

control, illusion of, 33–34, 61

mindfulness and, 134

conversations, polar nature of, 200

myths and, 132

“Count the Breath” practice, 27

remembering, 129–30

couples therapy, 208–209, 211

repression and, 125

cow taming, 49, 64

respecting, 128–29, 134

creativity, journaling and, 233–34

series of, 137

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 87

shadow figures in, 142–43

cycles of interaction, 208–209, 210–11

symbols in, 131, 132–33, 145–49

synchronicity and, 148–49

Dalai Lama, 16, 79, 173, 188

as tools, 127–28

prayer, 71

transformation and, 125, 145–46

death, 104, 105, 211

wise person in, 143

defectiveness schema, 165, 166

as wishes, 130–31

delightful experiences, 25

writing down, 134–35, 136–37

dependence schema, 165

dream yoga, 127

depression, 157–62, 169–73

driving, 40, 89, 91, 111

depressive thinking, 157–62

deprivation schema, 165, 167

Eckhart, Meister, 80

desire, 6–7

efficiency, 83

desperation, 107

effort, in meditation, 51, 52

detachment, 106

eightfold path, 108–12

devotion, path of, 74

Einstein, Albert, 234

73, 240–41

Eleanor of Aquitaine, 18

dialoguing with significant people,

Elliott, Charles, 166, 182


Emergency Medical Hologram (EMH),

Dickinson, Emily, 39


difficult experiences, 25–26

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 119, 211, 225,

discipline, finding, 51–52

234, 245

disconnection, 11–13, 19

emotional deprivation schema, 165, 167

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emotional reasoning, 158

“Find Your Self” practice, 38–39

feelings; negative emotions five remembrances, 105

emptiness of concepts, 121

flow, 87

encouragement, 65, 68

focal points, for meditation, 58–59, 62,

end of day, 87–88


enlightenment, 46, 59

force, 32, 35, 47, 52

entitlement fallacy, 177

fortune-telling, 157, 158

entitlement schema, 166, 167

four immeasurable minds, 69–70

environment, 92–94

four noble truths, 109

equanimity, 69, 70, 117

fragmentation, 1, 9–11, 189, 216

“Eternal Now,” 99

free to be yourself, being, 119

exams, as dream symbols, 147

Freud, Sigmund, 5, 130, 190


Fromm, Erich, 185, 190

acceptance of, 29–30, 31–32, 35–36,

fully alive, being, 39–40

50, 61

future, 7–8, 24, 83

delightful, 25

difficult, 25–26

gathas, 66–67, 68, 69, 71, 91, 118

digesting, 27

Gendlin, Eugene, 222

fragmented, 9–11, 216

giving, 211, 212

kinds of, 25–27

global labeling, 178

mindfulness of, 31–32

goal orientation, 64

neutral, 25, 26–27


painful, 25, 26, 27, 159

as archetype, 148

restoring, 25

in dreams, 133, 148

immanent, 74

failure schema, 165

practice of the presence of, 99–100

fairness, fallacy of, 177

as symbol, 133

fallacies, of anger, 177

gold, 146

family and friends, disconnection from,

good/bad dichotomies, 177

11–12, 13–15, 19, 211–12

Gordian knot, 228–29

fear, dealing with, 25, 166, 179–80

grasp, 108, 126.
See also

Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy

guidance, 75

(Burns), 157, 182

guide, inner, 225–28

See also specific feelings

guilt, 166

acceptance of, 52

gunny sacking, 204

avoidance of, 125–27, 181

flow of, 49–50, 62–63


giving space to, 49

flow and, 87

in meditation, 48–50, 62–63, 68

metta meditation and, 188–89

negative emotions

mindfulness practice and, 35, 79

processing, 26

in present moment, 1

repressed, 104–105

relationships and, 186–87, 212–13

taking responsibility for, 203

seeking, 79

talking about, 203

success and, 116

felt sense, 222–23

Hare Krishna mantra, 58

filtering, 157, 197–98

haste, 82

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healing experiences, 25

creativity and, 233-34


dialoguing with significant people in,

chakra, 71


love and, 185–87

felt sense and, 222–23

opening, 187–88

finding time for, 217–19, 221

heart disease, anger and, 174

inner guide, 225–28

Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching, The

of life chapters, 231–33

Hanh), 201

negative emotions and, 219–20, 233

Hindu traditions, 73, 74

privacy in, 220–21

holiness vs. wholeness, 242–44

to remember, 223–24

Holocaust, 118

roadblocks to, 217

Hopkins, Jeffrey, 185

slowness of, 217

hormones, anger and, 174, 175

space for, 221–22

humor, 205

stream-of-consciousness, 224–25

hungry ghosts, land of, 6–7

journeys, in dreams, 146

joy, 56, 69, 70

Ibn al-‘Arabi, 239

Julian of Norwich, 58

“Identify Your Maladaptive Schemas”

jumping to conclusions, 157–58

practice, 167–68

Jung, Carl, 126, 127–28, 131, 132, 133,

immeasurable minds, four, 69–70

134, 139, 140, 141, 144, 145, 146,

“I’m nobody! Who are you?”

148–49, 162

(Dickinson), 39

impermanence, 179, 233

Kelly, Thomas R., 23

incense, for meditation, 55

killing the Buddha, 28–29

individualism, 241

kindness, 208–10, 213

inner guide journaling, 225–28

kingdom of heaven, meditation and, 46

inner life, befriending, 45–46

Klosko, Janet, 164, 182

inner light meditation, 71

koan, 20–21

“Intensive Journaling,” 218

Krishna, taking refuge in, 73

intentions, 196

Krishnamurti, 119

interaction, cycles of, 208–209, 210–11

interconnectedness, 41, 186–87, 211

labeling, 158, 178, 203–204

Interpretation of Dreams, The
(Freud), 5

land of hungry ghosts, 6–7

interview, job, 40–41

Langer, Ellen, 163

Irenaeus, Saint, 28

Lao-tzu, 65

Isherwood, Christopher, 207

Laubach, 99–100

Lassen, Maureen, 166, 182

Jesus, 94, 99, 119

Lawrence, Brother, 99

Jesus prayer, 58

Lennon, John, 48

jewels of Buddha, three, 73

Leonardo da Vinci, 220–21

Jewish traditions, 71, 97, 99, 187, 215

letting go, 211

job interview, 40–41

letting-it-out fallacy, 177

Johnson, Robert, 128, 138

Lewis, C. S., 103–104



benefits of, 234

being fully alive, 39–40

as container of divine light, 215–16

chapters, 231–33

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choosing method of, 75–76

daily, 81, 109, 194.
See also

daily life and, 80, 194

mindfulness techniques

discipline of, 51–52

inner, 45–46

dreams as subject of, 129, 135–36

issues, 228–29

effects of, 46

postponing, 7–8

effort in, 51, 52

preciousness of, 105, 106

enjoying, 76–77

reverence for, 121

enlightenment and, 46

lifetraps, 164

establishing, 77–78

light, divine, 215–16

flow of, 49–50

light, meditating on, 71

focal points for, 58–59, 62, 66–73

“Listen Actively” practice, 201

as getting out of own way, 47

listening, 196–201, 202

inner light, 71

little mind, 48

joy in, 57

livelihood, right, 109–10

length of, 56–57, 76–77

loop of negative thoughts, 26

metta (lovingkindness), 188–94, 212

loss, 6, 154, 155, 159, 223

missing point of, 28

lotus position, 54

movement during, 57, 71


as natural state, 47–48

as central experience, 185

paradox of, 46

meditating on, 69, 70

peace and, 46, 79–80

of neighbor, 187

physiological effects of, 46

romantic, 17–20, 141–42

positions for, 54–55, 57

of self, 52–53, 189–92

problems with, 60–65

love letter, to self, 172–73

purpose of, 28, 50, 79–80, 81, 244–45

loving action, 208–10

relaxation and, 52

lovingkindness, 70, 188–94

religious faith and, 73, 74

loving speech, 201–202

restlessness during, 61–63

low self-esteem, 2, 16–17

as self-love, 52–53

sleepiness during, 63

magnification, 158, 177–78

smiling during, 56

mandalas, 145

sound to silence in, 71

mantras, 58, 71, 73, 91

starting, 54–65, 77–78

“Maybe it will be okay,” 180

thoughts and feelings during, 50,

Mara, 143

62–63, 68

Ma-tsu, 51, 215

tea, 41–42


walking, 72–73, 80, 171

McKay, Matthew and Judith, 175, 177,

meditative attitude, 46, 50, 51


memory, 223–24


Memories, Dreams, Reflections

balance in, 51, 52


at beginning of day, 87

mental digestion, 26

breaks in, 72

mental filtering, 157

Buddha nature and, 47, 48

mental formation, 162

busyness of mind and, 58, 60–63

mental training, 188

“channel-changing,” 80–81

mere recognition, 62

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